;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; South Central Ontario, Canada + ; + ; 2007 Ontario Provincials + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Datum: 100 + ; Contributed by Derek Mackie + ; + ; Generated Thursday, 16 August 2007 at 04:53 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Alliston" "ALLSTN" "Centre of Runway" "N4411.000" "W07950.000" "Arthur" "ARTHUR" "Main Hangar" "N4350.100" "W08026.200" "Aylmer" "AYLMER" "Police College Buildings" "N4248.183" "W08057.167" "Ayr" "AYR" "RR Bridge - Nith River" "N4317.200" "W08027.800" "Belwood Lake" "BLWDLK" "Centre of dam" "N4344.300" "W08020.367" "Brantford" "BRNTFR" "Threshold Runway 05" "N4307.683" "W08020.850" "Brussels" "BRSSLS" "Rwy intersection Armstrong Field" "N4344.867" "W08114.283" "Burbank Field" "BRBNKF" "Centre of runway" "N4401.667" "W08012.300" "Cambridge Plaza" "CMBRDG" "Zehrs grocery store" "N4321.583" "W08017.517" "Cathcart" "CTHCRT" "Intersection Hwy 53 in town" "N4306.150" "W08031.567" "Conestogo Lake" "CNSTGL" "Centre of dam" "N4340.517" "W08043.000" "Delhi" "DELHI" "RR and Hwy 3 intersection centre of town" "N4250.917" "W08029.483" "Dundalk" "DUNDLK" "Fair grounds NE corner of town" "N4410.817" "W08023.150" "Durham" "DURHAM" "Bridge Hwy 6 and Saugeen River" "N4410.650" "W08049.183" "Elmira East" "ELMIRA" "Centre of Rwy" "N4335.500" "W08030.733" "Embro" "EMBRO" "Centre of Rwy London Soaring Society" "N4309.233" "W08057.067" "Flesherton" "FLSHRT" "Intersection Hwy 4 & 10 (centre of town)" "N4415.833" "W08033.050" "Grand Valley" "GRNDVL" "Threshold Rwy 05" "N4351.533" "W08017.550" "Guelph" "GUELPH" "Hwy 6 - 24 intersection" "N4331.700" "W08015.967" "Hanover" "HANOVR" "Threshold of runway 01" "N4409.417" "W08103.783" "Lambeth" "LAMBTH" "Intersection Hwy 402 & 4" "N4253.567" "W08117.500" "Listowel" "LISTWL" "Runway intersection - Atwood Airport" "N4341.650" "W08100.183" "Lucan" "LUCAN" "Centre of runway" "N4309.817" "W08124.633" "Mansfield" "MNSFLD" "Runway intersection" "N4408.733" "W08000.850" "Melbourne" "MELBRN" "Centre of Runway" "N4250.050" "W08133.133" "Milverton" "MLVRTN" "Fairground SE corner of town" "N4333.783" "W08055.633" "Mitchell" "MTCHLL" "North corner of Lagoons" "N4327.517" "W08112.000" "Mount Forest" "MTFRST" "Hospital Helipad" "N4358.500" "W08044.300" "New Hamburg" "NWHMBR" "Hwy 7 Brg Nith River SE corner of town" "N4322.350" "W08042.183" "Ohsweken" "OHSWKN" "Fair grounds SW corner of town" "N4304.017" "W08007.367" "Palmerston" "PLMRST" "Centre of Runway" "N4351.183" "W08046.867" "Peters Corners" "PTRSCR" "Hwy 5-8 intersection" "N4316.800" "W08004.033" "Plattsville" "PLTTSV" "NW corner of sewage lagoons" "N4317.900" "W08036.300" "Priceville" "PRCVLL" "Bridge N of village" "N4412.500" "W08037.900" "Reids Field" "RDSFLD" "Threshold Rwy 17" "N4326.567" "W08013.933" "Rockton" "ROCKTN" "Intersection Rwy 36/18 and 03/21" "N4319.317" "W08010.633" "Saint George" "SNTGRG" "Intersection Hwy 5 centre of town" "N4314.783" "W08015.217" "Saint Marys" "SNTMRS" "Centre of dam" "N4315.733" "W08104.517" "Stratford" "STRTFR" "Threshold Rwy 17" "N4325.167" "W08056.433" "Strathroy" "STRTHR" "Threshold Rwy 11 Blue Yonder Airport" "N4257.950" "W08135.217" "Thamesville" "THMSVL" "RR Bridge - Thames River 1 km SW of town" "N4232.317" "W08159.217" "Tillsonburg" "TLLSNB" "Airport Ramp" "N4255.467" "W08044.767" "Toronto Soaring" "TRNTSR" "Runway intersection TSC gliderport" "N4402.000" "W08029.117" "Waterford" "WTRFRD" "Bridge on County Rd 24" "N4256.100" "W08017.500" "Woodstock" "WDSTCK" "Centre of dam" "N4309.033" "W08045.683" "York" "YORK" "Runway intersection" "N4302.333" "W07951.267" "Hagersville" "HGRSVL" "Centre of town" "N4257.783" "W08002.883" "Allenford" "ALLNFR" "Centre of Town" "N4432.067" "W08109.850" "Badjeros" "BADJRS" "Intersection of Hwy 24 & CR 9" "N4415.617" "W08013.667" "Collingwood" "CLLNGW" "Centre of Runway" "N4426.950" "W08009.500" "Edenvale" "EDENVL" "Centre of Runway" "N4426.467" "W07957.767" "Great Lakes" "GRTLKS" "Centre of Runway" "N4402.500" "W07950.700" "Horning Mills" "HRNNGM" "Apex in bend Hwy 24" "N4408.900" "W08012.633" "Markdale" "MARKDL" "Intersection Hwy 10 & CR 12" "N4419.100" "W08038.900" "Midland" "MIDLND" "Centre of Runway" "N4441.000" "W07955.700" "Severn Bridge" "SVRNBR" "_" "N4444.000" "W07923.000" "Owen Sound" "OWNSND" "Centre of Runway" "N4435.417" "W08050.250" "Simcoe" "SIMCOE" "Centre of Runway" "N4429.133" "W07933.183" "Singhampton" "SNGHMP" "Corner on Hwy 24" "N4420.583" "W08014.550" "Springwater" "SPRNGW" "Centre of Runway" "N4424.383" "W07943.900" "Wiarton" "WIARTN" "Centre of Runway" "N4444.750" "W08106.433" "Wingham" "WINGHM" "Centre of Runway" "N4352.083" "W08117.900"