;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Sisteron, France [SGP 2014 ] + ; + ; 5th SGP World Final - 2014 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Benjamin Neglais + ; + ; Generated Monday, 28 April 2014 at 21:18 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Aiguines Bridge" "AGNSBR" "_" "N4348,083" "E00614,967" "Aix en Diois Field" "AXNDSF" "130,0" "N4441,350" "E00524,533" "Ampus Field" "AMPSFL" "_" "N4337,083" "E00621,050" "Aspres sur Buech Gld" "ASPRSS" "123,5" "N4431,067" "E00544,167" "Aubenasson Gld" "ABNSSN" "123,5" "N4441,700" "E00509,033" "Aups Field" "APSFLD" "_" "N4337,567" "E00610,833" "Barcelonnette Gld" "BRCLNN" "123,5" "N4423,233" "E00636,567" "Barreme" "BARREM" "_" "N4357,217" "E00622,583" "Barreme Field" "BRRMFL" "_" "N4359,617" "E00623,183" "Basse Maure UL" "BSSMRL" "123,5" "N4331,800" "E00618,900" "Blayeul Low" "BLALLW" "_" "N4412,450" "E00618,300" "Blayeul" "BLAYEL" "TV" "N4414,750" "E00618,967" "Bonnieu Field" "BNNFLD" "_" "N4350,283" "E00517,333" "Bourg dOisan Field" "BRGDSN" "_" "N4504,200" "E00602,017" "Briancon" "BRINCN" "_" "N4453,383" "E00638,000" "Bure Low" "BURELW" "_" "N4436,400" "E00553,400" "Caduc Low" "CADCLW" "_" "N4413,950" "E00629,600" "Caille Field" "CLLFLD" "_" "N4346,900" "E00644,183" "Castellane" "CSTLLN" "_" "N4350,750" "E00630,783" "Cereste" "CEREST" "123,5" "N4351,183" "E00533,000" "Ceuse" "CEUSE" "_" "N4430,483" "E00557,667" "Chabottes UL" "CHBTTS" "123,45" "N4439,250" "E00611,133" "Chateauneuf ValStDonat" "CHTNFV" "Eglise" "N4405,883" "E00557,550" "Chavailles" "CHVLLS" "_" "N4409,867" "E00627,733" "Checkpoint North" "CHCKPN" "Point de report nord" "N4422,600" "E00555,817" "Checkpoint South" "CHECKP" "Citadelle Sisteron" "N4411,933" "E00556,583" "Clamensane" "CLMNSN" "_" "N4418,867" "E00604,300" "Clapier Field" "CLPRFL" "_" "N4501,650" "E00604,033" "Clos Ginoux" "CLSGNX" "_" "N4417,267" "E00613,417" "Col de Cabre" "CCABRE" "_" "N4433,633" "E00536,517" "Col de la Saolce" "CSAOLC" "_" "N4425,167" "E00534,900" "Colombis" "COLMBS" "Sommet" "N4429,700" "E00613,050" "Coupe South" "COUPES" "Extremite sud de la montagne de Coupe" "N4401,617" "E00619,067" "Cousson" "COUSSN" "_" "N4402,500" "E00613,500" "Coustellet Field" "CSTLLT" "_" "N4351,683" "E00510,817" "Croix Saint Joseph" "CRXSTJ" "Vaumuse Sud" "N4409,267" "E00604,533" "Cruis UL" "CRUISL" "_" "N4403,600" "E00551,200" "Die City" "DIE C" "_" "N4445,517" "E00521,750" "Die Field" "DIEFLD" "_" "N4445,817" "E00520,867" "Digne" "DIGNE" "_" "N4405,450" "E00613,900" "Dormillouse" "DRMLLS" "_" "N4424,567" "E00623,217" "Dormillouse Low" "DORMIL" "_" "N4423,900" "E00622,183" "Embrun City" "EMBRNC" "_" "N4433,967" "E00629,867" "Embrun Field" "EMBRNF" "_" "N4433,417" "E00629,383" "Espinasses Field" "ESPNSS" "_" "N4427,633" "E00613,083" "Etang de la Bonde" "ETNGDL" "rive sud du lac" "N4345,483" "E00530,300" "Etienne