Site Sisteron, France [SGP 2014 ] Contest 5th SGP World Final - 2014 Courtesy of Benjamin Neglais Airport information courtesy of Michael-Lorenz Meier Dated 27 April 2014 Magnetic Variation 0.7E Time Zone Name MET File created on Monday, 28 April 2014 at 21:18 GMT The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees, minutes, and seconds UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Name North/South Latitude [degrees] Latitude [minutes] Latitude [seconds] Latitude [decimal minutes] Latitude [decimal degrees] East/West Longitude [degrees] Longitude [minutes] Longitude [seconds] Longitude [decimal minutes] Longitude [decimal degrees] Elevation [METERS] Control P Turnpoint ID ID[3] ID[5] ID[6] ID[10] ID[12] ICAO Identifier Aiguines Bridge N 43 48 5 48.08333 43.8013889 E 6 14 58 14.96667 6.2494444 472 T AIGUIBRI AGN AGNSB AgnsBr AiguinsBrg Aiguines Brg Aix-en-Diois Field N 44 41 21 41.35 44.6891667 E 5 24 32 24.53333 5.4088889 531 LT AIXEN AXN AXNDS AxnDsF AixenDsFld AixenDiosFld Ampus Field N 43 37 5 37.08333 43.6180556 E 6 21 3 21.05 6.3508333 638 LT AMPUS2 AMP AMPSF AmpsFl AmpusField Ampus Field Aspres-sur-Buech Gld N 44 31 4 31.06667 44.5177778 E 5 44 10 44.16667 5.7361111 826 DT ASPRGLD ASP ASPRS Asprss AsprssrBch AsprssrBchGl LFNJ Aubenasson Gld N 44 41 42 41.7 44.695 E 5 9 2 9.03333 5.1505556 244 DT AUBNA ABN ABNSS Abnssn AubnssnGld AubenassnGld LFJF Aups Field N 43 37 34 37.56667 43.6261111 E 6 10 50 10.83333 6.1805556 447 LT AUPS02 APS APSFL ApsFld Aups Field Aups Field Barcelonnette Gld N 44 23 14 23.23333 44.3872222 E 6 36 34 36.56667 6.6094444 1137 DT BARCL BRC BRCLN Brclnn BrclnnttGl BarclnnttGld LFMR Barreme N 43 57 13 57.21667 43.9536111 E 6 22 35 22.58333 6.3763889 720 T BARREME BRR BARRM Barrem Barreme Barreme Barreme Field N 43 59 37 59.61667 43.9936111 E 6 23 11 23.18333 6.3863889 781 LT BARRE2 BAR BRRMF BrrmFl BarremeFld BarremeField Basse Maure UL N 43 31 48 31.8 43.53 E 6 18 54 18.9 6.315 342 zT BASSA2 BSS BSSMR BssMrL BasseMaurL BasseMaureUL Blayeul Low N 44 12 27 12.45 44.2075 E 6 18 18 18.3 6.305 1591 T BLAYELOW BLL BLLLW BlalLw BlayeulLow Blayeul Low Blayeul N 44 14 45 14.75 44.2458333 E 6 18 58 18.96667 6.3161111 2190 T TV BLAYEUL BLA BLAYL Blayel Blayeul Blayeul Bonnieu Field N 43 50 17 50.28333 43.8380556 E 5 17 20 17.33333 5.2888889 191 LT BONNI2 BNN BNNFL BnnFld BonnieuFld BonnieuField Bourg d'Oisan Field N 45 4 12 4.2 45.07 E 6 2 1 2.01667 6.0336111 718 LT BOUOI2 BRG BRGDS Brgdsn BorgdsnFld BourgdOsnFld Briancon N 44 53 23 53.38333 44.8897222 E 6 38 0 38 6.6333333 1230 T BRIANçON BRN BRNCN Brincn Briancon Briancon Bure Low N 44 36 24 36.4 44.6066667 E 5 53 24 53.4 5.89 1643 T BURELOW BRL BURLW BureLw Bure Low Bure Low Caduc Low N 44 13 57 13.95 44.2325 E 6 29 