;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Romorantin-Pruniers, France + ; + ; FAI Women's World Gliding Championship, 2007 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Aeroclub Sologne + ; + ; Generated Wednesday, 11 July 2007 at 04:17 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Finish Line 05" "FNLN05" "Ligne Arrive Seuil 05" "N4718,800" "E00141,367" "Finish Line 23" "FNLN23" "Ligne Arrive Seuil 23" "N4719,117" "E00141,800" "Charbonnier" "CHRBNN" "Depart Rond Point" "N4722,117" "E00142,717" "Selles sur Cher" "SLLSSR" "Depart Usine" "N4716,917" "E00133,417" "Villefranche" "VLLFRN" "Depart Pont/Cher" "N4717,517" "E00146,200" "Airvault" "AIRVLT" "Centre Ville" "N4649,617" "W00008,183" "Alencon" "ALENCN" "Piste 07/25 118.32" "N4826,850" "E00006,500" "Amboise Pagoda" "AMBSPG" "La Pagode" "N4723,467" "E00058,183" "Amboise AF" "AMBOSF" "Piste 11/29 118.775" "N4720,483" "E00056,550" "Angers" "ANGERS" "Piste 08/26 119.00" "N4733,667" "W00018,733" "Arces Dilo" "ARCSDL" "Pont TGV/D47" "N4804,117" "E00333,717" "Ardentes" "ARDNTS" "Gare SNCF" "N4644,000" "E00149,000" "Argent sur Sauldres" "ARGNTS" "Gare SNCF" "N4733,750" "E00226,383" "Argenton sur Creuse AF" "ARGNTN" "Piste 04/22 123.50" "N4635,817" "E00136,150" "Argenton sur Creuse St" "ARGENT" "Gare SNCF" "N4635,567" "E00131,000" "Aubigny sur Nere AF" "ABGNSR" "Aubigny Piste 06/24 123.50" "N4729,000" "E00223,650" "Aubigny sur Nere St" "AUBIGN" "Gare SNCF" "N4729,267" "E00225,883" "Ayron" "AYRON" "Gare SNCF" "N4639,833" "E00004,450" "Bauge" "BAUGE" "Ancienne Gare" "N4732,233" "W00006,067" "Beaumont" "BEAMNT" "Eglise" "N4808,433" "E00228,700" "Bellac" "BELLAC" "Gare SNCF" "N4607,567" "E00103,233" "Bellegarde" "BLLGRD" "Chateau" "N4759,217" "E00226,483" "Bessay sur Allier" "BSSSRL" "Gare SNCF" "N4626,600" "E00321,650" "Blancafort" "BLNCFR" "Chateau" "N4731,900" "E00232,033" "Blet" "BLET" "Eglise" "N4653,767" "E00243,867" "Blois Br" "BLOSBR" "Vieux Pont" "N4735,133" "E00120,150" "Blois AF" "BLOISF" "Piste 12/30 118.45" "N4740,733" "E00112,633" "Bonnetable" "BNNTBL" "Gare SNCF" "N4810,417" "E00025,200" "Bonneuil Matours" "BNNLMT" "Pont/Vienne" "N4640,883" "E00034,567" "Bonneval" "BONNVL" "Gare SNCF" "N4811,167" "E00123,200" "Bouilly" "BOUILL" "D190/N77" "N4811,617" "E00400,200" "Bourges RW" "BRGSRW" "Triangle SNCF" "N4705,383" "E00218,633" "Bourges AF" "BORGSF" "Piste 06/24 119.60" "N4703,917" "E00222,800" "Bressuire" "BRESSR" "Gare SNCF" "N4650,367" "W00029,767" "Briare X" "BRIARX" "Echangeur N7" "N4739,533" "E00244,250" "Briare AF" "BRIARF" "Piste 14/32 125.40" "N4736,967" "E00246,933" "Brou" "BROU" "Gare SNCF" "N4813,000" "E00109,750" "Buno Bonneveau AF" "BNBNNV" "Piste 