;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Spartanburg, South Carolina + ; + ; Airfields formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Sam Zimmerman 'SZ' + ; + ; Generated Sunday, 03 May 2009 at 21:45 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "29NC" "N3518.700" "W08137.517" "3 MS" "N3311.150" "W08422.083" "Abbeville" "N3409.090" "W08221.220" "Adams GA" "N3323.817" "W08427.617" "Adams NC" "N3434.567" "W07914.933" "Advance NC" "N3556.290" "W08023.070" "Aerie" "N3345.683" "W08339.167" "Aero Plantation" "N3459.517" "W08044.900" "Aiken GA" "N3410.333" "W08343.867" "Air Acres" "N3406.350" "W08426.917" "Airnautique" "N3422.667" "W08256.750" "Alans" "N3340.550" "W08056.983" "Alcovy" "N3340.500" "W08345.783" "Alexander County" "N3551.033" "W08108.633" "Annas" "N3443.500" "W08305.100" "Antique Acres GA" "N3306.000" "W08403.517" "Apalachee Bluff" "N3351.550" "W08335.267" "Arant" "N3503.367" "W08027.000" "Atwell" "N3539.283" "W08047.367" "Avinger" "N3326.567" "W08027.333" "B Tree Farms" "N3416.083" "W08340.333" "Barringer" "N3531.667" "W08041.800" "Bear Creek" "N3524.433" "W08021.450" "Bear Pen" "N3407.517" "W07820.283" "Bearwallow Farm" "N3527.417" "W08222.517" "Beaverbrook" "N3319.500" "W08417.900" "Beck GA" "N3331.167" "W08430.867" "Bells Branch" "N3318.400" "W08050.883" "Berts" "N3601.550" "W08026.183" "Bethel Lake Wylie" "N3503.017" "W08108.233" "Big Creek Flying Rc" "N3449.967" "W08324.583" "Blue Ridge Skyport" "N3451.783" "W08423.633" "Boomerang" "N3512.750" "W08151.983" "Boone NC" "N3611.800" "W08138.367" "Boonville NC" "N3613.367" "W08042.933" "Boyds Hawks Creek" "N3553.900" "W08036.967" "Bradford NC" "N3524.533" "W08047.650" "Bradley NC" "N3537.217" "W08035.850" "Brevard" "N3513.350" "W08243.600" "Briar Patch" "N3226.933" "W08120.217" "Broad River AP" "N3424.717" "W08311.050" "Broadway" "N3532.600" "W08039.117" "Broken Ranch" "N3309.283" "W08353.933" "Brook Bridge" "N3316.600" "W08424.650" "Brookline Meadowmere" "N3305.867" "W08324.283" "Brooks NC" "N3541.383" "W07924.417" "Brown NC 1" "N3453.567" "W08022.400" "BroxtonBrgPlantation" "N3300.350" "W08102.900" "Buffalo Creek" "N3525.350" "W08037.233" "Buie" "N3447.600" "W07911.617" "Bully" "N3609.217" "W07924.033" "Bush VA" "N3650.550" "W08014.300" "Byrd SC" "N3353.067" "W07959.983" "Cane Creek" "N3526.667" "W08228.767" "Carnsville" "N3415.600" "W08317.200" "Carolina Cow Country" "N3431.950" "W08153.167" "Carpenter" "N3331.217" "W08222.350" "Cedar Ridge GA" "N3315.300" "W08424.017" "Chalfant" "N3527.350" "W08034.533" "Chandelle" "N3449.367" "W08208.883" "Charles" "N3513.650" "W07833.317" "Circle T GA" "N3312.333" "W08354.750" "Cleveland" "N3545.340" "W08044.120" "Clinton" "N3431.960" "W08153.170" "Clutes Hilltop" "N3526.033" "W08151.067" "Clyde Valley" "N3541.417" "W08142.733" "Cockfield" "N3354.250" "W07941.033" "Coleman GA" "N3331.567" "W08430.133" "Collins" "N3637.500" "W08010.233" "Connelly