36 29.6 6.4933333 1935 T CADUCLOW CDC CDCLW CadcLw Caduc Low Caduc Low Caille Field N 43 46 54 46.9 43.7816667 E 6 44 11 44.18333 6.7363889 1139 LT CAILL2 CLL CLLFL CllFld CailleFild Caille Field Castellane N 43 50 45 50.75 43.8458333 E 6 30 47 30.78333 6.5130556 731 T CASTEL CST CSTLL Cstlln Castellane Castellane Cereste N 43 51 11 51.18333 43.8530556 E 5 33 0 33 5.55 324 AT CEREA CRS CERST Cerest Cereste Cereste Ceuse N 44 30 29 30.48333 44.5080556 E 5 57 40 57.66667 5.9611111 2000 T CEUSE CES CEUSE Ceuse Ceuse Ceuse Chabottes UL N 44 39 15 39.25 44.6541667 E 6 11 8 11.13333 6.1855556 1075 zT CHABO2 CHB CHBTT Chbtts ChabottesL Chabottes UL Chateauneuf-Val St Donat N 44 5 53 5.88333 44.0980556 E 5 57 33 57.55 5.9591667 560 T Eglise CHNEUF CHT CHTNF ChtnfV ChtnfVlStD ChtnfVlStDnt Chavailles N 44 9 52 9.86667 44.1644444 E 6 27 44 27.73333 6.4622222 1190 T CHAVAI CHV CHVLL Chvlls Chavailles Chavailles Checkpoint North N 44 22 36 22.6 44.3766667 E 5 55 49 55.81667 5.9302778 568 T Point de report nord CHECKN CHC CHCKP Chckpn CheckpontN Checkpoint N Checkpoint South N 44 11 56 11.93333 44.1988889 E 5 56 35 56.58333 5.9430556 500 T Citadelle Sisteron CHECKS CHE CHECK Checkp CheckpontS Checkpoint S Clamensane N 44 18 52 18.86667 44.3144444 E 6 4 18 4.3 6.0716667 872 LT CLAME2 CLM CLMNS Clmnsn Clamensane Clamensane Clapier Field N 45 1 39 1.65 45.0275 E 6 4 2 4.03333 6.0672222 737 LT CLAPI2 CLP CLPRF ClprFl ClapierFld ClapierField Clos-Ginoux N 44 17 16 17.26667 44.2877778 E 6 13 25 13.41667 6.2236111 2010 T CLOGI CLS CLSGN ClsGnx ClosGinoux Clos Ginoux Col de Cabre N 44 33 38 33.63333 44.5605556 E 5 36 31 36.51667 5.6086111 1180 T CCABRE CLD CLDCB CCabre C Cabre Col de Cabre Col de la Saolce N 44 25 10 25.16667 44.4194444 E 5 34 54 34.9 5.5816667 898 LT COLSA2 COL CLDLS CSaolc C Saolce C Saolce Colombis N 44 29 42 29.7 44.495 E 6 13 3 13.05 6.2175 1734 T Sommet COLOM COO CLMBS Colmbs Colombis Colombis Coupe South N 44 1 37 1.61667 44.0269444 E 6 19 4 19.06667 6.3177778 1590 T Extremite sud de la montagne de Coupe SCOUPE CPS COUPS CoupeS Coupe S Coupe South Cousson N 44 2 30 2.5 44.0416667 E 6 13 30 13.5 6.225 1511 T COUSSO CSS COSSN Coussn Cousson Cousson Coustellet Field N 43 51 41 51.68333 43.8613889 E 5 10 49 10.81667 5.1802778 116 LT COUST2 COU COUST Cstllt CostlltFld CoustelltFld Croix Saint Joseph N 44 9 16 9.26667 44.1544444 E 6 4 32 4.53333 6.0755556 1277 T Vaumuse Sud CSTJO CRX CRXSt CrxStJ CroxStJsph CroixSteJsph Cruis UL N 44 3 36 3.6 44.06 E 5 51 12 51.2 5.8533333 664 zT CRUIS2 CRU CRUSL CruisL Cruis UL Cruis UL Die City N 44 45 31 45.51667 44.7586111 E 5 21 45 21.75 5.3625 390 T DIE CITY DIC DIE C Die C Die City Die City Die Field N 44 45 49 45.81667 44.7636111 E 5 20 52 20.86667 5.3477778 381 LT