* NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "roitzsc3.stx" created Monday, 27 May 2013 at 01:14 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $STATE Sachsen $STATE_ABBREV SN $HOME Roitzschjora, Germany $URL_TURNPOINTS_HIDE www.vss-leipzig.de/index.php?option=com_docman&Itemid=100088 $URL_INFORMATION www.vss-leipzig.de/ the contest $CONTEST 20. Heidepokal, 2013 $COPYRIGHT VSS Leipsiz / Roitzschjora 2013 $MILOMEI Yes $EXTRACT_FROM_EXISTING_SUA /home/leib/WSX/Airspace/DE/DE.txt $CONTRIBUTOR Gert Kalisch $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL info@heidepokal.de $COUNTRY DE $DECIMAL_SEP , $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $ALTITUDE_UNIT Meters $DISTANCE_UNIT Kilometers $LATITUDE North $LONGITUDE East $FILENAME_3 ro3 $FILENAME_4 rot3 $FILENAME_5 roit3 $FILENAME_8 roitzsc3 $MODIFICATIONS 02 Apr 00: Original contribution courtesy of Eberhard Bley $MODIFICATIONS 07 May 01: Schwarzheide and Wittenberg moved. Bad Frankenhausen, Böhlen, Boxberg, Brand, Colditz, Dieterdorf, Döbeln, Drewitz, Falkenberg, Gerbstedt, Hermsdorfer Kreuz, Hundisburg, Jena Schöngleina, Jüterbog, Klix, Klötze, Kropstaedt, Laucha, Lüchow Rehbeck, Muegeln, Northeim, Peitz, Riesa/Canitz, Rote Wiese Helmst., Rothenburg Ols., Salzgitter Schäf., Salzwedel, Schköna, Sömmerda, Straach, Theessen, Weisswasser, and Wollin added. Finowfurt, and Niederfinow removed. $MODIFICATIONS 11 Jan 02: Filenames modified. $MODIFICATIONS 03 Jun 04: Jena Schöngleina, Radeland, and Renneritz removed. Many points moved a small amount. Brand, Colditz, Kyritz, and Salzwedel moved significantly. Dahme, Grossenhain, Jänschwalde, Joachimsthal, Schnuckenheide Repke, and Ülzen added. $MODIFICATIONS 24 Jul 09: AP1 Nord, AP3 Bad Dueben, AP4 Nordost, AP5 Nordwest, Aap2amitte, Aue Bei Hattorf, Bad Lauterberg, Bismark, Budachow, Crussow, Eisenhuettenstadt, Feldberg, Goerzke, Gorzow Wielkopolski, Gryfow Slaski, Ilowa Skrzyzowanie, Jessen, Kostrzyn, Luban, Lubsko, Luebben, Neustadt, Perleberg, Pretzsch, Pritzwalk, Rechlin, Rothenburg Oberlausitz, Rzepin, Salzgitter Schaeferst., Sulecin, Tangerhuette, Torzym, Weglinek, Weisswasser, Witnica, Zagan, Zielona Gora-Przylep, Dedelow, and Dermerthin added. Waypoints renumberd. $MODIFICATIONS 25 Jul 09: Ülzen, AAP 2a Mitte, Aue Bei Hattorf, Northeim, Salzgitter Schaeferst, and Schnuckenheide Repke removed. $MODIFICATIONS 19 Jan 10: Magnetic