* NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO ID_X * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "schwhll0.stx" created Thursday, 06 May 2010 at 05:35 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $MILOMEI Yes $EXTRACT_FROM_EXISTING_SUA /home/leib/WSX/Airspace/DE/DE.txt $STATE Baden-Württemberg $STATE_ABBREV BW $HOME Schwäbisch-Hall, Germany $CONTEST 47. Hohenloher Vergleichsfliegen 2010 (HVF 2010) $IDL_MAP_TITLE Schwäbisch-Hall, HVF 2010 $NAM_HOME Schwäbisch-Hall $CAI_TITLE Schwaebisch-Hall $HEADER Sportfliegergruppe Crailsheim e.V., Hohenloher Luftsportgruppe Gerabronn e.V., Flugsportclub Odenwald Walldürn e.V. und Segelfliegerclub Schwäbisch Hall e.V. ab. $COPYRIGHT 1999 - 2010 SFC Schwäbisch-Hall e.V. $COUNTRY DE $JUNK_CD Yes $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $CONTRIBUTOR Stefan Bohn $CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL webmaster@sfc-hall.de $FILENAME_3 sh0 $FILENAME_4 sch0 $FILENAME_5 schw0 $FILENAME_8 schwhll0 $DISTANCE_UNIT Kilometers $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $ALTITUDE_UNIT Meters $URL_TURNPOINTS www.sfc-hall.de/sfc/index.php/dokumente $URL_INFORMATION www.sfc-hall.de/sfc/index.php/hvf-2010 the contest $MILOMEI Yes and Elevations $MODIFICATIONS 12 Mar 02: Ab2 Starkholzbach, Ab5 Wolpertshausen, Bad Brücknau, Bad Mergentheim, Burgberg, Colmberg, Ellwangen/Kloster, Nabburg/BAB, Rauhe Wanne/TV, Schrozberg, and Vohenstrauß moved.   Steinach/Enz changed to Steinau courtesy of Werner Bennert and Stefan Bohn. $MODIFICATIONS 19 Jan 10: Magnetic Variation added $MODIFICATIONS 01 May 10: Ab2 Dörrenzimmern, Ab4 Waldenburg/TV, Bad Brücknau, Bad Windsheim, Berching, Biebelried/BAB, Bischofsheim-Rhön, Burgoberbach, Eichstaett, Hagerwaldsee, Ippesheim, Künzelsau, Plettenberg, Schwandorf, Suhl-Goldlauter, Tuttlingen, Uebersberg, Windsbach, Winzeln-Schramberg, and Ziellinie/West added.   Eberbach, Ebrach/Kloster, Gundelsheim, Hollfeld, Karlstadt, Lauffen Am Neckar, Maulbronn/Kloster, Mudau/Doppelsender, Reichenburg, Riedenburg, Schelklingen, Steinau, Streifelesberg, Weikersheim, Ziellinie/Ost, and Ziellinie/West moved.   Allersberg and Hammelburg/TV removed. $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.6E $RW_L_UNIT METERS * ============================================================================== * * Filename "schwhll0.stx" created Thursday, 06 May 2010 at 05:35 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $STATE_ABBREV BW $HOME Schwäbisch-Hall, Germany $CONTEST 47. Hohenloher Vergleichsfliegen 2010 (HVF 2010) $COPYRIGHT 1999 - 2010 SFC Schwäbisch-Hall e.V. $COUNTRY DE $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $CONTRIBUTOR