DIE3C2 DFL DIFLD DieFld Die Field Die Field Digne N 44 5 27 5.45 44.0908333 E 6 13 54 13.9 6.2316667 589 T DIGNE DGN DIGNE Digne Digne Digne Dormillouse N 44 24 34 24.56667 44.4094444 E 6 23 13 23.21667 6.3869444 2471 T DORMI DRM DRMLL Drmlls Dormillous Dormillouse Dormillouse Low N 44 23 54 23.9 44.3983333 E 6 22 11 22.18333 6.3697222 1807 T DORMILOW DOR DORMI Dormil DormillsLw DormillousLw Embrun City N 44 33 58 33.96667 44.5661111 E 6 29 52 29.86667 6.4977778 874 T EMBRUITY EMB EMBRN EmbrnC Embrun C Embrun City Embrun Field N 44 33 25 33.41667 44.5569444 E 6 29 23 29.38333 6.4897222 800 LT EMBRU2 EMR EMBRU EmbrnF EmbrunFild Embrun Field Espinasses Field N 44 27 38 27.63333 44.4605556 E 6 13 5 13.08333 6.2180556 648 LT ESPIN2 ESP ESPNS Espnss EspnsssFld EspinasssFld Etang de la Bonde N 43 45 29 45.48333 43.7580556 E 5 30 18 30.3 5.505 330 T rive sud du lac EBONDE ETN ETNGD Etngdl EtangdlBnd EtangdelaBnd Etienne Devoluy N 44 40 5 40.08333 44.6680556 E 5 54 8 54.13333 5.9022222 1889 AT ETIEN ETI ETNND EtnnDv EtienneDvl EtienneDevol LFNY Fayence Gld N 43 36 38 36.63333 43.6105556 E 6 41 49 41.81667 6.6969444 226 DT FAYEN FNC FNCGL FncGld FayenceGld Fayence Gld LFMF Forcalquier N 43 57 36 57.6 43.96 E 5 46 50 46.83333 5.7805556 650 T FORCA FRC FRCLQ Frclqr Forcalquir Forcalquier Gad N 45 3 11 3.18333 45.0530556 E 6 51 32 51.53333 6.8588889 1033 LT GAD002 GAD GAD Gad Gad Gad Ganagobie N 43 59 53 59.88333 43.9980556 E 5 54 29 54.48333 5.9080556 655 T Abbaye GANAG GNG GANGB Ganagb Ganagobie Ganagobie Gap City N 44 33 56 33.93333 44.5655556 E 6 5 0 5 6.0833333 753 T GAP GPC GAP C Gap C Gap City Gap City Gap Tallard Gld N 44 27 18 27.3 44.455 E 6 2 14 2.23333 6.0372222 607 DT GAPTA GPT GPTLL GpTllr GpTllrdGld GapTallrdGld LFNA Gordes Field N 43 55 5 55.08333 43.9180556 E 5 15 26 15.43333 5.2572222 196 LT GORDE2 GRD GRDSF GrdsFl GordesFild Gordes Field Grenoble Versoud Gld N 45 13 9 13.15 45.2191667 E 5 50 57 50.95 5.8491667 220 DT GRENO GRN GRNBL GrnblV GrnblVrsdG GrnblVrsdGld LFLG Grisail Field N 44 56 26 56.43333 44.9405556 E 5 37 18 37.3 5.6216667 802 LT GRISA2 GRS GRSLF GrslFl GrisailFld GrisailField Guillaume Low N 44 34 30 34.5 44.575 E 6 25 40 25.66667 6.4277778 1789 T GUILLLOW GLL GLLML GllmLw GuillaumLw GuillaumeLow Jausiers N 44 25 26 25.43333 44.4238889 E 6 44 44 44.73333 6.7455556 1220 T centre du lac JAUSIE JSR JASRS Jausrs Jausiers Jausiers La Bigue N 44 8 28 8.46667 44.1411111 E 6 11 14 11.23333 6.1872222 1515 T BIGUE LBG LABIG LaBigu La Bigue La Bigue Lac des Sagnes N 44 24 47 24.78333 44.4130556 E 6 49 4 49.06667 6.8177778 1942 T SAGNES LCD LCDSS LcdsSg LacdesSgns LacdesSagnes La Cluse N 44 38 23 38.38333 44.6397222 E 5 50 56 50.93333 5.8488889 1210 T Eglise LA CLUSE LCL LACLS LaClus La Cluse La