;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Sezanne-St. Remy-sous-Broyes, France + ; + ; Championnat Interregional Ile de France et Grand Est Junior 2016 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Stefano Perocco di Meduna + ; + ; Generated Saturday, 23 July 2016 at 18:34 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Sezanne" "SEZANN" "Aerodrome" "N4842,633" "E00345,817" "Piste 24" "PIST24" "Aero Sezanne" "N4842,683" "E00346,150" "Piste 06" "PIST06" "Aero Sezanne" "N4842,433" "E00345,483" "Saint Remy sous Broyes" "STRMSS" "Ville" "N4842,133" "E00346,500" "Sezanne CV" "SZNNCV" "Centre Ville" "N4843,433" "E00343,350" "Soizy" "SOIZY" "_" "N4848,533" "E00344,033" "Connantre" "CNNNTR" "_" "N4843,600" "E00355,383" "Anglure" "ANGLUR" "_" "N4835,000" "E00348,667" "Villenauxe la Grande" "VLLNXL" "_" "N4835,300" "E00333,517" "Fromentieres" "FRMNTR" "_" "N4853,367" "E00342,117" "Romilly" "ROMILL" "Aerodrome Ferme" "N4830,033" "E00345,767" "Montmort Lucy" "MNTMRT" "_" "N4855,450" "E00348,567" "Villiers St Georges" "VLLRSS" "_" "N4838,683" "E00324,200" "Vertus" "VERTUS" "Ville" "N4854,317" "E00400,100" "Nogent sur Seine" "NGNTSR" "_" "N4829,517" "E00330,167" "Chaintrix Bierges" "CHNTRX" "_" "N4854,100" "E00406,017" "Vatry Chalons" "VTRCHL" "119,4" "N4846,400" "E00412,367" "Arcis sur Aube" "ARCSSR" "_" "N4832,167" "E00408,283" "Marigny le Chatel" "MRGNLC" "_" "N4824,200" "E00344,167" "Igny Comblizy" "IGNCMB" "_" "N4901,100" "E00342,767" "Mailly le Camp" "MLLLCM" "_" "N4839,483" "E00413,617" "Epernay" "EPERNA" "_" "N4902,000" "E00356,883" "Plivot" "PLIVOT" "Aerodrome" "N4900,317" "E00405,167" "Champigneul Champagne" "CHMPGN" "_" "N4858,050" "E00409,733" "Thibie" "THIBIE" "_" "N4855,800" "E00412,733" "Mareuil" "MAREUL" "_" "N4904,700" "E00342,683" "Hautvillers" "HTVLLR" "_" "N4904,950" "E00356,767" "Cernon" "CERNON" "_" "N4850,383" "E00420,700" "Charmont sous Barbuise" "CHRMNT" "_" "N4824,533" "E00410,350" "Coole" "COOLE" "_" "N4844,450" "E00423,650" "Matougues" "MATOGS" "_" "N4859,533" "E00414,567" "Troyes" "TROYES" "Aeroport" "N4819,300" "E00401,000" "Ecury" "ECURY" "Croisement Pistes" "N4854,317" "E00421,167" "Chateau Thierry" "CHTHRR" "Aerodrome" "N4904,033" "E00321,383" "Vraux" "VRAUX" "_" "N4901,650" "E00414,417" "Ville en Selve" "VLLNSL" "_" "N4907,500" "E00404,833" "Mousseaux les Bray" "MSSXLS" "_" "N4824,550" "E00313,717" "Trepail" "TREPAL" "_" "N4906,367" "E00410,800" "La Veuve" "LAVEUV" "_" "N4901,750" "E00419,083" "Aix en