++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Samedan, Switzerland + + + + Contributed by Max Lamm + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Wednesday, 02 January 2002 at 04:33 GMT + + + + >>>>>>>>>> UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<< + + + + Always consult the relevant publications + + for current and correct information. This + + service is provided free of charge with + + no warrantees, expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, Albula, 46, 34.95, 9, 50.25, 2312 2, Chamues Ch, 46, 34.43, 9, 56.13, 1708 3, Corvatsch, 46, 27.28, 9, 48.87, 1867 4, Corviglia, 46, 30.47, 9, 49.13, 2486 5, Marguns, 46, 30.98, 9, 49.48, 2270 6, Morteratsch, 46, 27.03, 9, 56.43, 1896 7, MuottasMrgl, 46, 31.3, 9, 54.12, 2453 8, Pontresina, 46, 29.57, 9, 54.17, 1805 9, Punt Muragl, 46, 30.68, 9, 52.72, 1728 10, Samedan Fp, 46, 31.78, 9, 52.72, 1704 11, Spinas, 46, 33.58, 9, 50.72, 1815 12, Stazersee, 46, 29.83, 9, 52.28, 1811 13, Aosta, 45, 44.38, 7, 21.37, 583 14, Cajolo, 46, 9.3, 9, 47.98, 280 15, Casacia, 46, 23.3, 9, 39.87, 1450 16, Cortinmpzz, 46, 34.5, 12, 7.0, 1291 17, Ischgl, 47, 0.63, 10, 17.18, 1359 18, Le Prese, 46, 17.82, 10, 4.57, 970 19, Lienz, 46, 47.9, 12, 53.17, 636 20, Megeve, 45, 49.25, 6, 39.13, 1470 21, Muenster, 46, 28.8, 8, 15.82, 1321 22, ReutteHofn, 47, 28.25, 10, 41.55, 855 23, Schaenis, 47, 10.52, 9, 2.4, 416 24, Tschierv, 46, 36.88, 10, 21.68, 1618 25, Zernez, 46, 41.53, 10, 5.57, 1473 26, Aachensee, 47, 25.55, 11, 44.12, 931 27, Albigna, 46, 20.22, 9, 38.83, 2165 28, Bachtel, 47, 17.65, 8, 53.17, 1115 29, Berninapss, 46, 24.67, 10, 1.32, 2307 30, Bielerhoeh, 46, 55.08, 10, 5.6, 2036 31, Binn, 46, 21.82, 8, 11.02, 1401 32, Bivio, 46, 28.08, 9, 39.03, 1769 33, Brennerpss, 47, 0.5, 11, 30.57, 1374 34, Casaccia, 46, 23.45, 9, 39.95, 1458 35, Chamonix, 46, 54.05, 6, 51.65, 1370 36, Chandolin, 46, 14.85, 7, 19.13, 818 37, ChandlnChp, 46, 15.13, 7, 35.38, 1938 38, Chiavenna, 46, 19.18, 9, 24.33, 333 39, CDeLaForco, 46, 3.45, 7, 0.1, 1526 40, CrapSognGn, 46, 50.13, 9, 12.98, 2213 41, Davos, 46, 47.9, 9, 49.6, 1538 42, Diavolezza, 46, 24.73, 9, 57.93, 2973 43, Disentis, 46, 42.4, 8, 51.35, 1142 44, Durschlegi, 47, 8.87, 9, 7.25, 1123 45, Edolo, 46, 10.65, 10, 20.05, 670 46, Ehrwald, 47, 23.95, 10, 55.22, 994 47, Fernsteins, 47, 20.83, 10, 49.5, 1000 48, FluelaPass, 46, 45.02, 9, 56.83, 2383 49, Furka, 46, 34.37, 8, 24.92, 2429 50, Gepatschse, 46, 57.35, 10, 44.52 51, Gerlos, 47, 14.23, 12, 5.03, 1507 52, Glorenza, 46, 40.23, 10, 33.23, 908 53, Goppensten, 46, 22.13, 7, 45.32, 1217 54, Hermagor, 46, 37.67, 13, 22.33 55, HinterKrch, 46, 50.27, 10, 38.28, 1867 56, Hospental, 46, 37.17, 8, 34.07, 1493 57, Imst, 47, 14.1, 10, 44.6 58, IschglIdlp, 46, 58.95, 10, 19.05, 2307 59, Jakobshorn, 46, 46.33, 9, 50.9, 2590 60, Jauffenpss, 46, 50.65, 