Cluse La Faurie Field N 44 33 48 33.8 44.5633333 E 5 45 33 45.55 5.7591667 817 LT LAFAU2 LFR LFRFL LFrFld LaFauriFld LaFaurieFild La Javie N 44 10 29 10.48333 44.1747222 E 6 21 38 21.63333 6.3605556 805 T Pont au dessus de la Bleone LJAVIE LJV LAJAV LaJavi La Javie La Javie L'Alpe d'Huez N 45 5 18 5.3 45.0883333 E 6 5 3 5.05 6.0841667 1859 AT LALPE LLP LLPDH LlpdHz LAlpedHuez LAlpe dHuez LFHU La Motte Chalan N 44 29 59 29.98333 44.4997222 E 5 24 10 24.16667 5.4027778 881 AT LAMOC LMT LMTTC LMttCh LaMottChln LaMotteChaln LFJE La Motte du Caire Gld N 44 19 28 19.46667 44.3244444 E 6 1 53 1.88333 6.0313889 660 DT LAMOT LAM LMTTD LMttdC LMttdCrGld LaMottdCrGld La Motte du Caire Village N 44 20 33 20.55 44.3425 E 6 1 51 1.85 6.0308333 704 T LMOTTE LAO LAMOT LaMott LMttdCrVlg LaMottdCrVlg La Mure Field N 43 59 1 59.01667 43.9836111 E 6 31 57 31.95 6.5325 917 LT LAMUR2 LMR LMRFL LMrFld LaMureFild La MureField La Mure Nord Field N 44 53 34 53.56667 44.8927778 E 5 46 43 46.71667 5.7786111 919 LT LAMNO2 LAU LMRNR LMrNrd LaMrNrdFld LaMureNrdFld Laragne UL N 44 19 15 19.25 44.3208333 E 5 47 31 47.51667 5.7919444 574 zT LARGN2 LRG LRGNL LargnL Laragne UL Laragne UL La Silve N 44 14 29 14.48333 44.2413889 E 5 53 46 53.76667 5.8961111 526 LT LASIL2 LSL LASLV LaSilv La Silve La Silve Le Bars Field N 43 52 41 52.68333 43.8780556 E 5 52 9 52.15 5.8691667 326 LT LEBAR2 LBR LBRSF LBrsFl LeBarsFild Le BarsField Le Casset Field N 44 59 1 59.01667 44.9836111 E 6 29 39 29.65 6.4941667 1502 LT LECAS2 LCS LCSST LCsstF LeCasstFld LeCassetFild Le Rosier Field N 44 56 7 56.11667 44.9352778 E 6 40 51 40.85 6.6808333 1368 LT LEROS2 LRS LRSRF LRsrFl LeRosirFld LeRosierFild Les Apotres N 44 32 23 32.38333 44.5397222 E 5 43 15 43.25 5.7208333 1481 T Sommet APOTR LSP LSPTR Lsptrs LesApotres Les Apotres Les Bertrands N 44 21 29 21.48333 44.3580556 E 5 51 47 51.78333 5.8630556 665 LT LESBE2 LSB LSBRT LsBrtr LesBrtrnds LesBertrands Les Crots UL N 44 32 11 32.18333 44.5363889 E 6 26 4 26.06667 6.4344444 792 zT LESCR2 LSC LSCRT LsCrts LesCrotsUL Les Crots UL Les Mees N 44 2 17 2.28333 44.0380556 E 5 59 18 59.3 5.9883333 511 T Cote ouest des Penitents MEES LSM LESMS LesMes Les Mees Les Mees Les Omergues N 44 10 3 10.05 44.1675 E 5 37 7 37.11667 5.6186111 836 T LESOM2 LES LSMRG Lsmrgs LesOmergus Les Omergues Logis du Pin Field N 43 46 35 46.58333 43.7763889 E 6 38 31 38.51667 6.6419444 1021 LT LOGIS2 LGS LGSDP LgsdPn LogsdPnFld LogisduPnFld Lourmarin N 43 45 14 45.23333 43.7538889 E 5 24 9 24.15 5.4025 233 LT LOUMA2 LRM LRMRN Lormrn Lourmarin Lourmarin Luc-en-Diois Field N 44 35 30 35.5 44.5916667 E 5 28 25 28.41667 5.4736111 633 LT LUCDO2 LCN LCNDS LcnDsF LucenDsFld LucenDiosFld Lure Signal N 44 7 24 7.4 44.1233333 E 5 48 10 48.16667 5.8027778 