;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Romans, France + ; + ; Championnat Regional Rhone-Alpes 2016 a Romans + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Vercors Vol a Voile + ; + ; Generated Wednesday, 04 May 2016 at 06:00 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Aups" "AUPS" "Village" "N4337,600" "E00613,483" "Caille" "CAILLE" "Village" "N4346,750" "E00643,783" "Aiguines" "AIGUNS" "Pont" "N4348,083" "E00614,967" "Moustiers" "MOSTRS" "village" "N4350,767" "E00613,317" "Cereste" "CEREST" "Aero" "N4351,133" "E00532,850" "Castillon" "CSTLLN" "Barrage de" "N4352,717" "E00632,233" "Volx" "VOLX" "Centre" "N4352,800" "E00550,417" "Barreme" "BARREM" "Village" "N4357,133" "E00621,950" "St Andre les Alpes" "STNDRL" "Village" "N4358,200" "E00630,383" "Coupe" "COUPE" "Sud de montagne" "N4400,700" "E00618,867" "Cousson" "COUSSN" "Pointe Sud Ouest" "N4402,683" "E00614,067" "St Etienne les Orgues" "STTNNL" "_" "N4402,683" "E00546,733" "St Auban" "STAUBN" "Aero" "N4403,533" "E00559,417" "Malfougasse" "MLFGSS" "village" "N4403,983" "E00553,883" "Digne" "DIGNE" "Stade" "N4405,050" "E00613,517" "Bedoin" "BEDOIN" "village" "N4407,583" "E00510,583" "Noyer sur Jabron" "NRSRJB" "village" "N4410,117" "E00549,700" "La Javie" "LAJAVI" "village" "N4410,283" "E00620,983" "Colmars" "COLMRS" "Village" "N4410,783" "E00637,600" "Sisteron" "SISTRN" "Centre" "N4411,967" "E00556,733" "Sederon" "SEDERN" "Village" "N4412,350" "E00532,233" "Vaison la Romaine" "VSNLRM" "_" "N4414,633" "E00504,150" "Sisteron2" "SISTER" "Aero" "N4417,183" "E00555,750" "Orpierre" "ORPIRR" "Village" "N4418,833" "E00541,583" "Laragne" "LARAGN" "Centre" "N4418,983" "E00549,117" "Motte du Caire" "MTTDCR" "Aero" "N4419,150" "E00601,817" "Grand Puy" "GRANDP" "Station de ski" "N4419,317" "E00623,567" "Seyne les Alpes" "SNLSLP" "Village" "N4421,033" "E00621,183" "Nyons" "NYONS" "Centre" "N4421,583" "E00508,633" "Monetier" "MONETR" "Village" "N4423,117" "E00556,633" "Barcelonette" "BRCLNT" "Aero" "N4423,233" "E00636,550" "Rosans" "ROSANS" "Village" "N4423,617" "E00528,250" "Larche" "LARCHE" "Col" "N4425,250" "E00653,883" "Jausiers" "JAUSRS" "Lac" "N4425,267" "E00644,433" "Ruoms" "RUOMS" "Aero" "N4426,650" "E00419,967" "St Vincent les Forts" "STVNCN" "_" "N4426,733" "E00622,367" "Serres Aero" "SERRSR" "_" "N4427,200" "E00543,550" "Serre Poncon" "SRRPNC" "Barrage" "N4428,317" "E00616,233" "Motte Chalacon" "MTTCHL" "Altiport" "N4430,183" "E00523,633" "Aspres sur Buech" "ASPRSS" "Aero" "N4431,067" "E00544,067" "Savines" "SAVINS" "Village" "N4431,550" "E00624,250" "Veynes" "VEYNES" "Centre" "N4431,917" "E00548,950" "Vars" "VARS" "Col" "N4432,100" "E00642,233" "Crots" "CROTS" "Terrain ULM" "N4432,150" "E00626,017" "Aubenas" "AUBENS" "Aero" "N4432,367" "E00422,317" "Cabre" "CABRE" "Col" "N4432,817" "E00535,883" "Embrun" "EMBRUN" "Village" "N4433,733" "E00629,133" "Roche