SC" "N3416.433" "W08146.400" "Corriher" "N3537.950" "W08041.117" "Covington VA" "N3636.000" "W08002.317" "Creech Av Facility" "N3353.067" "W08029.683" "Crooked Fence Farm" "N3446.417" "W08159.183" "Curry SC" "N3422.683" "W08000.317" "Darden" "N3350.450" "W08111.017" "Darnells TN 1" "N3630.400" "W08242.700" "Darnells TN 2" "N3630.550" "W08240.900" "Darr" "N3554.500" "W07959.233" "Davis SC 1" "N3409.083" "W08221.217" "Davis SC 2" "N3508.833" "W08147.650" "Davis SC 3" "N3240.333" "W08118.667" "Dead Dog" "N3543.800" "W07918.767" "Dean Wings Past" "N3522.583" "W07914.450" "Deck NC" "N3544.500" "W07855.483" "Deer Crossing" "N3432.983" "W08349.333" "Deer Run VA" "N3659.650" "W08027.267" "Deerfield LandingGA1" "N3313.083" "W08319.033" "Deerfield LandingGA2" "N3327.850" "W08416.100" "Delks" "N3543.317" "W07956.483" "Diamond S" "N3328.550" "W08416.617" "Dirt Dobbers Grass" "N3522.133" "W08131.350" "Do Little" "N3340.567" "W08056.900" "Double Creek Rc NC" "N3545.350" "W08044.117" "Doug Bolton" "N3412.150" "W08325.750" "Dream Team" "N3335.850" "W08331.067" "Dublin NC" "N3440.183" "W07842.150" "Duchy" "N3558.900" "W07916.383" "E T" "N3455.083" "W07903.150" "Eagle Ridge SC" "N3440.300" "W08254.817" "Eagles Landing GA" "N3309.600" "W08421.917" "Eagles Landing NC" "N3541.217" "W07913.133" "Eagles Nest Fairview" "N3345.850" "W08121.517" "Eastover Air Ranch" "N3505.183" "W07846.333" "Ebeneezer" "N3414.533" "W08403.433" "Edwards NC" "N3504.250" "W08033.983" "Ehrhardt" "N3305.383" "W08100.483" "El Porvenir" "N3407.733" "W08032.833" "Elk River NC" "N3609.617" "W08153.800" "Elliott GA" "N3427.533" "W08410.883" "Emery SC" "N3507.483" "W08219.583" "Enochville" "N3531.450" "W08038.867" "Ervin" "N3532.700" "W08040.117" "Farm SC" "N3356.150" "W08125.783" "Fields" "N3554.117" "W07946.350" "Flight World" "N3449.370" "W08208.890" "Fly N S Ranch" "N3427.100" "W08347.317" "Flyers NC" "N3513.100" "W07847.783" "Flying BJ" "N3548.733" "W08104.200" "Flying Dove" "N3549.267" "W07928.100" "Flying H Ranch GA" "N3311.867" "W08405.067" "Flying M NC" "N3547.967" "W08023.767" "Flying O SC" "N3400.567" "W08016.033" "Foothills Holcomb" "N3423.500" "W08414.500" "Gaffney SC" "N3508.350" "W08141.733" "Gaston" "N3347.217" "W08105.683" "Gilbert SC" "N3353.050" "W08122.900" "Gilliam McConnell" "N3520.500" "W07926.217" "Gold Hill" "N3530.550" "W08018.667" "Goodnights" "N3531.517" "W08038.383" "Graham SC" "N3420.867" "W07952.800" "Grant GA" "N3331.650" "W08409.417" "Gravely" "N3638.800" "W07947.817" "Great Oaks" "N3355.383" "W08239.167" "Green Pond" "N3449.000" "W08205.000" "Greensboro North" "N3615.217" "W07954.483" "Groundhog Mountain" "N3639.800" "W08029.967" "Gryder Teague" "N3555.250" "W08107.200" "Gwinn" "N3356.033" "W08047.767" "Hacienda De Gay" "N3239.800" "W08204.517" "Hall NC" "N3453.783" "W07902.583" "Halls Flying Ranch" "N3321.367" "W08422.033" "Hannah Rhea" "N3254.083" "W08051.217" "Happy Bottom" "N3602.917" "W08027.417" "Harman