10/28 123.15" "N4821,067" "E00225,533" "Buno Bonneveau A6" "BUNOBO" "Peage A6" "N4820,333" "E00235,467" "Buzancais" "BUZNCS" "Pont N143/Indre" "N4652,667" "E00125,633" "Centre France" "CNTRFR" "Aire Autoroute" "N4645,067" "E00225,183" "Cerdon" "CERDON" "Eglise" "N4738,183" "E00221,817" "Chalette sur Loing" "CHLTTS" "Pont VF/N7" "N4800,900" "E00244,383" "Chambord" "CHMBRD" "Chateau" "N4736,967" "E00131,017" "Chapelle dAngillon" "CHPLLD" "Carrefour" "N4721,767" "E00226,183" "Charost" "CHARST" "Carrefour N151/D18" "N4659,567" "E00207,517" "Chartres" "CHRTRS" "Piste 10/28 119.20" "N4827,533" "E00131,433" "Chateau du Loir" "CHDULR" "Gare SNCF" "N4740,967" "E00024,817" "Chateau la Valliere" "CHLVLL" "Gare SNCF" "N4733,067" "E00019,183" "Chateau Renard" "CHRNRD" "Rond Point" "N4755,667" "E00255,667" "Chateauneuf sur Cher" "CHTNFS" "Piste 09/27 123.50" "N4652,267" "E00222,617" "Chatellerault A10" "CHTLLR" "Peage Nord A10" "N4650,200" "E00032,033" "Chatellerault AF" "CHATEL" "Piste 18/36" "N4646,883" "E00033,117" "Chatillon Coligny" "CHTLLN" "Chateau" "N4749,333" "E00251,000" "Chatillon sur Indre" "CHATIL" "Eglise" "N4659,517" "E00110,250" "Chaumont sur Loire" "CHMNTS" "Chateau" "N4728,717" "E00111,267" "Chauvigny Br" "CHVGNB" "Pont/Vienne" "N4634,183" "E00038,567" "Chauvingy AF" "CHVNGF" "Piste 05/23 123.50" "N4635,017" "E00039,550" "Chemille sur Indrois" "CHMLLS" "Pont Est Etang" "N4709,733" "E00110,117" "Chenonceaux" "CHNNCX" "Chateau" "N4719,533" "E00104,183" "Cheverny" "CHEVRN" "Chateau" "N4730,017" "E00127,283" "Chinon" "CHINON" "Pont/Vienne" "N4710,083" "E00014,167" "Cholet" "CHOLET" "Piste 03/21 120.40" "N4704,917" "W00052,633" "Clamecy" "CLAMEC" "Piste 18/36 123.50" "N4726,500" "E00329,900" "Clion" "CLION" "Gare SNCF" "N4656,717" "E00114,167" "Cosne sur Loire" "CSNSRL" "Gare SNCF" "N4724,817" "E00255,900" "Couhe Verac" "COHVRC" "Eglise" "N4617,883" "E00010,900" "Coulanges sur Yonne" "CLNGSS" "Pont/Yonne" "N4731,467" "E00332,433" "Courtenay" "COURTN" "Peage Autoroute" "N4803,600" "E00305,717" "Culan" "CULAN" "Eglise" "N4632,917" "E00220,550" "Dame Marie les Bois" "DMMRLS" "Piste Privee" "N4731,967" "E00101,150" "Decize" "DECIZE" "Eglise" "N4649,700" "E00328,000" "Descartes" "DSCRTS" "Gare SNCF" "N4658,467" "E00041,667" "Dompierre sur Bresbe" "DMPRRS" "Gare SNCF" "N4631,583" "E00340,400" "Dordives" "DORDVS" "Pont sur Loing" "N4808,767" "E00245,333" "Doue la Fontaine" "DLFNTN" "Pont Echangeur Est" "N4711,817" "W00014,717" "Dun sur Auron" "DNSRRN" "Pont sur Auron" "N4653,000" "E00234,017" "Ecueille" "ECUELL" "Eglise" "N4705,067" "E00120,933" "Entrains sur Nohain" "ENTRNS" "Centre Ville" "N4727,850" "E00315,400" "Epuisay" "EPUISA" "Rond