++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Romorantin-Pruniers, France + + + + Contributed by Guillaume Caattiaux + + Contributed on 04 May 2022 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Tuesday, 24 May 2022 at 17:51 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, Ligne 05, 47, 18.9, 1, 41.22, 88 2, Ligne 23, 47, 19.2, 1, 41.67, 88 3, Charbonnier, 47, 22.12, 1, 42.72, 90 4, VllfrnchChr, 47, 17.52, 1, 46.2, 106 5, Selles Cher, 47, 16.92, 1, 33.42, 88 6, Airvault, 46, 49.62, -0, -8.18, 112 7, AlenconAero, 48, 26.85, 0, 6.5, 146 8, AmboiseLPgd, 47, 23.47, 0, 58.18, 90 9, AmboiseDirr, 47, 20.48, 0, 56.55, 60 10, AngersMarc, 47, 33.67, -0, -18.73, 60 11, AnglmBrChm, 45, 43.77, 0, 13.15, 134 12, Arces Dilo, 48, 4.12, 3, 33.72, 260 13, Ardentes, 46, 44.0, 1, 49.0, 170 14, ArgentSldr, 47, 33.75, 2, 26.38, 180 15, ArgentanAr, 48, 42.63, 0, 0.18, 177 16, ArgntnCrsr, 46, 35.82, 1, 36.15, 220 17, ArgntnCrsG, 46, 35.57, 1, 31.0, 115 18, AubignyNrr, 47, 29.0, 2, 23.65, 192 19, AubignNrGr, 47, 29.27, 2, 25.88, 195 20, AxrrBrnchs, 47, 50.78, 3, 29.8, 159 21, Avallon, 47, 30.18, 3, 53.93, 238 22, Avranchesr, 48, 39.7, -1, -24.32, 9 23, Ayron, 46, 39.83, 0, 4.45, 150 24, BagnolesAr, 48, 32.73, -0, -23.07, 217 25, BarSeineAr, 48, 4.02, 4, 24.77, 287 26, Bauge, 47, 32.23, -0, -6.07, 85 27, Beaumont, 48, 8.43, 2, 28.7, 90 28, BellacAero, 46, 7.8, 1, 4.7, 250 29, Bellegarde, 47, 59.22, 2, 26.48, 115 30, Blancafort, 47, 31.9, 2, 32.03, 190 31, Blet, 46, 53.77, 2, 43.87, 190 32, BloisVxPnt, 47, 35.13, 1, 20.15, 80 33, BloisleBrl, 47, 40.73, 1, 12.63, 122 34, Bonnetable, 48, 10.42, 0, 25.2, 130 35, BonnelMtrs, 46, 40.88, 0, 34.57, 110 36, Bonneval, 48, 11.17, 1, 23.2, 130 37, Bouilly, 48, 11.62, 4, 0.2, 140 38, BourgsVFrr, 47, 5.38, 2, 18.63, 150 39, BourgesAer, 47, 3.92, 2, 22.8, 155 40, Bressuire, 46, 50.37, -0, -29.77, 135 41, Briarchngr, 47, 39.53, 2, 44.25, 165 42, BrirChtlln, 47, 36.97, 2, 46.93, 170 43, BrienneAer, 48, 25.85, 4, 28.92, 116 44, Brou, 48, 13.0, 1, 9.75, 155 45, BunoBonnvx, 48, 21.07, 2, 25.53, 140 46, Buzancais, 46, 52.67, 1, 25.63, 130 47, CntrdlFrnc, 46, 45.07, 2, 25.18, 190 48, Cerdon, 47, 38.18, 2, 21.82, 150 49, ChalaisAer, 45, 16.08, 0, 0.97, 88 50, ChalettLng, 48, 0.9, 2, 44.38, 120 51, Chambord, 47, 36.97, 1, 31.02, 80 52, Chplldngll, 47, 21.77, 2, 26.18, 192 53, Charost, 46, 59.57, 2, 7.52, 130 54, ChrtrsChmp, 48, 27.53, 1, 31.43, 150 55, Ch du Loir, 47, 40.97, 0, 24.82, 50 56, ChLaVallir, 47, 33.07, 0, 19.18, 70 57, Ch Renard, 47, 55.67, 2, 55.67, 110 58, Chatebrndr, 47, 