* NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_L RW_S ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "rybnik.stx" created Sunday, 04 May 2008 at 01:20 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5 $HOME Rybnik-Gotartowice, Poland $CONTRIBUTOR Aeroklub Rybnickiego Okregu Weglowego $COUNTRY PL $LONGITUDE E $LATITUDE N $ALTITUDE_UNIT Meters $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL biuro@aeroklub.rybnik.pl $RW_L_UNIT Meters $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 19 April 2005 * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_L RW_S ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * 1 Aleksandrów Lodzki Hangar 51 47 26 19 16 12 TA 186 2 Aleksandrowice GPS 49 48 18 19 7 TA 390 122.70 04/07 2130 G EPBA 3 Annopol Church 50 52 50 21 50 2 T 131 4 Autostrada Bridge 50 18 36 18 39 14 T 215 5 Baborow GPS 50 9 16 17 57 52 T 254 6 Barlinek Stadium 52 59 23 15 13 34 T 64 7 Bednary W End of Runway 52 32 16 17 12 7 TA 105 8 Bilgoraj Lake 50 32 53 22 44 10 T 199 9 Blachownia Island 50 21 18 15 50 T 185 10 Blaszki Church 51 39 11 18 26 7 T 149 11 Bojanowo Road-Rail Crossing 51 42 2 16 44 57 T 106 12 Bogumilowice GPS 51 11 21 19 7 52 T 204 13 Bojkow Road Bridge 50 14 48 18 38 58 T 255 14 Boracza GPS 49 32 33 19 10 20 T 844 15 Borek Town Hall 51 55 1 17 14 32 T 119 16 Borowiec Buildings 51 47 42 15 53 49 T 70 17 Boruszowice GPS 50 31 14 18 46 40 T 263 18 Boszow GPS 50 19 54 18 29 27 T 235 19 Branica GPS 50 1 26 18 51 30 T 267 20 Brusiek Bridge 50 35 18 48 45 T 265 21 Budkowice GPS 50 52 11 18 3 20 T 180 22 Bukoviec Top of the Hill 49 32 30 18 48 20 T 839 23 Bukowice Church 51 23 45 17 21 26 T 155 24 Byczyna GPS 51 6 51 18 12 50 T 199 25 Checiny Castle Ruins 50 47 52 20 27 35 T 318 26 Chelmce TV Tower 51 42 2 18 10 5 T 161 27 Chorzow GPS 50 16 16 18 55 52 T 279 28 Chrzanów Crossroads 50 8 53 19 26 T 294 29 Chwalowice GPS 50 3 52 18 34 5 T 271 30 Chybie Church 49 53 45 18 49 T 258 31 Cieszyn GPS 49 45 43 18 39 23 T 325 32 Cisek Church 50 16 50 18 12 20 T 172 33 Czermno Church 51 6 30 20 2 5 T 246 34 Czerniejewo Castle 52 25 51 17 29 15 T 109 35 Czestochowa-Rudnik Hangar 50 53 6 19 12 40 TA 251 08/26 6520 A 36 Czyrnowa School 49 35 25 19 42 46 T 616 37 Dabrowka GPS 50 56 21 17 56 14 T 161 38 Debno Lubuskie Stadium 52 44 35 14 43 10 T 50 39 Dobrzyn nad Wisla GPS 52 38 8 19 19 21 T 77 40 Dolsk Town Square 51 59 11 17 3 51 T 83 41 Drezdenko Road Bridge 52 51 2 15 50 13 T 33 42 Dylaki Church 50 44 25 18 11 35 T 184 43 Dzialoszyn Road Bridge 