*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * + * Tasknav data for Spartanburg, South Carolina + * + * Contributed by Sam Zimmerman 'SZ' + * Contribution date was 03 May, 2009 + * File created Sunday, 03 May 2009 at 21:45 GMT + * + * Available from the Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange at + * http://soaringweb.org/TP [ North America ] + * or http://soaring.gahsys.com/TP [ North America ] + * or http://soaring.xinqu.net/TP [ New Zealand ] + * + * UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + * + * Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + * + * Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + * information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + * expressed or implied. + * User assumes all risk of use. + * + *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 29N 29NC U# 3518.700N 08137.517W 3MS 3 MS U# 3311.150N 08422.083W ABB Abbeville U# 3409.090N 08221.220W Dirt 2.2K ADM Adams GA U# 3323.817N 08427.617W ADA Adams NC U# 3434.567N 07914.933W ADV Advance NC U# 3556.290N 08023.070W Dirt 2.5K AER Aerie U# 3345.683N 08339.167W ARP Aero Plantation U# 3459.517N 08044.900W AKN Aiken GA U# 3410.333N 08343.867W AIK Aiken SC U# 3338.967N 08141.100W ARC Air Acres U# 3406.350N 08426.917W ARH Air Harbor U# 3610.417N 07948.183W ARN Airnautique U# 3422.667N 08256.750W ALN Alans U# 3340.550N 08056.983W ALB Albemarle U# 3524.920N 08009.050W 5.5K ALC Alcovy U# 3340.500N 08345.783W ALX Alexander County U# 3551.033N 08108.633W Dirt 27K ALL Allendale County U# 3259.700N 08116.217W AND Anderson U# 3429.700N 08242.540W Swimming ANE Anderson SC 1 U# 3429.683N 08242.567W ANR Andrews Murphy U# 3511.717N 08351.783W ANN Annas U# 3443.500N 08305.100W ANT Antique Acres GA U# 3306.000N 08403.517W APL Apalachee Bluff U# 3351.550N 08335.267W Dirt 2.3 ARA Arant U# 3503.367N 08027.000W ASH Ashe County U# 3625.950N 08125.183W Paved 4K ASE Asheboro U# 3539.267N 07953.683W ASV Asheville U# 3526.167N 08232.517W ATH Athens U# 3356.920N 08319.580W Not Greece ATE Athens/Ben Epps U# 3356.917N 08319.583W ATW Atwell U# 3539.283N 08047.367W AGS Augusta Bush U# 3322.200N 08157.867W AVR Avery County U# 3556.667N 08159.733W AVN Avinger U# 3326.567N 08027.333W BTR B Tree Farms U# 3416.083N 08340.333W BLD Baldwin County U# 3309.250N 08314.450W BMB Bamberg County U# 3318.267N 08106.500W BRN Barnwell U# 3315.480N 08123.300W BRR Barringer U# 3531.667N 08041.800W BRC Bear Creek U# 3524.433N 08021.450W Dirt 2K 35 BRP Bear Pen U# 3407.517N 07820.283W BRW Bearwallow Farm U# 3527.417N 08222.517W BVR Beaverbrook U# 3319.500N 08417.900W BCK Beck GA U# 3331.167N 08430.867W BLL Bells Branch U# 3318.400N 08050.883W BRM Bermuda High U 3436.676N 08026.988W Get a Tow BER Berry Hill U# 3332.133N 08410.750W BRT Berts U# 3601.550N 08026.183W BTH Bethel Lake Wylie U# 3503.017N 08108.233W BGC Big CreekFlyingRc U# 3449.967N 08324.583W BLC Blackstock U# 3433.270N 08109.320W In the Trees BLA Bladenboro U# 3433.017N 07846.983W BLI Blairsville U# 3451.267N 08359.833W