11, 19.7, 1995 61, Juf, 46, 26.68, 9, 34.8, 2117 62, Kaunertal, 46, 51.72, 10, 42.6, 2750 63, KlstrsPltz, 46, 52.18, 9, 52.83, 1191 64, Kuehboeden, 46, 24.78, 8, 6.2, 2226 65, Landeck, 47, 8.83, 10, 34.33, 816 66, Lengries, 47, 39.85, 11, 31.52, 1500 67, Luenersee, 47, 3.67, 9, 45.57, 1970 68, Madesimo, 46, 26.07, 9, 21.48, 1538 69, MadonnaDTr, 46, 13.08, 10, 9.32, 438 70, Madrisa, 46, 54.13, 9, 51.85, 1887 71, Maloja, 46, 23.88, 9, 41.7, 1803 72, Male, 46, 21.17, 10, 54.67 73, Martina, 46, 53.08, 10, 27.88, 1035 74, Mendelpass, 46, 25.08, 11, 12.6, 1363 76, MottaNalns, 46, 48.63, 10, 16.32, 2142 77, Muestair, 46, 37.78, 10, 26.93, 1247 78, Nalps, 46, 38.32, 8, 45.72, 1909 79, Nassereith, 47, 18.97, 10, 50.33 80, Nauders, 46, 53.47, 10, 30.15, 1360 81, Neschwnstn, 47, 33.48, 10, 45.07 82, Niesen, 46, 38.73, 7, 39.18, 2362 83, Nufenenpss, 46, 28.63, 8, 23.22, 2478 84, Oberalp, 46, 39.52, 8, 40.28, 2044 85, Ofenpass, 46, 38.37, 10, 17.55, 2149 86, Olivone, 46, 31.73, 8, 56.52, 889 87, P Crap Alv, 46, 33.97, 9, 47.83, 2466 88, PFlueelPss, 46, 45.02, 9, 56.83, 2391 89, PJulierpss, 46, 28.33, 9, 43.68, 2284 90, P Nuna, 46, 43.0, 10, 9.77, 2687 91, PSchlppnrJ, 46, 55.5, 9, 54.47, 2202 92, PSeptmrPss, 46, 25.13, 9, 38.23, 2310 93, PStallrbrg, 46, 26.88, 9, 35.95, 2581 94, Oets, 47, 12.22, 10, 53.55 95, Piz Curver, 46, 36.2, 9, 29.82, 2971 96, PonteDiLgn, 46, 15.5, 10, 31.0, 1258 97, PordojJoch, 46, 29.4, 11, 48.9, 2240 98, Reschensee, 46, 48.63, 10, 32.2, 1498 99, Riederalp, 46, 22.57, 8, 1.57, 1925 100, Ritom, 46, 32.07, 8, 40.7, 1850 101, S Charl, 46, 42.95, 10, 20.05, 1810 102, SCaterina, 46, 24.67, 10, 29.67 103, Samnaun, 46, 56.57, 10, 21.53, 1830 104, Schmttnhh, 47, 19.78, 12, 44.32, 1965 105, Seegrube, 47, 18.4, 11, 22.82, 1905 106, SilsMaria, 46, 25.7, 9, 45.68, 1850 107, Soglio, 46, 20.47, 9, 32.33, 1090 108, Sondalo, 46, 20.17, 10, 19.65, 1150 109, Splugnpss, 46, 30.72, 9, 19.63, 2022 110, StJhnnPng, 47, 20.93, 13, 12.32 111, StaMaria, 46, 36.07, 10, 25.37, 1386 112, Stalden, 46, 13.92, 7, 52.22, 799 113, Stlfsrjch, 46, 31.72, 10, 27.18, 2457 114, Stockhorn, 46, 41.02, 7, 32.55, 1640 115, Stbnrlbrg, 47, 8.33, 10, 9.53, 1409 116, Sufers, 46, 34.22, 9, 22.05, 1426 117, Tarasp, 46, 46.73, 10, 15.68, 1499 118, Thusis, 46, 41.88, 9, 26.43, 697 119, Timmlsjch, 46, 54.33, 11, 5.83, 2483 120, Toblach, 46, 44.17, 12, 13.33 121, Tonale, 46, 15.43, 10, 35.08, 1882 122, Valdisott, 46, 25.62, 10, 21.4, 1124 123, Venetbahn, 47, 8.82, 10, 37.58, 2208 124, Verbier, 46, 5.63, 7, 13.17, 1398 125, Vernagt, 46, 43.87, 10, 51.0, 1711 126, Viano, 46, 15.22, 10, 8.28, 1281 127, Wssflhjch, 46, 49.97, 9, 48.35, 2693 128, Zermatt, 46, 1.38, 7, 45.02, 1616 129, Zenez, 46, 41.87, 10, 5.4, 1473 130, Zervreila, 46, 34.67, 9, 7.08, 1862 131, Ziellinst, 46, 32.07, 9, 53.13, 1704 132, ZielliniW, 46, 32.07, 9, 53.13, 1704