51 6 34 18 52 23 T 184 44 Elektrownia GPS 50 8 18 31 47 T 232 45 Gaworzyce Crossroads 51 38 14 15 53 23 T 180 46 Gichta GPS 50 4 24 18 42 33 T 255 47 Gizalki Road Bridge 52 2 29 17 45 29 T 80 48 Gliwice Hangar 50 16 25 18 40 30 TA 295 08/10 2520 G EPGL 49 Glogówek Town Hall 50 21 5 17 51 50 T 205 50 Gniewiecin Crossroads 50 35 10 20 4 50 T 277 51 Gogolowa GPS 49 57 6 18 36 50 T 257 52 Golebice GPS 51 11 1 17 40 50 T 165 53 Gora Stadium 51 39 37 16 32 22 T 89 54 Gorazdze GPS 50 32 5 17 58 40 T 169 55 Górki Wielkie Bridge 49 46 20 18 51 20 T 338 56 Gostyn Monastery 51 53 7 17 2 7 T 107 57 Grabow Road Bridge 51 30 21 18 7 38 T 127 58 Grodziec Church 52 2 20 18 3 41 T 103 59 Grochowice Church 51 46 55 16 1 10 T 78 60 Grodzisko Crossroads 50 35 18 14 30 T 189 61 Ilza Castle 51 9 42 21 14 43 T 206 62 Janow Lubelski Church 50 42 30 22 24 40 T 216 63 Jarocin Crossroads Junction 51 57 22 17 31 8 T 132 64 Javorovy GPS 49 37 15 18 36 29 T 1032 65 Jemielno Y - Junction 51 31 35 16 32 35 T 107 66 Jordanów Town Square 49 38 50 19 49 50 T 496 67 Katowice A4 GPS 50 12 26 19 10 12 T 283 68 Kamien Slaski W End of Runway 50 31 47 18 5 6 TA 201 129.00 11/29 7540 A EPKN 69 Kolsko Road-Rail Crossing 51 57 46 15 57 25 T 56 70 Kakolewo E End of Runway 52 13 54 16 15 34 TA 100 71 Kamieniec Castle 50 24 15 18 42 55 T 249 72 Kaszczor School 51 57 25 16 9 40 T 62 73 Katowice Crossroads 50 14 30 19 3 15 T 286 74 Kazimierz Biskupi E End of Runway 52 19 10 18 10 19 TA 104 EPKB 75 Kepno GPS 51 17 53 18 19 T 168 76 Kluczbork Sports Hall 50 58 5 18 13 32 T 185 77 Knurow Factory 50 12 58 18 40 51 T 247 78 Kobior GPS 50 3 51 18 58 21 T 259 79 Kobylin Railway Station 51 43 10 17 13 22 T 104 80 Komorzno GPS 51 7 6 18 4 9 T 181 81 Konskie GPS 51 11 43 20 24 58 T 236 82 Korfantów Castle Ruins 50 29 5 17 35 50 T 205 83 Korzensko Railway Bridge 51 32 16 16 52 32 T 87 84 Koscian Cross Junction 52 6 16 16 40 12 T 72 85 Kotlarnia Stadium 50 16 30 18 22 20 T 200 86 Kozmin Railway Station 51 49 54 17 26 39 T 138 87 Krobia Town Hall 51 46 29 16 59 8 T 115 88 Krotoszyn Stadium 51 41 56 17 27 25 T 136 89 Krowiarki Crossroads 49 35 30 19 35 20 T 992 90 Kruszyn Hangar 52 35 6 19 27 TA 76 08/17 3210 G EPWK 91 Krzeszów GPS 49 45 20 19 29 40 T 538 92 Krzycko Road-Rail Crossing 51 54 18 16 27 1 T 104 93 Krzywin Road Bridge 51 57 37 16 48 56 T 71 94 Kup GPS 50 48 19 17 53 T 159 95 Kuznia Raciborska E End of Runway 50 12 14 18 17 48 TA 182 96 Kwilcz Crossroads 52 33 18 16 5 8 T 97 97 Labedy GPS 50 21 34 18 36 42 T 213 98 Lagow Castle 