Stefan Bohn $CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL webmaster@sfc-hall.de $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $ALTITUDE_UNIT Meters $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.6E $RW_L_UNIT METERS $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 19 April 2010 $LONGITUDE East $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO ID_X * * Starting the waypoints * 1 Ab1 Comburg 001AB1CO 49 6 0 9 45 2 6S 325 AB1CO 2 Ab2 Dörrenzimmern 002AB2DO Golfplatz 49 5 15 9 50 57 S 400 AB2DO 3 Ab3 Starkholzbach 003AB3ST Seemitte 49 4 58 9 39 52 S 369 AB3ST 4 Ab4 Waldenburg/TV 004AB4WA Sender 49 11 5 9 39 58 6S 520 AB4WA 5 Ab5 Westheim 005AB5WE Kirche 49 3 22 9 44 0 S 360 AB5WE 6 Ab6 Wolpertshausen 006AB6WO BAB-Abfahrt 49 10 28 9 51 53 6S 430 AB6WO 7 Bad Berneck/BAB 007BADBE BAB-Abfahrt 50 3 18 11 37 5 6T 360 BADBE 8 Bad Brücknau 008BADBR 50 16 13 9 49 35 DT 402 123.35 130 500 BADBR 9 Bad Königshofen 009BADKO 50 17 14 10 25 10 DT 313 130.125 70 650 BADKO 10 Bad Mergentheim 010BADME Schloss 49 29 28 9 46 34 6T 205 BADME 11 Bad Rappenau/BAB 011BADRA BAB-Abfahrt 49 12 38 9 4 28 6T 210 BADRA 12 Bad Windsheim 012BADWI 49 30 40 10 21 57 AT 360 118.275 08/26 80 690 G EDQB BADWI 13 Baldern/Schloss 013BALDE Schloss 48 54 9 10 19 1 6T 620 BALDE 14 Bamberg/Dom 014BAMBE Dom 49 53 28 10 53 1 6T 270 BAMBE 15 Baumerlenbach 015BAUME 49 13 53 9 24 59 DT 231 123.15 80 400 BAUME 16 Beilngries 016BEILN 49 1 16 11 28 52 AT 369 118.35 10/28 100 600 G EDNC BEILN 17 Berching 017BERCH 49 7 50 11 26 39 AT 405 123.35 02/20 20 480 G EDNI BERCH 18 Berneck/TV 018BERNE Sender 3046 48 35 18 9 44 52 6T 775 BERNE 19 Beuron/Kloster 019BEURO Klosterkirche 48 3 4 8 58 7 6T 621 BEURO 20 Biberach 020BIBRA Kirche 48 5 55 9 47 20 T 540 BIBRA 21 Biebelried/BAB 021BIEBL BAB-Abfahrt 49 46 45 10 5 31 6T 288 BIEBL 22 Bischofsheim-Rhön 022BISCH Campingplatz 50 23 46 10 1 18 T 440 BISCH 23 Blessberg/TV 023BLESS Sender 50 26 48 11 0 16 6T 870 BLESS 24 Bruchsal 024BRUCH Bahnhof 49 7 26 8 35 18 T 116 BRUCH 25 Burgberg 025BURBG Turm 49 7 15 9 58 33 T 534 TURM BURBG 26 Burgbernheim 026BURBH DB-Gabel 49 27 3 10 16 28 6T 365 BURBH 27 Burgheim 027BURGH 48 41 30 11 2 0 AT 404 123.35 14/32 140 560 G BURGH 28 Burgoberbach 028BURGO Kirche 49 14 14 10 35 36 T 415 BURGO 29 Coburg Brandensteinsebene 029COBUR 50 15 55 10 59 44 AT 454 128.675 12/30 120 860 A EDQC COBUR 30 Colmberg 030COLMB Schloss 49 21 38 10 24 30 6T 510 COLMB 31 Dinkelsbühl 031DINKE Kirche 49 4 12 10 19 14 T 441 DINKE 32 Donaustauf 032DONST Walhalla 49 1 53 12 13 26 6T 403 DONST 33 Donauwörth 033DONWT Bahnhof 48 42 51 10 46 18 T 401 