Devoluy" "ETNNDV" "130,0" "N4440,083" "E00554,133" "Fayence Gld" "FNCGLD" "119,05" "N4336,633" "E00641,817" "Forcalquier" "FRCLQR" "_" "N4357,600" "E00546,833" "Gad" "GAD" "_" "N4503,183" "E00651,533" "Ganagobie" "GANAGB" "Abbaye" "N4359,883" "E00554,483" "Gap City" "GAP C" "_" "N4433,933" "E00605,000" "Gap Tallard Gld" "GPTLLR" "119,1" "N4427,300" "E00602,233" "Gordes Field" "GRDSFL" "_" "N4355,083" "E00515,433" "Grenoble Versoud Gld" "GRNBLV" "121,0" "N4513,150" "E00550,950" "Grisail Field" "GRSLFL" "_" "N4456,433" "E00537,300" "Guillaume Low" "GLLMLW" "_" "N4434,500" "E00625,667" "Jausiers" "JAUSRS" "centre du lac" "N4425,433" "E00644,733" "La Bigue" "LABIGU" "_" "N4408,467" "E00611,233" "Lac des Sagnes" "LCDSSG" "_" "N4424,783" "E00649,067" "La Cluse" "LACLUS" "Eglise" "N4438,383" "E00550,933" "La Faurie Field" "LFRFLD" "_" "N4433,800" "E00545,550" "La Javie" "LAJAVI" "Pont au dessus de la Bleone" "N4410,483" "E00621,633" "LAlpe dHuez" "LLPDHZ" "120,6" "N4505,300" "E00605,050" "La Motte Chalan" "LMTTCH" "130,0" "N4429,983" "E00524,167" "La Motte du Caire Gld" "LMTTDC" "123,5" "N4419,467" "E00601,883" "La Motte du Caire Vlg" "LAMOTT" "_" "N4420,550" "E00601,850" "La Mure Field" "LMRFLD" "_" "N4359,017" "E00631,950" "La Mure Nord Field" "LMRNRD" "_" "N4453,567" "E00546,717" "Laragne UL" "LARGNL" "_" "N4419,250" "E00547,517" "La Silve" "LASILV" "_" "N4414,483" "E00553,767" "Le Bars Field" "LBRSFL" "_" "N4352,683" "E00552,150" "Le Casset Field" "LCSSTF" "_" "N4459,017" "E00629,650" "Le Rosier Field" "LRSRFL" "_" "N4456,117" "E00640,850" "Les Apotres" "LSPTRS" "Sommet" "N4432,383" "E00543,250" "Les Bertrands" "LSBRTR" "121,5" "N4421,483" "E00551,783" "Les Crots UL" "LSCRTS" "135,0" "N4432,183" "E00626,067" "Les Mees" "LESMES" "Cote ouest des Penitents" "N4402,283" "E00559,300" "Les Omergues" "LSMRGS" "_" "N4410,050" "E00537,117" "Logis du Pin Field" "LGSDPN" "_" "N4346,583" "E00638,517" "Lourmarin" "LORMRN" "_" "N4345,233" "E00524,150" "Luc en Diois Field" "LCNDSF" "_" "N4435,500" "E00528,417" "Lure Signal" "LRSGNL" "Sommet" "N4407,400" "E00548,167" "Malapez" "MALAPZ" "130,0" "N4433,217" "E00526,317" "Malaup Low" "MALPLW" "_" "N4422,150" "E00600,133" "Malfougasse" "MLFGSS" "Eglise" "N4404,633" "E00554,450" "Manosque City" "MANSQC" "_" "N4350,000" "E00547,000" "Manosque High" "MNSQHG" "_" "N4352,800" "E00548,667" "Marcoux Field" "MRCXFL" "_" "N4408,500" "E00616,533" "Mens Nord Field" "MNSNRD" "_" "N4449,817" "E00545,450" "Mens UL" "MENSUL" "_" "N4448,333" "E00545,217" "Micheline Low" "MCHLNL" "_" "N4417,483" "E00627,017" "MonestierdeClermontFld" "MNSTRD" "_" "N4455,450" "E00536,733" "Montgardin Field" "MNTGRD" "_" "N4433,083" "E00612,700" "Montmaur" "MONTMR" "_" "N4433,550" "E00551,467" "Montmeilleur" "MNTMLL" "_" "N4447,633" "E00545,850" "Montrond Field" "MNTRND" "_" "N4424,183" "E00545,117" "Morgon