Variation added $MODIFICATIONS 25 Jul 10: Anflug Ost, Anflug West, Ap6 Roesa, Betzhorn, Boleslaw, Freienwalde, Kajenskie, Weddendorf, and Wendischthun added. $MODIFICATIONS 30 Jun 12; Altenberg, Altschadow, Angermünde, Aue, Bad Gottleuba, Bad Schandau, Barlinek, Bautzen, Bernstadt, Bobrowice, Boleslawiec, Brody, Brojce, Broniszow, Bucharzewo, Casel, Ceska Kamenice, Cesky Dub, Chemnitz, Chojna, Chojnow A4, Chomotov, Cottbus Sued, Crinitz, Cybinka, Czartowo, Czerna, Dabie, Decin, Doberlug, Dobrosulow, Eibau, Fichtelberg, Forst, Frankfurt, Frauenstein, Freienhufen, Freiwalde, Gaworzyce, Geyer, Glogow, Goeda, Goerlitz, Goyatz, Gozdnica, Grabowiec, Gransee, Grochowice, Gross Leuthen, Grossmuckrow, Grossrueckerswalde, Hainichen, Harrachov, Herburtowo, Hochkirch, Jaeschken, Janiszowice, Janov Hraz, Jasien, Jelenia Gora, Jena-Schoengleina, Kaliska, Kaszczor, Kluczewo, Kolczyn, Kolsko, Kreba, Krobiel-Nowiny, Krochlice, Krzywa, Lauta, Legnica, Lesna, Lesniow, Liberec, Lipki Wielkie, Loebau, Logow, Lubikowo, Lubin, Lubniewice, Luboszow, Luckenwalde, Luebbenau, Lugowo, Lwowek Slaski, Miedzychod, Miedzyrzecz, Milsko, Mimon, Muehlberg, Neukirch, Neustadt-Glewe, Niederfinow, Niesky, Nova Mesto, Novogrod Bobrzan, Nowa Sol, Oelsnitz, Oppach, Oschersleben, Osno Lubuskie, Pilka-Marylin, Pinnow NL, Prenzlau, Preschen, Przytoczna, Rabenberg, Reichenbach, Rudolstadt, Schneekoppe, Seyda, Skwierzyna, Spremberg, Staropole, Stary Dwor, Szprotawa, Teupitz, Treuenbrietzen, Tuczno, Tuplice, Ustek, Vetschau, Weissenberg, Welzow, Wiesenburg, Withen, Wriezen, Wymiarki, Zahna, Zary, and Zittau added.   Kropstaedt, Torzym, Weddendorf, and Wendischthun removed. $MODIFICATIONS 17 Jul 12: Airspace updated. $MODIFICATIONS 16 May 13: Barlinek, Bobrowice, Boleslaw, Boleslawiec, Brody, Brojce, Broniszow, Bucharzewo, Budachow, Ceska Kamenice, Cesky Dub, Chojnow A4, Chomotov, Cybinka, Czartowo, Czerna, Dabie, Decin, Dobrosulow, Gaworzyce, Glogow, Gorzow Wielkopolski, Gozdnica, Grabowiec, Grochowice, Gryfow Slaski, Harrachov, Herburtowo, Ilowa Skrzyzowanie, Jaeschken, Janiszowice, Janov Hraz, Jasien, Jelenia Gora, Kajenskie, Kaliska, Kaszczor, Kolczyn, Kolsko, Kostrzyn, Krobiel-Nowiny, Krochlice, Krzywa, Legnica, Lesna, Lesniow, Liberec, Lipki Wielkie, Logow, Luban, Lubikowo, Lubin, Lubniewice, Luboszow, Lubsko, Lugowo, Lwowek Slaski, Miedzychod, Miedzyrzecz, Milsko, Mimon, Nova Mesto, Novogrod Bobrzan, Nowa Sol, Osno Lubuskie, Pilka-Marylin, Przytoczna, Rzepin, Schneekoppe, Skwierzyna, Staropole, Stary Dwor, Sulecin, Szprotawa, Tuczno, Tuplice, Ustek, Weglinek, Wymiarki, Zagan, Zary, and Zielona Gora-Przylep removed.   