BLU Blue Ridge U# 3637.850N 08001.100W BLR Blue RidgeSkyport U# 3451.783N 08423.633W BMR Boomerang U# 3512.750N 08151.983W BNN Boone NC U# 3611.800N 08138.367W BNV Boonville NC U# 3613.367N 08042.933W BDS Boyds Hawks Creek U# 3553.900N 08036.967W BRA Bradford NC U# 3524.533N 08047.650W BRL Bradley NC U# 3537.217N 08035.850W BRH Branhams U# 3416.933N 07955.717W BRV Brevard U# 3513.350N 08243.600W BRI Briar Patch U# 3226.933N 08120.217W BRD Broad River U 3501.383N 08129.783W Plant BRO Broad River AP U# 3424.717N 08311.050W BRY Broadway U# 3532.600N 08039.117W BRE Broken Ranch U# 3309.283N 08353.933W BRB Brook Bridge U# 3316.600N 08424.650W BOO BrooklineMeadowmr U# 3305.867N 08324.283W BRK Brooks Dick U# 3446.320N 08159.270W Locked BRS Brooks NC U# 3541.383N 07924.417W BR1 Brown NC 1 U# 3453.567N 08022.400W BRX BroxtonBrgPlanttn U# 3300.350N 08102.900W BFF Buffalo Creek U# 3525.350N 08037.233W BUI Buie U# 3447.600N 07911.617W BUL Bully U# 3609.217N 07924.033W BUR Burke County U# 3302.483N 08200.167W BUN BurlingtonAlamanc U# 3602.917N 07928.500W BSH Bush VA U# 3650.550N 08014.300W BYR Byrd SC U# 3353.067N 07959.983W CLH Calhoun Fall U# 3405.420N 08234.070W Paved 3.9K CMD Camden U# 3417.020N 08033.890W Paved 5K CNC Cane Creek U# 3526.667N 08228.767W CRN Carnsville U# 3415.600N 08317.200W Dirt 2K CRL CarolinaCowCountr U# 3431.950N 08153.167W CRP Carpenter U# 3331.217N 08222.350W CAS Causey U# 3554.700N 07937.067W CDR Cedar Ridge GA U# 3315.300N 08424.017W CHL Chalfant U# 3527.350N 08034.533W CHN Chandelle U# 3449.367N 08208.883W CHA Charles U# 3513.650N 07833.317W CHO Charlotte/Douglas U# 3512.833N 08056.583W Floor~6kmsl CHR Cheraw U# 3442.755N 07957.477W Far Away CHC Cherokee CountyGA U# 3418.633N 08425.433W CHE CherwMnLnchBllngr U# 3442.767N 07957.417W CHS Chester U# 3447.360N 08111.750W Skydivers CHT Chester Catawba U# 3447.367N 08111.750W CRC Circle T GA U# 3312.333N 08354.750W CLA ClaytonCountyTara U# 3323.350N 08419.950W CLM Clemson U# 3440.320N 08253.190W Go Cocks CLV Cleveland U# 3545.340N 08044.120W Dirt 2.3K CLN Clinton U# 3431.960N 08153.170W Dirt 2.4K CLC Clio Crop Care U# 3433.683N 07932.283W CLT Clutes Hilltop U# 3526.033N 08151.067W CLD Clyde Valley U# 3541.417N 08142.733W CCK Cockfield U# 3354.250N 07941.033W COL Coleman GA U# 3331.567N 08430.133W CLL Collins U# 3637.500N 08010.233W COM Columbia SC U# 3356.333N 08107.167W COU ColumbiawnsDwntwn U# 3358.233N 08059.717W COB Columbus County U# 3416.367N 07842.900W CON Concord NC U# 3523.267N 08042.550W CNN Connelly SC U# 3416.433N 08146.400W CNW ConwayHorryCounty U# 3349.717N 07907.333W CRR Corriher U# 3537.950N 08041.117W COV Covington GA U# 3337.933N 08350.850W CVN Covington VA U# 3636.000N 08002.317W CRC Creech AvFacility U# 3353.067N 08029.683W CRK Crooked FenceFarm U# 3446.417N 08159.183W CRS Cross Anchor U# 3437.510N 08153.910W No Phone CUR Curry SC U# 3422.683N 08000.317W CRT Curtis L Brown Jr U# 3436.100N 07834.750W DSB DS Butler Farm + U# 3611.700N 08000.317W DNL Daniel GA U# 3327.983N 08202.367W DRD Darden