Site New Douglas, Illinois [ Silvercreek Glider Club ] Courtesy of Jim Pitcher Updated 28 February, 2007 Magnetic Variation 0 Time Zone Name US/Central File created on Sunday, 04 March 2007 at 18:51 GMT The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees, minutes, and seconds UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Name North/South Latitude [degrees] Latitude [minutes] Latitude [seconds] Latitude [decimal minutes] Latitude [decimal degrees] East/West Longitude [degrees] Longitude [minutes] Longitude [seconds] Longitude [decimal minutes] Longitude [decimal degrees] Elevation [F] Control P ID[3] ID[5] ID[6] ID[10] ID[12] State Comments CAI Comment ICAO Identifier Silvercreek N 38 55 31 55.51667 38.9252778 W 89 39 44 39.73333 -89.6622222 595 TAHSF Slv SlvrC SlvrCr SilverCrek Silver Creek 18/36 25T 18/36 25T 3IL1 Highland-Winet N 38 46 45.2 46.75283 38.7792139 W 89 38 15.3 38.2553 -89.6375883 537 TAV Hgh Hghln Hghlnd HighlndWnt HighlandWint 18/36 27T 18/36 22.9 H07 Litchfield N 39 9 58.9 9.98118 39.1663531 W 89 40 29.6 40.49382 -89.6748969 690 TAV Ltc Ltchf Ltchfl Litchfield Litchfield 9/27 39A 9/27 22.8 3LF Nance N 38 53 15.2 53.2528 38.8875467 W 89 33 26.3 33.43848 -89.5573081 570 TAV Nnc Nance Nance Nance Nance 9/27 21T 9/27 21T 7H2 Hillsboro N 39 8 40.2 8.66948 39.1444914 W 89 27 25.3 27.42183 -89.4570306 637 TAV Hll Hllsb Hllsbr Hillsboro Hillsboro 18/36 42T 18/36 22.9 3K4 Vandalia N 38 59 28.7 59.47833 38.9913056 W 89 9 58.4 9.97333 -89.1662222 537 TAV Vnd Vandl Vandal Vandalia Vandalia 9/27 30A 9/27 22.8 VLA Greenville N 38 50 10.2 50.16947 38.8361578 W 89 22 42.3 22.70467 -89.3784111 541 TAV Grn Grnvl Grnvll Greenville Greenville 9/27 32T 9/27 22.8 GRE Effingham County N 39 4 13.6 4.22705 39.0704508 W 88 32 0.7 32.01118 -88.5335197 587 TAV Eff Effng Effngh EffnghmCnt EffinghmCnty 1/19 34A 1/19 22.8 1H2 Shelby Cnty N 39 24 37.5 24.62572 39.4104286 W 88 50 43.6 50.72595 -88.8454325 618 TAV Shl Shlby ShlbyC ShelbyCnty Shelby Cnty 4/22 26T 4/22 22.8 2H0 Coles County N 39 28 40.6 28.67623 39.4779372 W 88 16 45.3 16.7543 -88.2792383 722 TAV Cls ClsCn ClsCnt ColesConty Coles County 6/24 58A 6/24 22.7 MTO Flora N 38 39 53.8 39.89672 38.6649453 W 88 27 10.8 27.17973 -88.4529956 472 TAV Flr Flora Flora Flora Flora 3/21 50A 3/21 22.7 FOA Salem-Leckrone N 38 38 34.3 38.57233 38.6428722 W 88 57 51.1 57.85112 -88.9641853 573 TAV Slm SlmLc SlmLck SalemLckrn SalemLeckron 18/36 41A 18/36 22.8 SLO Mount Vernon N 38 19 24.1 19.40127 38.3233544 W 88 51 30.5 51.50875 -88.8584792 480 TAV MtV MtVrn MtVrnn Mt Vernon Mount Vernon 5/23 65A 5/23 23.0 MVN Fairfield N 38 22 43.1 22.71798 38.3786331 W 88 24 45.5 24.75913 -88.4126522 436 TAV Frf Frfld Farfld Fairfield Fairfield 9/27 40A 9/27 23.05 FWC Benton N 38 0 24.3 0.40507 38.0067511 W 88 56 3.9 56.06492 -88.9344153 444 TAV Bnt Bentn Benton Benton Benton 18/36 27A 18/36 22.8 H96 Sparta Community-Hunter N 38 8 56.2 8.9363 38.1489383 W 89 41 55.4 41.92258 -89.6987097 538 TAV Spr SprtC SprtCm SprtCmmnty SprtCmmntyHn 9/27 25T 9/27 22.8 SAR McLeansboro N 38 4 27.2 4.45287 38.0742144 W 88 32 15.2 32.25312 -88.5375519 415 TAV McL McLns McLnsb McLeansbor McLeansboro 18/36 18A 18/36 18A 3K9 Zelmer N 39 25 12.2 25.20285 39.4200475 W 89 59 28.4 59.47305 -89.9912175 663 TAV Zlm Zelmr Zelmer Zelmer Zelmer 18/36 29A 18/36 22.9 5K1 St Louis Metro-East/Shafer N 38 43 58.5 43.97452 38.7329086 W 89 48 23.6 48.39403 -89.8065672 477 TAV StL StLsM StLsMt StLsMtrShf StLosMtrShfr 13/31 27A 13/31 22.8 3K6 Taylorville N 39 32 3.1 32.05115 39.5341858 W 89 19 40.1 19.66873 -89.3278122 622 TAV Tyl Tylrv Tylrvl Taylorvill Taylorville 9/27 19T 9/27 22.8 TAZ Centralia N 38 30 53.3 30.88793 38.5147989 W 89 5 31.8 5.53077 -89.0921794 534 TAV Cnt Cntrl Centrl Centralia Centralia 9/27 26T 9/27 22.8 ENL Robinson N 39 0 57.8 0.96253 39.0160422 W 87 38 59.2 38.9865 -87.649775 462 TAV Rbn Rbnsn Robnsn Robinson Robinson 9/27 51A 9/27 23.0 RSV Casey N 39 18 9 18.15055 39.3025092 W 88 0 14.6 0.24372 -88.0040619 654 TAV Csy Casey Casey Casey Casey 4/22 40A 4/22 22.8 1H8 Lawrenceville-Vincennes N 38 45 51.5 45.85778 38.7642964 W 87 36 19.8 36.32973 -87.6054956 430 TAV Lwr Lwrnc Lwrncv LwrncvllVn LwrncvllVncn 9/27 52A 9/27 22.8 LWV Mount Carmel N 38 36 23.6 36.39283 38.6065472 W 87 43 36.1 43.60165 -87.7266942 429 TAV MtC MtCrm MtCrml Mt Carmel Mount Carmel 4/22 40A 4/22 22.7 AJG Carmi N 38 5 22.1 5.36875 38.0894792 W 88 7 23 7.38367 -88.1230611 388 TAV Crm Carmi Carmi Carmi Carmi 18/36 40A 18/36 22.8 CUL