Chicago Glider / Hinckley, Illinois Contest: Region 7, 1999 Contributed courtesy of Ron Ridenour Via John Cochrane Last updated on Monday, 23 August, 1999 at 21:49 MST These are based on John Ackerman's turnpoints for Whiteside county, 24 April 1998, with extra turnpoints by Ron and Neil Ridenour 8/4/99. All turnpoints are the indicated ends of the runways, not the center of the airport as given in the airport database and used in the Northern Illinois contest Both Chicago Glider and Hinckley have the attributes A (Airport) T (Turnpoint) S (Start) F (Finish) H (Home), or its translation to the codes of other GPS systems. Your GPS may have trouble with two turnpoints with the SFH attributes. If so, modify the database so that only Chicago Glider has the SFH attribute on the first and last weekend, and only Hinckley on labor day weekend. >>>>>>>>>> UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<< Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Waypoint Latitude Longitude Abbreviations for GPS ICAO 1 Whiteside County 41 44.350 N 89 41.083 W WHT WHTSD WHTSDC WhtsdCnt WhtsdCnty WhitsdCnty WhitesidCnty SQI 3 Dixon 41 49.947 N 89 27.269 W DXN DIXON DIXON Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon C73 4 Rockwood Dam 41 50.779 N 89 58.381 W RCK RCKWD RCKWDD RockwdDm RockwodDm RockwoodDm Rockwood Dam 5 Hammer 41 58.488 N 89 33.567 W HMM HAMMR HAMMER Hammer Hammer Hammer Hammer 00IL 6 Barnett 42 2.243 N 89 23.877 W BRN BRNTT BARNTT Barnett Barnett Barnett Barnett C55 7 Tri-Township 42 2.506 N 90 6.175 W TRT TRTWN TRTWNS TrTwnshp TriTwnshp TriTownshp Tri Township SFY 8 Bresson 41 45.587 N 89 6.095 W BRS BRSSN BRESSN Bresson Bresson Bresson Bresson C82 9 Gen Air Park 41 26.397 N 90 6.906 W GEN GEN GEN AP Gen AP Gen AP Gen AP Gen Air Park 3G8 10 Mendota 41 30.987 N 89 7.943 W MND MENDT MENDOT Mendota Mendota Mendota Mendota 0C7 11 Rochelle 41 53.461 N 89 5.134 W RCH RCHLL ROCHLL Rochelle Rochelle Rochelle Rochelle 12C 12 Clinton IA 41 49.580 N 90 19.982 W CLN CLNTN CLINTN ClintonI ClintonIA Clinton IA Clinton IA CWI 13 Albertus (Freeport) 42 14.398 N 89 35.408 W ALB ALBRT ALBRTS Albertus Albertus Albertus Albertus FEP 14 Illinois Valley 41 20.617 N 89 9.181 W ILL ILLNS ILLNSV IllnsVll IllnsVlly IllinsVlly IllinoisVlly VYS 15 Earlville 41 33.836 N 88 57.074 W ERL ERLVL ERLVLL Earlvill Earlville Earlville Earlville C94 16 Kewanee 41 12.246 N 89 58.429 W KWN KEWAN KEWANE Kewanee Kewanee Kewanee Kewanee EZI 17 Dornink 42 22.547 N 89 33.861 W DRN DRNNK DORNNK Dornink Dornink Dornink Dornink C86 18 Hectares 41 10.653 N 89 8.804 W HCT HCTRS HECTRS Hectares Hectares Hectares Hectares 2V3 19 DeKalb 41 55.645 N 88 42.448 W DKL DEKLB DEKALB DeKalb DeKalb DeKalb DeKalb DKB 20 Marshall County 41 0.962 N 89 22.945 W MRS MRSHL MRSHLL MrshllCn MrshllCnt MrshllCnty MarshallCnty C75 21 Sandwich 41 38.343 N 88 38.986 W SND SNDWC SNDWCH Sandwich Sandwich Sandwich Sandwich IS65 22 Apple Canyon 42 27.737 N 90 10.117 W APP APPLC APPLCN ApplCnyn AppleCnyn AppleCanyn AppleCanyon 7A4 23 Cushing (Newark) 41 30.968 N 88 36.285 W CSH CSHNG CUSHNG Cushing Cushing Cushing Cushing 0C8 25 Belvidere 42 19.442 N 88 50.558 W BLV BLVDR BELVDR Belvider Belvidere Belvidere Belvidere C77 26 Monroe WI 42 37.101 N 89 35.752 W MNR MONRW MONROW MonroeWI Monroe WI Monroe WI Monroe WI EFT 27 Streator 41 7.558 N 88 48.349 W STR STRTR STRETR Streator Streator Streator Streator 54IL 28 Beloit WI 42 29.748 N 88 58.387 W BLT BELTW BELOTW BeloitWI Beloit WI Beloit WI Beloit WI 44C 29 Galesburg 40 55.854 N 90 26.189 W GLS GLSBR GLSBRG Galesbrg Galesburg Galesburg Galesburg GBG 30 Morris 41 25.197 N 88 25.113 W MRR MORRS MORRIS Morris Morris Morris Morris C09 31 Dacy (Harvard) 42 24.002 N 88 38.471 W DCY DACY DACY Dacy Dacy Dacy Dacy 0C0 33 Dwight 41 7.951 N 88 26.576 W DWG DWGHT DWIGHT Dwight Dwight Dwight Dwight DTG 34 Pontiac 40 55.252 N 88 37.900 W PNT PONTC PONTIC Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac Pontiac PNT 35 Paxton 40 26.665 N 88 7.652 W PXT PAXTN PAXTON Paxton Paxton Paxton Paxton 1C1 36 Kentland IN 40 45.548 N 87 26.093 W KNT KNTLN KNTLND KentlndN KentlandN KentlandIN Kentland IN 50I 37 Kankakee 41 3.915 N 87 51.239 W KNK KANKK KANKAK Kankakee Kankakee Kankakee Kankakee IKK 38 Lowell IN 41 13.584 N 87 30.474 W LWL LWLLN LOWLLN LowellIN Lowell IN Lowell IN Lowell IN C97 39 Sanger 41 22.642 N 87 41.287 W SNG SANGR SANGER Sanger Sanger Sanger Sanger C56 40 Frankfort 41 28.660 N 87 50.853 W FRN FRNKF FRNKFR Frankfrt Frankfort Frankfort