Othe" "AIXNTH" "_" "N4813,267" "E00343,983" "Pogny" "POGNY" "_" "N4851,500" "E00429,000" "Villeneuve" "VILLNV" "_" "N4813,833" "E00333,433" "Songy" "SONGY" "_" "N4847,933" "E00430,433" "Sacy" "SACY" "_" "N4911,800" "E00356,967" "Verzy" "VERZY" "_" "N4908,783" "E00409,783" "Nangis" "NANGIS" "Aeroport" "N4835,750" "E00300,817" "Piney" "PINEY" "_" "N4821,800" "E00419,667" "Courdemanges" "CRDMNG" "_" "N4841,700" "E00432,500" "St Etienne au Temple" "STTNNT" "_" "N4901,483" "E00425,250" "Bouy" "BOUY" "_" "N4905,117" "E00421,000" "Aulnay lAitre" "ALNLTR" "_" "N4849,367" "E00433,850" "Pont sur Yonne" "PNTSRN" "Aerodrome" "N4817,433" "E00315,017" "Marson" "MARSON" "_" "N4854,633" "E00431,533" "Gigny Bussy" "GGNBSS" "_" "N4836,367" "E00434,250" "Mourmelon le Petit" "MRMLNL" "_" "N4907,750" "E00418,350" "Brienne" "BRIENN" "_" "N4825,400" "E00428,717" "Prunay" "PRUNAY" "Aeroport" "N4912,517" "E00409,400" "Lusigny sur Barse" "LSGNSR" "_" "N4815,200" "E00415,850" "Courtisols" "CRTSLS" "_" "N4859,117" "E00430,883" "Reims" "REIMS" "_" "N4915,383" "E00401,583" "Chavanges" "CHVNGS" "_" "N4830,483" "E00434,617" "Fismes" "FISMES" "_" "N4918,617" "E00341,233" "Pevy" "PEVY" "_" "N4918,667" "E00350,517" "Coupeville" "COPVLL" "_" "N4854,600" "E00437,700" "Berru" "BERRU" "_" "N4916,217" "E00408,817" "Poix" "POIX" "_" "N4857,800" "E00437,417" "Bussy le Chateau" "BSSLCH" "_" "N4903,767" "E00432,450" "Bassu" "BASSU" "_" "N4849,850" "E00441,567" "Brimont" "BRIMNT" "_" "N4920,400" "E00401,400" "Auberive" "AUBERV" "_" "N4912,083" "E00425,050" "Suippes" "SUIPPS" "_" "N4907,850" "E00431,933" "Chailley" "CHAILL" "Aerodrome" "N4802,700" "E00342,800" "Bussy le Repos" "BSSLRP" "_" "N4853,950" "E00445,567" "PontfavergerMoronvillr" "PNTFVR" "_" "N4917,800" "E00419,300" "Chaource" "CHAORC" "_" "N4803,500" "E00408,283" "SouainPertheslesHurlus" "SNPRTH" "_" "N4910,950" "E00432,717" "Soissons" "SOSSNS" "Aerodrome" "N4920,750" "E00317,017" "Cheroy" "CHEROY" "_" "N4811,917" "E00300,067" "Soulaines Dhuys" "SLNSDH" "_" "N4822,367" "E00444,033" "St Florentin" "STFLRN" "Aerodrome" "N4758,933" "E00346,667" "Moret" "MORET" "Aeroport" "N4820,517" "E00247,933" "Brienne sur Aisne" "BRNNSR" "_" "N4925,983" "E00403,100" "Corbeny" "CORBEN" "_" "N4927,867" "E00349,283" "Joigny" "JOIGNY" "Aerodrome" "N4759,700" "E00323,517" "St Dizier" "STDIZR" "Aeroport" "N4838,017" "E00454,483" "Valmy" "VALMY" "_" "N4905,050" "E00446,267" "St Etienne a Arnes" "STTNNR" "_" "N4918,583" "E00429,450" "Vitry le Croise" "VTRLCR" "_" "N4808,717" "E00433,500" "Bar sur Seine" "BRSRSN" "Aerodrome" "N4804,017" "E00424,767" "Minaucourt le Mesnil" "MNCRTL" "_" "N4910,167" "E00442,867" "Chavignon" "CHVGNN" "_" "N4928,700" "E00331,233" "Bar sur Aube" "BARSRB" "_" "N4813,917" "E00442,500" "Courtenay" "COURTN" "Echangeur" "N4803,100" "E00306,000" "Festieux" "FESTIX" "_" "N4931,350" "E00345,300" "Wassy" "WASSY" "_" "N4829,900" "E00456,850" "Revigny" "REVIGN" "_" "N4849,667" "E00459,367" "Ste