Point N157/D957" "N4753,933" "E00056,000" "Fougeres" "FOUGRS" "Piste Privee" "N4727,467" "E00121,933" "Gencay" "GENCAY" "Eglise" "N4622,367" "E00024,333" "Gien" "GIEN" "Gare SNCF" "N4742,000" "E00238,283" "Gievres" "GIEVRS" "Gare SNCF" "N4716,733" "E00140,117" "Gueret" "GUERET" "Piste 05/23 123.50" "N4610,750" "E00157,450" "Herbault" "HERBLT" "Relais Telecom" "N4736,033" "E00108,050" "Intermarche" "INTRMR" "Rond Point Intermarche" "N4720,767" "E00143,767" "Issoudun St" "ISSDNS" "Gare SNCF" "N4656,883" "E00159,117" "Issoudun AF" "ISSDNF" "Piste 11/29 122.50" "N4653,317" "E00202,483" "Janville" "JANVLL" "Piste Privee" "N4809,250" "E00151,183" "Jargeau" "JARGEA" "Pont" "N4752,167" "E00207,550" "Joigny" "JOIGNY" "Piste 08/26 123.50" "N4759,700" "E00323,483" "Jouy le Potier" "JOLPTR" "Eglise" "N4744,767" "E00148,617" "La Celle Guenant" "LCLLGN" "Piste Ulm" "N4657,883" "E00055,667" "La Charite sur Loire" "LCHRTS" "Gare SNCF" "N4710,850" "E00301,417" "La Chatre" "LACHTR" "Gare SNCF" "N4635,500" "E00159,183" "La Ferte Saint Aubin" "LFRTST" "Chateau" "N4743,583" "E00156,583" "La Fleche Ch" "LFLCHC" "Gare SNCF" "N4741,400" "W00004,383" "La Fleche AF" "LFLCHF" "Piste 09/27 123.50" "N4741,650" "E00000,150" "La Guerche sur Aubois" "LGRCHS" "Gare SNCF" "N4656,917" "E00256,883" "La Roche Posay" "LRCHPS" "Pont/Creuse" "N4647,500" "E00049,000" "La Trimouille" "LTRMLL" "Pont/Vienne" "N4628,000" "E00102,583" "La Motte Beuvron" "LMTTBV" "Peage Autoroute" "N4734,850" "E00159,767" "Laval" "LAVAL" "Piste 15/33 119.30" "N4801,933" "W00044,567" "Le Blanc Br" "LBLNCB" "Pont/Creuse" "N4637,817" "E00103,717" "Le Blanc AF" "LBLNCF" "Piste 04/22 123.50" "N4637,250" "E00105,250" "Le Grand Pressigny" "LGRNDP" "Chateau" "N4654,833" "E00048,183" "Tours le Louroux" "TRSLLR" "Piste 03/21 123.05" "N4709,000" "E00042,767" "Le Mans St" "LMNSST" "Gare SNCF" "N4759,767" "E00011,683" "Le Mans AF" "LEMNSF" "Piste 02/20 125.90" "N4756,967" "E00012,183" "Le Poteau" "LEPOTE" "Carrefour N7/D940" "N4746,750" "E00243,933" "Les Maisons Blanches" "LSMSNS" "Carrefour N10/D948" "N4608,267" "E00010,533" "Levroux Ch" "LVRXCH" "Eglise" "N4658,700" "E00136,750" "Levroux AF" "LEVRXF" "Piste" "N4657,667" "E00139,733" "Lignieres" "LIGNRS" "Chateau" "N4645,033" "E00210,733" "Ligny le Ribault" "LGNLRB" "Piste Privee" "N4742,333" "E00146,417" "Ligueil" "LIGUEL" "Eglise" "N4702,667" "E00049,283" "LIle Bouchard" "LLBCHR" "Eglise" "N4707,050" "E00025,383" "Loches" "LOCHES" "Chateau" "N4707,500" "E00059,817" "Lorris" "LORRIS" "Centre Ville" "N4753,400" "E00230,883" "Lothiers" "LOTHRS" "Pont N20/N151" "N4641,967" "E00134,983" "Loudun St" "LODNST" "Gare SNCF" "N4700,933" "E00005,150" "Loudun