Frankfort C18 41 Galt 42 24.085 N 88 22.913 W GLT GALT GALT Galt Galt Galt Galt 10C 42 Casa De Aero 42 8.935 N 88 34.056 W CSD CASDR CASADR CasaDeAr CasaDeAer CasaDeAero Casa De Aero C38 43 Hinckley 41 46.269 N 88 42.447 W HNC HNCKL HNCKLY Hinckley Hinckley Hinckley Hinckley 0C2 44 Wade 41 45.064 N 88 46.292 W WAD WADE WADE Wade Wade Wade Wade 56LL 45 Chicago Glider Club 41 25.888 N 88 15.060 W CHC CHCGG CHCGGL ChcgGldr ChcgGldrC ChcgGldrCl ChicgGldrClb IL59 46 Adams Rla 40 56.502 N 88 45.004 W ADM ADMSR ADMSRL AdamsRla Adams Rla Adams Rla Adams Rla 70LL 47 Adkins Rla 42 21.168 N 88 38.089 W ADK ADKNS ADKNSR AdkinsRl AdkinsRla Adkins Rla Adkins Rla 8IL0 48 Aero Four 41 26.169 N 88 14.920 W ARF AERFR AEROFR AeroFour Aero Four Aero Four Aero Four IL58 49 Aero Lake Estates 42 4.635 N 88 37.505 W ARL ARLKS ARLKST ArLkstts AerLkstts AeroLkstts AeroLkEstats 30IS 50 Aerogrange 42 16.151 N 88 34.272 W ARG ARGRN ARGRNG Aerogrng Aerograng Aerogrange Aerogrange 66IL 51 Aeroview 41 58.252 N 88 29.505 W ARV AERVW AEROVW Aeroview Aeroview Aeroview Aeroview 36IL 52 Air Estates 42 16.835 N 88 5.671 W ARS ARSTT ARSTTS AirEstts AirEstats AirEstates Air Estates LL09 53 Albany 42 43.084 N 89 25.424 W ALA ALBNY ALBANY Albany Albany Albany Albany WI50 54 Albrecht 41 31.252 N 89 28.739 W ALR ALBRC ALBRCH Albrecht Albrecht Albrecht Albrecht IL86 55 Albrecht 41 38.402 N 89 23.572 W ALE ALBRE ALBREC Alrecht Alrecht Alrecht Albrecht IL06 56 Albrecht /2/ 41 37.885 N 89 24.306 W ALC ALREC ALRECH Albrcht2 Albrcht2/ Albrecht2/ Albrecht /2/ IL09 57 Alcock Rla 42 4.168 N 89 2.006 W ALO ALCCK ALCCKR AlcockRl AlcockRla Alcock Rla Alcock Rla 41IL 58 Ambler - Cady 41 32.635 N 88 59.605 W AMB AMBLR AMBLRC AmblrCdy AmblerCdy AmblerCady Ambler Cady 7IL9 59 Anderson 42 0.568 N 88 43.055 W AND ANDRS ANDRSN Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson 26LL 60 Antique 41 0.350 N 88 39.483 W ANT ANTIQ ANTIQU Antique Antique Antique Antique 40IL 61 Aurora 41 46.255 N 88 28.371 W ARR AUROR AURORA Aurora Aurora Aurora Aurora ARR 62 B & C 41 35.569 N 88 58.038 W B+C B + C B + C B and C B and C B and C B and C IL99 63 Bakers 42 49.517 N 89 52.207 W BKR BAKRS BAKERS Bakers Bakers Bakers Bakers 86WI 64 Ballek 41 46.335 N 88 40.421 W BLL BALLK BALLEK Ballek Ballek Ballek Ballek 9IL8 65 Bally's 41 52.002 N 89 26.506 W BAL BLLYS BALLYS Ballys Ballys Ballys Ballys 1IL6 66 Barten 42 31.051 N 88 44.723 W BRT BARTN BARTEN Barten Barten Barten Barten WS55 67 Beherns 40 30.769 N 88 8.086 W BHR BHRNS BEHRNS Beherns Beherns Beherns Beherns IS27 68 Benoit 41 7.869 N 87 47.536 W BNT BENOT BENOIT Benoit Benoit Benoit Benoit IL78 69 Berns 40 56.169 N 88 2.503 W BER BERNS BERNS Berns Berns Berns Berns IL81 70 Big Foot 42 31.668 N 88 39.239 W BGF BIGFT BIGFOT Big Foot Big Foot Big Foot Big Foot 7V3 71 Blackburn 42 51.500 N 89 11.840 W BLC BLCKB BLCKBR Blackbrn Blackburn Blackburn Blackburn WI98 72 Blackhawk Farms 42 29.234 N 89 6.473 W BLA BLCKH BLCKHW BlckhwkF BlckhwkFr BlckhwkFrm BlackhwkFrms LL89 73 Block 42 11.501 N 89 50.291 W BLO BLOCK BLOCK Block Block Block Block 88LL 74 Bob Walberg 42 19.251 N 88 45.506 W BBW BBWLB BBWLBR BobWlbrg BobWalbrg BobWalberg Bob Walberg IL36 75 Boondox 41 19.752 N 88 36.004 W BND BONDX BOONDX Boondox Boondox Boondox Boondox 1LL0 76 Boyd Wheatley's Far 41 16.952 N 90 13.107 W BYD BYDWH BYDWHT BydWhtly BydWhtlys BydWhtlysF BydWhtlysFrm IL50 77 Bradbury 40 45.135 N 88 13.370 W BRD BRDBR BRDBRY Bradbury Bradbury Bradbury Bradbury 25LL 78 Braden Farms 40 47.952 N 87 47.019 W BRA BRDNF BRDNFR BrdnFrms BradnFrms BradenFrms Braden Farms 98LL 79 Brady 41 2.285 N 88 20.253 W BRY BRADY BRADY Brady Brady Brady Brady IL51 80 Brandt 41 16.669 N 87 49.336 W BAN BRNDT BRANDT Brandt Brandt Brandt Brandt 55IL 81 Brodhead 42 35.501 N 89 22.507 W BRO BRDHD BRODHD Brodhead Brodhead Brodhead Brodhead C37 82 Brookeridge 41 44.002 N 88 0.004 W BRK BRKRD BRKRDG Brookrdg Brookerdg Brookeridg Brookeridge C24 83 Brunner 42 8.168 N 88 17.255 W BRU BRNNR BRUNNR Brunner Brunner Brunner Brunner 04LL 84 Burrougs Rla North 40 46.500 N 89 0.067 W BRR BRRGS BRRGSR BrrgsRlN BurrgsRlN BurrogsRlN BurrougsRlaN 1IL0 85 Busboom 40 18.669 N 88 0.919 W BSB BUSBM BUSBOM Busboom Busboom Busboom Busboom IL45 86 Bushby Rla 41 31.002 N 88 16.004 W BSH BSHBY BSHBYR BushbyRl BushbyRla Bushby Rla Bushby Rla 87IL 87 Butler Hill Rla 41 44.283 N 89 9.750 W BTL BTLRH BTLRHL BtlrHllR BtlrHllRl ButlrHllRl ButlerHillRl 8IL3 88 C D Maulding 40 27.002 N 88 4.502 W CDM CDMLD CDMLDN CDMaldng CDMauldng CDMaulding