Menehould" "STMNHL" "_" "N4905,483" "E00453,683" "Nemours" "NEMORS" "_" "N4815,867" "E00241,767" "Herpy lArlesienne" "HRPLRL" "_" "N4931,433" "E00412,550" "Monthois" "MONTHS" "_" "N4918,633" "E00442,567" "Sissonne" "SISSNN" "_" "N4934,283" "E00353,467" "Rethel" "RETHEL" "Aeroport" "N4928,917" "E00421,850" "Tonnerre Eglise" "TNNRRG" "_" "N4750,917" "E00358,967" "Auxerre" "AUXERR" "Aerodrome" "N4750,783" "E00329,800" "Laon" "LAON" "Aerodrome" "N4935,750" "E00337,867" "Triaucourt en Argonne" "TRCRTN" "_" "N4858,667" "E00503,450" "Ferrieres" "FERRRS" "_" "N4805,250" "E00247,550" "Juvancourt" "JVNCRT" "Aerodrome" "N4806,900" "E00449,217" "Vouziers" "VOUZRS" "_" "N4923,850" "E00442,067" "Juvigny en Perthois" "JVGNNP" "_" "N4835,817" "E00509,283" "Bar le Duc CV" "BRLDCC" "Ville" "N4846,150" "E00510,350" "Attigny" "ATTIGN" "_" "N4928,633" "E00434,683" "Bar le Duc Aero" "BRLDCR" "Aerodrome" "N4852,100" "E00511,117" "Buno" "BUNO" "Aeroport" "N4821,067" "E00225,500" "Compiegne" "COMPGN" "Aeroport" "N4926,017" "E00248,283" "Tonnerre Moulins" "TNNRRM" "Aeroport" "N4746,000" "E00402,000" "Joinville" "JONVLL" "Aerodrome" "N4823,167" "E00508,667" "Varennes en Argonne" "VRNNSN" "_" "N4913,567" "E00501,983" "Ternier" "TERNIR" "_" "N4939,217" "E00318,333" "Noyon" "NOYON" "_" "N4934,600" "E00300,700" "Chatillon sur Seine" "CHTLLN" "Aeroport" "N4750,783" "E00434,800" "Toucy" "TOUCY" "_" "N4744,167" "E00317,900" "Ligny en Barrois" "LGNNBR" "_" "N4841,117" "E00519,533" "Le Chesne" "LECHSN" "_" "N4930,717" "E00445,633" "Montargis" "MNTRGS" "Aeroport" "N4757,633" "E00241,100" "Vermenton" "VRMNTN" "_" "N4739,683" "E00343,683" "Chaumont" "CHAMNT" "Aerodrome" "N4805,500" "E00502,967" "Buzancy" "BUZANC" "_" "N4925,583" "E00457,317" "Signy" "SIGNY" "_" "N4941,767" "E00425,200" "Chatillon Coligny" "CHATIL" "_" "N4748,850" "E00251,017" "St Simon" "STSIMN" "Aeroport" "N4945,000" "E00313,000" "Clastre" "CLASTR" "Aeroport" "N4945,567" "E00312,733" "Blanchefosse et Bay" "BLNCHF" "_" "N4946,617" "E00414,117" "Fresnes au Mont" "FRSNSM" "_" "N4853,750" "E00526,333" "Vervins" "VERVNS" "_" "N4949,817" "E00354,633" "Bellegarde" "BLLGRD" "Aeroport" "N4801,383" "E00224,833" "Rimaucourt" "RIMCRT" "_" "N4814,917" "E00519,750" "Dun sur Meuse" "DNSRMS" "_" "N4922,983" "E00511,117" "Montbar" "MONTBR" "_" "N4737,367" "E00420,083" "St Quentin" "STQNTN" "Aeroport" "N4949,017" "E00312,350" "Saint Fargeau" "STEFRG" "_" "N4738,100" "E00304,833" "Gondrecourt le Chateau" "GNDRCR" "_" "N4830,817" "E00530,500" "Pithivier" "PITHVR" "Aeroport" "N4809,433" "E00211,500" "St