U# 3350.450N 08111.017W DRL DarlingtnCntJtprt U# 3426.967N 07953.400W DRN Darnells TN 1 U# 3630.400N 08242.700W DAR Darnells TN 2 U# 3630.550N 08240.900W DRR Darr U# 3554.500N 07959.233W DVD Davidson County U# 3546.867N 08018.233W Paved 3.2K DVS Davis SC 1 U# 3409.083N 08221.217W DAV Davis SC 2 U# 3508.833N 08147.650W DAI Davis SC 3 U# 3240.333N 08118.667W DDD Dead Dog U# 3543.800N 07918.767W DNW Dean Wings Past U# 3522.583N 07914.450W DCK Deck NC U# 3544.500N 07855.483W DRX Deer Crossing U# 3432.983N 08349.333W DEE Deer Run VA U# 3659.650N 08027.267W DRF DeerfieldLandngG1 U# 3313.083N 08319.033W DER DeerfieldLandngG2 U# 3327.850N 08416.100W DKL Dekalb Peachtree U# 3352.533N 08418.117W DLK Delks U# 3543.317N 07956.483W DMN Diamond S U# 3328.550N 08416.617W DLL Dillon U# 3426.933N 07922.133W 07/25 30A DIL Dillon County U# 3426.950N 07922.117W DRT Dirt DobbersGrass U# 3522.133N 08131.350W DLT Do Little U# 3340.567N 08056.900W DON Donaldson U# 3445.500N 08222.583W Skydivers DBL Double Creek RcNC U# 3545.350N 08044.117W DGB Doug Bolton U# 3412.150N 08325.750W DRM Dream Team U# 3335.850N 08331.067W DRS Dry Swamp U# 3323.267N 08054.667W DUB Dublin NC U# 3440.183N 07842.150W DCH Duchy U# 3558.900N 07916.383W E T E T U# 3455.083N 07903.150W EGL Eagle Ridge SC U# 3440.300N 08254.817W EAG Eagles Landing GA U# 3309.600N 08421.917W EAL Eagles Landing NC U# 3541.217N 07913.133W EAE EaglesNestFairviw U# 3345.850N 08121.517W EST Eastover Air Rc U# 3505.183N 07846.333W EBN Ebeneezer U# 3414.533N 08403.433W EDG Edgefield County U# 3344.200N 08149.167W EDW Edwards NC U# 3504.250N 08033.983W EHR Ehrhardt U# 3305.383N 08100.483W ELP El Porvenir U# 3407.733N 08032.833W ELE Elbert CountyPatz U# 3405.717N 08248.950W ELB Elberton U# 3405.710N 08248.950W Woodsy ELZ Elizabethton U# 3622.267N 08210.400W ELK Elk River NC U# 3609.617N 08153.800W ELI Elkin U# 3616.800N 08047.167W Paved 4K ELN Elkins U# 3427.467N 07837.100W ELL Elliott GA U# 3427.533N 08410.883W EMR Emery SC U# 3507.483N 08219.583W ENC Enochville U# 3531.450N 08038.867W ERV Ervin U# 3532.700N 08040.117W FRF FairfieldCountySC U# 3418.933N 08106.533W FRV Fairview U# 3509.440N 08207.340W Narrow FAI Fairview SC U# 3509.433N 08207.333W FRM Farm SC U# 3356.150N 08125.783W FTT FayettevilleGrnns U# 3459.467N 07852.817W FLD Fields U# 3554.117N 07946.350W FNS Finish U 3454.570N 08157.230W SPA FLG Flight World U# 3449.370N 08208.890W Under GSP FLE Florence SC U# 3411.117N 07943.433W FLN Fly N S Ranch U# 3427.100N 08347.317W FLR Flyers NC U# 3513.100N 07847.783W FLY Flying BJ U# 3548.733N 08104.200W FLI Flying Dove U# 3549.267N 07928.100W FLH Flying H Ranch GA U# 3311.867N 08405.067W FLM Flying M NC U# 3547.967N 08023.767W FLO Flying O SC U# 3400.567N 08016.033W FOO Foothills U# 3549.217N 08136.683W FTH Foothills Holcomb U# 3423.500N 08414.500W FRN Franklin Co U# 3420.410N 08308.010W Nowhere FRA Franklin CountyGA U# 3420.417N 08307.850W FLT FultonCountyBrown U# 3346.750N 08431.283W GMU GMU U# 3450.883N 08221.000W Under GSP GFF Gaffney SC U# 