C D Maulding LL32 89 Cady Aerial Rla 41 39.650 N 89 41.617 W CDY CDYRL CDYRLR CadyrlRl CadyArlRl CadyAerlRl CadyAerialRl 0IS3 90 Cambier 42 17.985 N 89 25.290 W CMB CAMBR CAMBIR Cambier Cambier Cambier Cambier LL69 91 Camp Lake 42 32.001 N 88 9.505 W CMP CMPLK CAMPLK Camp Lk Camp Lake Camp Lake Camp Lake 49C 92 Campbell 42 19.477 N 88 4.445 W CAM CMPBL CMPBLL Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell C81 93 Carlson Rla 42 20.117 N 89 19.417 W CRL CRLSN CRLSNR CarlsnRl CarlsonRl CarlsonRla Carlson Rla IS19 94 Central Il Regl Blo 40 28.679 N 88 54.957 W CNT CNTRL CNTRLL CntrllRg CntrllRgl CntrllRglr CntrllRglrpt BMI 95 Chatsworth Rla 40 44.585 N 88 17.470 W CHT CHTSW CHTSWR Chtswrth ChtswrthR ChtswrthRl ChatsworthRl IL60 96 Cheechako 42 7.768 N 88 59.539 W CHE CHCHK CHECHK Cheechak Cheechako Cheechako Cheechako 82LL 97 Chester Wyss 42 25.501 N 89 27.007 W CHS CHSTR CHSTRW ChstrWys ChstrWyss ChestrWyss Chester Wyss LL75 98 Chicago Midway 41 47.159 N 87 45.145 W CHI CHCGM CHCGMD ChcgMdwy ChicgMdwy ChicagMdwy ChicagoMidwy MDW 99 Chicago O'Hare 41 58.776 N 87 54.268 W CHA CHCGH CHCGHR ChicagHr ChicagoHr ChicagoOHr ChicagoOHare ORD 100 Clarion 41 32.033 N 89 12.167 W CLR CLARN CLARIN Clarion Clarion Clarion Clarion 35IL 101 Classen Field Rla 40 49.002 N 87 59.502 W CLS CLSSN CLSSNF ClssnFld ClssnFldR ClssnFldRl ClassenFldRl C88 102 Classic Landings 41 9.402 N 88 1.003 W CLA CLSSC CLSSCL ClsscLnd ClsscLndn ClsscLndng ClasscLndngs 05IL 103 Clifton 40 31.450 N 87 24.717 W CLF CLFTN CLIFTN Clifton Clifton Clifton Clifton IN09 104 Cloverleaf Ranch 41 14.250 N 89 32.200 W CLV CLVRL CLVRLF ClvrlfRc ClovrlfRc CloverlfRc CloverleafRc 15LL 105 Clow 41 41.758 N 88 7.754 W CLW CLOW CLOW Clow Clow Clow Clow 1C5 106 Club Bare 41 8.619 N 87 19.785 W CLB CLBBR CLUBBR ClubBare Club Bare Club Bare Club Bare 3C8 107 Cody Port Rla 41 31.135 N 88 50.255 W COD CDYPR CDYPRT CdyPrtRl CodyPrtRl CodyPortRl Cody PortRla 7IL8 108 Cole 41 30.585 N 90 10.924 W COL COLE COLE Cole Cole Cole Cole 9IL7 109 Colonial Acres 42 0.168 N 88 38.755 W COO CLNLC CLNLCR Colnlcrs Colonlcrs Colonilcrs ColonialAcrs 4LL8 110 Compass Rose 42 27.334 N 88 54.173 W COM CMPSS CMPSSR CompssRs CompassRs CompassRos Compass Rose LL87 111 Corn 41 13.385 N 88 8.720 W CRN CORN CORN Corn Corn Corn Corn IL95 112 Cottonwood 42 17.501 N 89 8.173 W CTT CTTNW CTTNWD Cottonwd Cottonwod Cottonwood Cottonwood 1C8 113 County Poor Farm 41 59.418 N 89 19.890 W COU CNTYP CNTYPR CntyPrFr CntyPrFrm ContyPrFrm CountyPorFrm 67LL 114 Cwian 41 32.502 N 88 41.338 W CWN CWIAN CWIAN Cwian Cwian Cwian Cwian 2LL1 115 DR Joseph W Esser 42 7.835 N 88 30.172 W DRJ DRJSP DRJSPH DRJsphWs DRJsphWss DRJsphWssr DRJosephWssr 7IL6 116 Darlington Aviation 42 39.333 N 90 6.508 W DRL DRLNG DRLNGT Drlngtnv Darlngtnv Darlingtnv DarlingtonAv 53C 117 Darrington 42 22.918 N 89 9.673 W DRR DRRNG DRRNGT Darrngtn Darringtn Darrington Darrington LL80 118 Davenport 41 36.617 N 90 35.300 W DVN DVNPR DVNPRT Davenprt Davenport Davenport Davenport DVN 119 David Gillespie 41 21.919 N 88 40.754 W DVD DVDGL DVDGLL DvdGllsp DavdGllsp DavidGllsp DavidGillesp 69IL 120 Davison Rla 40 54.885 N 89 7.722 W DVS DVSNR DVSNRL DavisnRl DavisonRl DavisonRla Davison Rla 86IL 121 Day 41 39.400 N 88 9.333 W DAY DAY DAY Day Day Day Day LL48 122 De Motte 41 12.419 N 87 12.752 W DMT DEMTT DEMOTT De Motte De Motte De Motte De Motte 3C0 123 Delhotal 41 44.169 N 89 10.339 W DLH DLHTL DELHTL Delhotal Delhotal Delhotal Delhotal 7LL7 124 Dewey 41 38.585 N 88 49.072 W DWY DEWEY DEWEY Dewey Dewey Dewey Dewey 8IS7 125 Dewey E Greene 41 26.135 N 90 10.224 W DEW DWYGR DWYGRN DeweyGrn DeweyEGrn DeweyEGren DeweyEGreene 5IL6 126 Dick Burns Farm 41 35.068 N 88 41.371 W DCK DCKBR DCKBRN DckBrnsF DckBrnsFr DckBrnsFrm DickBurnsFrm 52LL 127 Diedrich 41 52.385 N 88 50.105 W DDR DDRCH DIDRCH Diedrich Diedrich Diedrich Diedrich 0IL7 128 Dietchweiler 40 46.702 N 87 47.502 W DTC DTCHW DTCHWL Ditchwlr Dietchwlr Dietchwelr Dietchweiler IS02 129 Doering's Port 41 41.135 N 89 54.157 W DOE DRNGS DRNGSP DrngsPrt DorngsPrt DoerngsPrt DoeringsPort LL61 130 Duane E. Davis 42 7.185 N 89 22.407 W DND DNDVS DUNDVS DuaneDvs DuaneEDvs DuaneEDavs Duane EDavis 26IL 131 Dupage 41 54.413 N 88 14.905 W DPG DUPAG DUPAGE Dupage Dupage Dupage Dupage DPA 132 Dwight 41 4.517 N 88 29.350 W DWI DWIGH DWGHT Dwght Dwght Dwght Dwight 08LL 133 Earl Barnickel 41 40.502 N 89 7.005 W EAR ERLBR ERLBRN ErlBrnck ErlBrnckl EarlBrnckl EarlBarnickl IL88 134 Earlville 41 35.972 N 88 52.197 W EAL EARLV EARLVI