Mihiel" "STMIHL" "_" "N4853,417" "E00532,433" "Langesse" "LANGSS" "Aeroport" "N4748,450" "E00236,033" "Guise" "GUISE" "_" "N4953,933" "E00337,950" "Verdun" "VERDUN" "Aerodrome" "N4907,333" "E00528,250" "Avallon" "AVALLN" "Aeroport" "N4730,183" "E00353,933" "Commercy" "COMMRC" "_" "N4845,717" "E00535,550" "Stenay" "STENAY" "_" "N4929,467" "E00511,317" "Charleville Mezieres" "CHRLVL" "Aeroport" "N4947,100" "E00438,567" "Hirson" "HIRSON" "_" "N4955,050" "E00405,617" "Montdidier" "MNTDDR" "Aeroport" "N4940,383" "E00234,100" "Damvillers" "DMVLLR" "_" "N4920,450" "E00523,917" "Peronne" "PERONN" "Aeroport" "N4952,133" "E00301,783" "Langres" "LANGRS" "Aeroport" "N4757,933" "E00517,667" "Sedan" "SEDAN" "Aeroport" "N4939,583" "E00502,233" "Briare" "BRIARE" "Aeroport" "N4736,867" "E00246,917" "Clamecy" "CLAMEC" "Aeroport" "N4726,500" "E00329,900" "Semur en Auxois" "SMRNXS" "Aeroport" "N4728,917" "E00420,617" "Montmedy" "MONTMD" "_" "N4931,150" "E00522,050" "Orleans St Denis" "ORLNSS" "Aerodrome" "N4753,850" "E00209,850" "Neufchateau" "NEFCHT" "Aeroport" "N4821,750" "E00543,250" "Etain" "ETAIN" "Aeroport" "N4913,750" "E00540,567" "Allaines" "ALLANS" "Aeroport" "N4809,700" "E00151,200" "Toul CV" "TOULCV" "_" "N4840,650" "E00553,217" "Damblain" "DAMBLN" "Aeroport" "N4805,167" "E00539,833" "Longuyon" "LONGUN" "Aeroport" "N4929,067" "E00534,333" "Sandillon" "SNDLLN" "Aeroport" "N4749,383" "E00203,833" "Chalindrey" "CHLNDR" "_" "N4748,133" "E00526,633" "Corbigny" "CORBGN" "_" "N4715,633" "E00340,300" "Nancy Ochey" "NANCCH" "Aeroport" "N4834,983" "E00557,267" "Cosnes sur Loire" "CSNSSR" "Aeroport" "N4721,633" "E00255,133" "Toul Aero" "TOULAR" "Aeroport" "N4846,800" "E00558,800" "Doncourt" "DONCRT" "Aeroport" "N4909,167" "E00555,933" "Chartres" "CHRTRS" "Aeroport" "N4827,533" "E00131,383" "Saulieu" "SAULIE" "Aeroport" "N4714,367" "E00415,917" "Til Chatel" "TLCHTL" "Aeroport" "N4732,850" "E00512,683" "Orleans Bricy" "ORLNSB" "Aeroport" "N4759,267" "E00145,633" "Pont St Vincent" "PNTSTV" "Aerodrome" "N4836,083" "E00603,433" "Pont a Mousson" "PNTMSS" "_" "N4853,783" "E00603,450" "Aubigny" "AUBIGN" "Aeroport" "N4728,833" "E00223,600" "Dijon Darois" "DJNDRS" "Aeroport" "N4723,217" "E00456,850" "Villerupt" "VLLRPT" "Aeroport" "N4924,683" "E00553,400" "Epinal Mirecourt" "EPNLMR" "Aeroport" "N4819,500" "E00604,000" "Lamotte Beuvron" "LMTTBV" "Aeroport" "N4739,400" "E00159,317" "Metz" "METZ" "Aeroport" "N4904,583" "E00608,033" "Nancy Malzeville" "NNCMLZ" "Aeroport" "N4843,467" "E00612,433" "Nancy Essey" "NANCSS" "Aeroport" "N4841,533" "E00613,567" "Souesmes" "SOUSMS" "Aeroport" "N4726,900" "E00212,600" "Nancy Azelot" "NNCZLT" "Aeroport" "N4835,567" "E00614,433" "Metz Nancy Lorraine" "MTZNNC" "Aeroport" "N4858,700" "E00614,800" "Ligny