SC" "N3329.050" "W08149.550" "Harpers" "N3245.517" "W08113.483" "Harris" "N3512.760" "W08151.990" "Hartness" "N3450.817" "W08215.100" "Hartwell" "N3422.670" "W08256.740" "Hawks Knoll" "N3459.850" "W08048.050" "Hawks Meadow" "N3450.000" "W08045.067" "Hawks Nest Farm" "N3448.483" "W08259.917" "Hay" "N3331.033" "W08326.383" "Heavens Landing GA" "N3454.867" "W08327.583" "Hensley" "N3611.000" "W08240.733" "High Valley" "N3441.883" "W08400.767" "HightowerAreoPlanttn" "N3458.200" "W08001.733" "Holly Farm" "N3408.400" "W08422.683" "House Movers" "N3351.067" "W08132.900" "Hudson River Landing" "N3415.600" "W08317.200" "I26 Cow Country" "N3431.958" "W08153.173" "Indian Springs" "N3632.117" "W08225.083" "Iva" "N3417.817" "W08241.017" "JK Airfield" "N3553.910" "W08036.970" "Johnston NC" "N3532.300" "W08045.083" "Jordan" "N3514.267" "W07959.733" "Jordan SC" "N3332.383" "W07931.917" "K and D" "N3615.800" "W07926.983" "Kenley GA" "N3316.133" "W08429.833" "KennedyIntranational" "N3331.583" "W08338.283" "Kimrey" "N3603.317" "W07919.600" "King SC" "N3505.433" "W08229.717" "King Sky Ranch" "N3446.083" "W08335.583" "Kintail Farm" "N3349.533" "W08338.383" "Kitchens" "N3308.067" "W08415.250" "Klockner" "N3342.517" "W08334.750" "LT World" "N3346.050" "W08404.100" "Lamar SC" "N3410.067" "W08004.650" "Landings E Sylvania" "N3244.683" "W08136.783" "Lanni" "N3553.333" "W08136.817" "Lathan" "N3452.583" "W08037.150" "Lenoir" "N3556.670" "W08129.410" "Lenora GA" "N3348.267" "W08359.783" "Lewis NC" "N3620.800" "W08010.417" "Lewisville NC" "N3604.060" "W08027.940" "Lindsay" "N3621.433" "W07959.850" "Little Mountain" "N3535.500" "W08104.767" "LittleTobesofkeCrkRc" "N3259.033" "W08405.733" "Lola Landing" "N3343.800" "W08358.483" "Lonesome" "N3530.950" "W08015.483" "Long Island" "N3539.650" "W08058.233" "Loury Lester" "N3644.500" "W07950.867" "Lower Creek" "N3556.667" "W08129.400" "Mallards Landing" "N3321.933" "W08409.917" "Marchmont Plantation" "N3556.283" "W08023.067" "Mathis GA" "N3406.067" "W08409.667" "Maxwell NC" "N3631.150" "W08108.200" "May NC" "N3559.933" "W07941.350" "McCachren" "N3518.717" "W08038.650" "McDonald NC" "N3503.217" "W08024.533" "McGee NC" "N3507.633" "W08028.500" "McKay SC" "N3406.650" "W07954.083" "McLendon" "N3329.483" "W08429.367" "McNeil SC" "N3333.433" "W08038.900" "Mcintosh SC" "N3345.017" "W07957.467" "Mckee" "N3430.300" "W07906.150" "Mclean Brothers" "N3605.833" "W07933.317" "Meylor" "N3612.600" "W07953.700" "Micro" "N3644.167" "W08026.733" "Miles NC" "N3558.233" "W07907.483" "Miller NC" "N3536.833" "W08044.483" "Millhaven" "N3256.167" "W08139.717" "Mitchell NC" "N3427.983" "W07819.717" "Moccasin Creek" "N3308.533" "W08057.333" "Monticello Sky Ranch" "N3319.950" "W08343.617" "Moores SC" "N3435.617" "W08223.933" "Moorefields" "N3633.583" "W08008.267" "MoretzRiversideLndng" "N3533.600" "W07911.617" "Morrison NC" "N3546.900" "W08025.017" "Mountain Air" "N3552.117" "W08220.500" "Mountain GA" "N3433.700" "W08342.817" "Mountain