3508.350N 08141.733W GST Gaston U# 3347.217N 08105.683W GAS Gastonia U# 3512.167N 08109.000W GRG George Leamy U# 3449.150N 08148.950W GLB Gilbert SC U# 3353.050N 08122.900W GLL Gilliam McConnell U# 3520.500N 07926.217W GLM Gilmer County U# 3437.700N 08431.600W GLD Gold Hill U# 3530.550N 08018.667W Dirt 3K 35 GDN Goodnights U# 3531.517N 08038.383W GSC Goose Creek U# 3507.267N 08035.233W GRH Graham SC U# 3420.867N 07952.800W GRR Grand Strand U# 3348.700N 07843.433W GRA Grant GA U# 3331.650N 08409.417W GRV Gravely U# 3638.800N 07947.817W GRY Grays Creek U# 3453.617N 07850.617W GRT Great Falls U 3432.250N 08052.750W Dam GRE Great Oaks U# 3355.383N 08239.167W GRP Green Pond U# 3449.000N 08205.000W GEE Green Sea U# 3411.133N 07901.233W GRC Greene County GA U# 3335.867N 08308.333W GRI GreenevilleGrnCnt U# 3611.583N 08248.900W GRS Greensboro North U# 3615.217N 07954.483W GRL GreenvillSprtnbrg U# 3453.733N 08213.133W GSP GRN Greenwood U# 3414.920N 08209.550W Big GRW Greenwood County U# 3414.917N 08209.550W GRF GriffinSpaldngCnt U# 3313.617N 08416.500W GRO Groundhog Mtn U# 3639.800N 08029.967W GRD Gryder Teague U# 3555.250N 08107.200W Dirt 2K 35 GWN Gwinn U# 3356.033N 08047.767W GWI GwinnettCountBrsc U# 3358.683N 08357.750W HBR Habersham U# 3430.050N 08333.290W Far Far Away HAB Habersham County U# 3429.983N 08333.400W HCN Hacienda De Gay U# 3239.800N 08204.517W HLL Hall NC U# 3453.783N 07902.583W HAL Halls Flying Rc U# 3321.367N 08422.033W HMP Hampton Varnville U# 3252.067N 08104.983W HNN Hannah Rhea U# 3254.083N 08051.217W HPP Happy Bottom U# 3602.917N 08027.417W HRM Harman SC U# 3329.050N 08149.550W HRN Harnett Jetport U# 3522.817N 07843.933W HRP Harpers U# 3245.517N 08113.483W HRR Harris U# 3512.760N 08151.990W Unpaved 2K HAR Hartness U# 3450.817N 08215.100W HAS HartsfldJcksntlnt U# 3338.200N 08425.683W HRT Hartsville U# 3424.185N 08007.153W Past Lake HAT Hartwell U# 3422.670N 08256.740W Lakeside HWK Hawks Knoll U# 3459.850N 08048.050W HAW Hawks Meadow U# 3450.000N 08045.067W HAK Hawks Nest Farm U# 3448.483N 08259.917W HAY Hay U# 3331.033N 08326.383W HVN Heavens LandingGA U# 3454.867N 08327.583W HMN Hemingway Stuckey U# 3343.717N 07930.967W HND Hendersonville U# 3518.450N 08225.983W Paved 3K HNS Hensley U# 3611.000N 08240.733W HST Hester SC U# 3405.417N 08234.067W HTT Hiatt U# 3549.800N 08006.450W HCK Hickory U# 3544.470N 08123.370W 01/19 44A HGH High Valley U# 3441.883N 08400.767W HIG HightowerArPlnttn U# 3458.200N 08001.733W HIN Hinshaw U# 3552.417N 07931.650W HOL Holly Farm U# 3408.400N 08422.683W HOY Holly Hill U# 3318.067N 08023.633W HRC Horace Williams U# 3556.100N 07903.950W HSM House Movers U# 3351.067N 08132.900W HDS HudsonRiverLandng U# 3415.600N 08317.200W HGG Huggins U# 3408.267N 07955.233W HRD Hurdle U# 3604.000N 07916.983W I26 I 26 Rock Quarry U# 3504.120N 08204.850W NR Rest Stop I77 I 77 Rest Stop U 3445.467N 08102.950W ZZZZZZZZZ I2C I26 Cow Country U# 3431.958N 08153.173W I26&285 IND Indian Springs U# 3632.117N 08225.083W IVA Iva U# 3417.817N 08241.017W Dirt 2.6K JKF