le Ribault" "LGNLRB" "Aeroport" "N4742,400" "E00146,533" "Dijon Longvic" "DJNLNG" "Aeroport" "N4715,950" "E00505,700" "Thionville" "THNVLL" "Aeroport" "N4921,283" "E00612,050" "Vernou Sologne" "VRNSLG" "Aeroport" "N4736,167" "E00145,167" "Saint Remy au Bois" "STRMBS" "Aeroport" "N4825,000" "E00621,600" "Chaumousey" "CHAUMS" "Aeroport" "N4811,433" "E00617,200" "Mont sur Meurthe" "MNTSRM" "Aeroport" "N4831,617" "E00624,400" "Nevers" "NEVERS" "Aeroport" "N4700,217" "E00306,650" "Nuits St Georges" "NTSSTG" "Aeroport" "N4708,583" "E00458,117" "Autun" "AUTUN" "Aeroport" "N4658,350" "E00415,700" "Villelangy" "VLLLNG" "Aeroport" "N4656,800" "E00329,500" "Vouzeron" "VOUZRN" "Aeroport" "N4715,117" "E00215,000" "Gray St Adrien" "GRSTDR" "Aeroport" "N4726,000" "E00537,333" "Broye" "BROYE" "Aeroport" "N4719,000" "E00530,967" "Luneville" "LUNVLL" "Aeroport" "N4835,683" "E00632,567" "Epinal Dogneville" "EPNLDG" "Aeroport" "N4812,717" "E00626,917" "Beaunes" "BEAUNS" "Aeroport" "N4700,667" "E00453,817" "Vesoul" "VESOUL" "Aeroport" "N4738,367" "E00612,283" "Dieuze" "DIEUZE" "Aeroport" "N4846,517" "E00642,883" "Romorantin" "RMRNTN" "Aeroport" "N4719,233" "E00141,283" "Luxeuil" "LUXEUL" "Aeroport" "N4747,233" "E00621,900" "Grostenquin" "GRSTNQ" "Aeroport" "N4901,517" "E00642,967" "Herbeville" "HRBVLL" "Aeroport" "N4832,700" "E00646,000" "Dole Tavau" "DOLETV" "Aeroport" "N4702,567" "E00526,100" "Chalon Champforgeuil" "CHLNCH" "Aeroport" "N4649,700" "E00449,017" "Lure Malbouhans" "LRMLBH" "Aeroport" "N4742,183" "E00632,683" "Besancon Thise" "BSNCNT" "Aeroport" "N4716,483" "E00605,017" "Besancon la Veze" "BSNCNL" "Aeroport" "N4712,317" "E00604,833" "La Tete des Perche" "LTTDSP" "Aeroport" "N4755,133" "E00649,167" "Sarrebourg" "SRRBRG" "Aeroport" "N4843,133" "E00704,733" "Sarre Union" "SARRNN" "Aeroport" "N4857,083" "E00704,633" "St Die" "ST DIE" "Aeroport" "N4816,033" "E00700,483" "Sarreguemines" "SRRGMN" "Aeroport" "N4907,683" "E00706,467" "Phalsbourg" "PHLSBR" "Aeroport" "N4846,083" "E00712,300" "Belfort Chaux" "BLFRTC" "Aeroport" "N4742,133" "E00649,917" "Lanans" "LANANS" "Aeroport" "N4718,050" "E00626,750" "Valdahon" "VALDHN" "_" "N4710,000" "E00621,017" "Rohrbach" "RHRBCH" "Aeroport" "N4902,433" "E00716,167" "Urmatt" "URMATT" "Aeroport" "N4831,900" "E00718,967" "Montbeliard" "MNTBLR" "Aeroport" "N4729,200" "E00647,483" "Albe" "ALBE" "Aeroport" "N4820,500" "E00719,000" "Belfort Fontaine" "BLFRTF" "Aeroport" "N4739,317" "E00700,633" "Saverne" "SAVERN" "Aeroport" "N4845,250" "E00725,550" "Bitche" "BITCHE" "Aeroport" "N4903,617" "E00727,050" "Selestat" "SELSTT" "Aeroport" "N4815,400" "E00724,167" "Colmar" "COLMAR" "Aeroport" "N4806,617" "E00721,550"