* NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_H RW_L ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "scwzwld1.stx" created Friday, 05 August 2011 at 08:28 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $HOME_SITE Black Forest, Germany Outlanding Sites $CONTRIBUTOR Thorsten Grether $CD No $CAI_TITLE BlackForest Outlanding $OTHER_ONLY Y $URL_INFORMATION $HEADER Original data thanks to Michael-Lorenz Meier $EXTRACT_FROM_EXISTING_SUA /home/leib/WSX/Airspace/DE/DE.txt $CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL thorstengrether@web.de $COUNTRY DE $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $OTHER_NUMBER Y $NAME_ID Y $FILENAME_3 sw1 $FILENAME_4 swz1 $FILENAME_5 swzw1 $FILENAME_8 scwzwld1 $MODIFICATIONS 08 Mar 11: Magnetic Variation added $MODIFICATIONS 10 Mar 11: Filser DA4 format updated $MODIFICATIONS 20 Mar 11: StrePla format updated $MODIFICATIONS 04 Aug 11: Bleibach X, Buchenberg, Eichbach, Furtwangen, Grün, Kaltenherberg, Ramsbach X, St Georgen, St Peter, Stöcklewald, Waldau, Waldhaeuser X, and Waldkirch X added.   Aichhalden, Hausen, Kniebis, Neustadt, Neuweiler, Oberkirch, and Schernbach moved.   Höchenschwand 1, Nonnenmist, and Schömberg removed. $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.2E $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS * ============================================================================== * * Filename "scwzwld1.stx" created Friday, 05 August 2011 at 08:28 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $HOME_SITE Black Forest, Germany Outlanding Sites $CONTRIBUTOR Thorsten Grether $CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL thorstengrether@web.de $COUNTRY DE $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $OTHER_NUMBER Y $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.2E $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 03 August 2011 $LONGITUDE East $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_H RW_L ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * 1 Wehr 01WEHR 47 38 36 7 54 25 L 380 320 300 2 Herrischried 02HRRS 47 40 29 8 0 26 L 920 130 200 3 Hausen 03HAUS 47 40 24 7 50 28 L 400 20 300 4 Ibach 04IBAC 47 43 39 8 3 51 L 920 180 700 5 Schönau 05SCHO 47 47 9 7 53 57 L 530 40 350 6 Hölchenschwand 2 06HCH2 47 43 49 8 9 42 L 1000 120 300 7 Hölchenschwand 1 07HCH1 47 43 34 8 9 59 L 1000 90 150 8 St Blasien 08STBL 47 46 34 8 6 38 L 780 150 250 9 Bernau 09BERN 47 48 24 8 1 41 L 920 250 200 10 Faulenfürst 2 X 10FL2X 47 48 27 8 13 3 L 1020 140 250 11 Faulenfürst 1 X 11FL1X 47 48 13 8 13 7 L 1020 80 250 12 Grafenhausen 1 12GRF1 47 47 22 8 14 56 L 910 330 250 13 Grafenhausen 2 13GRF2 47 47 7 8 14 55 L 910 180 250 14 Bärental 14BAER 47 52 49 8 6 44 L 930 60 250 15 Lenzkirch 15LENZ 47 52 6 8 11 18 L 870 80 250 16 Titisee 16TITI 47 53 55 8 9 31 L 840 50 250 17 Neustadt 17NEUS 47 54 54 8 10 3 L 830 50 400 18 Berg 18BERG 47 52 25 8 10 45 L 980 90 250 20 Waldau 20WALD 47 59 7 8 10 1 L 1010 310 250 21 Kaltenherberg 21KALT 48 0 9 8 11 56 L 1030 30 280 22 St Peter 22STPE 48 0 58 8 2 51 L 750 10 350 23 Furtwangen 23FURT 48 2 12 8 10 19 L 980 180 250 24 Waldkirch X 24WALX 48 5 11 7 56 