Ealville Ealville Ealville Earlville 06IL 135 Early - Merkel 42 22.000 N 89 13.917 W EAY ERLYM ERLYMR ErlyMrkl EarlyMrkl EarlyMerkl Early Merkel IS78 136 Earp 40 44.436 N 90 40.175 W ERP EARP EARP Earp Earp Earp Earp 3IS2 137 Eckberg 41 22.169 N 89 33.589 W ECK ECKBR ECKBRG Eckberg Eckberg Eckberg Eckberg 8LL2 138 Edgar Read 41 11.669 N 89 27.005 W EDG EDGRR EDGRRD EdgarRed EdgarRead Edgar Read Edgar Read LL65 139 Edward Getzelman 42 7.601 N 88 32.005 W EDW EDWRD EDWRDG EdwrdGtz EdwrdGtzl EdwrdGtzlm EdwardGtzlmn 7IL7 140 Edwin G. Bennett 41 20.985 N 89 46.389 W EDI EDWNG EDWNGB EdwnGBnn EdwnGBnnt EdwnGBnntt EdwinGBenntt 1LL7 141 Egland 41 12.735 N 88 41.588 W EGL EGLND EGLAND Egland Egland Egland Egland LL66 142 Eicher 42 22.501 N 89 4.206 W ECH EICHR EICHER Eicher Eicher Eicher Eicher LL81 143 Ellis 42 26.551 N 89 27.007 W ELL ELLIS ELLIS Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis IL23 144 Entwistle 41 6.935 N 89 2.688 W ENT ENTWS ENTWST Entwistl Entwistle Entwistle Entwistle IL72 145 Erie 41 40.752 N 90 4.724 W ERI ERIE ERIE Erie Erie Erie Erie 3H5 146 Ernest E Orwig 41 5.836 N 90 27.175 W ERN ERNST ERNSTR Ernstrwg Ernestrwg ErnestErwg ErnestEOrwig LL18 147 Etheridge 41 28.502 N 89 51.206 W ETH ETHRD ETHRDG Etheridg Etheridge Etheridge Etheridge 52IS 148 Eudy 42 5.667 N 89 1.633 W EDY EUDY EUDY Eudy Eudy Eudy Eudy IS40 149 Everts 42 15.251 N 89 28.090 W EVR EVRTS EVERTS Everts Everts Everts Everts LL68 150 Far FLD 42 12.051 N 88 37.339 W FRF FRFLD FARFLD Far FLD Far FLD Far FLD Far FLD 65IL 151 Fellows 42 45.050 N 89 11.474 W FLL FLLWS FELLWS Fellows Fellows Fellows Fellows 7WI8 152 Ficklin-Airtech 40 46.002 N 88 30.337 W FCK FCKLN FCKLNR Fcklnrtc Fcklnrtch Ficklnrtch FicklinArtch C99 153 Floyd MC Curdy 42 26.068 N 88 59.973 W FLY FLYDM FLYDMC FlydMCCr FlydMCCrd FlydMCCrdy FloydMCCurdy LL94 154 Flying B 42 11.001 N 88 35.672 W FLI FLYNG FLYNGB Flying B Flying B Flying B Flying B 63IL 155 Flying H 42 39.950 N 89 44.257 W FLN FLYIN FLYNGH Flying H Flying H Flying H Flying H 63WI 156 Flying M Farm 41 41.702 N 88 17.787 W FLG FLING FLYNGM FlyngMFr FlyngMFrm FlyingMFrm Flying MFarm IL20 157 Foley 41 22.419 N 89 20.672 W FOL FOLEY FOLEY Foley Foley Foley Foley 72LL 158 Foote 41 5.202 N 89 5.755 W FOT FOOTE FOOTE Foote Foote Foote Foote 3IS7 159 Fosdick 40 46.585 N 88 23.253 W FSD FSDCK FOSDCK Fosdick Fosdick Fosdick Fosdick 4IL9 160 Foxewood 42 34.301 N 88 12.189 W FXW FOXWD FOXEWD Foxewood Foxewood Foxewood Foxewood 77WI 161 Foxfield 42 9.618 N 89 53.174 W FXF FXFLD FOXFLD Foxfield Foxfield Foxfield Foxfield 6IL4 162 Franzmeir 42 16.418 N 89 33.124 W FRA FRNZM FRNZMR Franzmer Franzmeir Franzmeir Franzmeir C50 163 Frings 41 1.435 N 88 59.021 W FRI FRNGS FRINGS Frings Frings Frings Frings 65IS 164 Frye 40 52.086 N 89 40.239 W FRY FRYE FRYE Frye Frye Frye Frye IS06 165 Funfsinn 41 29.002 N 89 10.005 W FNF FNFSN FNFSNN Funfsinn Funfsinn Funfsinn Funfsinn IL13 166 Furtney 40 17.535 N 88 21.603 W FRT FRTNY FURTNY Furtney Furtney Furtney Furtney 15IS 167 Garretson 41 1.335 N 88 55.521 W GRR GRRTS GRRTSN Garretsn Garretson Garretson Garretson IS68 168 Gehant 41 41.852 N 89 8.655 W GHN GEHNT GEHANT Gehant Gehant Gehant Gehant 7LL6 169 Gentry 41 59.452 N 89 33.590 W GNT GNTRY GENTRY Gentry Gentry Gentry Gentry LL55 170 George 41 42.252 N 88 41.588 W GRG GEORG GEORGE George George George George 2LL9 171 Gerald H Hamer 41 27.002 N 89 10.005 W GRL GRLDH GRLDHH GrldHHmr GerldHHmr GeraldHHmr GeraldHHamer LL43 172 Gibson Rla 41 0.302 N 90 42.508 W GBS GBSNR GBSNRL GibsonRl GibsonRla Gibson Rla Gibson Rla IL65 173 Gittleson Farms 41 47.835 N 89 16.389 W GTT GTTLS GTTLSN GttlsnFr GttlsnFrm GttlsnFrms GittlesnFrms 15IL 174 Godbee Rla 40 57.045 N 88 16.237 W GDB GDBRL GODBRL GodbeeRl GodbeeRla Godbee Rla Godbee Rla 47IL 175 Gord 41 41.902 N 88 36.455 W GRD GORD GORD Gord Gord Gord Gord 0LL6 176 Gordon Brown 40 42.086 N 89 53.040 W GOR GRDNB GRDNBR GrdnBrwn GordnBrwn GordonBrwn Gordon Brown 5LL5 177 Grand Geneva Resort 42 36.881 N 88 23.399 W GRN GRNDG GRNDGN GrndGnvR GrndGnvRs GrndGnvRsr GrandGnvRsrt C02 178 Greater Peoria 40 39.855 N 89 41.598 W GRT GRTRP GRTRPR GreatrPr GreaterPr GreaterPer GreaterPeori PIA 179 Greater Rockford 42 11.722 N 89 5.833 W GRE GRTRR GRTRRC GrtrRckf GrtrRckfr GrtrRckfrd GreatrRckfrd RFD 180 Hagi 41 6.602 N 88 47.738 W HAG HAGI HAGI Hagi Hagi Hagi Hagi 39IS 181 Hahn 41 24.719 N 89 12.255 W HHN HAHN HAHN Hahn Hahn Hahn Hahn 17IL 182 Haley 41 29.585 N 88 12.087 W HLY HALEY HALEY Haley Haley Haley Haley 07IL 183 