AF" "LOUDNF" "Piste 09/27 123.50" "N4702,233" "E00006,033" "Loury" "LOURY" "Eglise" "N4800,117" "E00205,133" "Lurcy Levis" "LRCLVS" "Piste 06/24" "N4642,767" "E00256,767" "Lusignan" "LUSGNN" "Gare SNCF" "N4626,133" "E00006,983" "Lussac les Chateaux" "LSSCLS" "Gare SNCF" "N4624,300" "E00043,217" "Maslesherbes" "MSLSHR" "Gare SNCF" "N4817,550" "E00224,067" "Manthelan" "MNTHLN" "Eglise" "N4708,167" "E00047,500" "Marcilly en Villette" "MRCLLN" "Eglise" "N4745,883" "E00201,300" "Mauleon" "MAULEN" "Piste 04/22 123.50" "N4654,250" "W00041,833" "Meung sur Loire" "MNGSRL" "Peage Autoroute" "N4750,000" "E00139,883" "Migennes" "MIGNNS" "Gare SNCF" "N4757,650" "E00331,017" "Millancay" "MILLNC" "Eglise" "N4726,867" "E00146,250" "Mirebeau" "MIREBE" "Eglise" "N4646,683" "E00011,333" "Montargis" "MNTRGS" "Piste 05/23 123.50" "N4757,633" "E00241,150" "Montereau Fault Yonne" "MNTRFL" "Pont VF/A5" "N4823,317" "E00259,283" "Montlucon" "MNTLCN" "Piste 17/35 118.40" "N4613,567" "E00221,767" "Montmorillon" "MNTMRL" "Gare SNCF" "N4625,167" "E00052,250" "Montreuil Bellay" "MNTRLB" "Gare SNCF" "N4707,517" "W00008,867" "Montrichard St" "MNTRCH" "Gare SNCF" "N4720,750" "E00110,750" "Montrichard AF" "MONTRI" "Piste Privee" "N4720,217" "E00112,417" "Moree" "MOREE" "Eglise" "N4754,200" "E00114,033" "Mornay sur Allier" "MRNSRL" "Eglise" "N4649,267" "E00301,867" "Moulins Br" "MLNSBR" "Pont VF/N7" "N4635,750" "E00318,567" "Moulins AF" "MOLNSF" "Piste 08/26 125.20" "N4632,100" "E00325,367" "Neung sur Beuvron" "NNGSRB" "Pont" "N4731,967" "E00148,450" "Neuville aux Bois" "NVLLXB" "Gare SNCF" "N4804,233" "E00203,567" "Neuvy sur Barangeon" "NVSRBR" "Centre Ville" "N4718,900" "E00215,317" "Nevers" "NEVERS" "Piste 12/30 120.60" "N4700,283" "E00306,717" "Niort" "NIORT" "Piste 07/25 119.10" "N4618,850" "W00023,600" "Nouan le Fuselier" "NNLFSL" "Gare SNCF" "N4732,033" "E00201,967" "Noyant" "NOYANT" "Gare SNCF" "N4730,133" "E00007,183" "Onzain" "ONZAIN" "Piste Ulm" "N4731,483" "E00110,900" "Orbigny" "ORBIGN" "Piste Privee" "N4713,367" "E00117,433" "Orleans" "ORLENS" "Peage Sud A71" "N4750,433" "E00152,133" "Oucques" "OUCQUS" "Eglise" "N4749,350" "E00117,600" "Parthenay" "PARTHN" "Gare SNCF" "N4638,900" "W00014,433" "Pithiviers St" "PTHVRS" "Gare SNCF" "N4810,417" "E00214,517" "Pithiviers AF" "PITHIV" "Piste 07/25 123.50" "N4809,433" "E00211,550" "Pont sur Yonne" "PNTSRN" "Gare SNCF" "N4817,217" "E00312,000" "Pontlevoy" "PONTLV" "Piste Ulm" "N4723,283" "E00113,267" "Port de Piles" "PRTDPL" "Pont N10 /Vienne" "N4700,367" "E00036,067" "Pouilly sur Loire" "PLLSRL" "Pont Sur Loire" "N4716,733" "E00257,317" "Preuilly sur Claise" "PRLLSR" "Gare