* NUM NAM ID LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_L COU * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "schpfrt3.stx" created Monday, 15 May 2023 at 19:27 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $USE_EXISTING_AIR Y $FILENAME_8 schpfrt3 $FILENAME_5 schp3 $FILENAME_4 sch3 $FILENAME_3 sc3 $COUNTRY CH $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $URL_INFORMATION www.jsm2023.ch/ the JSM $URL_TURNPOINTS www.jsm2023.ch/?page_id=30 $HOME Fricktal-Schupfart, Switzerland $COU CH $CAI_TITLE Fricktal-Schupfart $CONTEST JSM, 2023 $HEADER Segelfluggruppe beider Basel $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.1E $CONTRIBUTOR Andreas Allenspach $ILEC_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME A. Allenspach $LONGITUDE E $LATITUDE N $DISTANCE_UNIT Kilometers $MODIFICATIONS 21 Nov 99: Names further expanded and runway information added $MODIFICATIONS 29 Apr 04: Many changes, all new data $MODIFICATIONS 02 Jun 05: Many changes, all new data $MODIFICATIONS 05 Oct 14: Ilec airspace file updated with AirParse Version 2.5 $MODIFICATIONS 15 May 23: Many changes, all new data $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS * ============================================================================== * * Filename "schpfrt3.stx" created Monday, 15 May 2023 at 19:27 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $USE_EXISTING_AIR Y $FILENAME_8 schpfrt3 $FILENAME_5 schp3 $FILENAME_4 sch3 $FILENAME_3 sc3 $COUNTRY CH $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $URL_INFORMATION www.jsm2023.ch/ the JSM $URL_TURNPOINTS www.jsm2023.ch/?page_id=30 $HOME Fricktal-Schupfart, Switzerland $COU CH $CAI_TITLE Fricktal-Schupfart $CONTEST JSM, 2023 $HEADER Segelfluggruppe beider Basel $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.1E $CONTRIBUTOR Andreas Allenspach $ILEC_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME A. Allenspach $LONGITUDE E $LATITUDE N $DISTANCE_UNIT Kilometers $MODIFICATIONS 21 Nov 99: Names further expanded and runway information added $MODIFICATIONS 29 Apr 04: Many changes, all new data $MODIFICATIONS 02 Jun 05: Many changes, all new data $MODIFICATIONS 05 Oct 14: Ilec airspace file updated with AirParse Version 2.5 $MODIFICATIONS 15 May 23: Many changes, all new data $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS * ============================================================================== * * Filename "schpfrt3.stx" created Monday, 15 May 2023 at 19:27 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $USE_EXISTING_AIR Y $COUNTRY CH $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $HOME Fricktal-Schupfart, Switzerland $COU CH $CONTEST JSM, 2023 $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.1E $CONTRIBUTOR Andreas Allenspach $LONGITUDE E $LATITUDE N $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 06 May 2023 * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM ID LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_L COU * * Starting the waypoints * 1 Schupfart-Fricktal 001SCART 47 30 32 7 56 59 HDSF 546 119.555 600 2 Anwil 002ANWIL 47 27 2 7 56 23 TS 588 CH 3 Barmelweid 003BAEID 47 25 17 7 58 18 TS 771 CH 4 Hornbergbecken 004HOECK 47 39 32 7 57 39 TS 1055 DE 7 Aarau 007AAUBF 47 23 30 8 3 7 T 382 CH 8 Affoltern am Albis 008AFNAL 47 16 32 8 26 46 T 494 CH 9 Albstadt Degerfeld 009ALTDE 48 14 59 9 3 37 AT 890 125.1 10 Altdorf 010ALFBF 46 52 31 8 37 53 T 447 CH 11 Andermatt 011ANTGA 46 38 13 8 35 36 T 1436 CH 12 Arnensee 012ARSTA 46 23 42 7 13 14 T 1542 CH 13 Augst 013AUGST 47 31 50 7 43 57 T 270 14 Säcking 014SAECK 47 32 53 7 56 5 T 285 15 Balsthal 015BALBF 47 18 47 7 41 40 T 484 CH 16 Belchen Gipfel 016BEIPF 47 49 21 7 49 59 T 1414 DE 17 Belchen Südportal 017BENNE 47 21 10 7 50 7 T 609 CH 18 Beromünster 018BETER 47 12 2 8 10 17 T 693 CH 19 Beuron 019BEOST 48 3 5 8 58 8 T 627 DE 20 Brunegg 020BRUNE 47 25 19 8 12 52 T 525 21 Bonndorf 021BOFKI 47 49 10 8 20 15 T 871 DE 22 Brennet Wehr 022BREHR 47 34 55 7 54 12 T 285 DE 23 Brienz 023BRZBF 46 45 17 8 2 23 T 567 CH 24 Brünig 024BRASS 46 45 24 8 8 13 T 1008 CH 25 Bulle 025BUEBF 46 37 8 7 3 12 T 771 CH 26 Horben 026BUWIL 47 13 12 8 19 36 T 722 27 Chasseral 027CHLSI 47 8 0 7 3 37 T 1607 CH 28 Chasseron 028CHNHO 46 51 2 6 32 20 T 1607 CH 29 Court 029COTBF 47 14 27 7 20 34 T 666 CH 30 Courtelary 030COARY 47 11 0 7 5 25 AT 686 124.6 31 Crap Sogn Gion 031CRNGI 46 50 6 9 12 57 T 2213 CH 32 Creux-du-Van 032CRVAN 46 56 12 6 42 58 T 1382 CH 33 Dagmersellen 033DALEN 47 12 57 7 58 40 T 481 CH 34 Delémont-Delsberg 034DEDEL 47 21 43 7 21 3 T 423 CH 35 Dombresson 035DOONK 47 4 22 6 57 38 T 742 CH 36 Donauesching 036DOING 47 58 25 8 31 20 AT 680 120.75 37 Dunningen 037DUNOR 48 12 46 8 30 9 T 674 DE 38 Gibloux 038GIBLU 46 41 2 7 2 26 T 1200 39 Egerkingen 039EGENA 47 18 44 7 48 25 T 432 CH 40 Eggberg 040EGGTV 47 34 35 7 56 51 T 670 DE 41 Eiken 041EINBF 47 31 58 7 59 23 T 331 CH 42 Einsiedeln 042EILNK 47 7 37 8 45 8 T 905 CH 43 Engelberg 043ENGBF 46 49 11 8 24 5 T 1004 CH 44 Entlebuch 044ENHBF 46 59 38 8 3 44 T 684 CH 45 Erlenbach im Simmental 045ERHIM 46 39 39 7 33 8 T 707 CH 46 Escholzmatt 046ESATT 46 54 57 7 56 12 T 852 CH 47 Farrenberg 047FARGM 48 23 8 9 5 1 T 790 DE 48 Fleurier 048FLRBF 46 54 17 6 34 53 T 741 CH 49 Fort les Rousses 049FOROU 46 28 48 6 3 18 T 1132 FR 50 Freiburg im Breisgau 050FRURG 48 1 14 7 50 1 AT 244 118.25 DE 51 Freudenstadt 051FRTDT 48 27 49 8 24 40 T 731 DE 52 Frick 052FRKBF 47 30 10 8 2 14 T 370 53 Frutigen 053FRNBF 46 35 20 7 39 7 T 772 CH 54 Gadmen 054GARCH 46 44 18 8 21 11 T 1205 CH 55 Geisingen 055GENZE 47 55 19 8 39 41 T 668 DE 56 Geissberg 056GEGTV 47 31 48 8 10 7 T 700 CH 57 Gelterkinden 057GEDEN 47 27 57 7 50 50 T 403 CH 58 Gerstetten 058GEENH 48 37 28 10 4 2 T 589 59 Glaubenberg 059GLERG 46 53 26 8 7 18 T 1450 CH 