44.42, -1, -11.33, 98 59, Chateaudun, 48, 3.47, 1, 22.77, 134 60, ChatenfChr, 46, 52.27, 2, 22.62, 168 61, ChaterxDls, 46, 51.62, 1, 43.27, 162 62, ChtrxVllrs, 46, 50.47, 1, 37.22, 160 63, ChtllrltPg, 46, 50.2, 0, 32.03, 64 64, ChtllrltTr, 46, 46.88, 0, 33.12, 64 65, ChtllnClgn, 47, 49.33, 2, 51.0, 133 66, Chatllnndr, 46, 59.52, 1, 10.25, 120 67, ChatllnSnr, 47, 50.78, 4, 34.8, 277 68, ChaumontAr, 48, 5.5, 5, 2.97, 305 69, ChaumontLr, 47, 28.72, 1, 11.27, 75 70, Chauvigny, 46, 35.02, 0, 39.55, 130 71, Chemllndrs, 47, 9.73, 1, 10.12, 90 72, ChenayAero, 46, 20.8, -0, -0.9, 131 73, Chenonceax, 47, 19.53, 1, 4.18, 60 74, Cheverny, 47, 30.02, 1, 27.28, 100 75, Chinon, 47, 10.08, 0, 14.17, 50 76, CholtLpntr, 47, 4.92, -0, -52.63, 134 77, Clamecy, 47, 26.5, 3, 29.9, 216 78, Clion, 46, 56.72, 1, 14.17, 100 79, CosnesLrGr, 47, 24.82, 2, 55.9, 180 80, CosnesLorr, 47, 21.62, 2, 55.1, 177 81, Cosseneux, 47, 36.22, 2, 5.23, 121 82, CouheVerac, 46, 16.37, 0, 11.38, 153 83, Coulangsnn, 47, 31.47, 3, 32.43, 150 84, Courtenay, 48, 3.6, 3, 5.72, 170 85, Culan, 46, 32.92, 2, 20.55, 230 86, DameMrlsBs, 47, 31.97, 1, 1.15, 115 87, Decize, 46, 49.7, 3, 28.0, 230 88, Descartes, 46, 58.47, 0, 41.67, 50 89, Dordives, 48, 8.77, 2, 45.33, 70 90, DouelaFntn, 47, 11.82, -0, -14.72, 70 91, Dun/Auron, 46, 53.0, 2, 34.02, 160 92, Ecueille, 47, 5.07, 1, 20.93, 150 93, Eguzon, 46, 27.5, 1, 36.5, 200 94, EntrnsNhns, 47, 27.85, 3, 15.4, 216 95, Epuisay, 47, 53.93, 0, 56.0, 165 96, EtmpsMntds, 48, 22.92, 2, 4.47, 149 97, FalaiseAer, 48, 55.63, -0, -8.73, 156 98, FontenayAr, 46, 26.48, -0, -47.62, 28 99, FougersBvr, 47, 27.47, 1, 21.93, 102 100, Gencay, 46, 22.37, 0, 24.33, 130 101, Gien, 47, 42.0, 2, 38.28, 160 102, Gievres, 47, 16.73, 1, 40.12, 90 103, GueretAer, 46, 10.75, 1, 57.45, 369 104, Herbault, 47, 36.03, 1, 8.05, 120 105, IssoireAr, 45, 30.9, 3, 16.02, 378 106, IssoudnGr, 46, 56.88, 1, 59.12, 130 107, IssoudnlF, 46, 53.32, 2, 2.48, 162 108, Jargeau, 47, 52.17, 2, 7.55, 110 109, Joigny, 47, 59.7, 3, 23.48, 223 110, Joinvillr, 48, 23.17, 5, 8.67, 311 111, JouylePtr, 47, 44.77, 1, 48.62, 115 112, Juvancrtr, 48, 6.9, 4, 49.22, 351 113, LAigleAer, 48, 45.58, 0, 39.5, 241 114, LaChartLr, 47, 10.85, 3, 1.42, 180 115, La Chatre, 46, 35.5, 1, 59.18, 210 116, LaFrtStbn, 47, 43.58, 1, 56.58, 110 117, La Fleche, 47, 41.4, -0, -4.38, 30 118, LaFlecher, 47, 41.65, 0, 0.15, 37 119, LaGurchbs, 46, 56.92, 2, 56.88, 180 120, LaPerollr, 46, 41.43, 1, 31.77, 160 121, LaRochePs, 46, 47.5, 0, 49.0, 60 122, LaRochenr, 46, 42.15, -1, -22.9, 92 123, LaTrimoll, 46, 28.0, 1, 