24 L 250 20 350 25 Bleibach X 25BLEX 48 7 51 8 0 22 L 300 40 270 26 Stöcklewald 26STOE 48 5 4 8 14 19 L 1030 70 450 27 St Georgen 27STGE 48 6 29 8 16 37 L 980 20 250 28 Buchenberg 28BUCH 48 9 20 8 22 30 L 850 10 400 29 Eichbach 29EICH 48 12 23 8 20 38 L 810 30 330 30 Waldhäuser X 30WALX 48 14 42 8 16 37 L 810 50 280 31 Bohlsbach 31BOHL 48 30 7 7 57 15 L 150 90 400 32 Ortenberg 32ORTE 48 26 33 7 57 41 L 160 160 400 33 Ohlsbach Ul 33OHLS 48 25 58 7 58 18 z 160 16 230 34 Grün 34GRUE 48 21 43 8 6 7 L 260 300 35 Unterentersbach 35UNTE 48 19 40 8 2 51 L 200 80 300 36 Haslach 36HASL 48 17 18 8 4 3 L 210 140 400 37 Hausach 37HAUS 48 17 4 8 9 40 L 230 100 300 38 Wolfach 38WOLF 48 17 55 8 15 5 L 270 70 300 39 Halbmeil X 39HALX 48 17 41 8 15 38 L 290 130 170 40 Schiltach X 40SCHX 48 17 54 8 21 21 L 330 200 41 Trollenberg 41TROL 48 21 39 8 26 49 L 660 100 400 42 Vogelsberg 42VOGE 48 23 28 8 26 50 L 690 90 270 43 Schömberg 43SCHO 48 23 33 8 24 49 L 730 130 350 44 Buchenberg 44BUCH 48 24 28 8 26 12 L 700 130 250 45 Lossburg 45LOSS 48 25 3 8 27 23 L 650 60 250 46 Lombach X 46LOMX 48 25 36 8 27 51 L 670 50 Nussbach 50NUSS 48 32 18 8 2 17 L 170 290 200 51 Oberkirch 51OBER 48 31 59 8 3 46 L 170 310 250 52 Ramsbach X 52RAMX 48 29 57 8 8 20 L 230 230 53 Ibach X 53IBCX 48 26 42 8 10 5 L 310 250 54 Kniebis 54KNIE 48 28 18 8 17 42 L 920 70 250 60 Buhlbach X 60BUHX 48 31 30 8 15 35 L 620 160 200 61 Mitteltal X 61MITX 48 31 22 8 19 39 L 610 50 150 62 Baiersbronn 62BAIE 48 30 56 8 22 26 L 560 230 250 63 Heselbach 63HESE 48 32 17 8 23 54 L 510 170 250 64 Igelsberg 64IGEL 48 32 14 8 26 7 L 750 70 300 65 Huzenbach X 65HUZX 48 34 24 8 23 50 L 480 170 150 66 Besenfeld 1 66BES1 48 35 12 8 25 15 L 800 30 350 67 Besenfeld 2 67BES2 48 35 58 8 24 51 L 820 320 450 68 Schwarzenberg X 68SCHX 48 36 9 8 22 49 L 570 50 190 69 Gernsbach 1 X 69GE1X 48 46 27 8 20 19 L 160 210 220 70 Gernsbach 2 X 70GE2X 48 46 55 8 20 25 L 150 250 200 71 Gaggenau 71GAGG 48 47 52 8 19 5 L 170 20 300 72 Bad Rotenfels 72ROTE 48 49 27 8 17 26 L 130 140 460 73 Klosterwiese X 73KLOX 48 44 57 8 14 58 L 180 290 420 75 Durrweiler Ul 75DURR 48 31 30 8 32 24 z 650 150 76 Kälberbronn X 76KAEX 48 31 53 8 29 47 L 710 230 200 77 Schernbach 77SCHE 48 33 52 8 29 36 L 690 50 200 78 Göttelfingen 78GOET 48 34 20 8 27 56 L 770 160 450 79 Eisenbach 79EISE 48 35 56 8 26 40 L 810 60 350 80 Fünftbronn 80FUEN 48 36 41 8 29 26 L 740 60 350 81 Simmersfeld 81SIMM 48 37 36 8 30 48 L 760 170 400 82 Oberweiler 82OBER 48 38 22 8 31 46 L 790 350 450 83 Aichhalden 83AICH 48 38 45 8 32 36 L 760 10 350 84 Neuweiler 84NEUW 48 39 31 8 35 32 L 670 300 350 85 Aichelberg 85AICH 48 40 0 8 31 13 L 800 320 300 86 Enzklösterle X 86ENZX 48 39 48 8 28 0 L 610 40 260 88 Oberkollwangen 88OBER 48 40 50 8 36 59 L 680 250 260 89 Meistern 89MEIS 48 41 34 8 32 38 L 770 250 250 90 Christophshof X 90CHRX 48 42 18 8 32 14 L 490 50 180 91 Würzbach 1 91WUE1 48 43 1 8 37 34 L 680 80 310 92 Würzbach 2 92WUE2 48 43 7 8 38 17 L 690 50 300 93 Igelsloch 93IGEL 48 44 51 8 39 16 L 670 100 200 95 Dobel 95DOBE 48 48 0 8 30 23 L 690 350 250 96 Langenbrand 96LANG 48 48 20 8 37 37 L 700 350 350 97 Engelsbrand 97ENGE 48 49 42 8 38 3 L 580 60 450