*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * + * Tasknav data for Villa Reynolds, Argentina + * + * Contributed by Osvaldo M. Ferraro + * Contribution date was 03 December, 1998 + * File created Friday, 10 May 2002 at 03:54 GMT + * + * Available from the Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange at + * http://acro.harvard.edu/SOARING/JL/TP [ North America ] + * or http://soaring.xinqu.net/JL/TP [ New Zealand ] + * + * >>>>>>>>>> UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<< + * + * Always consult the relevant publications + * for current and correct information. This + * service is provided free of charge with + * no warrantees, expressed or implied. + * User assumes all risk of use. + * + *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ACH Achiras U 3310.200S 06458.700W Plaza ALC Alcira U 3245.400S 06420.000W Est. ALM Almafuerte U 3212.400S 06414.500W Est. ALT Alto Pelado U 3351.000S 06608.900W Est. BTV Batavia U# 3446.100S 06540.200W Est. Pista BZL Beazley U# 3345.500S 06639.000W Est. Aer. BRR Berrotaran U 3227.400S 06423.100W Est. BNS Buena Esperanza U 3445.000S 06515.300W Est. BLN Bulnes U 3330.000S 06440.800W Est. CLZ C. Alzogaray U 3326.000S 06532.500W Est. CHJ Chajan U 3333.000S 06501.000W Est. CHN Chanaritos U 3316.900S 06448.900W Est. CNB Cn. Baigorria U 3250.700S 06421.500W Est. CRN Coronel Moldes U# 3337.500S 06435.500W Est. CRP Curapaligue U 3405.000S 06336.700W Est. DXN Dixonville U 3446.800S 06531.600W Est. ELM El Mangrullo U 3359.000S 06509.000W Est. ELN Elena U 3234.000S 06423.200W Est. ESP Espinillo U 3301.000S 06421.000W Est. FRG Fraga U 3330.600S 06546.800W Est. FRA Fragueyro U 3343.000S 06431.300W Est. GRE Gral Levalle U 3401.200S 06355.000W Est. GRL Gral Pauner U 3352.200S 06502.000W Est. GRA Gral. Soler U 3356.300S 06414.200W Est. HNC Huinca Renanco U# 3450.000S 06422.500W Est. JNJ Juan Jorba U 3336.500S 06516.000W Est. JNL Juan Llerena U 3315.600S 06536.000W Est. JNW Juan W. Gez U 3323.500S 06608.000W Est. JST Justo Daract U 3351.300S 06511.000W Est. LLF L. Alfalfares U 3448.200S 06443.200W Est. LRG La Argelina U 3423.900S 06523.000W Plaza LCT La Cautiva U 3358.400S 06404.800W Est. LTM La Toma U 3303.200S 06537.000W Est. LSV Las Vertient U 3317.100S 06434.000W Est. LCD Lecueder U 3429.800S 06448.500W Est. LSC Los Condores U 3219.400S 06416.200W Est. NSC Naschel U 3254.600S 06522.800W Est. PRT Partida U 3343.900S 06523.200W Base Aerea PNC Penca U 3444.700S 06502.500W Est RLC Realico U# 3502.200S 06416.000W Est. RBM Rio Bamba U 3403.300S 06343.800W Est. RCR Rio Cuarto A U# 3311.000S 06420.200W Aerodromo RTR Rio Tercero U 3210.800S 06406.500W Est. SMP Sampacho U 3323.000S 06443.200W Est. SNL San Luis U 3318.000S 06621.100W Est. STC Sta. Catalina U 3312.500S 06426.600W Est. SUC Suco U 3326.200S 06449.000W Est. TLS Tilisarao U 3243.000S 06516.700W Est. TSQ Tosquita U 3349.000S 06427.200W Est. VCN Vicuna Mackenna U# 3354.500S 06423.000W Est. VIA Villa Huidobro U 3450.000S 06435.400W Est. VLL Villa Reynolds U# 3343.900S 06523.200W Base Aerea VIL Villa Valeria U# 3420.400S 06455.000W Est. WSH Washington U 3352.200S 06441.300W Est.