DONWT 34 Donzdorf 034DONZD 48 40 37 9 50 52 AT 690 122.6 09/27 90 600 A EDPM DONZD 35 Eberbach 035EBERB DB-Gabel 49 28 0 8 58 55 6T 136 EBERB 36 Ebern-Sendelbach 036EBERN 50 2 27 10 49 10 AT 253 122.5 14/32 140 520 G EDQR EBERN 37 Ebrach/Kloster 037EBRAC Klosterkirche 49 50 51 10 29 43 6T 340 EBRAC 38 Eichstätt 038EICHS 48 52 42 11 10 46 AT 510 123.0 11/29 110 520 G EDPE EICHS 39 Ellwangen/Kloster 039ELLWA Klosterkirche 48 58 19 10 8 41 6T 510 ELLWA 40 Erbach 040ERBAC 48 20 32 9 54 50 AT 478 118.275 03/21 30 650 G EDNE ERBAC 41 Etting-Adlmanns 041ETTIN 48 48 36 11 25 32 DT 382 123.5 100 680 ETTIN 42 Falkenstein 042FALKE Burgruine 49 5 59 12 29 3 6T 610 FALKE 43 Feuchtwangen 043FEUCH BAB-Kreuz 49 12 11 10 14 2 6T 463 FEUCH 44 Fürstenberg/TV 044FUERS Sender 47 53 17 8 34 36 6T 910 FUERS 45 Gammertingen 045GAMME Bahnhof 48 15 1 9 13 3 T 678 GAMME 46 Gemünden 046GEMUE DB-Gabel 50 3 31 9 40 55 6T 155 GEMUE 47 Giengen 047GIENG 48 38 9 10 12 52 AT 507 122.35 17/35 170 480 A EDNG GIENG 48 Gramschatzer/TV 048GRAMS Sender 1545 49 54 4 9 59 10 6T 359 GRAMS 49 Greding 049GREDI 49 3 45 11 17 4 DT 524 122.5 110 900 GREDI 50 Gundelfingen 050GUNDF 48 34 5 10 21 48 AT 441 122.5 10/28 100 480 G EDMU GUNDF 51 Gundelsheim 051GUNDH Schloss 49 17 13 9 9 24 6T 170 GUNDH 52 Gunzenhausen 052GUNZE 49 6 44 10 46 52 AT 476 118.55 06/24 60 530 A EDMH GUNZE 53 Hagerwaldsee 053HAGER Seeufer West 48 53 32 9 41 39 T 470 HAGER 54 Harburg/TV 054HARBU Sender 2547 48 47 8 10 40 6 6T 570 HARBU 55 Haßfurt 055HASSF 50 1 3 10 31 34 AT 220 119.8 11/29 110 1100 A EDQT HASSF 56 Heßelberg/TV 056HESSE Sender 2632 49 4 7 10 31 32 6T 680 HESSE 57 Heubach/TV 057HEUBA Sender 2898 48 47 9 9 57 14 6T 726 HEUBA 58 Hollfeld 058HOLLF Kirche 49 56 18 11 17 24 T 402 HOLLF 59 Horb 059HORBB Bahnhof 48 26 30 8 41 19 T 393 HORBB 60 Ippesheim 060IPPES 49 36 37 10 13 23 AT 290 120.975 100 300 IPPES 61 Karlstadt 061KARLS Zementwerk 49 57 18 9 46 7 6T 175 KARLS 62 Kelheim 062KELHE Befreiungshalle 48 55 7 11 51 37 T 441 KELHE 63 Klippeneck/Hotel 063KLIPP Hotel 48 6 22 8 45 16 T 972 KLIPP 64 Krehberg/TV 064KREHB Sender 2284 49 41 3 8 43 51 6T 590 KREHB 65 Kronach 065KRONA 50 14 30 11 21 45 DT 453 123.35 120 550 KRONA 66 Künzelsau 066KUENZ Stadion 49 16 44 9 42 0 T 220 KUENZ 67 Kulmbach 067KULMB 50 8 3 11 27 53 AT 506 118.525 09/27 90 720 A EDQK KULMB 68 Laichingen 068LAICH 48 29 49 9 38 12 AT 770 127.7 07/25 70 400 A EDPJ LAICH 69 Langenbrand/TV 069LANBD Sender 2803 48 48 28 8 37 27 6T 670 LANBD 70 Langenburg/TV 070LANBU Sender 2175 49 15 51 9 52 25 6T 495 LANBU 71 Lauffen Am Neckar 071LAUFF Zementwerk 49 4 38 9 9 43 6T 180 LAUFF 72 Lichtenfels 072LICHT 50 8 58 11 2 55 AT 320 