Ridge" "N3457.633" "W08220.367" "Mountain View NC 1" "N3620.400" "W07950.467" "Mountain View NC 2" "N3535.533" "W08103.350" "Mountville" "N3421.810" "W08159.590" "Murphy TN" "N3617.967" "W08236.250" "Mustang" "N3428.667" "W08253.833" "Mynatt NC" "N3422.683" "W07904.833" "Myrtle Beach Hardee" "N3356.517" "W07849.983" "Neely Farms" "N3331.883" "W08347.517" "Oakview" "N3448.733" "W08249.133" "Oolenoy Valley" "N3459.883" "W08244.083" "Over The Hill" "N3408.483" "W08044.800" "Pace VA" "N3635.117" "W07953.633" "PalmettoAirPlantatin" "N3339.967" "W08014.633" "Parker Field" "N3445.683" "W08209.683" "Pea Patch GA" "N3318.117" "W08210.333" "Pearsons Farm" "N3503.433" "W08156.683" "Pecan Patch" "N3319.883" "W08416.000" "Pegasus Ranch GA" "N3241.633" "W08147.917" "Pensinger" "N3617.783" "W08245.633" "Perry SC" "N3337.767" "W08119.783" "Pettigrew Moore" "N3425.617" "W07805.367" "Pinebrook Estates" "N3315.583" "W08420.967" "Pineview Air" "N3518.483" "W07904.400" "Piney Ridge" "N3604.317" "W08041.983" "Pocotaligo" "N3342.450" "W08004.833" "Poole Farm" "N3340.833" "W08351.167" "Prater Ranch" "N3350.600" "W08228.733" "Price SC" "N3428.500" "W07923.617" "Propst NC" "N3523.517" "W08034.533" "Quiet Acres" "N3545.883" "W08001.450" "Raeford" "N3557.417" "W08058.733" "Rambos Field" "N3406.183" "W08216.900" "Rhodes Air Ranch" "N3309.750" "W08146.100" "Ridgewood Air" "N3417.500" "W08203.233" "River Bend" "N3318.267" "W08408.200" "Roach Farm" "N3620.050" "W08239.700" "Robertson NC" "N3608.100" "W08011.083" "Rocking A Farm" "N3444.017" "W07845.183" "Rooster NC" "N3516.400" "W07914.917" "Ross SC" "N3425.367" "W07953.083" "Russell SC" "N3321.483" "W08027.583" "S and S Landing" "N3309.733" "W08419.233" "Sandy Hill" "N3313.267" "W08159.717" "Sandy Run Acres" "N3416.500" "W07809.650" "Schneider Haven" "N3553.900" "W08043.217" "Sebastian Cove" "N3327.250" "W08316.667" "Seven Lakes" "N3319.467" "W08354.983" "Shealy" "N3403.767" "W08124.583" "Shiloh Plantation" "N3307.233" "W08057.050" "Silver Creek" "N3543.700" "W08143.733" "Silverstreet" "N3416.440" "W08146.410" "Six Oaks" "N3528.067" "W08227.150" "Skyland" "N3627.600" "W08121.683" "Sleepy Hollow GA" "N3341.583" "W08339.467" "Sloop" "N3531.317" "W08031.317" "Smith GA 1" "N3340.567" "W08315.567" "Smith NC" "N3538.000" "W07942.600" "Social Circle" "N3341.590" "W08339.460" "South River" "N3546.667" "W08030.083" "Southern Aero Sports" "N3437.500" "W08153.900" "Southern Comforts" "N3452.283" "W07857.933" "Southern Oaks" "N3343.883" "W08328.183" "Spencer NC 1" "N3543.633" "W07954.667" "Spencer NC 2" "N3524.183" "W08037.317" "Spring Valley FarmGA" "N3347.817" "W08351.083" "St Mathews" "N3341.350" "W08041.600" "Stoneriver" "N3553.033" "W08046.600" "Stoney Point" "N3407.950" "W08411.967" "Strickland" "N3415.983" "W07901.417" "Summey" "N3517.350" "W08147.100" "Sunset GA 2" "N3344.000" "W08349.133" "Tailwinds NC" "N3449.650" "W07855.817" "Tara Airbase" "N3547.583" "W08030.733" "Taylor