52 20 5 15 17 34 T 124 99 Las N GPS 50 5 4 18 37 48 T 245 100 Laskow GPS 50 40 53 20 17 56 T 248 101 Laziska GPS 50 8 4 18 50 T 282 102 Leka Road Bridge 50 21 10 19 22 23 T 350 103 Leszno Tower Tower 51 50 16 32 1 TA 89 122.10 06/24 3010 G EPLS 104 Lipki Church 52 43 33 15 31 51 T 32 105 Lopuszno GPS 50 56 54 20 15 2 T 280 106 Lowyn Church 52 29 56 15 54 13 T 80 107 Lubartow GPS 51 27 55 22 36 45 T 152 108 Lubomia Church 50 2 25 18 18 35 T 206 109 Lwowek Wielkopolski Church 52 26 59 16 10 54 T 97 110 Maluszyn Road Bridge 50 54 35 19 47 56 T 212 111 Maslow Kielce Hangar 50 54 5 20 43 33 TA 297 11/29 2910 A EPKA 112 Miedzyrzecz Railway Bridge 52 26 53 15 35 10 T 49 113 Michalkow Hangar 51 41 50 17 51 4 TA 134 122.20 11/17 2910 G EPOM 114 Miedzychod Bridge 52 36 17 15 53 11 T 33 115 Miedzyrzecze GPS 50 1 28 19 3 55 T 239 116 Mikolow GPS 50 10 12 18 53 50 T 297 117 Mikstat Church 51 31 53 17 58 23 T 201 118 Milicz Bridge 51 32 2 17 16 25 T 105 119 Milkov Top of the Hill 49 33 55 18 40 5 T 981 120 Milsko N End of Runway 51 56 56 15 46 28 TA 62 121 Mniow GPS 51 44 20 29 12 T 279 122 Muchowiec Hangar 50 14 30 19 2 10 TA 272 122.90 05/23 3640 A EPKM 123 Namyslów Town Hall 51 4 35 17 43 10 T 153 124 Narol Bridge 50 20 45 23 19 40 T 270 125 Nedza GPS 50 9 18 18 19 52 T 199 126 Nowa Sol Road Bridge 51 47 59 15 44 16 T 67 127 Nowawies GPS 51 13 26 17 58 48 T 181 128 Nowy Tomysl Road-Rail Crossing 52 18 14 16 7 41 T 72 129 Obra Church 52 4 15 16 3 25 T 59 130 Odolanow Railway Station 51 34 29 17 40 7 T 115 131 Olkusz GPS 50 16 46 19 33 41 T 362 132 Opalenica Railway Station 52 18 36 16 24 10 T 78 133 Polska Nowa Wies Hangar 50 37 40 17 47 15 TA 190 07/13 2420 G EPOP 134 Orla Gora W End of Runway 51 13 30 19 24 48 TA 274 135 Orzechowo Railway Bridge 52 6 34 17 29 9 T 71 136 Osieczna School 51 54 20 16 41 T 82 137 Osielec GPS 49 40 10 19 46 10 T 422 138 Osno Lubuskie Church 52 27 14 14 52 8 T 47 139 Ostrowy GPS 50 58 37 19 2 59 T 211 140 Ostropa Buildings 50 17 2 18 37 5 T 248 141 Ostrzeszow Road-Rail Crossing 51 25 41 17 56 32 T 208 142 Oswiecim GPS 50 9 6 19 23 55 T 285 143 Ozimek GPS 50 40 19 18 12 46 T 183 144 Paczyna Buildings 50 25 6 18 34 36 T 235 145 Panki GPS 50 52 56 18 44 51 T 239 146 Paradyz Church 51 18 15 20 6 53 T 194 147 Paruszowiec GPS 50 5 47 18 34 42 T 234 148 Parzymiechy GPS 51 2 23 18 44 7 T 239 149 Patus GPS 50 1 18 8 T 213 150 Pawlowice GPS 49 59 13 18 43 22 T 261 151 Piasek Church 50 39 18 56 51 T 252 152 Pilica Church 50 28 19 39 30 T 356 153 Pilsko Top of the Hill 