Harms 41 34.619 N 89 47.640 W HRM HARMS HARMS Harms Harms Harms Harms 08IL 184 Harold Bunger 42 4.002 N 88 50.006 W HRL HRLDB HRLDBN HrldBngr HarldBngr HaroldBngr HaroldBunger 16IL 185 Harrington Farms 41 33.519 N 88 39.871 W HRR HRRNG HRRNGT HrrngtnF HrrngtnFr HrrngtnFrm HarrngtnFrms IS95 186 Harry D Fenton 42 28.501 N 89 5.340 W HAR HRRYD HRRYDF HrryDFnt HrryDFntn HarryDFntn HarryDFenton LL88 187 Hattan Farms 40 55.835 N 89 7.238 W HTT HTTNF HTTNFR HttnFrms HattnFrms HattanFrms Hattan Farms 4IS6 188 Hausmann 41 5.019 N 89 45.489 W HSM HSMNN HASMNN Hausmann Hausmann Hausmann Hausmann 75LL 189 Hawker 41 12.002 N 88 1.003 W HWK HAWKR HAWKER Hawker Hawker Hawker Hawker 12IL 190 Heller 42 24.717 N 90 24.008 W HLL HELLR HELLER Heller Heller Heller Heller 22IL 191 Hemmingsen 41 35.668 N 88 36.338 W HEM HMMNG HMMNGS Hemmngsn Hemmingsn Hemmingsen Hemmingsen 93LL 192 Henderson 42 12.868 N 88 45.422 W HND HNDRS HNDRSN Hendersn Henderson Henderson Henderson IL34 193 Hendrickson Flying 41 56.718 N 88 55.439 W HEN HNDRC HNDRCK Hndrcksn HndrcksnF HndrcksnFl HndrcksnFlyn IL93 194 Hendrix 41 2.502 N 88 11.503 W HED HNDRX HENDRX Hendrix Hendrix Hendrix Hendrix IS86 195 Hiland 41 43.952 N 89 56.124 W HLN HILND HILAND Hiland Hiland Hiland Hiland C30 196 Hilbert's Funny Far 42 12.635 N 88 30.905 W HLB HLBRT HLBRTS HlbrtsFn HlbrtsFnn HlbrtsFnny HlbrtsFnnyFr 5LL7 197 Hillman 42 24.951 N 89 27.174 W HIL HLLMN HILLMN Hillman Hillman Hillman Hillman LL91 198 Hoffman 41 58.218 N 88 45.055 W HFF HFFMN HOFFMN Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman IS63 199 Home Free 41 48.202 N 89 1.306 W HMF HOMFR HOMEFR HomeFree Home Free Home Free Home Free 3IL7 200 Howell-New Lenox 41 28.785 N 87 55.286 W HWL HWLLN HWLLNW HwllNwLn HwllNwLnx HowllNwLnx HowellNewLnx 1C2 201 Hugh Van Voorst 41 6.735 N 88 8.403 W HGH HGHVN HGHVNV HghVnVrs HghVnVrst HughVnVrst HughVanVorst 5LL8 202 Hughes 42 37.250 N 89 46.041 W HUG HUGHS HUGHES Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes WS96 203 Hughes Rla 41 3.336 N 89 28.255 W HUH HGHSR HGHSRL HughesRl HughesRla Hughes Rla Hughes Rla 3LL2 204 Hughes Rla 41 23.535 N 90 22.341 W HUE HUGHE HUHESR HuhesRla HuhesRla Huhes Rla Hughes Rla 9IS1 205 Hunter 42 21.401 N 88 30.372 W HNT HUNTR HUNTER Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter 8LL1 206 Illinois Valley Par 40 26.119 N 89 21.556 W ILI ILLIN ILLINO Illinois IllinoisV IllnsVllyP IllnsVllyPrc 81IL 207 Immke 40 50.019 N 88 22.653 W IMM IMMKE IMMKE Immke Immke Immke Immke 0LL8 208 Ingersoll 40 34.146 N 90 4.490 W ING INGRS INGRSL Ingersll Ingersoll Ingersoll Ingersoll CTK 209 J & Y 41 51.485 N 89 24.439 W J+Y J + Y J + Y J and Y J and Y J and Y J and Y 9IS5 210 J Maddock 41 46.018 N 88 31.921 W JMD JMDDC JMDDCK JMaddock J Maddock J Maddock J Maddock IL38 211 J. B. Fillman 41 13.002 N 88 22.004 W JBF JBFLL JBFLLM JBFillmn JBFillman J BFillman J B Fillman 72IL 212 Jack W. Watson 41 51.285 N 88 47.238 W JCK JCKWW JCKWWT JckWWtsn JackWWtsn JackWWatsn Jack WWatson 0IL9 213 Jackson 41 10.302 N 89 48.406 W JAC JCKSN JACKSN Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson 2IS3 214 Janssen 42 13.685 N 89 44.290 W JNS JNSSN JANSSN Janssen Janssen Janssen Janssen 1LL6 215 Janssen 40 51.935 N 89 0.205 W JAN JANSS JANSSE Jassen Jassen Jassen Janssen 82IL 216 Janusick 41 7.752 N 89 6.422 W JAU JNSCK JANSCK Janusick Janusick Janusick Janusick 4H3 217 Jay Schertz Farm 40 50.502 N 89 16.472 W JYS JYSCH JYSCHR JySchrtz JySchrtzF JySchrtzFr JaySchrtzFrm IS00 218 Jerry E Staab 40 47.619 N 89 30.439 W JRR JRRYS JRRYST JerryStb JerryEStb JerryEStab Jerry EStaab LL34 219 Jim & Peg Rla 41 3.285 N 88 23.237 W JM+ JM+PG JM+PGR Jim+PgRl Jim+PegRl Jim+PegRla Jim + PegRla 61IS 220 John D Rennick 40 52.036 N 89 27.189 W JHN JHNDR JHNDRN JhnDRnnc JhnDRnnck JohnDRnnck JohnDRennick IS62 221 John H. Garrelts 40 39.085 N 88 11.086 W JOH JHNHG JHNHGR JhnHGrrl JhnHGrrlt JhnHGrrlts JohnHGarrlts LL72 222 John L Coppernoll 42 18.501 N 89 59.007 W JON JHNLC JHNLCP JhnLCppr JhnLCpprn JhnLCpprnl JohnLCpprnll 4LL3 223 John W Meils Rla 40 56.617 N 89 6.500 W JOW JHNWM JHNWML JhnWMlsR JhnWMlsRl JohnWMlsRl JohnWMeilsRl LL98 224 Johnson 41 36.335 N 88 39.671 W JOS JHNSN JOHNSN Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson IS94 225 Johnson 41 11.885 N 87 33.535 W JOO JOHNS JOHNSO Jonson Jonson Jonson Johnson 90IL 226 Johnstown Center 42 41.334 N 88 50.423 W JOT JHNST JHNSTW JhnstwnC JhnstwnCn JhnstwnCnt JohnstwnCntr WI84 227 Joliet Park Distric 41 31.084 N 88 10.515 W JLT JLTPR