;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Schliersee, Germany + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Guenther Wagner + ; + ; Generated Saturday, 22 February 2003 at 04:21 GMT + ; Symbol = 01 for code L 1 ; Symbol = 02 for code R 1 ; Symbol = 03 for codes L & R 1 ; Symbol = 04 for code t 1 ; Symbol = 05 otherwise 1 ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Albulap H" "05" "N4635,050" "E00950,500" "Aletschhorn" "05" "N4627,967" "E00759,500" "Aprica" "05" "N4609,000" "E01009,000" "Arlberg" "05" "N4707,833" "E01012,683" "Arlscharte" "05" "N4705,500" "E01319,000" "Aroser Rotho" "05" "N4644,317" "E00937,033" "Barre Ecrins" "05" "N4455,267" "E00621,833" "Benewand" "05" "N4739,200" "E01128,400" "Bernina" "05" "N4624,833" "E01001,583" "Bielerhoehe" "05" "N4655,050" "E01005,867" "Birnluecke" "05" "N4705,150" "E01213,100" "Brauneck" "05" "N4739,333" "E01131,583" "Breithorn" "05" "N4556,483" "E00744,900" "Brenner" "05" "N4700,533" "E01130,000" "Col Agnel" "05" "N4441,000" "E00659,000" "Calanda" "05" "N4654,000" "E00928,000" "Callon" "05" "N4558,000" "E00730,000" "Col Allos" "05" "N4418,000" "E00636,000" "Col Aravis" "05" "N4553,000" "E00626,000" "Col Bonette" "05" "N4419,500" "E00649,000" "Col Cabre" "05" "N4433,000" "E00537,000" "Col Cavale" "05" "N4446,000" "E00620,000" "Col Cayolle" "05" "N4414,500" "E00645,000" "Col Cine" "05" "N4407,000" "E00624,000" "Col Couleau" "05" "N4441,500" "E00628,000" "Col Croix Fer" "05" "N4514,333" "E00612,500" "Col Croix Haut" "05" "N4444,000" "E00541,000" "Col Etache" "05" "N4509,000" "E00649,000" "Col Etroite" "05" "N4507,000" "E00637,000" "Col Festre" "05" "N4440,000" "E00551,500" "Col Freissinie" "05" "N4444,100" "E00621,100" "Col Frejus" "05" "N4508,333" "E00641,333" "Col Galibier" "05" "N4504,000" "E00625,000" "Col Glandon" "05" "N4514,500" "E00611,000" "Col Iseran" "05" "N4525,000" "E00701,000" "Col Izoard" "05" "N4449,500" "E00643,000" "Col Joly" "05" "N4547,500" "E00640,000" "Col Larche" "05" "N4425,000" "E00654,000" "Col Lautaret" "05" "N4502,500" "E00625,000" "Col Longet" "05" "N4438,667" "E00657,000" "Col Madeleine" "05" "N4526,500" "E00622,500" "Col Mont Genevre" "05" "N4456,150" "E00643,000" "Col Mt Cenis" "05" "N4515,667" "E00654,000" "Col Pelouse" "05" "N4509,167" "E00645,000" "Col Perty" "05" "N4417,000" "E00534,000" "Col Petit St Bernard" "05" "N4541,000" "E00653,000" "Crasta Mora" "05" "N4634,500" "E00953,167" "Col Rochilles" "05" "N4505,500" "E00628,500" "Col Roselend" "05" "N4541,500" "E00640,000" "Col Seigne" "05" "N4545,000" "E00648,500" "Col Serenne" "05" "N4434,000" "E00645,500" "Col Tourettes" "05" "N4439,000" "E00626,000" "Col Vars" "05" "N4432,000" "E00643,000" "Dachstein" "05" "N4727,167" "E01337,150" "Demmljoch" "05" "N4732,500" "E01135,750" "Dent Blanch" "05" "N4602,167" "E00736,883" "Dobratsch" "05" "N4636,283" "E01340,483" "Dormillouse" "05" "N4424,750" "E00623,500" "Falzarego" "05" "N4631,000" "E01201,000" "Felbertauern" "05" "N4709,350" "E01230,000" "Fen Duran" "05" "N4554,000" "E00721,667" "Fernpass" "05" "N4721,850" "E01050,417" "Ferret" "05" "N4553,500" "E00704,500" "Flexenpass" "05" "N4709,450" "E01010,000" "Fluchthorn" "05" "N4653,517" "E01013,783" "Fluela" "05" "N4645,000" "E00957,000" "Fundusfeiler" "05" "N4706,750" "E01052,167" "Furka" "05" "N4634,300" "E00825,067" "Gailbergsatt" "05" "N4643,050" "E01258,233" "Gemmi" "05" "N4623,933" "E00736,900" "Gerlos" "05" "N4714,617" "E01207,250" "Giacomo" "05" "N4628,000" "E00827,500" "Gornergrat" "05" "N4559,133" "E00746,967" "Gran Paradis" "05" "N4531,267" "E00716,100" "Gr Combin" "05" "N4556,350" "E00717,917" "Greinapass" "05" "N4637,000" "E00858,000" "Grimsel" "05" "N4633,750" "E00820,467" "Groednerjoch" "05" "N4633,000" "E01148,500" "Gr St