49 31 45 19 18 30 T 1556 154 Pinczow GPS 50 30 50 20 31 13 T 200 155 Piotrków Trybunalski Hangar 51 23 5 19 41 10 TA 200 122.00 03/18 3310 G EPPT 156 Plawniowice GPS 50 23 8 18 28 38 T 200 157 Pogorzela Church 51 49 21 17 13 43 T 129 158 Pokoj GPS 50 54 9 17 50 14 T 158 159 Pontw GPS 51 10 52 22 4 20 T 176 160 Przedmiescie Church 52 37 16 17 33 T 59 161 Pruchna GPS 49 51 50 18 41 49 T 275 162 Przylep Hangar 51 58 32 15 28 TA 81 122.80 06/15 2820 G EPZP 163 Przytoczna Stadium 52 34 39 15 41 37 T 60 164 Pszczyna GPS 49 58 18 18 57 43 T 249 165 Pszow GPS 50 2 42 18 23 43 T 287 166 Pyskowice GPS 50 24 13 18 37 50 T 233 167 Pyzdry Road Bridge 52 10 6 17 41 40 T 76 168 Ruda Koscielna Landing Field 50 57 21 32 TL 181 169 Raciborz GPS 50 5 11 18 13 18 T 188 170 Racula Road Bridge 51 55 29 15 30 40 T 160 171 Radawiec GPS 51 13 19 22 23 41 TA 241 11/13 3110 G EPLR 172 Radiostacja Bridge 50 18 45 18 41 33 T 245 173 Rakoniewice Y - Junction 52 8 17 16 15 38 T 96 174 Rawicz Road-Rail Crossing 51 36 24 16 50 29 T 93 175 Rejowiec Stary GPS 51 5 23 18 T 200 176 Rogalice GPS 50 57 43 17 36 30 T 143 177 Rogaszyce Buildings 51 23 10 17 56 55 T 216 178 Rudna Road Bridge 51 30 15 16 16 2 T 118 179 Rudy GPS 50 11 32 18 26 55 T 209 180 Rusiec Railway Station 51 19 2 18 58 11 T 161 181 Rydultowy GPS 50 4 20 18 26 44 T 270 182 Rydzyna Castle 51 47 18 16 40 21 T 86 183 Stara Kuznia Bridge 50 18 10 18 20 40 T 201 184 Salmopol Parking Place 49 39 20 18 57 55 T 812 185 Sandomierz Town Hall 50 41 21 45 T 168 186 Siciny Church 51 43 35 16 25 32 T 92 187 Sieradz Railway Bridge 51 36 21 18 44 3 T 131 188 Sierakow Road Bridge 52 39 10 16 4 50 T 40 189 Skoczow GPS 49 47 56 18 47 39 T 292 190 Skwierzyna Crossroads 52 35 20 15 25 34 T 45 191 Slemien Sports Ground 49 43 1 19 22 20 T 528 192 Slonsk Buildings 52 33 53 14 50 T 22 193 Slupia Kapitulna Y - Junction 51 36 19 16 58 14 T 96 194 Smigiel Town Hall 52 45 16 31 34 T 101 195 Solec Railway Bridge 52 5 54 17 19 35 T 67 196 Sompolno Town Square 52 23 19 18 30 14 T 92 197 Sosnca Factory Tower 50 16 35 18 43 10 T 226 198 Sosnie Road-Rail Crossing 51 28 21 17 38 20 T 130 199 Sosnowica Bridge 51 31 22 23 4 23 T 161 200 Srem Bridge 52 5 53 17 38 T 66 201 Sroda Wielkopolska Dam 52 14 7 17 17 25 T 87 202 Stany Railway Bridge 51 51 41 15 46 29 T 62 203 Stare Miasto Road Bridge 52 9 46 18 12 23 T 96 204 Stobieck GPS 51 4 48 19 22 18 T 231 205 Stobrawa Road Bridge 50 50 35 17 37 29 T 137 206 Stradomia Buildings 51 15 14 17 39 5 T 177 207 Strumien GPS 49 54 38 18 45 56 T 255 