Low" "MRGNLW" "_" "N4429,350" "E00622,533" "Morgon" "MORGON" "_" "N4427,700" "E00625,083" "Moustiers" "MOSTRS" "_" "N4350,817" "E00613,300" "Nibles" "NIBLES" "_" "N4417,083" "E00601,333" "Nossage Field" "NSSGFL" "130,0" "N4418,750" "E00544,683" "Noyer sur Jabron" "NRSRJB" "_" "N4410,267" "E00550,683" "Oraison UL" "ORASNL" "_" "N4355,333" "E00554,267" "Orpierre" "ORPIRR" "Eglise" "N4419,000" "E00541,450" "Pellafol Field" "PLLFLF" "_" "N4448,383" "E00554,200" "Peyruis High" "PRSHGH" "_" "N4402,500" "E00555,033" "Pic de Charance" "PCDCHR" "Cuchon" "N4434,900" "E00601,700" "Pierrechatel Field" "PRRCHT" "_" "N4457,567" "E00547,033" "Prebois Field" "PRBSFL" "_" "N4447,200" "E00541,600" "Pruniers Field" "PRNRSF" "_" "N4432,233" "E00621,367" "Puget" "PUGET" "_" "N4344,833" "E00516,517" "Puimoisson Gld" "PMSSNG" "122,5" "N4352,167" "E00609,850" "Quinson Field" "QNSNFL" "_" "N4341,183" "E00604,100" "Rians" "RIANS" "Eglise" "N4336,633" "E00545,667" "Rocher de Beaumont" "RCHRDB" "_" "N4423,033" "E00541,100" "Rochetaille Field" "RCHTLL" "_" "N4507,017" "E00601,217" "Rosans Field" "RSNSFL" "_" "N4423,017" "E00528,283" "Saint Apollinaire" "STPLLN" "Eglise au pied du Pic de Chabrieres" "N4433,350" "E00621,667" "Sainte Jalle Field" "STJLLF" "_" "N4420,117" "E00518,083" "Saint Genis South" "STGNSS" "_" "N4422,350" "E00549,617" "Salernes Field" "SLRNSF" "_" "N4339,483" "E00559,700" "Salignac Field" "SLGNCF" "_" "N4408,383" "E00558,850" "Savines le Lac" "SVNSLL" "Rive sud du lac" "N4432,083" "E00624,600" "Sederon Field" "SDRNFL" "_" "N4413,233" "E00534,617" "Serre de Montdenier" "SRRDMN" "_" "N4353,000" "E00616,000" "Serre de MontednierLow" "SERRED" "_" "N4352,950" "E00614,900" "Serres la Batie Gld" "SRRSLB" "123,5" "N4427,433" "E00543,633" "Seyne Gld" "SENGLD" "118,45" "N4420,600" "E00622,167" "Sigoyer" "SIGOYR" "_" "N4419,200" "E00557,533" "Sollieres Sardie" "SLLRSS" "123,5" "N4515,233" "E00648,083" "Sommet Chabre" "SMMTCH" "_" "N4415,950" "E00538,567" "Sommet Malaup" "SMMTML" "_" "N4423,083" "E00602,250" "Finish Sisteron Gld" "FNSSTR" "120,05" "N4417,133" "E00555,700" "St Auban Ch Arnoux Gld" "STBNCH" "122,3" "N4403,600" "E00559,450" "St Blaise Field" "STBLSF" "_" "N4452,317" "E00636,400" "St Christol" "STCHRS" "122,1" "N4403,417" "E00529,733" "St Crepin Gld" "STCRPN" "123,5" "N4442,100" "E00635,983" "Ste Croix de VerdonGld" "STCRXD" "122,5" "N4346,700" "E00609,583" "St Jean dArves" "STJNDR" "_" "N4511,450" "E00615,117" "St Jean Herans Field" "STJNHR" "_" "N4451,267" "E00546,300" "Thorame Field" "THRMFL" "_" "N4404,617" "E00628,417" "Trigance Field" "TRGNCF" "_" "N4345,283" "E00627,300" "Valenty Field" "VLNTFL" "_" "N4421,600" "E00555,800" "Valloire Bonne Nuit" "VLLRBN" "_" "N4507,267" "E00625,133" "Vars" "VARS" "_" "N4433,133" "E00641,967" "Vif Field" "VIFFLD" "_" "N4504,500" "E00540,633" "Vinon Gld" "VNNGLD" "118,15" "N4344,267" "E00547,017" "Vizille" "VIZILL" "_" "N4504,850" "E00546,700"