JK Airfield U# 3553.910N 08036.970W Dirt 2K JRS Jaars Townsend U# 3451.833N 08044.883W JCK Jackson County GA U# 3410.467N 08333.667W JAC Jackson County NC U# 3519.050N 08312.600W JOH Johnson County TN U# 3625.067N 08149.517W JHN Johnston NC U# 3532.300N 08045.083W JNS Jonesville Rd U 3449.367N 08139.933W Unfriendly JRD Jordan U# 3514.267N 07959.733W JOR Jordan SC U# 3332.383N 07931.917W K+D K and D U# 3615.800N 07926.983W KCK Kecks U# 3555.583N 07937.650W KNL Kenley GA U# 3316.133N 08429.833W KNN KennedyIntranatnl U# 3331.583N 08338.283W KMR Kimrey U# 3603.317N 07919.600W KNG King SC U# 3505.433N 08229.717W KIN King Sky Ranch U# 3446.083N 08335.583W KNT Kintail Farm U# 3349.533N 08338.383W KRK Kirk Airbase U# 3440.460N 08040.940W Paved 2.6K' KTC Kitchens U# 3308.067N 08415.250W KLC Klockner U# 3342.517N 08334.750W LTW LT World U# 3346.050N 08404.100W LKN Lake Norman U# 3536.833N 08053.967W LMR Lamar SC U# 3410.067N 08004.650W LNC Lancaster U# 3443.370N 08051.280W 06/24 60A LAN LancstrCntMcWhrtr U# 3443.383N 08051.267W LND LandingsESylvania U# 3244.683N 08136.783W LAE Laneys U# 3534.450N 08107.033W LNN Lanni U# 3553.333N 08136.817W LTH Lathan U# 3452.583N 08037.150W LRN Laurens U# 3430.410N 08156.910W 08/26 39A LAU Laurens County U# 3430.417N 08156.833W LAR Laurinburg Maxton U# 3447.517N 07921.950W LCN Lee CountyButters U# 3414.667N 08014.167W LGL Lee Gilmer U# 3416.350N 08349.817W LNR Lenoir U# 3556.670N 08129.410W Dirt 3.2K LEN Lenora GA U# 3348.267N 08359.783W LWS Lewis NC U# 3620.800N 08010.417W LEW Lewisville NC U# 3604.060N 08027.940W Dirt3.2k LXN LexingtonCountPln U# 3347.683N 08114.750W LIC LincolntnLnclnCnt U# 3529.000N 08109.683W LIN Lindsay U# 3621.433N 07959.850W LTT Little Mountain U# 3535.500N 08104.767W LIT LittleTobsfkCrkRc U# 3259.033N 08405.733W LKC Lk C Mun CJ Evans U# 3351.217N 07946.083W LCK Lockhart U# 3447.000N 08127.750W FLD .5mi N LLL Lola Landing U# 3343.800N 08358.483W LNH Lone Hickory U# 3603.083N 08041.367W LNS Lonesome U# 3530.950N 08015.483W LNG Long Island U# 3539.650N 08058.233W LRL Loury Lester U# 3644.500N 07950.867W LWC Lowcountry U# 3255.267N 08038.433W LWR Lower Creek U# 3556.667N 08129.400W LMB Lumberton NC U# 3436.600N 07903.570W Paved 5000FT LMP LumpkinCountyWmps U# 3434.983N 08401.200W MAO Macon County U# 3513.350N 08325.150W MDS Madison GA U# 3336.733N 08327.633W MLL Mallards Landing U# 3321.933N 08409.917W MRC MarchmontPlantatn U# 3556.283N 08023.067W MAI Marion County SC U# 3410.867N 07920.083W MRN Marion SC U# 3410.870N 07920.080W Paved 4500FT MAR Marion Shiflet U# 3543.241N 08200.590W Grass Big MAT Martin Campbell U# 3500.967N 08420.783W MTH Mathis GA U# 3406.067N 08409.667W MXW Maxwell NC U# 3631.150N 08108.200W MNC May NC U# 3559.933N 07941.350W MCC Mc Connells U 3452.383N 08113.433W Tiny Xroad MCA McCachren U# 3518.717N 08038.650W MCO McCormick County U# 3354.483N 08216.017W MCD McDonald NC U# 3503.217N 08024.533W MCG McGee NC U# 3507.633N 08028.500W MCK McKay SC U# 3406.650N 07954.083W MCL McLendon U# 3329.483N 08429.367W