SNCF" "N4650,983" "E00055,733" "Reignac" "REIGNC" "Gare SNCF" "N4713,050" "E00054,017" "Reuilly" "REUILL" "Pont VF /D918" "N4705,083" "E00202,833" "Richelieu" "RICHEL" "Gare SNCF" "N4700,867" "E00019,067" "Romorantin" "RMRNTN" "Milieu Piste 05L/23R 119.075" "N4719,033" "E00141,417" "Saint Aignan" "STEGNN" "Silo" "N4717,700" "E00121,933" "Saint Calais" "STECLS" "Carrefour Est N157" "N4755,167" "E00045,933" "Saint Fargeau" "STEFRG" "Chateau" "N4738,333" "E00304,117" "Salbris" "SALBRS" "Rond Point Sud" "N4724,850" "E00203,217" "Sancerre" "SANCRR" "Gare SNCF" "N4720,250" "E00252,833" "Sancoins" "SANCNS" "Eglise" "N4649,817" "E00255,167" "Saumur" "SAUMUR" "Piste 10/28 120.60" "N4715,400" "W00006,817" "Sennely" "SENNEL" "Centre Ville" "N4740,633" "E00208,867" "Sens" "SENS" "Cathedrale" "N4811,883" "E00316,967" "Soings" "SOINGS" "Centre Ville" "N4724,767" "E00131,533" "Souesmes" "SOUSMS" "Piste Privee" "N4726,917" "E00212,617" "Souppes sur Loing" "SPPSSR" "Gare SNCF" "N4810,917" "E00244,083" "Saint Benoit sur Loire" "STBNTS" "Piste Ulm" "N4747,600" "E00220,200" "Saint Denis de lHotel" "STDNSD" "Piste 05/23 122.40" "N4753,917" "E00209,917" "Saint Florent sur Cher" "STFLRN" "Gare SNCF" "N4659,583" "E00215,117" "Saint Florentin" "STEFLO" "Piste 07/25 123.50" "N4758,933" "E00346,667" "Saint Hippolite" "STHPPL" "Piste Ulm" "N4703,600" "E00108,800" "Saint Maixent" "STMXNT" "Place" "N4624,900" "W00012,017" "Ste Maure de Touraine" "STMRDT" "Peage A10" "N4706,450" "E00035,233" "Saint Romain le Preux" "STRMNL" "Pont A6 /D943" "N4756,317" "E00314,617" "Saint Savin" "STESVN" "Eglise" "N4633,883" "E00052,017" "Sully sur Loire" "SLLSRL" "Chateau" "N4746,067" "E00222,517" "Talcy" "TALCY" "Chateau" "N4746,133" "E00126,567" "Thouars St" "THRSST" "Gare SNCF" "N4659,100" "W00012,600" "Thouars AF" "THORSF" "Piste 12/30 123.35" "N4657,717" "W00010,000" "Tigy" "TIGY" "Carrefour" "N4747,800" "E00211,883" "Toucy" "TOUCY" "Centre Ville" "N4744,017" "E00317,667" "Tournon Saint Martin" "TRNNST" "Gare SNCF" "N4644,183" "E00057,567" "Troo" "TROO" "Piste Privee" "N4745,017" "E00044,000" "Troyes" "TROYES" "Piste 18/36 125.35" "N4819,300" "E00401,000" "Valencay" "VALENC" "Chateau" "N4709,450" "E00133,850" "Varennes sur Allier" "VRNNSS" "Gare SNCF" "N4618,933" "E00323,633" "Vatan" "VATAN" "Echangeur A20" "N4704,950" "E00149,717" "Vendome" "VENDOM" "Gare SNCF" "N4748,133" "E00103,933" "Vicq sur Nahon" "VCQSRN" "Piste Privee" "N4706,517" "E00133,867" "Vierzon St" "VRZNST" "Gare SNCF" "N4713,617" "E00203,583" "Vierzon AF" "VIRZNF" "Piste 04/22 125.25" "N4711,683" "E00204,000" "Villeromain" "VLLRMN" "Rond Point Nord" "N4744,033" "E00108,267" "Voves" "VOVES" "Gare SNCF" "N4816,450" "E00137,267"