Version 2013. $RW_L_UNIT METERS $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 2.4E $MILOMEI Yes $RW_L_UNIT METERS $MILOMEI Yes $RW_L_UNIT METERS $MILOMEI Yes * ============================================================================== * * Filename "roitzsc3.stx" created Monday, 27 May 2013 at 01:14 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $STATE_ABBREV SN $HOME Roitzschjora, Germany $CONTEST 20. Heidepokal, 2013 $COPYRIGHT VSS Leipsiz / Roitzschjora 2013 $CONTRIBUTOR Gert Kalisch $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL info@heidepokal.de $COUNTRY DE $DECIMAL_SEP , $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $ALTITUDE_UNIT Meters $LATITUDE North $LONGITUDE East $RW_L_UNIT METERS $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 2.4E $RW_L_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 15 May 2013 $LONGITUDE East $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * 1 AP1 Nord 001AP1NR 51 40 0 12 30 0 S 88 2 AP2 Pouch 002AP2PC 51 37 15 12 25 9 S 90 3 AP3 Bad Düben 003AP3BD 51 35 30 12 34 48 S 88 4 AP4 Nordost 004AP4NR 51 40 0 12 36 0 S 88 5 AP5 Nordwest 005AP5NR 51 40 0 12 25 0 S 94 6 AP6 Rösa 006AP6RS 51 37 15 12 29 59 S 88 7 Anflug Ost 007ANFLG 51 34 28 12 32 40 T 88 8 Anflug West 008ANFLG 51 34 57 12 26 39 T 88 9 ZL 1 Ost 009ZL1OS 51 34 34 12 30 11 FA 88 10 ZL 2 West 010ZL2WS 51 34 40 12 29 13 FA 88 11 Altenberg 011ALTNB 50 47 5 13 43 31 T 739 12 Altschadow 012ALTSC 52 7 5 13 57 0 T 45 13 Angermünde 013ANGRM 53 1 4 13 59 40 T 50 14 Guben 014GUBEN 51 57 30 14 42 9 T 55 15 Aschersleben 015ASCHR 51 45 57 11 29 57 AT 162 123.0 11/29 110 1050 G EDCQ 16 Aue 016AUE 50 35 13 12 42 0 T 360 17 Bad Frankenhausen 017BADFR 51 22 24 11 8 30 AT 241 122.0 08/26 80 660 G EDOF 18 Bad Gottleuba 018BADGT 50 50 16 13 55 55 T 380 19 Bad Lauterberg 019BADLT 51 37 27 10 27 27 T 298 20 Bad Schandau 020BADSC 50 55 20 14 8 9 T 130 21 Ballenstedt 021BALLN 51 44 45 11 13 45 AT 162 122.0 09/27 90 690 A EDCB 22 Barby 022BARBY 51 58 45 11 53 3 T 53 23 Bautzen 023BATZN 51 10 59 14 25 12 T 230 24 Bernstadt 024BERNS 51 2 50 14 49 34 T 230 25 Betzhorn 025BETZH 52 36 42 10 32 48 T 40 26 Bismark 026BISMR 52 39 51 