1826 T Sommet LURE LUR LRSGN LrSgnl LureSignal Lure Signal Malapez N 44 33 13 33.21667 44.5536111 E 5 26 19 26.31667 5.4386111 1056 AT MALPZ MLP MALPZ Malapz Malapez Malapez Malaup Low N 44 22 9 22.15 44.3691667 E 6 0 8 0.13333 6.0022222 1175 T MALAULOW MAL MLPLW MalpLw Malaup Low Malaup Low Malfougasse N 44 4 38 4.63333 44.0772222 E 5 54 27 54.45 5.9075 700 T Eglise MALFOU MLF MLFGS Mlfgss Malfougass Malfougasse Manosque City N 43 50 0 50 43.8333333 E 5 47 0 47 5.7833333 390 T MANOSITY MNS MNSQC MansqC Manosque C Manosque C Manosque High N 43 52 48 52.8 43.88 E 5 48 40 48.66667 5.8111111 784 T MANOSIGH MAN MNSQH MnsqHg ManosquHgh ManosqueHigh Marcoux Field N 44 8 30 8.5 44.1416667 E 6 16 32 16.53333 6.2755556 700 LT MARCO2 MRC MRCXF MrcxFl MarcouxFld MarcouxField Mens Nord Field N 44 49 49 49.81667 44.8302778 E 5 45 27 45.45 5.7575 885 LT MENSN2 MEN MNSNR MnsNrd MensNrdFld MensNordFild Mens UL N 44 48 20 48.33333 44.8055556 E 5 45 13 45.21667 5.7536111 845 zT MENSU2 MES MENSL MensUL Mens UL Mens UL Micheline Low N 44 17 29 17.48333 44.2913889 E 6 27 1 27.01667 6.4502778 1923 T MICHELOW MCH MCHLN MchlnL MichelinLw MichelineLow Monestier de Clermont Field N 44 55 27 55.45 44.9241667 E 5 36 44 36.73333 5.6122222 959 LT MONES2 MON MNSTR Mnstrd MnstrdClrm MnstrdClrmnt Montgardin Field N 44 33 5 33.08333 44.5513889 E 6 12 42 12.7 6.2116667 784 LT MONGA2 MNT MNTGR Mntgrd MntgrdnFld MontgardnFld Montmaur N 44 33 33 33.55 44.5591667 E 5 51 28 51.46667 5.8577778 879 LT MOMAU2 MOT MNTMR Montmr Montmaur Montmaur Montmeilleur N 44 47 38 47.63333 44.7938889 E 5 45 51 45.85 5.7641667 910 AT MOMEI MOM MNTML Mntmll Montmeillr Montmeilleur Montrond Field N 44 24 11 24.18333 44.4030556 E 5 45 7 45.11667 5.7519444 667 LT MONZZ2 MOR MNTRN Mntrnd MontrndFld MontrondFild Morgon Low N 44 29 21 29.35 44.4891667 E 6 22 32 22.53333 6.3755556 1702 T MORGOLOW MRG MRGNL MrgnLw Morgon Low Morgon Low Morgon N 44 27 42 27.7 44.4616667 E 6 25 5 25.08333 6.4180556 1910 T MORGON MOG MORGN Morgon Morgon Morgon Moustiers N 43 50 49 50.81667 43.8469444 E 6 13 18 13.3 6.2216667 665 T MOUST MST MSTRS Mostrs Moustiers Moustiers Nibles N 44 17 5 17.08333 44.2847222 E 6 1 20 1.33333 6.0222222 602 LT NIBLE2 NBL NIBLS Nibles Nibles Nibles Nossage Field N 44 18 45 18.75 44.3125 E 5 44 41 44.68333 5.7447222 700 LT NOSSA NSS NSSGF NssgFl NossageFld NossageField Noyer-sur-Jabron N 44 10 16 10.26667 44.1711111 E 5 50 41 50.68333 5.8447222 548 T NOYER2 NRS NRSRJ NrsrJb NoyrsrJbrn NoyersurJbrn Oraison UL N 43 55 20 55.33333 43.9222222 E 5 54 16 54.26667 5.9044444 343 zT ORAIS2 ORS ORSNL OrasnL Oraison UL Oraison UL Orpierre N 44 19 0 19 44.3166667 E 5 41 27 41.45 5.6908333 690 T Eglise ORPIER ORP ORPRR Orpirr Orpierre Orpierre Pellafol Field N 44 48 23 