208 Strzelce Opolskie GPS 50 31 49 18 18 39 T 202 209 Studzienice GPS 50 1 35 18 59 T 256 210 Sulecin Stadium 52 26 8 15 6 26 T 81 211 Sulow Bridge 51 29 28 17 9 52 T 204 212 Suszec GPS 50 2 58 18 46 28 T 271 213 Swidnik GPS 51 13 55 22 41 25 TA 201 126.00 06/15 3640 G EPSW 214 Swiebodzin Crossroads 52 15 44 15 32 1 T 95 215 Swierklany GPS 50 2 5 18 36 22 T 268 216 Syrynia GPS 50 1 14 18 20 10 T 214 217 Szydlowiec Castle 51 13 20 52 T 229 218 Szyndzielnia Railway Station 49 45 37 19 25 T 952 219 Taczanow Road-Rail Crossing 51 50 25 17 45 24 T 148 220 Tarno T - Junction 51 51 26 17 59 55 T 100 221 Torzym Railway Station 52 18 47 15 3 29 T 112 222 Travny GPS 49 33 40 18 30 33 T 1203 223 Trzciel Bridge 52 22 19 15 52 28 T 52 224 Trzepnic GPS 51 12 32 19 43 28 T 214 225 Turek Crossroads 52 48 18 29 6 T 117 226 Twardogora Railway Station 51 21 38 17 28 10 T 189 227 Ujazd Castle Ruins 50 42 50 21 18 38 T 266 228 Uniejów Bridge 51 58 9 18 47 39 T 106 229 Velky Javo GPS 49 31 29 18 29 13 T 918 230 Wasosz Railway Bridge 51 33 42 16 41 5 T 85 231 Wegrzynice Cross Junction 52 11 22 15 20 29 T 98 232 Wielen Bridge 52 53 52 16 10 23 T 33 233 Wielun Road-Rail Crossing 51 14 24 18 33 38 T 172 234 Wieruszow Railway Bridge 51 18 4 18 8 53 T 150 235 Wilków Crossroads 51 41 46 16 12 11 T 75 236 Winsko School 51 28 11 16 36 34 T 168 237 Wisla Dam 49 36 55 18 55 33 T 572 238 Wisznc GPS 51 47 15 23 12 35 T 148 239 Wloszczowa Railway Station 50 50 16 20 53 T 251 240 Wodzislaw GPS 49 59 58 18 28 31 T 251 241 Wojtowice Church 50 21 5 19 6 7 T 313 242 Wolczyn GPS 51 1 8 18 2 57 T 179 243 Woszczyce Church 50 4 50 18 45 30 T 261 244 Wreczyca Crossroads 50 50 45 18 55 20 T 273 245 Wschowa Road Bridge 51 47 37 16 18 52 T 90 246 Wysokie Church 50 54 10 22 41 T 260 247 Zagorow Town Square 52 10 6 17 54 8 T 81 248 Zamosc GPS 50 42 6 23 12 16 TA 229 12/30 2620 G EPZA 249 Zar Hangar 49 46 20 19 13 20 TA 411 122.80 05/08 1210 G EPZR 250 Zawada GPS 50 42 59 18 30 T 161 251 Zawdzkie GPS 50 36 51 18 28 32 T 211 252 Zbiersk Crossroads 51 57 10 18 7 58 T 116 253 Zdzieszowice GPS 50 25 12 18 7 58 T 186 254 Zloczew Church 51 24 58 18 36 25 T 175 255 Zmigrod Railway Bridge 51 28 53 16 54 10 T 87 256 Zory GPS 50 2 44 18 41 38 T 257 257 Zubrzyca Gorna Church 49 33 7 19 39 40 T 712 258 Zwolen GPS 51 21 13 21 35 2 T 154 259 Zytno GPS 50 55 37 19 37 40 T 230 Gotartowice Hangar 50 4 16 18 37 47 THASF 253 09/12 2130 G EPRG Meta E GPS 50 4 14 18 37 57 TA 252 09/12 2130 G EPRG Meta W GPS 50 4 19 18 37 29 TA 254 09/12 2130 G EPRG