Rieti, Italy [EGC 2015: landing points only ] 18th EGC 2015: 15 Meter, Standard Class, Club Class Contributed courtesy of Roberto Romano Last updated Tuesday, 30 June 2015 at 00:07 GMT These data were not provided by the organization, but are in use by local pilots and competitors may find the waypoints usefulSee also the control points only and the combined control and landing points collections. UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Waypoi Latitude Longitude Abbreviations for GPS ICAO Acqasp 42 41.000 N 12 33.117 E ACA Acqa Acqas Acqasp Acqasprt Acqaspart Acqasparta Acqasparta Aquila 42 22.800 N 13 18.533 E AQL AQUI Aquil Aquila Aquila Aquila Aquila Aquila Arezzo 43 27.317 N 11 50.817 E ARZ Arzz Arezz Arezzo Arezzo Arezzo Arezzo Arezzo Borro 43 32.450 N 11 42.133 E BRR Borr Borro Borro Borro Borro Borro Borro Carsol 42 5.633 N 13 2.533 E CAR Cars Carso Carsoi Carsoli2 Carsoli2 Carsoli2 Carsoli2 Cascia 42 45.000 N 13 1.000 E CAC Casi Casca Casci2 Cascia2 Cascia2 Cascia2 Cascia2 Castel 42 49.383 N 13 12.550 E CAE Casl Caste Castel Castellu Castelluc Castelluci Castellucci2 Castel 43 19.950 N 11 51.483 E CAL CasF CstlF CstlFr CstlFrnt CstlFrntn CastlFrntn CastelFirntn Castig 43 8.283 N 12 1.800 E CAI Cstg Cstgl Cstgln Cstglndl CstglndlL CstglndlLg CastiglndlLg Castel 42 44.633 N 11 59.000 E CAV CasV CstlV CstlVs CstlVscr CstlVscrd CastlVscrd CastelViscrd Citta 43 21.083 N 12 12.883 E CIA LIAL CttdC CttdCs CttdCstl CttdCstll CittdCstll CittadiCstll Celano 42 3.100 N 13 33.050 E CEL Cela Celao Celan2 Celano2 Celano2 Celano2 Celano2 Chiano 43 7.233 N 11 55.150 E CHI Chia Chncc Chincc Chianocc Chianocco Chianocco Chianocco Chiusi 43 0.833 N 11 54.400 E CHU Chiu Chiui Chius2 Chiusi2 Chiusi2 Chiusi2 Chiusi2 Corfin 42 6.583 N 13 50.500 E CRF Crfn Corfn Corfin Corfin Corfin Corfin Corfin Fabria 43 20.367 N 12 49.617 E FAB Fbrn Fabrn Fabrin Fabriano Fabriano Fabriano Fabriano Folign 42 55.917 N 12 42.617 E FOL Foli Folig Foligo Foligno2 Foligno2 Foligno2 Foligno2 Gubbio 43 19.117 N 12 34.567 E GUB Gubi Gubbo Gubbi2 Gubbio2 Gubbio2 Gubbio2 Gubbio2 Ofena 42 17.350 N 13 44.733 E OFN Ofen Ofena Ofena Ofena Ofena Ofena Ofena Pietra 43 27.000 N 12 24.000 E PTR Ptrl Ptrln Ptrlng Pietrlng Pietralng Pietralung Pietralunga Rocca 41 52.750 N 14 0.600 E ROC Rccd RccdP RccdPp RoccadPp RoccadiPp RoccadiPap Rocca diPapa San De 42 18.167 N 13 31.000 E SND SnDm SnDmt SnDmtr SnDmtrnV SnDmtrnVs SnDmtrnVst SanDmtrnVstn Siena 43 15.467 N 11 15.317 E SIE Siea Sien2 Siena2 Siena2 Siena2 Siena2 Siena2 San Se 43 33.567 N 12 9.367 E SAN SnSp SnSpl SnSplc SanSplcr SanSeplcr SanSepolcr San Sepolcro Terni 42 34.400 N 12 35.067 E TER Tern Terni Terni Terni Terni Terni Terni Trevi 42 50.667 N 12 44.067 E TRE Trei Trev2 Trevi2 Trevi2 Trevi2 Trevi2 Trevi2 Valdic 43 13.000 N 11 49.167 E VLD Vldc Vldch Vldchn Valdichn Valdichin Valdichian Valdichiana Valle 42 39.883 N 12 9.200 E VAL Vlld VlldL VlldLg ValldLgh ValledLgh ValledeLgh ValledeiLagh