MCN McNeil SC U# 3333.433N 08038.900W MCI Mcintosh SC U# 3345.017N 07957.467W MCE Mckee U# 3430.300N 07906.150W MCB Mclean Brothers U# 3605.833N 07933.317W MDW Meadow Brook NC U# 3618.083N 08008.900W MLR Meylor U# 3612.600N 07953.700W MCR Micro U# 3644.167N 08026.733W MLS Miles NC U# 3558.233N 07907.483W MIE Millen U# 3253.617N 08157.917W MIL Miller NC U# 3536.833N 08044.483W MIH Millhaven U# 3256.167N 08139.717W MTC Mitchell NC U# 3427.983N 07819.717W MOC Moccasin Creek U# 3308.533N 08057.333W MOK Mocksville U# 3559.120N 08030.670W Paved 2.4 MON Monroe GA U# 3346.890N 08341.610W Midga.Soarin MOR Monroe NC U# 3501.133N 08037.217W MNR Monroe NC Int U 3457.933N 08030.750W Apt 2-3mi N MOO MonroeWaltonCount U# 3346.950N 08341.567W MOT Montgomery County U# 3523.083N 07947.417W Paved 3.5K MNT Monticello Sky Rc U# 3319.950N 08343.617W MOE Moore County NC U# 3514.250N 07923.333W MRF Moorefields U# 3633.583N 08008.267W MRS Moores SC U# 3435.617N 08223.933W MRT MoretzRivrsdLndng U# 3533.600N 07911.617W MRG Morganton U# 3549.290N 08136.640W Dry County MRR Morrison NC U# 3546.900N 08025.017W MTN Mountain Air U# 3552.117N 08220.500W MTE Mountain Empire U# 3653.700N 08121.000W MTG Mountain GA U# 3433.700N 08342.817W MTR Mountain Ridge U# 3457.633N 08220.367W MOU Mountville U# 3421.810N 08159.590W Dirt 2K MRL MrlbrCntJtprtHvnt U# 3437.300N 07944.067W MTA MtAirySurryCounty U# 3627.583N 08033.183W MTV Mtn View NC 1 U# 3620.400N 07950.467W MTI Mtn View NC 2 U# 3535.533N 08103.350W MRP Murphy TN U# 3617.967N 08236.250W MST Mustang U# 3428.667N 08253.833W Dirt 2K 34 MYN Mynatt NC U# 3422.683N 07904.833W MYT Myrtle Beach U# 3340.783N 07855.700W MYR MyrtleBeachHardee U# 3356.517N 07849.983W NLF Neely Farms U# 3331.883N 08347.517W NWB Newberry U# 3418.560N 08138.380W Paved 3.5K NEW Newberry County U# 3418.550N 08138.383W NOR Northeast Georgia U# 3358.967N 08340.050W OKH Oakhill U# 3435.080N 08221.100W Dirt 2.4K OKV Oakview U# 3448.733N 08249.133W OCN Oconee County U# 3440.317N 08253.217W ODL Odell Williamson U# 3354.517N 07826.200W OLN Oolenoy Valley U# 3459.883N 08244.083W ORN Orangeburg U# 3327.417N 08051.567W OVR Over The Hill U# 3408.483N 08044.800W P K P K U# 3501.183N 07911.467W PCV Pace VA U# 3635.117N 07953.633W PGL Pageland U# 3444.540N 08020.700W "The Hole" PLM PalmettoAirPlnttn U# 3339.967N 08014.633W PRK Parker Field U# 3445.683N 08209.683W Under GSP PPT Pea Patch GA U# 3318.117N 08210.333W PCH Peach State U# 3311.000N 08422.300W PRS Pearsons Farm U# 3503.433N 08156.683W Grass PCN Pecan Patch U# 3319.883N 08416.000W PGS Pegasus Ranch GA U# 3241.633N 08147.917W PNS Pensinger U# 3617.783N 08245.633W PRR Perry U# 3337.750N 08119.760W PER Perry SC U# 3337.767N 08119.783W PTT Pettigrew Moore U# 3425.617N 07805.367W PCK Pickens U# 3448.600N 08242.170W Jet 100 PIC Pickens County GA U# 3427.217N 08427.433W PIK Pickens County SC U# 3448.600N 08242.167W PDM Piedmont Triad U# 3605.867N 07956.233W PNB Pinebrook Estates U# 3315.583N 08420.967W PNV Pineview Air U# 3518.483N 07904.400W PNR Piney