JLTPRK JltPrkDs JltPrkDst JltPrkDstr JltPrkDstrct JOT 228 Kamy 41 40.919 N 90 14.374 W KMY KAMY KAMY Kamy Kamy Kamy Kamy IL89 229 Kankakee 41 6.002 N 87 55.003 W KAN KANKA KAKAKE Kakakee Kakakee Kakakee Kankakee 3KK 230 Karlock 41 11.002 N 87 54.069 W KRL KRLCK KARLCK Karlock Karlock Karlock Karlock 46IS 231 Kazuma 41 34.852 N 90 5.457 W KZM KAZUM KAZUMA Kazuma Kazuma Kazuma Kazuma 8LL8 232 Kelly 42 41.883 N 89 47.207 W KLL KELLY KELLY Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly 53WI 233 Kessler 42 11.168 N 88 36.255 W KSS KSSLR KESSLR Kessler Kessler Kessler Kessler 62IL 234 Keutzer 41 30.802 N 89 13.772 W KTZ KETZR KEUTZR Keutzer Keutzer Keutzer Keutzer 19IL 235 Killoy 42 26.418 N 88 29.339 W KIL KILLY KILLOY Killoy Killoy Killoy Killoy IL05 236 King's Acres 42 20.001 N 88 58.590 W KNG KNGSC KNGSCR Kingscrs KingsAcrs KingsAcres Kings Acres LL85 237 Kirkpatrick 42 29.084 N 88 36.006 W KRK KRKPT KRKPTR Krkptrck Kirkptrck Kirkpatrck Kirkpatrick 8IL2 238 Koch 42 27.500 N 89 11.700 W KCH KOCH KOCH Koch Koch Koch Koch IS71 239 Koppie 42 7.285 N 88 22.688 W KPP KOPPI KOPPIE Koppie Koppie Koppie Koppie 7IS5 240 Kramer 42 22.501 N 89 50.757 W KRM KRAMR KRAMER Kramer Kramer Kramer Kramer 96IL 241 Krause 42 10.785 N 88 39.039 W KRS KRAUS KRAUSE Krause Krause Krause Krause IS57 242 Krebs 40 32.352 N 87 28.168 W KRB KREBS KREBS Krebs Krebs Krebs Krebs 76IN 243 Kuntz 40 43.385 N 88 52.004 W KUN KUNTZ KUNTZ Kuntz Kuntz Kuntz Kuntz IS64 244 Lake Geneva Aire Es 42 34.334 N 88 22.039 W LKG LKGNV LKGNVR LkGnvrst LkGnvrstt LkGnvrstts LkGenevrstts WI89 245 Lake In The Hills 42 12.408 N 88 19.382 W LKN LKNTH LKNTHH LknThHll LknThHlls LkInThHlls LkInTheHills 3CK 246 Lake Lawn 42 38.048 N 88 36.068 W LKL LKLWN LKLAWN Lk Lawn Lake Lawn Lake Lawn Lake Lawn C59 247 Lake Village 41 9.002 N 87 27.752 W LKV LKVLG LK VLG Lk Vlg Lk Vlg Lk Village Lake Village C98 248 Landings Condominiu 42 8.585 N 88 24.172 W LND LNDNG LNDNGS LndngsCn LndngsCnd LndngsCndm LndngsCndmnm C49 249 Lansing 41 32.393 N 87 31.931 W LNS LNSNG LANSNG Lansing Lansing Lansing Lansing IGQ 250 Lee Creek 42 27.750 N 88 52.500 W LCR LECRK LEECRK LeeCreek Lee Creek Lee Creek Lee Creek 56IL 251 Leland 41 36.002 N 88 46.771 W LLN LELND LELAND Leland Leland Leland Leland E16 252 Lemont Industrial P 41 39.602 N 88 1.587 W LMN LMNTN LMNTND Lmntndst Lmntndstr Lmntndstrl LmntndstrlPr 2IS0 253 Lewis University 41 36.507 N 88 5.457 W LWS LWSNV LWSNVR Lwsnvrst Lwsnvrsty Lewsnvrsty LewisUnvrsty LOT 254 Long Rla 40 39.852 N 90 29.258 W LNG LNGRL LONGRL Long Rla Long Rla Long Rla Long Rla IL22 255 Longview 41 23.269 N 88 40.204 W LON LNGVW LONGVW Longview Longview Longview Longview IL96 256 Loy 40 55.919 N 87 35.752 W LOY LOY LOY Loy Loy Loy Loy 1IL8 257 Lund 42 18.701 N 89 9.056 W LUN LUND LUND Lund Lund Lund Lund LL78 258 Lutz Rla 40 25.702 N 89 36.123 W LTZ LTZRL LUTZRL Lutz Rla Lutz Rla Lutz Rla Lutz Rla 7IL3 259 MC Cartney 42 24.834 N 89 19.757 W MCC MCCRT MCCRTN MCCartny MCCartney MC Cartney MC Cartney 2IL1 260 MC Culley 40 13.219 N 88 15.220 W MCU MCCLL MCCLLY MCCulley MC Culley MC Culley MC Culley IL56 261 MC Curdy 42 26.751 N 88 54.006 W MCR MCCRD MCCRDY MC Curdy MC Curdy MC Curdy MC Curdy LL90 262 MC Henry Farms 42 22.685 N 88 19.405 W MCH MCHNR MCHNRY MCHnryFr MCHnryFrm MCHnryFrms MCHenryFarms 44IL 263 MC Neal's Field 41 30.952 N 90 22.774 W MCN MCNLS MCNLSF MCNlsFld MCNelsFld MCNealsFld MCNealsField C95 264 Manito Mitchell 40 29.361 N 89 46.685 W MNT MNTMT MNTMTC MntMtchl MntMtchll MantMtchll ManitoMtchll C45 265 Maple Hurst Farms 42 0.502 N 89 2.923 W MPL MPLHR MPLHRS MplHrstF MplHrstFr MplHrstFrm MaplHrstFrms LL74 266 Marvin D Bradd 40 16.302 N 88 29.670 W MRV MRVND MRVNDB MrvnDBrd MrvnDBrdd MarvnDBrdd MarvinDBradd 51IL 267 Maulfair 41 15.169 N 89 16.339 W MLF MALFR MAULFR Maulfair Maulfair Maulfair Maulfair 7IL1 268 Mays Aviation 40 42.002 N 88 40.504 W MYS MAYSV MAYSAV Mays Av Mays Av Mays Av Mays Av IL63 269 Meadow Creek 41 25.969 N 87 46.903 W MDW MDWCR MDWCRK MeadwCrk MeadowCrk MeadowCrek Meadow Creek 2IL9 270 Meier 42 48.817 N 88 59.823 W MER MEIER MEIER Meier Meier Meier Meier WI99 271 Melin Farms 42 35.408 N 88 52.473 W MLN MLNFR MLNFRM MelnFrms MelinFrms MelinFarms Melin Farms 3WI6 272 Mercer Cnty 41 14.919 N 90 44.225 W MRC MRCRC MRCRCN MrcrCnty MercrCnty MercerCnty Mercer Cnty C00 273 Merrill C Meigs 41 51.531 N 87 36.475 W MEI MRRLL MRRLLC MrrllCMg MrrllCMgs MerrllCMgs MerrillCMegs CGX 274 Midland 42 29.334 N 88 10.455 W MDL MDLND MIDLND Midland Midland Midland