123.0 04/22 40 700 G EDQL LICHT 73 Löwenstein 073LOEWE BURG 49 5 35 9 22 59 6T 420 BURG LOEWE 74 Mannheim-City 074MANNH 49 28 25 8 31 0 AT 94 118.4 09/27 90 1010 A EDFM MANNH 75 Maulbronn/Kloster 075MAULB Klosterkirche 49 0 4 8 48 46 6T 260 MAULB 76 Michelstadt 076MICHE 49 40 41 8 58 25 AT 360 123.65 08/26 80 470 A EDFO MICHE 77 Miltenberg/TV 077MILTE Sender 49 41 2 9 16 20 6T 480 MILTE 78 Mindelheim 078MINDE 48 6 38 10 31 26 AT 564 122.975 15/33 150 1120 A EDMN MINDE 79 Möckmühl 079MOECK BAB Jagstbrücke 49 18 56 9 24 30 6T 245 MOECK 80 Monheim 080MONHE Bahnhof 48 50 31 10 51 7 T 509 MONHE 81 Mudau/Doppelsender 081MUDAU Sender 2872 49 33 37 9 10 37 6T 510 MUDAU 82 Murrhardt 082MURRH Bahnhof 48 58 56 9 34 41 T 289 MURRH 83 Nabburg/BAB 083NABBU BAB-Abfahrt 49 27 13 12 11 38 6T 378 NABBU 84 Nagold/Stausee 084NAGOL Staumauer 48 33 45 8 30 4 6T 560 NAGOL 85 Neresheim 085NERES Klosterkirche 48 45 20 10 20 36 6T 577 NERES 86 Neubaeuer Weiher 086NEUBA Weiher 49 14 14 12 25 22 T 380 NEUBA 87 Neuburg-Egweil 087NEUBU 48 46 56 11 13 3 AT 410 123.475 08/26 80 560 G EDNJ NEUBU 88 Neustadt-Aisch 088NEUST 49 35 16 10 34 39 AT 362 118.925 09/27 90 600 A EDQN NEUST 89 Nittendorf/BAB 089NITTE BAB-Abfahrt 49 1 40 11 57 11 6T 430 NITTE 90 Nördlingen 090NOERD 48 52 12 10 30 22 AT 420 133.075 04/22 40 500 A EDNO NOERD 91 Oberndorf 091OBERN Bahnhof 48 17 47 8 34 32 T 468 OBERN 92 Osterburken/BAB 092OSTER BAB-Abfahrt 49 24 29 9 28 23 6T 250 OSTER 93 Pleinfeld 093PLEIN Bahnhof 49 6 27 10 58 44 T 380 PLEIN 94 Plettenberg 094PLETT Sender 3760 48 13 4 8 48 53 6T 988 PLETT 95 Rauhe Wanne/TV 095RAUHE Sender 2377 48 45 57 10 30 24 6T 610 RAUHE 96 Regensburg 096REGEN 49 8 30 12 4 56 AT 360 118.625 10/28 100 640 A EDNR REGEN 97 Reichenburg 097REICH Burg 48 59 29 9 27 37 6T 340 BURG REICH 98 Riedenburg 098RIEDE Schloss 48 57 38 11 40 49 6T 460 RIEDE 99 Rosenthal 099ROSEN 49 51 47 11 47 17 AT 460 127.45 09/27 90 650 A EDQP ROSEN 100 Rothenburg 100ROTHE Stadtkirche 49 22 41 10 10 40 T 420 ROTHE 101 Roth-Kiliansdorf 101ROTHK 49 13 3 11 6 2 AT 387 122.1 09/27 90 530 A ETHR ROTHK 102 Schäfhalde 102SCHAE 48 41 40 10 6 1 DT 616 123.5 40 400 SCHAE 103 Schelklingen 103SCHEL DB-Gabel 48 21 52 9 43 23 6T 540 SCHEL 104 Schlüsselfeld/BAB 104SCHLU BAB-Abfahrt 49 44 38 10 37 56 6T 290 SCHLU 105 Schrozberg 105SCHRO Silo 49 20 50 9 58 31 6T 440 SILO SCHRO 106 Schwäbisch Gmünd 106SCHWG Bahnhof 48 48 3 9 47 17 T 321 SCHWG 107 Schwäbisch Hall 107SCHWH 49 7 6 9 47 0 HAT 400 129.225 10/28 98 1540 A EDTY SCHWH 108 Schwandorf 108SCHWD 49 20 24 12 11 6 AT 377 121.2 11/29 110 840 G EDPF SCHWD 109 Schweinfurt 109SCHWF 50 0 40 10 14 40 AT 210 119.975 10/28 100 780 G EDFS