Ridge U# 3604.317N 08041.983W PLN Plantation U# 3238.717N 08135.833W PCT Pocotaligo U# 3342.450N 08004.833W PLF Poole Farm U# 3340.833N 08351.167W PRT Prater Ranch U# 3350.600N 08228.733W PRC Price SC U# 3428.500N 07923.617W PRP Propst NC U# 3523.517N 08034.533W QTC Quiet Acres U# 3545.883N 08001.450W RFR Raeford U# 3557.417N 08058.733W Dirt 2.5K RMB Rambos Field U# 3406.183N 08216.900W 2.2K Nr. Abal RHD Rhodes Air Ranch U# 3309.750N 08146.100W RIC Richmond County U# 3453.483N 07945.583W RDG Ridgewood Air U# 3417.500N 08203.233W RVR River Bend U# 3318.267N 08408.200W RCH Roach Farm U# 3620.050N 08239.700W ROB Robert F Swinnie U# 3327.100N 07931.567W RBR Robertson NC U# 3608.100N 08011.083W ROC Rock Hill Bryant U# 3459.267N 08103.433W RCK Rocking A Farm U# 3444.017N 07845.183W ROK RocknghmCntNCShlh U# 3626.233N 07951.067W RST Rooster NC U# 3516.400N 07914.917W RSS Ross SC U# 3425.367N 07953.083W RWN Rowan County U# 3538.750N 08031.217W RUS Russell SC U# 3321.483N 08027.583W RUT Rust GA U# 3319.967N 08424.050W RTH Rutherford U# 3525.690N 08156.100W Paved 5K RUH RutherfordCMrchmn U# 3525.700N 08156.100W S+S S and S Landing U# 3309.733N 08419.233W SLS Salisbury U# 3538.750N 08031.220W 5.5K SLD Saluda County U# 3355.600N 08147.667W SMP Sampson County U# 3458.500N 07821.933W SND Sandy Hill U# 3313.267N 08159.717W SAN Sandy Run Acres U# 3416.500N 07809.650W SNF Sanford LeeCounty U# 3535.017N 07906.050W SNT Santee Cooper U# 3335.233N 08012.517W SCH Schneider Haven U# 3553.900N 08043.217W SBS Sebastian Cove U# 3327.250N 08316.667W SVN Seven Lakes U# 3319.467N 08354.983W SHE Shealy U# 3403.767N 08124.583W SHL Shelby U# 3515.350N 08136.040W Fuel SHB Shelby NC U# 3515.350N 08136.050W SHF Shiflet U# 3543.233N 08200.583W SHI Shiloh Plantation U# 3307.233N 08057.050W SLR Siler City U# 3542.267N 07930.250W SLV Silver Creek U# 3543.700N 08143.733W Unpaved 3.6K SIL Silverstreet U# 3416.440N 08146.410W Dirt 2K SXK Six Oaks U# 3528.067N 08227.150W SKL Skyland U# 3627.600N 08121.683W SLP Sleepy Hollow GA U# 3341.583N 08339.467W SLO Sloop U# 3531.317N 08031.317W SMT Smith GA 1 U# 3340.567N 08315.567W SMI Smith NC U# 3538.000N 07942.600W SMH Smith Reynolds U# 3608.017N 08013.317W SCL Social Circle U# 3341.590N 08339.460W Dirt 2.6 SRV South River U# 3546.667N 08030.083W SOE SoutheastGreensbr U# 3556.517N 07941.133W SOU Southern Comforts U# 3452.283N 07857.933W SOT Southern Oaks U# 3343.883N 08328.183W STH SouthernAeroSprts U# 3437.500N 08153.900W SPR Spartanburg U 3454.945N 08157.390W Homebase SPA SpartanburgDwntwn U# 3454.950N 08157.383W SPN Spencer NC 1 U# 3543.633N 07954.667W SPE Spencer NC 2 U# 3524.183N 08037.317W SPI SpringValleyFarmG U# 3347.817N 08351.083W SPU Spruce Pine U# 3556.670N 08159.740W Dirt 3K STG St George SC U# 3311.733N 08030.517W STM St Mathews U# 3341.350N 08041.600W STL Stanly County U# 3525.000N 08009.050W STR Start U 3454.570N 08157.230W SPA STE StatesborBllchCnt U# 3228.967N 08144.217W STT Statesville U# 3545.916N 08057.404W 10/28 50A STN Stoneriver U# 3553.033N 