Field" "N3343.450" "W08334.017" "Taylorsville" "N3555.850" "W08111.800" "Thomason" "N3421.800" "W08159.583" "Toland" "N3309.833" "W08412.817" "Trent Farm" "N3639.000" "W08006.983" "Triple F" "N3501.100" "W07833.950" "Tucker NC" "N3514.817" "W08024.450" "Turbeville" "N3412.617" "W07857.317" "Tusquittee Landing" "N3505.117" "W08344.183" "Twin Oak" "N3452.267" "W07828.450" "Unity Aerodrome" "N3448.167" "W08040.800" "Viking" "N3500.583" "W07915.600" "Vintage GA" "N3308.000" "W08422.650" "WNC Air Museum" "N3518.433" "W08226.017" "Wade Plantation" "N3258.633" "W08132.167" "Walker GA" "N3327.117" "W08424.567" "Warren County NC" "N3402.450" "W07844.400" "Weaver SC" "N3353.367" "W07930.383" "Welborn Farm" "N3612.317" "W08039.500" "Wexford Landing" "N3334.700" "W08130.700" "Wheat" "N3512.400" "W08201.917" "Whispering Pines" "N3346.933" "W08359.333" "White Oak Stand" "N3648.467" "W08142.067" "Whiteheart Farm" "N3604.050" "W08027.933" "Whiteplains" "N3357.833" "W08121.550" "Wild Irish" "N3437.083" "W08009.100" "Wilhelm NC" "N3530.683" "W08033.483" "William Irving Lewis" "N3519.767" "W07901.800" "Williamsport SC" "N3451.867" "W08234.050" "Willow Creek NC" "N3522.183" "W08026.400" "Willow Pond" "N3325.417" "W08430.000" "Windemere" "N3508.283" "W07849.367" "Windy Hill GA" "N3332.800" "W08348.333" "Womble" "N3552.517" "W07905.233" "Yahu" "N3336.117" "W08018.367" "Yonder" "N3433.583" "W07816.083" "York SC" "N3501.917" "W08115.167" "Yorks" "N3545.083" "W07940.233" "Zips" "N3327.167" "W08405.717" "Chukkar Farm" "N3411.867" "W08419.167" "Davis SC 4" "N3445.917" "W08241.467" "Northbrook Ultraport" "N3526.983" "W08125.583" "Reagans Roost" "N3525.750" "W08310.000" "Rons Ultralight" "N3548.717" "W07914.317" "Southern Skies" "N3557.617" "W08110.383" "StatLnltrprtFlghtprk" "N3510.700" "W08149.067" "Tokeena" "N3433.617" "W08256.117" "Aiken SC" "N3338.967" "W08141.100" "Air Harbor" "N3610.417" "W07948.183" "Albemarle" "N3524.920" "W08009.050" "Allendale County" "N3259.700" "W08116.217" "Anderson SC 1" "N3429.683" "W08242.567" "Andrews Murphy" "N3511.717" "W08351.783" "Ashe County" "N3625.950" "W08125.183" "Asheboro" "N3539.267" "W07953.683" "Asheville" "N3526.167" "W08232.517" "Athens/Ben Epps" "N3356.917" "W08319.583" "Augusta Bush" "N3322.200" "W08157.867" "Avery County" "N3556.667" "W08159.733" "Baldwin County" "N3309.250" "W08314.450" "Bamberg County" "N3318.267" "W08106.500" "Berry Hill" "N3332.133" "W08410.750" "Bladenboro" "N3433.017" "W07846.983" "Blairsville" "N3451.267" "W08359.833" "Blue Ridge" "N3637.850" "W08001.100" "Branhams" "N3416.933" "W07955.717" "Burke County" "N3302.483" "W08200.167" "Burlington Alamance" "N3602.917" "W07928.500" "Causey" "N3554.700" "W07937.067" "Charlotte/Douglas" "N3512.833" "W08056.583" "CherawMunLynchBllngr" "N3442.767" "W07957.417" "Cherokee County GA" "N3418.633" "W08425.433" "Chester Catawba" "N3447.367" "W08111.750" "Clayton County Tara" "N3323.350" "W08419.950" "Clio