11 33 27 T 50 27 Böhlen 027BOHLN 51 10 24 12 22 9 T 131 28 Boxberg 028BOXBR 51 25 3 14 33 54 T 129 29 Brand 029BRAND 52 2 9 13 44 21 AT 71 1.0 100 950 30 Brocken 030BRCKN 51 48 0 10 36 54 T 1133 31 Bronkow 031BRNKW 51 40 15 13 57 36 AT 128 130.0 12/30 120 900 G EDBQ 32 Burg 032BURG 52 13 33 11 49 21 T 75 33 Casel 033CASEL 51 40 12 14 9 44 T 82 34 Chemnitz 034CHMNT 50 44 55 12 49 42 T 365 35 Chojna 035CHOJN 52 56 24 14 24 23 T 58 36 Colditz 036COLDT 51 7 54 12 48 27 T 202 37 Cottbus Süd 037COTTB 51 43 1 14 20 45 T 86 38 Crinitz 038CRNTZ 51 43 25 13 47 25 T 150 39 Crussow 039CRSSW 53 0 48 14 4 24 AT 53 123.0 14/32 140 380 G 40 Dahme 040DAHME 51 52 9 13 25 42 T 85 41 Dedelow 041DEDLW 53 21 15 13 47 12 TA 50 122.6 10/28 271 C EDBD 42 Dermerthin 042DERMR 52 58 21 12 17 21 T 52 43 Dessau 043DESSA 51 49 57 12 11 9 AT 58 118.0 09/27 90 990 A EDAD 44 Dieterdorf 044DITRD 52 1 18 12 47 12 T 153 45 Doberlug 045DOBRL 51 37 13 13 33 51 T 99 46 Döbeln 046DOBLN 51 9 21 13 7 27 T 70 47 Drewitz 047DRWTZ 51 53 24 14 32 0 AT 84 118.0 07/25 70 2484 C EDCD 48 Eibau 048EIBAU 50 58 48 14 39 51 T 370 49 Eisenhüttenstadt 049EISNH 52 11 51 14 35 9 TA 46 122.0 11/29 357 A EDAE 50 Elsterwerda 050ELSTR 51 28 21 13 31 21 T 90 51 Falkenberg 051FALKN 51 35 12 13 14 45 T 88 52 Feldberg 052FELDB 53 19 48 13 25 54 T 75 53 Fichtelberg 053FICHT 50 25 43 12 57 15 T 1214 54 Finkenheerd 054FINKN 52 15 12 14 34 9 T 40 55 Finsterwalde 055FINST 51 38 6 13 40 30 AT 125 123.0 08/26 90 1000 G EDAS 56 Forst 056FORST 51 42 44 14 36 30 T 84 57 Frankfurt 057FRNKF 52 18 52 14 33 5 T 32 58 Frauenstein 058FRNST 50 48 14 13 32 21 T 630 59 Freienhufen 059FRNHF 51 34 12 13 55 48 T 133 60 Freienwalde 060FRNWL 52 50 27 14 7 18 T 50 61 Freiwalde 061FRWLD 51 57 21 13 46 2 T 54 62 Friedland 062FRDLN 52 6 18 14 15 48 T 60 63 Fünfeichen 063FUNFC 52 8 15 14 32 27 T 150 64 Gardelegen 064GARDL 52 31 39 11 21 15 AT 70 122.0 80 570 65 Genthin 065GENTH 52 24 24 12 9 27 T 50 66 Gerbstedt 066GERBS 51 37 42 11 37 27 T 170 67 Geyer 067GEYER 50 37 21 12 52 13 T 745 68 Göda 068GOEDA 51 10 42 14 19 6 T 200 69 Görlitz 069GORLT 51 9 40 14 56 44 T 237 70 Görzke 070GORZK 52 10 24 12 22 0 T 80 71 Goyatz 071GOYAT 52 0 55 14 10 14 T 62 72 Gransee 072GRNS 53 0 7 13 9 58 T 70 73 Gross Leuthen 073GRSSL 52 2 19 14 2 32 T 50 74 Grossenhain 074GRSSN 51 18 24 13 33 21 AT 128 122.0 11/29 120 2400 C EDAK 75 Grossmuckrow 075GRSSM 52 3 59 14 25 58 T 