des Arnauds" "RCHDSR" "Centre" "N4433,800" "E00557,500" "Gap" "GAP" "Gare SNCF" "N4433,833" "E00605,233" "Beaurieres" "BEARRS" "Village" "N4434,167" "E00533,217" "St Nazaire le Desert" "STNZRL" "_" "N4434,167" "E00516,500" "Montelimard" "MNTLMR" "Aero" "N4434,950" "E00444,367" "Bourdeaux" "BOURDX" "Village" "N4435,150" "E00508,050" "Maljasset" "MLJSST" "Village" "N4435,650" "E00650,633" "Reallon" "REALLN" "Village" "N4435,733" "E00621,983" "Luc en Diois" "LUCNDS" "Village" "N4436,833" "E00527,267" "Saou" "SAOU" "Village" "N4438,800" "E00503,750" "Lus la Croix Haute" "LSLCRX" "Village" "N4439,933" "E00542,317" "Aubenasson" "ABNSSN" "Aero" "N4441,650" "E00509,300" "Chatillon en Diois" "CHTLLN" "_" "N4441,683" "E00529,133" "St Crepin" "STCRPN" "Aero" "N4442,017" "E00635,950" "St Veran" "STVERN" "Village" "N4442,017" "E00652,083" "Crest" "CREST" "Centre" "N4443,783" "E00500,833" "Privas" "PRIVAS" "Centre" "N4444,083" "E00435,917" "Roche de Rame" "RCHDRM" "Village" "N4444,183" "E00634,950" "Chateau Queyras" "CHQURS" "Village" "N4445,317" "E00647,283" "Die" "DIE" "Gare SNCF" "N4445,500" "E00521,783" "La Raye Antenne" "LRNTNN" "_" "N4448,850" "E00504,450" "Isoard" "ISOARD" "Col" "N4449,167" "E00644,050" "St Julien en Quint" "STJLNN" "Village" "N4450,267" "E00517,633" "Limouches" "LIMCHS" "Col Lacet SW" "N4453,300" "E00507,500" "Briancon" "BRINCN" "Gare SNCF" "N4453,383" "E00638,000" "Tourniol" "TOURNL" "Col" "N4455,167" "E00511,167" "Montgenevre" "MNTGNV" "Col" "N4455,717" "E00643,783" "Casset" "CASSET" "Champ" "N4459,017" "E00629,550" "Relais HertzienduMusan" "RLSHRT" "_" "N4459,267" "E00513,467" "Beauregard" "BERGRD" "Village" "N4459,800" "E00511,100" "Plampinet" "PLMPNT" "Village" "N4500,183" "E00639,767" "St Jean en Royans" "STJNNR" "Aero" "N4501,533" "E00518,433" "Lautaret" "LAUTRT" "Col" "N4502,100" "E00624,517" "Ecanciere" "ECANCR" "village Bassin a l'Ouest" "N4503,000" "E00509,183" "Report" "REPORT" "Point SW" "N4503,000" "E00504,750" "Arrivee Sud" "ARRVSD" "Ligne" "N4503,650" "E00505,633" "Arrivee Est" "ARRVST" "Ligne" "N4503,767" "E00506,433" "Romans" "ROMANS" "Aero" "N4503,883" "E00506,083" "St Nazaire en Royans" "STNZRN" "_" "N4504,033" "E00514,567" "Bourg dOisans" "BRGDSN" "Champ de" "N4504,200" "E00601,983" "Bardonecchia" "BRDNCC" "Village" "N4504,617" "E00642,633" "Vizille" "VIZILL" "Champ" "N4504,800" "E00546,650" "Peyrins" "PEYRNS" "Village" "N4505,500" "E00502,883" "Rencurel" "RENCRL" "Village" "N4506,150" "E00528,417" "Rochemolles" "RCHMLL" "Barrage" "N4507,650" "E00645,867" "Etache" "ETACHE" "Col" "N4508,917" "E00648,750" "Bissorte" "BISSRT" "Barrage" "N4510,817" "E00634,783" "Modane