SCHWF 110 Schwenningen 110SCHWE 48 3 57 8 34 0 AT 667 122.85 05/23 50 630 A EDTS SCHWE 111 Siedelsbrunn/TV 111SIEDE Sender 2394 49 32 25 8 48 12 6T 610 SIEDE 112 Sigmaringen 112SIGMA Schloss 48 5 16 9 12 58 6T 580 SIGMA 113 Sinsheim-West/BAB 113SINSH BAB-Abfahrt 49 14 55 8 51 26 6T 170 SINSH 114 Steinau 114STEIN Bahnhof 50 18 52 9 26 36 T 200 STEIN 115 Streifelesberg 115STREI Gipfel 49 6 52 9 41 3 5T 491 STREI 116 Suhl-Goldlauter 116SUHLG 50 38 1 10 43 38 AT 581 122.725 10/28 100 570 G EDQS SUHLG 117 Sulzbach/Murr/TV 117SULZB Sender 49 2 14 9 33 4 6T 610 SULZB 118 Tannheim 118TANNH 48 0 31 10 6 13 AT 580 122.825 09/27 90 710 G EDMT TANNH 119 Tauberbischofsheim 119TAUBE Bahnhof 49 37 25 9 39 30 T 186 TAUBE 120 Tischenreuth 120TISCH 49 52 27 12 19 41 DT 490 123.5 90 850 TISCH 121 Titisee-Ort 121TITIS Bahnhof 47 54 10 8 9 18 T 864 TITIS 122 Treuchtlingen 122TREUC Bahnhof 48 57 38 10 54 31 T 424 TREUC 123 Tröstau 123TROES 50 1 9 11 55 58 DT 560 123.35 130 950 TROES 124 Tuttlingen 124TUTTL Bahnhof 47 58 49 8 47 57 T 651 TUTTL 125 Übersberg 125UEBER 48 27 26 9 17 19 DT 773 123.15 80 1250 UEBER 126 Ulm-West/BAB 126ULMWE BAB-Abfahrt 48 27 22 9 57 42 6T 592 ULMWE 127 Untergröningen 127UNTER Bahnhof 48 55 9 9 53 23 T 352 UNTER 128 Völkleshofen 128VOELK 49 0 35 9 21 17 DT 395 130.125 80 770 VOELK 129 Vohenstrauss 129VOHEN Porzellanfabrik 49 37 46 12 20 2 6T 540 VOHEN 130 Wächtersberg 130WAECH 48 36 55 8 45 18 DT 597 123.475 70 700 WAECH 131 Walldorf/BAB 131WALDO BAB-Kreuz 49 16 54 8 37 20 6T 108 WALDO 132 Walldürn 132WALDU 49 34 44 9 23 48 AT 400 122.75 06/24 60 730 A EDEW WALDU 133 Waßeralfingen/TV 133WASSE Sender 2894 48 51 39 10 8 14 6T 725 WASSE 134 Weiden 134WEIDE 49 40 47 12 7 1 AT 405 118.2 14/32 140 570 C EDQW WEIDE 135 Weikersheim 135WEIKE Schloss 49 28 51 9 53 48 6T 226 WEIKE 136 Weipertshofen 136WEIPE 49 5 10 10 7 39 DT 440 123.35 110 700 WEIPE 137 Weissenhorn 137WEISS 48 17 22 10 8 13 AT 501 119.475 08/26 80 650 G EDNW WEISS 138 Wemding 138WEMDI Kirche 48 52 29 10 43 29 T 457 WEMDI 139 Wertheim 139WERTH Taubermündung 49 45 50 9 30 53 6T 140 WERTH 140 Wiesentheid/BAB 140WIESE BAB-Abfahrt 49 46 30 10 20 47 6T 249 WIESE 141 Windsbach 141WINDS Bahnhof 49 14 59 10 49 34 T 390 WINDS 142 Winzeln-Schramberg 142WINZE 48 16 50 8 25 43 AT 677 123.65 15/33 150 700 A EDTW WINZE 143 Würzburg/West 143WUERZ BAB-Gabel 49 44 51 9 49 5 6T 320 WUERZ 144 Zell-Haidberg 144ZELLH 50 8 14 11 48 1 AT 580 123.375 06/24 60 800 G EDNZ ZELLH 145 Ziellinie/Ost 145ZIELO DB-Brücke 49 6 28 9 48 3 6F 550 ZIELO 146 Ziellinie/West 146ZIELW Schwimmbad 49 6 38 9 45 11 6F 550 ZIELW 147 Zwiefalten 147ZWIEF Klosterkirche 48 13 57 9 27 42 6T 545 ZWIEF