48.38333 44.8063889 E 5 54 12 54.2 5.9033333 925 LT PELFA2 PLL PLLFL PllflF PellaflFld PellafolFild Peyruis High N 44 2 30 2.5 44.0416667 E 5 55 2 55.03333 5.9172222 877 T PEYRUIGH PRS PRSHG PrsHgh PeyruisHgh Peyruis High Pic de Charance N 44 34 54 34.9 44.5816667 E 6 1 42 1.7 6.0283333 1818 T Cuchon PCHAR PCD PCDCH PcdChr PicdeChrnc PicdeCharanc Pierrechatel Field N 44 57 34 57.56667 44.9594444 E 5 47 2 47.03333 5.7838889 940 LT PIERC2 PRR PRRCH Prrcht PrrchtlFld PierrchtlFld Prebois Field N 44 47 12 47.2 44.7866667 E 5 41 36 41.6 5.6933333 756 LT PREBO2 PRB PRBSF PrbsFl PreboisFld PreboisField Pruniers Field N 44 32 14 32.23333 44.5372222 E 6 21 22 21.36667 6.3561111 919 LT PRUNI2 PRN PRNRS PrnrsF PrunirsFld PruniersFild Puget N 43 44 50 44.83333 43.7472222 E 5 16 31 16.51667 5.2752778 133 LT PUGET2 PGT PUGET Puget Puget Puget Puimoisson Gld N 43 52 10 52.16667 43.8694444 E 6 9 51 9.85 6.1641667 762 DT PUIMO PMS PMSSN PmssnG PuimssnGld PuimoissnGld LFTP Quinson Field N 43 41 11 41.18333 43.6863889 E 6 4 6 4.1 6.0683333 479 LT QUINS2 QNS QNSNF QnsnFl QuinsonFld QuinsonField Rians N 43 36 38 36.63333 43.6105556 E 5 45 40 45.66667 5.7611111 400 T Eglise RIANS RNS RIANS Rians Rians Rians Rocher de Beaumont N 44 23 2 23.03333 44.3838889 E 5 41 6 41.1 5.685 1506 T BEAUM RCH RCHRD RchrdB RochrdBmnt RocherdeBmnt Rochetaille Field N 45 7 1 7.01667 45.1169444 E 6 1 13 1.21667 6.0202778 712 LT ROCTA2 ROC RCHTL Rchtll RochtllFld RochetallFld Rosans Field N 44 23 1 23.01667 44.3836111 E 5 28 17 28.28333 5.4713889 645 LT ROSAN2 RSN RSNSF RsnsFl RosansFild Rosans Field Saint-Apollinaire N 44 33 21 33.35 44.5558333 E 6 21 40 21.66667 6.3611111 1283 T Eglise au pied du Pic de Chabrieres STAPO StP StPLL Stplln SteApollnr SteApollinar Sainte Jalle Field N 44 20 7 20.11667 44.3352778 E 5 18 5 18.08333 5.3013889 426 LT SAIJA2 StJ StJLL StJllF SteJallFld SteJalleFild Saint Genis South N 44 22 21 22.35 44.3725 E 5 49 37 49.61667 5.8269444 1151 T STGENS StG StGNS StGnsS Ste GenisS Ste Genis S Salernes Field N 43 39 29 39.48333 43.6580556 E 5 59 42 59.7 5.995 516 LT SALER2 SLR SLRNS SlrnsF SalernsFld SalernesFild Salignac Field N 44 8 23 8.38333 44.1397222 E 5 58 51 58.85 5.9808333 497 LT SALIG2 SLG SLGNC SlgncF SaligncFld SalignacFild Savines-le-Lac N 44 32 5 32.08333 44.5347222 E 6 24 36 24.6 6.41 786 T Rive sud du lac SAVINE SVN SVNSL SvnslL SavineslLc SavinesleLac Sederon Field N 44 13 14 13.23333 44.2205556 E 5 34 37 34.61667 5.5769444 748 LT SEDER2 SDR SDRNF SdrnFl SederonFld SederonField Serre de Montdenier N 43 53 0 53 43.8833333 E 6 16 0 16 6.2666667 1749 T SERMT SRR SRRDM SrrdMn SrrdMntdnr SerredMntdnr Serre de Montednier Low N 43 52 57 52.95 43.8825 E 6 14 54 14.9 6.2483333 1350 T SERRELOW SER SERRE Serred SerredeMon