110 76 Grossrückerswalde 076GRSSR 50 38 38 13 7 35 DT 671 123.0 10/28 110 980 G EDAG 77 Hainichen 077HANCH 50 59 11 13 5 59 T 339 78 Halberstadt 078HALBR 51 53 54 11 3 0 T 115 79 Havelberg 079HAVLB 52 49 39 12 4 48 T 25 80 Hermsdorfer Kreuz 080HERMS 50 52 51 11 50 48 T 348 81 Herzberg 081HERZB 51 41 45 13 14 57 T 80 82 Hochkirch 082HOCHK 51 8 56 14 34 15 T 290 83 Hundisburg 083HUNDS 52 14 57 11 24 0 T 90 84 Jänschwalde 084JANSC 51 50 0 14 27 27 T 65 85 Jena-Schöngleina 085JENSC 50 54 51 11 42 45 TA 380 122.05 02/20 357 A EDBJ 86 Jessen 086JESSE 51 46 57 12 57 15 T 72 87 Joachimsthal 087JOCHM 52 57 12 13 48 27 T 72 88 Jüterbog 088JUTRB 51 59 42 12 59 54 T 101 89 Klix 089KLIX 51 16 24 14 30 24 AT 149 122.0 10/28 100 870 G EDCI 90 Klötze 090KLTZ 52 37 45 11 9 3 T 67 91 Kluczewo 091KLCZW 53 17 6 14 57 55 T 30 92 Koeselitz 092KOSLT 51 57 42 12 27 54 T 123 93 Köthen 093KOTHN 51 43 27 11 56 57 AT 91 123.0 07/25 70 800 C EDCK 94 Kreba 094KREBA 51 20 53 14 41 0 T 142 95 Kropstädt 095KRPST 51 58 0 12 44 42 T 128 96 Kyritz 096KYRIT 52 55 9 12 25 30 AT 40 122.0 14/32 140 990 A EDBK 97 Laucha 097LAUCH 51 14 45 11 41 36 AT 226 122.0 09/27 90 720 G EDBL 98 Lauta 098LAUTA 51 27 59 14 6 27 T 121 99 Lieberose 099LIBRS 51 59 18 14 17 54 T 49 100 Löbau 100LOEBA 51 5 58 14 40 19 T 248 101 Luckenwalde 101LUCKN 52 5 31 13 9 40 T 51 102 Lübben 102LUBBN 51 56 21 13 52 39 T 53 103 Lübbenau 103LUBBN 51 51 6 13 54 34 T 58 104 Lüchow Rehbeck 104LUCHW 53 0 54 11 8 39 AT 15 122.0 16/34 160 660 A EDHC 105 Lüsse 105LUESS 52 8 36 12 39 51 AT 67 129.0 70 1120 106 Muegeln 106MUGLN 51 12 0 12 58 45 T 65 107 Muehlberg 107MUHLB 51 26 19 13 11 30 T 87 108 Nardt 108NARDT 51 27 0 14 11 57 AT 116 123.0 08/26 80 470 G EDAT 109 Neuhausen 109NEHSN 51 41 6 14 25 24 AT 85 122.0 09/27 90 800 G EDAP 110 Neukirch 110NEKRC 51 5 27 14 19 18 T 340 111 Neustadt in Sachsen FP 111NESTD 53 21 45 11 36 51 TA 35 123.375 09/27 366 G EDAN 112 Neustadt in Sachsen Marktpl 112NESTD 51 1 33 14 12 54 T 329 113 Niederfinow 113NIDRF 52 50 57 13 56 28 T 38 114 Niemekg 114NIMKG 52 5 42 12 41 18 T 80 115 Niesky 115NIESK 51 17 55 14 49 56 T 157 116 Öhna 116OEHNA 51 53 57 13 3 21 AT 88 122.0 08/26 80 830 A EDBO 117 Oelsnitz 117OELSN 50 24 48 12 9 32 T 390 118 Oppach 118OPPAC 51 3 14 14 30 25 T 336 119 Oschersleben 119OSCHR 52 2 25 11 12 10 TA 96 129.4 11/29 189 G EDOL 120 Perleberg 120PERLB 53 4 12 11 49 6 AT 32 122.0 11/29 110 1270 