2.58, 100 124, LmttBvrnP, 47, 34.85, 1, 59.77, 105 125, LmttBvrnL, 47, 39.37, 1, 59.27, 126 126, LangresAr, 47, 57.93, 5, 17.67, 421 127, Lapalissr, 46, 15.23, 3, 35.27, 317 128, LavalAero, 48, 1.93, -0, -44.57, 101 129, LeBlncPnt, 46, 37.82, 1, 3.72, 90 130, LeBlancAr, 46, 37.25, 1, 5.25, 110 131, LeFrtslnn, 46, 26.4, 0, 20.65, 130 132, LGrndPrss, 46, 54.83, 0, 48.18, 90 133, LeLouroxr, 47, 9.0, 0, 42.77, 125 134, LeMansGar, 47, 59.77, 0, 11.68, 50 135, LeMansAer, 47, 56.97, 0, 12.18, 65 136, Le Poteau, 47, 46.75, 2, 43.93, 160 137, Levroxgls, 46, 58.7, 1, 36.75, 150 138, LevrouxLM, 46, 57.67, 1, 39.73, 163 139, Lignieres, 46, 45.03, 2, 10.73, 160 140, LignlRblt, 47, 42.33, 1, 46.42, 115 141, Ligueiil, 47, 2.67, 0, 49.28, 80 142, LIleBchrd, 47, 7.05, 0, 25.38, 40 143, Loches Ch, 47, 7.5, 0, 59.82, 100 144, LochesULM, 47, 9.2, 1, 0.72, 119 145, Lorris, 47, 53.4, 2, 30.88, 125 146, Lothiers, 46, 41.97, 1, 34.98, 155 147, LoudunGar, 47, 0.93, 0, 5.15, 90 148, LoudunAer, 47, 2.23, 0, 6.03, 98 149, Loury, 48, 0.12, 2, 5.13, 120 150, LurcyLevy, 46, 42.77, 2, 56.77, 225 151, Lusignan, 46, 26.13, 0, 6.98, 130 152, LssclsCht, 46, 24.3, 0, 43.22, 100 153, Maleshrbs, 48, 17.55, 2, 24.07, 115 154, Manthelan, 47, 8.17, 0, 47.5, 105 155, MrcllnVll, 47, 45.88, 2, 1.3, 120 156, Mauleon, 46, 54.25, -0, -41.83, 178 157, MeungLoir, 47, 50.0, 1, 39.88, 110 158, MzrslzClr, 47, 48.65, 1, 50.47, 105 159, Migennes, 47, 57.65, 3, 31.02, 90 160, Millancay, 47, 26.87, 1, 46.25, 105 161, Mirebeau, 46, 46.68, 0, 11.33, 110 162, MntStMchl, 48, 38.25, -1, -30.75 163, MntrgsVmr, 47, 57.63, 2, 41.15, 102 164, MntrFltnn, 48, 23.32, 2, 59.28, 65 165, MntlcnDmr, 46, 21.22, 2, 34.28, 235 166, MntlcnGrt, 46, 13.57, 2, 21.77, 415 167, Montmrlln, 46, 25.17, 0, 52.25, 100 168, MontrlBll, 47, 7.52, -0, -8.87, 35 169, MntrchrdG, 47, 20.75, 1, 10.75, 65 170, Mntrchrdr, 47, 20.22, 1, 12.42, 64 171, Moree, 47, 54.2, 1, 14.03, 90 172, MoretEpis, 48, 20.52, 2, 47.97, 76 173, Mornayllr, 46, 49.27, 3, 1.87, 210 174, MrtgnPrch, 48, 32.42, 0, 31.98, 271 175, MlnsMntbg, 46, 32.1, 3, 25.37, 275 176, Neufchatr, 48, 21.75, 5, 43.25, 372 177, NeungBvrn, 47, 31.97, 1, 48.45, 97 178, NeuvllxBs, 48, 4.23, 2, 3.57, 130 179, NeuvBrngn, 47, 18.9, 2, 15.32, 146 180, NvrsFrchm, 47, 0.28, 3, 6.72, 170 181, NiortSoch, 46, 18.85, -0, -23.6, 60 182, NounlFslr, 47, 32.03, 2, 1.97, 115 183, Noyant, 47, 30.13, 0, 7.18, 85 184, Orbigny, 47, 13.37, 1, 17.43, 160 185, Orcay, 47, 17.8, 2, 5.97, 155 186, Orleans, 47, 50.43, 1, 52.13, 100 187, Oucques, 47, 49.35, 1, 17.6, 130 188, Parthenay, 