Bernhard" "05" "N4552,000" "E00711,000" "Hahneckkogel" "05" "N4718,750" "E01251,300" "Hirschberg" "05" "N4739,667" "E01141,867" "Hochfelln" "05" "N4745,800" "E01233,767" "Hochgruendec" "05" "N4723,000" "E01316,833" "Hochkoenig" "05" "N4725,517" "E01303,850" "Hochtor" "05" "N4704,933" "E01250,467" "Hundstein" "05" "N4720,500" "E01255,500" "Jaufen" "05" "N4650,850" "E01119,517" "Julier" "05" "N4628,483" "E00943,967" "Jungfrau" "05" "N4632,167" "E00757,850" "Kalkkoegel" "05" "N4711,000" "E01120,000" "Karwendel W" "05" "N4726,333" "E01118,667" "Kellerjoch" "05" "N4719,017" "E01145,650" "Klausen" "05" "N4652,200" "E00851,500" "Kreuzbergsat" "05" "N4639,133" "E01225,467" "Kreuzjoch" "05" "N4715,117" "E01159,000" "Livigno" "05" "N4626,450" "E01003,317" "Loiblpass" "05" "N4626,317" "E01416,083" "Lukmanier" "05" "N4635,050" "E00848,250" "Maloja" "05" "N4624,300" "E00941,900" "Marmolada" "05" "N4626,000" "E01151,500" "Matterhorn" "05" "N4558,783" "E00739,683" "Mont Blanc" "05" "N4550,000" "E00652,067" "Mont Ventoux" "05" "N4410,000" "E00516,000" "Mt Rosa" "05" "N4556,350" "E00752,067" "Mt Viso" "05" "N4440,000" "E00705,500" "Muttler" "05" "N4654,133" "E01022,900" "Nivolet" "05" "N4529,000" "E00708,000" "Nufenen" "05" "N4628,750" "E00823,650" "Oberalpsee O" "05" "N4639,633" "E00840,183" "Ofenpass" "05" "N4638,483" "E01017,617" "Ortler" "05" "N4630,400" "E01032,550" "Passthurn" "05" "N4718,583" "E01224,550" "Penserjoch" "05" "N4650,000" "E01127,000" "Pfitscherjoc" "05" "N4659,567" "E01139,517" "Pic de Bure" "05" "N4437,583" "E00555,933" "Piz Bernina" "05" "N4622,967" "E00954,650" "Piz d Err" "05" "N4632,667" "E00941,333" "Piz Kesch" "05" "N4637,150" "E00952,417" "Piz Linard" "05" "N4649,133" "E01004,450" "Piz Nuna" "05" "N4643,600" "E01009,317" "Ploeckenpass" "05" "N4636,500" "E01257,000" "Pordoijoch" "05" "N4629,000" "E01149,000" "Rax Bergstat" "05" "N4743,000" "E01546,900" "Reschenpass" "05" "N4650,317" "E01030,633" "Rheinwaldhor" "05" "N4629,733" "E00902,467" "Risserkogel" "05" "N4738,500" "E01149,667" "Rolle" "05" "N4618,000" "E01147,000" "Rossbrand TV" "05" "N4724,833" "E01330,117" "San Bernadin" "05" "N4630,000" "E00910,000" "Sanetsch" "05" "N4620,000" "E00717,500" "Schlappiner" "05" "N4656,000" "E00954,500" "Schmittenhoehe" "05" "N4719,783" "E01244,317" "Septiner" "05" "N4625,000" "E00938,000" "Simplon" "05" "N4615,150" "E00802,050" "Soelkpass" "05" "N4716,417" "E01404,167" "Sojerngrat" "05" "N4730,700" "E01123,600" "Spitzingsatt" "05" "N4740,433" "E01153,200" "Spluegen" "05" "N4630,417" "E00920,000" "Stallersattel" "05" "N4653,317" "E01212,183" "St Gotthard" "05" "N4633,000" "E00833,800" "Stilfzerjoch" "05" "N4631,933" "E01027,300" "Sudelfeld" "05" "N4741,000" "E01202,333" "Susten" "05" "N4643,800" "E00827,133" "Tauernpass" "05" "N4715,050" "E01333,167" "Tete d Amont" "05" "N4451,083" "E00632,133" "Timmelsjoch" "05" "N4654,400" "E01105,550" "Tschirgant" "05" "N4714,550" "E01048,217" "Turracher Ho" "05" "N4655,000" "E01353,000" "Umbrail" "05" "N4633,483" "E01026,183" "Venetberg" "05" "N4708,817" "E01037,583" "W Adda Traon" "05" "N4610,000" "E00930,000" "Wank" "05" "N4730,800" "E01108,700" "W Bardonecchia" "05" "N4505,000" "E00643,000" "W Bellinzona" "05" "N4612,500" "E00902,000" "W Chabre" "05" "N4415,500" "E00545,000" "W Fallere" "05" "N4544,000" "E00716,000" "W Gr Paradis" "05" "N4527,000" "E00718,000" "Wildspitz" "05" "N4653,000" "E01053,000" "W Locarno" "05" "N4611,000" "E00845,000" "W Lure" "05" "N4404,500" "E00553,000" "W Merlu" "05" "N4426,600" "E00516,200" "W Mt Rosa" "05" "N4552,000" "E00753,000" "W Orco" "05" "N4529,000" "E00739,000" "W Pic d Bure" "05" "N4435,000" "E00555,000" "W Simplon" "05" "N4612,000" "E00804,000" "W Susa" "05" "N4508,000" "E00704,000" "W Ulzio" "05" "N4502,500" "E00649,000" "Wurzenpass" "05" "N4631,500" "E01345,000" "W Valpelline" "05" "N4550,000" "E00720,000" "W Zoggler See" "05" "N4632,167" "E01058,917"