60 Gletsch 060GLHBF 46 33 45 8 21 41 T 1759 CH 61 Gösgen 061GOKKW 47 21 58 7 58 9 T 382 CH 62 Montsalvens 062MONTS 46 36 32 7 6 54 T 850 63 Hahnenmoos 063HAOSH 46 27 11 7 29 43 T 1950 CH 64 Harburg 064HAGBF 48 46 45 10 41 55 T 412 DE 65 Sihlbrugg 065SIEHL 47 13 9 8 34 36 T 560 66 Heimenschwand 066HEWAN 46 49 42 7 41 50 T 1006 CH 68 Herzogenhorn 068HEORN 47 50 39 8 1 10 T 1340 CH 69 Hohe Winde 069HODEG 47 20 34 7 34 47 T 1204 CH 70 Hohenzollern 070HOERN 48 19 25 8 58 0 T 836 DE 71 Holzik 071HOZIK 47 20 16 8 2 29 T 72 Horb am Neckar 072HOBBF 48 26 30 8 41 20 T 393 DE 73 Hornisgrinde 073HONDS 48 36 39 8 12 6 T 1127 DE 74 Hüfingen 074HUNTV 47 53 17 8 34 36 T 921 DE 75 Wehr 47 38 36 7 54 25 T 400 76 Huttwil 076HULBF 47 6 53 7 50 36 T 638 CH 77 Interlaken 077INENB 46 40 52 7 51 5 T 563 CH 78 Jaun 078JACHE 46 36 41 7 16 29 T 1015 CH 79 Kandel 079KATEL 48 3 49 8 1 6 T 1188 80 Kienberg 080KIKIR 47 26 18 7 58 6 T 547 CH 81 Kirchbözber 081KIBER 47 29 28 8 9 41 T 479 CH 82 Klippeneck 082KLECK 48 6 27 8 45 46 AT 980 122.175 83 La Brévine 083LANEK 46 58 48 6 36 28 T 1043 CH 84 La Tourne 084LAEVI 46 59 17 6 47 32 T 1129 CH 85 Labergement Ste-Marie 085LAENT 46 46 29 6 16 57 T 856 FR 86 Laichingen 086LAGEN 48 29 49 9 38 25 AT 742 127.7 87 Landquart 087LATBF 46 58 1 9 33 15 T 528 CH 88 Langenbrand 088LANDV 48 48 28 8 37 27 T 708 DE 89 Langenbruck 089LAUCK 47 20 56 7 46 3 T 607 CH 90 Wynigen 090WYNIG 47 6 22 7 40 3 T 510 91 Langnau im Emmenthal 091LAIEB 46 56 20 7 47 5 T 673 CH 92 Laufenburg 092LARGK 47 33 43 8 3 41 T 320 DE 93 Le Pont 093LEENT 46 40 3 6 19 43 T 1008 CH 94 Le Sentier 094LEERG 46 36 19 6 13 51 T 1013 CH 95 Hallwil 095HAWIL 47 19 23 8 11 38 T 450 96 Les Berrières 096LEERE 46 54 20 6 28 46 T 931 CH 97 Leuggern 097LEKIR 47 34 48 8 13 1 T 346 CH 98 Lignières 098LISAU 47 5 29 7 4 34 T 803 CH 99 Lostorf 099LOENT 47 23 12 7 56 54 T 451 CH 100 Magglingen 100MAENS 47 8 30 7 12 4 T 975 CH 101 Marbach 101MAIRC 46 51 10 7 54 3 T 871 CH 102 Mauensee 102MASCH 47 10 9 8 4 27 T 504 CH 103 Merligen Dorf 103MEDOR 46 41 57 7 44 16 T 568 CH 104 Morez 104MOREB 46 31 33 6 1 25 T 734 FR 105 Moudon 105MONTR 46 40 8 6 47 51 T 513 CH 106 Mouthe 106MOLIS 46 42 38 6 11 40 T 933 FR 107 Moutier 107MORBF 47 16 49 7 22 52 T 529 CH 108 Mümliswil 108MUILK 47 20 38 7 42 8 T 566 CH 109 Muotathal MUOTALKI 46 58 25 8 46 26 T 624 CH 110 Napf 110NAULM 47 0 17 7 56 22 T 1406 CH 111 Neresheim 111NEMKL 48 45 21 10 20 36 T 584 DE 112 Oberndorf 112OBFBF 48 17 47 8 34 32 T 506 DE 113 Öensingen 113OENA1 47 17 2 7 43 28 T 465 CH 114 Born 114BORN 47 19 42 7 53 19 T 700 115 Oppingen-Au 115OPNAU 48 33 25 9 49 20 AT 676 123.15 116 Pery 116PEYBF 47 11 24 7 14 45 T 596 CH 117 Pieterlen 117PINBF 47 10 17 7 20 23 T 436 CH 118 Reiden 118RETOB 47 14 42 7 57 20 T 453 CH 119 Rheinfelden 119RHDEN 47 32 47 7 47 3 T 290 DE 120 Roßberg Wildsp 120ROGWI 47 5 4 8 34 39 T 1580 CH 121 Rothenfluh 121ROUHK 47 27 42 7 54 52 T 471 