G 121 Pinnow NL 121PINNW 51 58 46 14 32 13 T 88 122 Prenzlau 122PRNZL 53 13 49 13 59 16 T 70 123 Preschen 123PRSCH 51 39 50 14 37 7 T 102 124 Pretzsch 124PRTZS 51 42 57 12 48 30 T 80 125 Pritzwalk 125PRTZW 53 10 48 12 11 24 T 88 126 Rabenberg 126RABNB 50 27 22 12 44 27 T 854 127 Rechlin 127RECHL 53 18 24 12 45 12 TA 67 129.975 08/26 728 C EDAX 128 Reichenbach 128RECHN 51 8 30 14 48 12 T 240 129 Reinsdorf 129RENSD 51 54 3 13 11 39 AT 104 122.0 10/28 100 1260 G EDOD 130 Riesa/Canitz 130RISCN 51 18 12 13 13 39 AT 123 123.0 09/27 90 1050 G 131 Roitzschjora 131ROTZS 51 34 37 12 29 42 HAT 88 122.0 10/28 100 1200 G EDAW 132 Rote Wiese Helmstedt 132ROTWS 52 14 3 10 58 42 AT 111 122.0 08/26 80 940 G 133 Rothenburg Oberlausitz 133ROTHN 51 21 48 14 57 0 AT 159 123.0 18/36 180 2510 A EDBR 134 Rudolstadt 134RUDLS 50 43 56 11 14 25 TA 468 122.6 07/25 244 G EDOK 135 Salzwedel 135SALZW 52 51 30 11 9 42 T 23 136 Schköna 136SCHKN 51 40 54 12 32 15 T 53 137 Schönebeck 137SCHNB 51 59 48 11 47 33 AT 52 123.0 07/25 70 800 G EDOZ 138 Schwarzheide 138SCHWR 51 29 24 13 52 45 AT 101 129.0 08/26 80 830 G EDBZ 139 Seyda 139SEYDA 50 42 47 13 25 13 T 670 140 Sömmerda 140SOMMR 51 11 51 11 11 51 T 137 141 Spremberg 141SPRMB 51 34 30 14 23 50 T 130 142 Staakow 142STKW 52 0 51 13 41 57 T 55 143 Stendal 143STNDL 52 35 42 11 51 18 T 40 144 Stölln Rhinow 144STLLN 52 44 42 12 23 3 AT 50 122.0 80 840 145 Straach 145STRCH 51 57 18 12 35 36 T 137 146 Tangerhütte 146TANGR 52 26 12 11 48 42 T 45 147 Tangermünde 147TANGR 52 32 57 11 59 6 T 30 148 Teupitz 148TEPTZ 52 7 20 13 38 47 T 52 149 Theessen 149THSSN 52 14 0 12 3 45 T 60 150 Torgau 150TORGA 51 33 33 13 0 30 T 88 151 Treuenbrietzen 151TRNBR 52 5 54 12 52 16 T 75 152 Uckrow 152UCKRO 51 51 12 13 36 24 T 79 153 Vetschau 153VETSC 51 46 34 14 6 24 T 56 154 Weissenberg 154WESSN 51 12 22 14 39 51 T 210 155 Weisswasser 155WESSW 51 30 21 14 38 18 T 130 156 Welzow 156WELZO 51 34 57 14 8 40 T 119 157 Wiesenburg 157WISNB 52 6 47 12 27 6 T 167 158 Withen 158WITHE 51 6 3 14 24 4 T 290 159 Witnica 159WITNC 52 53 48 14 27 33 T 70 160 Wittenberg 160WITTN Elbbrücke 51 51 27 12 38 48 T 67 161 Wollin 161WOLLI 52 17 24 12 27 33 T 39 162 Wriezen 162WRZN 52 36 52 14 14 40 TA 9 119.125 08/26 728 C EDON 163 Zahna 163ZAHNA 51 55 12 12 46 53 T 98 164 Zerbst 164ZERBS 51 59 42 12 7 42 T 74 165 Ziesar 165ZIESA 52 14 57 12 15 33 T 65 166 Zittau 166ZITTA 50 54 16 14 48 22 T 243