Crop Care" "N3433.683" "W07932.283" "ColumbiaOwensDowntwn" "N3358.233" "W08059.717" "Columbia SC" "N3356.333" "W08107.167" "Columbus County" "N3416.367" "W07842.900" "Concord NC" "N3523.267" "W08042.550" "Conway Horry County" "N3349.717" "W07907.333" "Covington GA" "N3337.933" "W08350.850" "Curtis L Brown Jr" "N3436.100" "W07834.750" "DS Butler Farm and" "N3611.700" "W08000.317" "Daniel GA" "N3327.983" "W08202.367" "DarlingtonCountJtprt" "N3426.967" "W07953.400" "Davidson County" "N3546.867" "W08018.233" "Dekalb Peachtree" "N3352.533" "W08418.117" "Dillon County" "N3426.950" "W07922.117" "Donaldson" "N3445.500" "W08222.583" "Dry Swamp" "N3323.267" "W08054.667" "Edgefield County" "N3344.200" "W08149.167" "Elbert County Patz" "N3405.717" "W08248.950" "Elizabethton" "N3622.267" "W08210.400" "Elkin" "N3616.800" "W08047.167" "Elkins" "N3427.467" "W07837.100" "Fairfield County SC" "N3418.933" "W08106.533" "Fairview SC" "N3509.433" "W08207.333" "Fayetteville/Grannis" "N3459.467" "W07852.817" "Florence SC" "N3411.117" "W07943.433" "Foothills" "N3549.217" "W08136.683" "Franklin County GA" "N3420.417" "W08307.850" "Fulton County Brown" "N3346.750" "W08431.283" "GMU" "N3450.883" "W08221.000" "Gastonia" "N3512.167" "W08109.000" "Gilmer County" "N3437.700" "W08431.600" "Goose Creek" "N3507.267" "W08035.233" "Grand Strand" "N3348.700" "W07843.433" "Grays Creek" "N3453.617" "W07850.617" "Green Sea" "N3411.133" "W07901.233" "Greene County GA" "N3335.867" "W08308.333" "GreenevilleGreeneCnt" "N3611.583" "W08248.900" "GreenvilleSpartanbrg" "N3453.733" "W08213.133" "Greenwood County" "N3414.917" "W08209.550" "GriffinSpaldingCount" "N3313.617" "W08416.500" "GwinnettCountyBrisco" "N3358.683" "W08357.750" "Habersham County" "N3429.983" "W08333.400" "Hampton Varnville" "N3252.067" "W08104.983" "Harnett Jetport" "N3522.817" "W07843.933" "HartsfieldJacksntlnt" "N3338.200" "W08425.683" "Hemingway Stuckey" "N3343.717" "W07930.967" "Hendersonville" "N3518.450" "W08225.983" "Hester SC" "N3405.417" "W08234.067" "Hiatt" "N3549.800" "W08006.450" "Hinshaw" "N3552.417" "W07931.650" "Holly Hill" "N3318.067" "W08023.633" "Horace Williams" "N3556.100" "W07903.950" "Huggins" "N3408.267" "W07955.233" "Hurdle" "N3604.000" "W07916.983" "Jaars Townsend" "N3451.833" "W08044.883" "Jackson County GA" "N3410.467" "W08333.667" "Jackson County NC" "N3519.050" "W08312.600" "Johnson County TN" "N3625.067" "W08149.517" "Kecks" "N3555.583" "W07937.650" "Lk City Mun CJ Evans" "N3351.217" "W07946.083" "Lake Norman" "N3536.833" "W08053.967" "LancasterContMcWhrtr" "N3443.383" "W08051.267" "Laneys" "N3534.450" "W08107.033" "Laurens County" "N3430.417" "W08156.833" "Laurinburg Maxton" "N3447.517" "W07921.950" "Lee County Butters" "N3414.667" "W08014.167" "Lee Gilmer" "N3416.350" "W08349.817" "LexingtonCountyPelin" "N3347.683" "W08114.750" "LincolntonLincolnCnt" "N3529.000" "W08109.683" "Lone Hickory" "N3603.083" "W08041.367" "Lowcountry" "N3255.267" "W08038.433" "Lumpkin