SrrdMntdnrLw Serres-la-Batie Gld N 44 27 26 27.43333 44.4572222 E 5 43 38 43.63333 5.7272222 716 DT SERGLD SEE SRRSL SrrslB SrrslBtGld SerreslBtGld LFTM Seyne Gld N 44 20 36 20.6 44.3433333 E 6 22 10 22.16667 6.3694444 1185 DT SEYNE SNG SNGLD SenGld Seyne Gld Seyne Gld Sigoyer N 44 19 12 19.2 44.32 E 5 57 32 57.53333 5.9588889 800 T SIGYOE SGR SIGOR Sigoyr Sigoyer Sigoyer Sollieres Sardie N 45 15 14 15.23333 45.2538889 E 6 48 5 48.08333 6.8013889 1299 AT SOLLI SLL SLLRS SllrsS SollirsSrd SollieresSrd LFKD Sommet Chabre N 44 15 57 15.95 44.2658333 E 5 38 34 38.56667 5.6427778 1393 T SCHABR SMM SMMTC SmmtCh SommetChbr SommetChabre Sommet Malaup N 44 23 5 23.08333 44.3847222 E 6 2 15 2.25 6.0375 1561 T MALAUP SOM SMMTM SmmtMl SommetMalp SommetMalaup Start Finish Sisteron Gld N 44 17 8 17.13333 44.2855556 E 5 55 42 55.7 5.9283333 550 HSFTD STARTGLD STR STRTF FnSstr FnshSstrnG FnshSstrnGld LFNS St Auban-Chateau Arnoux Gld N 44 3 36 3.6 44.06 E 5 59 27 59.45 5.9908333 460 DT STAUB STB STBNC StbnCh StbnChrnxG StbnChrnxGld LFMX St Blaise Field N 44 52 19 52.31667 44.8719444 E 6 36 24 36.4 6.6066667 1170 LT STBLA2 STL STBLS StBlsF StBlaisFld StBlaiseFild St Christol N 44 3 25 3.41667 44.0569444 E 5 29 44 29.73333 5.4955556 835 AT STCHR STC STCHR StChrs StChristol St Christol LFXI St Crepin Gld N 44 42 6 42.1 44.7016667 E 6 35 59 35.98333 6.5997222 902 DT STCREP STE STCRP StCrpn StCrepnGld St CrepinGld LFNC Ste Croix de Verdon Gld N 43 46 42 46.7 43.7783333 E 6 9 35 9.58333 6.1597222 653 DT SAINC STO STCRX StCrxd StCrxdVrdn StCrxdVrdnGl St Jean d'Arves N 45 11 27 11.45 45.1908333 E 6 15 7 15.11667 6.2519444 1802 LT STJAR2 STJ STJND StJndr StJeandrvs StJeandArves St Jean Herans Field N 44 51 16 51.26667 44.8544444 E 5 46 18 46.3 5.7716667 824 LT STJHE2 STA STJNH StJnHr StJnHrnsFl StJenHrnsFld Thorame Field N 44 4 37 4.61667 44.0769444 E 6 28 25 28.41667 6.4736111 1096 LT THORA2 THR THRMF ThrmFl ThorameFld ThorameField Trigance Field N 43 45 17 45.28333 43.7547222 E 6 27 18 27.3 6.455 737 LT TRIGA2 TRG TRGNC TrgncF TrigancFld TriganceFild Valenty Field N 44 21 36 21.6 44.36 E 5 55 48 55.8 5.93 554 LT VALNT2 VLN VLNTF VlntFl ValentyFld ValentyField Valloire-Bonne Nuit N 45 7 16 7.26667 45.1211111 E 6 25 8 25.13333 6.4188889 1700 AT VALLO VLL VLLRB VllrBn VallrBnnNt ValloirBnnNt Vars N 44 33 8 33.13333 44.5522222 E 6 41 58 41.96667 6.6994444 2030 LT VARSX2 VRS VARS Vars Vars Vars Vif Field N 45 4 30 4.5 45.075 E 5 40 38 40.63333 5.6772222 289 LT VIFCH2 VFF VFFLD VifFld Vif Field Vif Field Vinon Gld N 43 44 16 44.26667 43.7377778 E 5 47 1 47.01667 5.7836111 274 DT VINON VNN VNNGL VnnGld Vinon Gld Vinon Gld LFNF Vizille N 45 4 51 4.85 45.0808333 E 5 46 42 46.7 5.7783333 280 LT VIZIL2 VZL VIZLL Vizill Vizille Vizille