08046.600W STO Stoney Point U# 3407.950N 08411.967W 3NC5 STI Strickland U# 3415.983N 07901.417W SGR Sugar Valley U# 3559.117N 08030.667W SMM Summey U# 3517.350N 08147.100W SUM Sumter U# 3359.700N 08021.683W SNS Sunset GA 2 U# 3344.000N 08349.133W SWN Swan Creek U# 3612.133N 08052.083W Dirt 2.6K TLW Tailwinds NC U# 3449.650N 07855.817W TRR Tara Airbase U# 3547.583N 08030.733W Dirt 2K 35 TLR Taylor Field U# 3343.450N 08334.017W Dirt 2.1 TAY Taylorsville U# 3555.850N 08111.800W THM Thomason U# 3421.800N 08159.583W THO ThomsonMcDuffiCnt U# 3331.783N 08230.983W TCC Toccoa U# 3435.630N 08317.750W Across Lake TOC ToccoaRGLetournea U# 3435.567N 08317.783W TLN Toland U# 3309.833N 08412.817W TRA TransylvaniaCount U# 3516.217N 08238.650W TRN Trent Farm U# 3639.000N 08006.983W TRC Tri Cities TN/VA U# 3628.517N 08224.450W TRI Triple F U# 3501.100N 07833.950W TRP Triple Tree U# 3440.467N 08200.083W Nice Guy TCK Tucker NC U# 3514.817N 08024.450W TRB Turbeville U# 3412.617N 07857.317W TSQ TusquitteeLanding U# 3505.117N 08344.183W TWI Twin City SC U# 3405.300N 07851.900W TWC Twin County U# 3645.967N 08049.417W TWL Twin Lakes NC U# 3554.900N 08027.417W Paved 2.9K TWA Twin Lakes SC U# 3338.733N 08152.017W TWN Twin Oak U# 3452.267N 07828.450W UNN Union U# 3441.210N 08138.470W Woodsy UNI UnionCountTrShltn U# 3441.217N 08138.467W UNT Unity Aerodrome U# 3448.167N 08040.800W Dirt 2.6 VRS VOR SPA U 3501.010N 08156.010W Near VOR VKN Viking U# 3500.583N 07915.600W VNT Vintage GA U# 3308.000N 08422.650W VRG VirginiaHighlands U# 3641.233N 08202.000W WNC WNC Air Museum U# 3518.433N 08226.017W WDP Wade Plantation U# 3258.633N 08132.167W WDS Wadesboro U# 3501.233N 08004.633W Chester TP WAL Walker GA U# 3327.117N 08424.567W WRF Warf U# 3619.000N 07942.483W WRR Warren County NC U# 3402.450N 07844.400W WSH WashingtonWlksCnt U# 3346.767N 08248.950W WVR Weaver SC U# 3353.367N 07930.383W WLB Welborn Farm U# 3612.317N 08039.500W WXF Wexford Landing U# 3334.700N 08130.700W WHT Wheat U# 3512.400N 08201.917W WHS Whispering Pines U# 3346.933N 08359.333W WHI White Oak Stand U# 3648.467N 08142.067W WHE Whiteheart Farm U# 3604.050N 08027.933W WHP Whiteplains U# 3357.833N 08121.550W WLD Wild Irish U# 3437.083N 08009.100W Dirt 2.6K WLG Wilgrove U# 3512.833N 08040.200W WLH Wilhelm NC U# 3530.683N 08033.483W WLK Wilkes Co U# 3613.360N 08105.920W 01/19 55A WIK Wilkes County U# 3613.367N 08105.900W WLL WilliamIrvingLews U# 3519.767N 07901.800W WII Williamsburg U# 3343.033N 07951.417W WIL Williamsport SC U# 3451.867N 08234.050W WIO Willow Creek NC U# 3522.183N 08026.400W WIW Willow Pond U# 3325.417N 08430.000W WLS Wilsons U# 3539.120N 08121.470W Dirt 2.1K WND Windemere U# 3508.283N 07849.367W WID Winder U# 3358.970N 08340.050W 05/23 36A WIN Windy Hill GA U# 3332.800N 08348.333W WNN Winnsboro U# 3418.930N 08106.530W Paved 5K WMB Womble U# 3552.517N 07905.233W YAH Yahu U# 3336.117N 08018.367W YND Yonder U# 3433.583N 07816.083W YRK York SC U# 3501.917N 08115.167W YOR Yorks U# 3545.083N 07940.233W ZPS Zips U# 3327.167N 08405.717W