CountyWimpys" "N3434.983" "W08401.200" "Macon County" "N3513.350" "W08325.150" "Madison GA" "N3336.733" "W08327.633" "Marion County SC" "N3410.867" "W07920.083" "MarlboroCntJtprtHvnt" "N3437.300" "W07944.067" "Martin Campbell" "N3500.967" "W08420.783" "McCormick County" "N3354.483" "W08216.017" "Meadow Brook NC" "N3618.083" "W08008.900" "Millen" "N3253.617" "W08157.917" "Mocksville" "N3559.120" "W08030.670" "Monroe GA" "N3346.890" "W08341.610" "Monroe NC" "N3501.133" "W08037.217" "Monroe Walton County" "N3346.950" "W08341.567" "Montgomery County" "N3523.083" "W07947.417" "Moore County NC" "N3514.250" "W07923.333" "Mt Airy/Surry County" "N3627.583" "W08033.183" "Mountain Empire" "N3653.700" "W08121.000" "Myrtle Beach" "N3340.783" "W07855.700" "Newberry County" "N3418.550" "W08138.383" "Northeast Georgia" "N3358.967" "W08340.050" "Oconee County" "N3440.317" "W08253.217" "Odell Williamson" "N3354.517" "W07826.200" "Orangeburg" "N3327.417" "W08051.567" "P K" "N3501.183" "W07911.467" "Peach State" "N3311.000" "W08422.300" "Pickens County GA" "N3427.217" "W08427.433" "Pickens County SC" "N3448.600" "W08242.167" "Piedmont Triad" "N3605.867" "W07956.233" "Plantation" "N3238.717" "W08135.833" "Richmond County" "N3453.483" "W07945.583" "Robert F Swinnie" "N3327.100" "W07931.567" "Rock Hill Bryant" "N3459.267" "W08103.433" "RockinghamContNCShlh" "N3626.233" "W07951.067" "Rowan County" "N3538.750" "W08031.217" "Rust GA" "N3319.967" "W08424.050" "RutherfordCoMarchman" "N3525.700" "W08156.100" "Saluda County" "N3355.600" "W08147.667" "Sampson County" "N3458.500" "W07821.933" "Sanford Lee County" "N3535.017" "W07906.050" "Santee Cooper" "N3335.233" "W08012.517" "Shelby NC" "N3515.350" "W08136.050" "Shiflet" "N3543.233" "W08200.583" "Siler City" "N3542.267" "W07930.250" "Smith Reynolds" "N3608.017" "W08013.317" "Southeast Greensboro" "N3556.517" "W07941.133" "Spartanburg Downtown" "N3454.950" "W08157.383" "Spruce Pine" "N3556.670" "W08159.740" "St George SC" "N3311.733" "W08030.517" "Stanly County" "N3525.000" "W08009.050" "StatesboroBullochCnt" "N3228.967" "W08144.217" "Sugar Valley" "N3559.117" "W08030.667" "Sumter" "N3359.700" "W08021.683" "Swan Creek" "N3612.133" "W08052.083" "ThomsonMcDuffieCount" "N3331.783" "W08230.983" "Toccoa RG Letourneau" "N3435.567" "W08317.783" "Transylvania County" "N3516.217" "W08238.650" "Tri Cities TN/VA" "N3628.517" "W08224.450" "Twin City SC" "N3405.300" "W07851.900" "Twin County" "N3645.967" "W08049.417" "Twin Lakes NC" "N3554.900" "W08027.417" "Twin Lakes SC" "N3338.733" "W08152.017" "UnionCountyTroyShltn" "N3441.217" "W08138.467" "Virginia Highlands" "N3641.233" "W08202.000" "Warf" "N3619.000" "W07942.483" "WashingtonWilkesCont" "N3346.767" "W08248.950" "Wilgrove" "N3512.833" "W08040.200" "Wilkes County" "N3613.367" "W08105.900" "Williamsburg" "N3343.033" "W07951.417" "Wilsons" "N3539.120" "W08121.470" "Winder" "N3358.970" "W08340.050"