Avrieux" "MDNVRX" "_" "N4512,767" "E00642,667" "Polienas" "POLINS" "Village" "N4514,950" "E00528,267" "Sollieres" "SOLLRS" "Aero" "N4515,233" "E00648,183" "St Rambert" "STRMBR" "Aero" "N4515,300" "E00449,483" "Montaud" "MONTAD" "Village" "N4515,750" "E00533,783" "Voreppe" "VOREPP" "Pont autoroute" "N4518,567" "E00537,083" "Republique" "REPBLQ" "Col" "N4519,967" "E00428,817" "Verrane" "VERRAN" "Village" "N4522,150" "E00439,800" "St Remy de Maurienne" "STRMDM" "Aero" "N4522,167" "E00616,917" "Bonneval sur Arc" "BNNVLS" "_" "N4522,283" "E00702,700" "St Laurent du Pont" "STLRNT" "_" "N4523,300" "E00543,900" "St Pierre dEntremont" "STPRRD" "Village" "N4524,917" "E00551,233" "Carro" "CARRO" "Col" "N4525,800" "E00707,517" "Echelles" "ECHLLS" "Village" "N4525,933" "E00545,300" "Madeleine" "MADELN" "Col" "N4526,250" "E00623,033" "Vienne" "VIENNE" "Aero" "N4527,783" "E00449,700" "St Jean de Couz" "STJNDC" "Village" "N4528,017" "E00549,100" "Moutiers" "MOUTRS" "Centre" "N4528,883" "E00632,050" "St Chamond" "STCHMN" "Aero" "N4529,517" "E00432,067" "St Thibaud de Couz" "STTHBD" "_" "N4530,067" "E00550,633" "Aiguebelle" "AIGBLL" "Village" "N4532,633" "E00618,450" "Basmont" "BASMNT" "Col" "N4533,150" "E00623,350" "Challes" "CHALLS" "Aero" "N4533,617" "E00558,533" "Landry" "LANDRY" "Champ" "N4534,233" "E00644,033" "Bourg St Maurice" "BRGSTM" "Centre" "N4537,083" "E00646,267" "Albertville" "ALBRTV" "Aero" "N4537,583" "E00619,717" "Revard" "REVARD" "Le" "N4540,683" "E00558,700" "Motte en Bauge" "MTTNBG" "Village" "N4542,033" "E00607,683" "Ugine" "UGINE" "Centre" "N4544,733" "E00625,250" "Faverges" "FAVRGS" "Centre" "N4545,100" "E00617,633" "Pont de lAbime" "PNTDLB" "_" "N4545,867" "E00603,417" "Roc des Boeufs Nord" "RCDSBF" "_" "N4548,700" "E00611,100" "Megeve" "MEGEVE" "Altiport" "N4549,183" "E00639,067" "Qunital" "QUNITL" "Village" "N4550,467" "E00605,117" "Puisots Les N Semnoz" "PSTSLS" "_" "N4552,000" "E00607,300" "Col des Aravis" "CARAVS" "_" "N4552,350" "E00627,933" "Voza" "VOZA" "Col" "N4552,633" "E00645,633" "Thones" "THONES" "Centre" "N4552,967" "E00619,283" "Veyrier" "VEYRIR" "Le" "N4554,167" "E00610,883" "Chamonix" "CHAMNX" "Centre" "N4555,383" "E00652,533" "Sallanches" "SLLNCH" "Aero" "N4557,167" "E00638,283" "Thorens" "THORNS" "Chateau" "N4559,667" "E00615,517" "Le Tour" "LETOUR" "Village" "N4600,200" "E00656,750" "Andey" "ANDEY" "Pointe" "N4602,700" "E00625,200" "St Laurent en Faucigny" "STLAUR" "Village" "N4602,850" "E00621,517" "Bonneville" "BNNVLL" "Pont SNCF" "N4604,483" "E00624,733" "Samooens" "SAMONS" "Village" "N4605,033" "E00643,550" "Taninges" "TANNGS" "Village" "N4606,467" "E00635,467" "Mieussy" "MIEUSS" "Village" "N4608,150" "E00631,417" "Les Gets" "LESGTS" "Centre" "N4609,583" "E00640,217" "Avoriaz" "AVORIZ" "station" "N4611,833" "E00646,133" "Chatel" "CHATEL" "Village" "N4616,000" "E00650,400"