CH 122 Saanen 122SANEN 46 29 11 7 14 55 AT 1009 118.85 123 Saignelégier 123SAIER 47 15 13 6 59 39 T 991 CH 124 Schelklingen 124SCGEY 48 21 50 9 43 21 T 542 DE 125 Schenkenberg 125SCERG 47 26 29 8 6 2 T 620 126 Schluchsee 126SCEES 47 48 2 8 11 1 T 930 DE 127 Schwanden 127SCNGL 46 59 53 9 4 39 T 521 CH 128 Schwarzenbühl 128SCBUE 46 44 55 7 23 13 T 1491 CH 129 Schwarzenburg 129SCEED 46 40 14 7 17 28 T 1047 CH 130 Sonceboz 130SODOR 47 11 43 7 10 43 T 653 CH 131 St Blasien 131STENB 47 45 36 8 7 48 T 767 DE 132 St Croix 132STXBF 46 49 9 6 29 59 T 1037 CH 133 St Georgen im Schwarzwald 133STENB 48 7 25 8 20 30 T 808 DE 134 St Hippolyte 134STYTE 47 19 7 6 48 42 T 375 FR 135 St Imier 135STRBF 47 9 7 7 0 9 T 793 CH 136 St. Pierre la Cluse 136STELA 46 52 22 6 22 42 T 861 FR 137 St Urban 137STKLO 47 13 55 7 50 24 T 471 CH 138 St Ursanne Doubs 138STNED 47 21 51 7 9 17 T 438 CH 139 Steffisburg 139STURG 46 46 43 7 38 7 T 586 CH 140 Sumiswald 140SUDBF 47 1 30 7 44 11 T 662 CH 141 Tavannes 141TASBF 47 13 10 7 12 3 T 754 CH 142 Titisee 142TIEBF 47 54 11 8 9 18 T 858 DE 143 Tramelan 143TRNBF 47 13 23 7 6 17 T 888 CH 145 Ulm West 145ULTA8 48 27 23 9 57 42 T 592 DE 146 Vallorbe 146VAGAR 46 42 54 6 22 37 T 785 CH 147 Vue des Alpes 147VULPE 47 4 20 6 52 12 T 1283 CH 148 Waldenburg 148WARGB 47 23 12 7 44 55 T 534 CH 149 Wangen an der Aare 149WAAAR 47 14 9 7 39 21 T 425 CH 150 Weißenstein 150WEEIN 47 15 7 7 30 33 T 1284 CH 151 Welschenrohr 151WEOHR 47 16 54 7 31 43 T 680 CH 152 Wildegg 152WIEME 47 24 54 8 9 34 T 352 CH 153 Willisau 153WIUBF 47 7 20 7 59 50 T 555 CH 154 Winzeln Schramberg 154WISCH 48 16 46 8 25 44 AT 671 123.65 155 Wisenberg 155WIGTU 47 24 9 7 52 52 T 1002 CH 156 Wolhusen 156WONBF 47 3 19 8 4 47 T 565 CH 157 Zwiefalten 157ZWENK 48 13 57 9 27 43 T 538 DE 201 Farnsburg 201FAURG 47 29 39 7 52 13 T 720 202 Kaistenberg 202KAERG 47 31 42 8 2 7 T 475 203 Dixence 203DINCE 46 4 50 7 24 10 T 2204 204 Madrisa 204MAISA 46 54 7 9 51 50 T 1875 205 Gossau 205GOSAU 47 24 42 9 15 10 T 638 206 Thiersteinberg 206THERG 47 29 54 7 57 34 T 748 208 Sunnebärg 208SUERG 47 31 57 7 50 47 T 617 209 Ziel 209ZL S 47 30 29 7 57 0 FD 550 210 Ricken 210RIKEN 47 15 48 9 2 38 T 783 211 Hasenmatt 211HAMAT 47 14 32 7 27 6 T 1445 301 Gaildorf 301GAORF 49 1 1 9 47 30 T 488 302 Bad Herrenalb 302BAALB 48 47 46 8 26 10 T 303 Pforzheim 303PFEIM 48 54 17 8 38 1 T 408 304 St Peter 304STTER 48 0 56 8 2 50 T 745 305 Kirnbergsee 305KISEE 47 55 45 8 22 19 T 781 306 Waßerfluh 306WALUH 47 25 51 8 1 13 T 827 307 Effingen 307EFGEN 47 29 20 8 6 15 T 437 310 Moosleerau 310MORAU 47 16 8 8 3 52 T 520 401 Orsans 401ORANS 47 14 51 6 23 13 T 521 402 St Claude 402STUDE 46 23 21 5 51 51 T 468 403 Ibach 403IBACH 47 43 38 8 3 51 LT 927 404 Heidelberg Königstuhl 404HEIDL 49 24 12 8 43 44 T 566 405 Hohneck 405HOECK 48 2 14 7 0 58 T 1363 406 Ballon d'Alsace 406BAACE 47 49 20 6 50 42 T 1247 407 Brezouard 407BRARD 48 11 24 7 9 1 T 1210