46, 38.9, -0, -14.43, 100 189, Pithivirs, 48, 9.43, 2, 11.55, 117 190, PoitrsBrd, 46, 35.25, 0, 18.4, 128 191, PontYonne, 48, 17.37, 3, 14.93, 71 192, Pontlevoy, 47, 23.28, 1, 13.27, 110 193, PortdePls, 47, 0.37, 0, 36.07, 50 194, PouillyLr, 47, 16.73, 2, 57.32, 155 195, PreullCls, 46, 50.98, 0, 55.73, 85 196, PuydeDome, 45, 46.5, 2, 57.75, 1465 197, Reignac, 47, 13.05, 0, 54.02, 90 198, RennesAer, 48, 4.32, -1, -43.93, 37 199, ReuillPnt, 47, 5.08, 2, 2.83, 120 200, ReuillyLM, 47, 4.55, 2, 1.6, 151 201, Richelieu, 47, 0.87, 0, 19.07, 55 202, RoanneAer, 46, 3.17, 3, 59.98, 338 203, Romorntnr, 47, 19.03, 1, 41.42, 88 204, St Aignan, 47, 17.7, 1, 21.93, 70 205, StBenotLr, 47, 47.6, 2, 20.2, 125 206, St Calais, 47, 55.17, 0, 45.93, 155 207, StDnsdlHt, 47, 53.92, 2, 9.92, 130 208, StMardTrn, 47, 6.45, 0, 35.23, 100 209, SaintesAr, 45, 42.12, -0, -38.22, 37 210, StFargeau, 47, 38.33, 3, 4.12, 200 211, StFlrntCh, 46, 59.58, 2, 15.12, 140 212, StFlrntnC, 47, 58.93, 3, 46.67, 107 213, StHppltlm, 47, 3.6, 1, 8.8, 120 214, StJndnglr, 45, 57.98, -0, -31.57, 76 215, StMaixent, 46, 24.9, -0, -12.0, 150 216, StRmnlPrx, 47, 56.32, 3, 14.62, 135 217, St Savin, 46, 33.88, 0, 52.02, 105 218, Salbris, 47, 24.85, 2, 3.22, 110 219, Sancerre, 47, 20.25, 2, 52.83, 180 220, Sancoins, 46, 49.82, 2, 55.17, 205 221, Santilly, 48, 9.53, 1, 51.13, 125 222, SmrStFlrn, 47, 15.4, -0, -6.82, 82 223, SllsStDns, 47, 23.98, 1, 55.0, 98 224, Semurnxsr, 47, 28.92, 4, 20.62, 320 225, Sennely, 47, 40.63, 2, 8.87, 130 226, Sens, 48, 11.88, 3, 16.97, 95 227, SngsnSlgn, 47, 24.77, 1, 31.53, 113 228, Souesmes, 47, 26.92, 2, 12.62, 135 229, SouppsLng, 48, 10.92, 2, 44.08, 170 230, SullyLoir, 47, 46.07, 2, 22.52, 125 231, Super U, 47, 20.77, 1, 43.77, 90 232, Talcy, 47, 46.13, 1, 26.57, 120 233, ThouarsGr, 46, 59.1, -0, -12.6, 85 234, ThouarsAr, 46, 57.72, -0, -10.0, 150 235, Tigy, 47, 47.8, 2, 11.88, 123 236, Toucy, 47, 44.02, 3, 17.67, 186 237, TrnnStMrt, 46, 44.18, 0, 57.57, 85 238, TrooSouge, 47, 45.02, 0, 44.17, 62 239, TroysBrbr, 48, 19.3, 4, 1.0, 120 240, Valencais, 47, 9.45, 1, 33.85, 150 241, Varnnsllr, 46, 18.93, 3, 23.63, 235 242, Vatan, 47, 4.95, 1, 49.72, 140 243, Vendome, 47, 48.13, 1, 3.93, 85 244, VichyAero, 46, 10.3, 3, 24.25, 250 245, VicqNahon, 47, 6.52, 1, 33.87, 152 246, VierzonGr, 47, 13.62, 2, 3.58, 100 247, VierzonMr, 47, 11.68, 2, 4.0, 131 248, Villeromn, 47, 44.03, 1, 8.27, 120 249, VovesGare, 48, 16.45, 1, 37.27, 150 250, VovesAero, 48, 12.75, 1, 40.43, 145 251, LeMnsCrct, 48, 0.58, 0, 20.8, 83 252, MagnyCors, 47, 0.22, 3, 16.17, 228