Midland 50IL 275 Milford 40 38.152 N 87 42.068 W MIL MLFRD MILFRD Milford Milford Milford Milford 79IL 276 Mill Rose Farm /Rla 42 4.635 N 88 9.588 W MLL MLLRS MLLRSF MllRsFrm MllRsFrmR MllRsFrmRl MillRsFrmRl/ IL68 277 Miller 42 29.501 N 89 5.757 W MIE MILLR MILLER Miller Miller Miller Miller 3LL0 278 Miller/Maple Park F 41 53.918 N 88 35.255 W MIR MLLRM MLLRMP MllrMplP MllrMplPr MllrMplPrk MllrMplPrkFr 60IL 279 Mitchell Rla 41 22.002 N 88 39.004 W MTC MTCHL MTCHLL MtchllRl MitchllRl MitchellRl Mitchell Rla 67IL 280 Mitek 42 29.834 N 89 47.507 W MTK MITEK MITEK Mitek Mitek Mitek Mitek 20IS 281 Monmouth 40 55.782 N 90 37.866 W MNM MNMTH MONMTH Monmouth Monmouth Monmouth Monmouth C66 282 Moore's 42 10.001 N 89 17.006 W MOO MOORS MOORES Moores Moores Moores Moores 2IL7 283 Moring 42 11.901 N 89 39.340 W MRN MORNG MORING Moring Moring Moring Moring IL24 284 Mount Hawley Auxili 40 47.716 N 89 36.804 W MOU MNTHW MNTHWL MntHwlyx MntHwlyxl MntHwlyxlr MontHwlyxlry 3MY 285 Mumm 42 35.484 N 89 14.440 W MMM MUMM MUMM Mumm Mumm Mumm Mumm WI11 286 Murk's 40 44.336 N 90 22.841 W MRK MURKS MURKS Murks Murks Murks Murks 0LL2 287 Mussman 41 16.252 N 87 34.669 W MSS MSSMN MUSSMN Mussman Mussman Mussman Mussman 7IL0 288 Naper Aero Club 41 44.085 N 88 12.204 W NPR NPRRC NPRRCL NaprrClb NaperrClb NaperArClb NaperAeroClb LL10 289 Neiner 41 15.419 N 87 55.169 W NNR NEINR NEINER Neiner Neiner Neiner Neiner 19LL 290 Nelson 41 25.085 N 88 28.337 W NLS NELSN NELSON Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson 53IS 291 Nemec 42 29.251 N 88 51.173 W NMC NEMEC NEMEC Nemec Nemec Nemec Nemec LL58 292 Norman 41 21.502 N 87 43.503 W NRM NORMN NORMAN Norman Norman Norman Norman 89LL 293 North West Indiana 40 53.036 N 87 22.152 W NWN NWNDN NWNDNR NWIndinr NWIndianr NWIndianar NWIndianaAir II04 294 O John Clark Rla 42 22.101 N 87 59.505 W OJH OJHNC OJHNCL OJhnClrk OJhnClrkR OJhnClrkRl OJohnClarkRl 7IL2 295 Oak Knoll Farm 42 17.635 N 88 10.838 W OKK OKKNL OKKNLL OkKnllFr OkKnllFrm OakKnllFrm OakKnollFarm 7LL0 296 Olson 42 0.535 N 88 27.455 W OLS OLSON OLSON Olson Olson Olson Olson LL53 297 Oltman-Shuck 40 53.569 N 89 6.238 W OLT OLTMN OLTMNS OltmnShc OltmnShck OltmanShck Oltman Shuck 83IL 298 Otterbach Farm 41 34.152 N 89 10.422 W OTT OTTRB OTTRBC OttrbchF OttrbchFr OttrbchFrm OtterbachFrm 81LL 299 Palwaukee 42 6.851 N 87 54.089 W PLW PALWK PALWAK Palwauke Palwaukee Palwaukee Palwaukee PWK 300 Pannier 40 29.952 N 89 5.188 W PNN PANNR PANNIR Pannier Pannier Pannier Pannier IL41 301 Parrish Rla 40 57.135 N 89 24.472 W PRR PRRSH PRRSHR ParrshRl ParrishRl ParrishRla Parrish Rla 2IS5 302 Peacock 41 26.685 N 88 43.004 W PCC PECCK PEACCK Peacock Peacock Peacock Peacock 34IS 303 Pekin 40 29.292 N 89 40.555 W PKN PEKIN PEKIN Pekin Pekin Pekin Pekin C15 304 Phyllis 42 13.268 N 88 25.072 W PHY PHYLL PHYLLS Phyllis Phyllis Phyllis Phyllis 6IL2 305 Pike's 41 18.802 N 88 51.638 W PKS PIKES PIKES Pikes Pikes Pikes Pikes 22LL 306 Pillow Hill 42 26.834 N 88 12.089 W PLL PLLWH PLLWHL PillwHll PillowHll PillowHill Pillow Hill 3LL4 307 Pine Hill 42 28.084 N 88 44.590 W PNH PNHLL PINHLL PineHill Pine Hill Pine Hill Pine Hill 09LL 308 Piper 41 22.069 N 89 25.855 W PPR PIPER PIPER Piper Piper Piper Piper C41 309 Pleasure Valley 42 25.384 N 89 43.674 W PLS PLSRV PLSRVL PlsrVlly PlesrVlly PleasrVlly PleasureVlly 43IL 310 Pottinger Rla 41 25.785 N 89 9.838 W PTT PTTNG PTTNGR PttngrRl PottngrRl PottingrRl PottingerRla IL66 311 Prairie Lake Hunt C 41 23.702 N 88 40.971 W PRA PRRLK PRRLKH PrrLkHnt PrrLkHntC PrrLkHntCl PrarLkHntClb 68IL 312 Quad City 41 26.912 N 90 30.452 W QUD QUAD QUAD Quad Quad City Quad City Quad City MLI 313 Ralph E. Daniels 41 11.969 N 89 23.672 W RLP RLPHD RLPHDN RlphDnls RalphDnls RalphEDnls RalphEDanils LL64 314 Ramme 42 7.885 N 88 41.989 W RMM RAMME RAMME Ramme Ramme Ramme Ramme 6IL0 315 Ranken 41 50.152 N 89 5.606 W RNK RANKN RANKEN Ranken Ranken Ranken Ranken 4LL0 316 Rantoul Natl Avn Cn 40 17.613 N 88 8.542 W RNT RNTLN RNTLNT RntlNtlv RntlNtlvn RntlNtlvnC RntlNtlvnCnt 2I5 317 Rash's Acres 41 12.002 N 88 12.003 W RSH RSHSC RSHSCR Rashscrs RashsAcrs RashsAcres Rashs Acres IS24 318 Raymond E. Laube 42 28.751 N 89 20.840 W RYM RYMND RYMNDL RaymndLb RaymondLb RaymondELb RaymondELaub 2IL0 319 Read 40 50.119 N 88 9.169 W RED READ READ Read Read Read Read LL46 320 Red Shed 42 25.084 N 89 49.357 W RDS RDSHD REDSHD Red Shed Red Shed Red Shed Red Shed 2IS6 321 Redeker 40 39.185 N 87 49.819 W RDK REDKR REDEKR Redeker Redeker Redeker Redeker IL85 322 Rees 41 12.269 