;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Slovak Airports and Navaids + ; + ; Airfields formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Jan Hrncirik + ; via Klaus Ertl + ; + ; Generated Saturday, 10 March 2012 at 00:21 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "LZDB" "N4859.817" "E01811.533" "LZDV" "N4820.817" "E01721.350" "LZHL" "N4848.450" "E01708.183" "LZIB" "N4810.200" "E01712.767" "LZJS" "N4902.867" "E01930.400" "LZKC" "N4856.200" "E02159.600" "LZKS" "N4812.067" "E01728.317" "LZKZ" "N4839.783" "E02114.467" "LZLU" "N4820.417" "E01944.117" "LZMA" "N4903.917" "E01857.050" "LZMC" "N4824.117" "E01707.083" "LZNI" "N4816.767" "E01807.967" "LZNZ" "N4757.650" "E01811.067" "LZOC" "N4835.800" "E01915.950" "LZPE" "N4845.967" "E01835.200" "LZPP" "N4837.500" "E01749.717" "LZPT" "N4837.183" "E01819.650" "LZPW" "N4901.783" "E02118.933" "LZRU" "N4905.150" "E01922.217" "LZRY" "N4904.700" "E02105.967" "LZSE" "N4839.483" "E01719.867" "LZSK" "N4920.050" "E02134.300" "LZSL" "N4838.283" "E01908.050" "LZSV" "N4856.500" "E02032.567" "LZSY" "N4804.567" "E01806.817" "LZTN" "N4851.883" "E01759.617" "LZTR" "N4827.350" "E01731.583" "LZTT" "N4904.417" "E02014.467" "LZZI" "N4914.000" "E01836.817"