N 88 48.204 W RES REES REES Rees Rees Rees Rees 41IS 323 Reid Rla 42 7.101 N 88 24.472 W RDR REDRL REIDRL Reid Rla Reid Rla Reid Rla Reid Rla 6IL6 324 Reinke 41 53.952 N 89 10.223 W REI REINK REINKE Reinke Reinke Reinke Reinke 75IS 325 Rheude 40 39.652 N 87 26.385 W RHD RHEUD RHEUDE Rheude Rheude Rheude Rheude II08 326 Richard C. Watson 42 4.935 N 88 41.739 W RIC RCHRD RCHRDC RchrdCWt RchrdCWts RchrdCWtsn RichardCWtsn 5IL9 327 Richardson 42 27.868 N 88 14.055 W RIH RICHA RCHRDS Richrdsn Richardsn Richardson Richardson 3LL5 328 Riley's 41 36.252 N 88 16.421 W RLY RILYS RILEYS Rileys Rileys Rileys Rileys LL51 329 Rinkenberger Rla 41 13.852 N 89 36.939 W RIN RNKNB RNKNBR Rnknbrgr RnknbrgrR RnknbrgrRl RinkenbrgrRl BDF 330 Riverode Farms 40 50.552 N 88 33.587 W RVR RVRDF RVRDFR RvrdFrms RivrdFrms RiverdFrms RiverodeFrms 71LL 331 Robert A. Ashworth 40 14.085 N 88 36.254 W RBR RBRTS RBRTSH Rbrtshwr Rbrtshwrt Rbrtshwrth Robertshwrth 9LL4 332 Roberts Rla 40 38.169 N 88 8.669 W ROB ROBER RBRTSR RobrtsRl RobertsRl RobertsRla Roberts Rla IS72 333 Rock Co 42 37.175 N 89 2.420 W ROC ROCKC ROCKCO Rock Co Rock Co Rock Co Rock Co JVL 334 Rock Cut Farms 42 7.518 N 89 27.540 W ROK RCKCT RCKCTF RckCtFrm RckCtFrms RockCtFrms RockCutFarms 48LL 335 Rockenbach 42 20.335 N 88 5.088 W ROE RCKNB RCKNBC Rocknbch Rockenbch Rockenbach Rockenbach LL97 336 Rossi's Farm 41 30.418 N 88 16.671 W RSS RSSSF RSSSFR RosssFrm RossisFrm RossisFarm Rossis Farm 84IL 337 Rotstein 42 8.033 N 88 55.450 W RTS RTSTN ROTSTN Rotstein Rotstein Rotstein Rotstein IS59 338 Ruder 41 55.550 N 88 38.783 W RDR RUDER RUDER Ruder Ruder Ruder Ruder 59IL 339 Rummel Rla 42 10.001 N 89 30.007 W RUM RMMLR RMMLRL RummelRl RummelRla Rummel Rla Rummel Rla 6IL3 340 Russell 40 55.669 N 87 37.352 W RUS RSSLL RUSSLL Russell Russell Russell Russell IS52 341 ST George 41 12.419 N 87 47.119 W STG STGRG STGERG STGeorge ST George ST George ST George 0C6 342 Sancken 40 51.985 N 88 21.603 W SNC SNCKN SANCKN Sancken Sancken Sancken Sancken 51LL 343 Schaumburg 41 59.360 N 88 6.075 W SCH SCHMB SCHMBR Schambrg Schaumbrg Schaumburg Schaumburg 06C 344 Schertz 40 38.252 N 89 0.421 W SCE SCHRT SCHRTZ Schertz Schertz Schertz Schertz 04IL 345 Schertz 40 29.147 N 88 16.036 W SCR SCHER SCHERT Scertz Scertz Scertz Schertz C34 346 Schmidt 40 14.585 N 88 4.969 W SCM SCHMD SCHMDT Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt 56IS 347 Schott 40 53.052 N 88 35.454 W SCO SCHTT SCHOTT Schott Schott Schott Schott LL56 348 Schurr 41 36.002 N 90 23.008 W SCU SCHRR SCHURR Schurr Schurr Schurr Schurr IA21 349 Seeman 40 46.719 N 88 39.970 W SMN SEEMN SEEMAN Seeman Seeman Seeman Seeman 31LL 350 Sellers 41 30.835 N 88 56.255 W SLL SLLRS SELLRS Sellers Sellers Sellers Sellers 5LL4 351 Severson 42 23.584 N 89 7.840 W SVR SVRSN SEVRSN Severson Severson Severson Severson LL79 352 Shullsburg 42 33.417 N 90 13.658 W SHL SHLLS SHLLSB Shllsbrg Shullsbrg Shullsburg Shullsburg 2WI2 353 Skinner 41 14.252 N 88 55.588 W SKN SKNNR SKINNR Skinner Skinner Skinner Skinner 6IL9 354 Sky Soaring 42 9.251 N 88 30.689 W SKY SKYSR SKYSRN SkySorng SkySoarng SkySoaring Sky Soaring 55LL 355 Skydive Chicago 41 23.967 N 88 47.617 W SKD SKYDV SKYDVC SkydvChc SkydvChcg SkydivChcg SkydiveChicg 8N2 356 Slagel 40 51.169 N 88 50.921 W SLG SLAGL SLAGEL Slagel Slagel Slagel Slagel 4IL7 357 Smilin' Sam's 42 35.234 N 88 39.489 W SML SMLNS SMLNSM SmilnSms SmilinSms SmilinSams Smilin Sams WI66 358 Smittys 40 43.469 N 89 24.722 W SMT SMTTY SMTTYS Smittys Smittys Smittys Smittys C79 359 Snow Rla 40 32.485 N 88 49.287 W SNW SNWRL SNOWRL Snow Rla Snow Rla Snow Rla Snow Rla IS10 360 Somers Blossom 42 3.635 N 89 0.206 W SMR SMRSB SMRSBL SmrsBlss SmrsBlssm SomrsBlssm SomersBlossm 2IS7 361 Songwood Inn 40 47.535 N 87 43.519 W SON SNGWD SNGWDN Songwdnn Songwodnn Songwoodnn Songwood Inn 6LL8 362 Spangler 41 14.302 N 87 51.569 W SPN SPNGL SPNGLR Spangler Spangler Spangler Spangler 58IL 363 Spring Brook 41 18.035 N 88 38.138 W SPR SPRNG SPRNGB SprngBrk SpringBrk SpringBrok Spring Brook 1LL2 364 Spring Valley Farm 42 38.551 N 89 18.674 W SPI SPRIN SPRNGV SprngVll SprngVlly SprngVllyF SprngVllyFrm 1WI0 365 Staton 41 51.252 N 89 5.256 W STT STATN STATON Staton Staton Staton Staton 4LL1 366 Stockton 42 19.434 N 89 59.574 W STC STCKT STCKTN Stockton Stockton Stockton Stockton 2C1 367 Sue Rock 42 26.551 N 89 29.957 W SRC SURCK SUERCK Sue Rock Sue Rock Sue Rock Sue Rock IS93 368 Sutton's 41 19.485 N 87 28.552 W SUT STTNS SUTTNS Suttons Suttons Suttons Suttons 0II8 369 Swan Valley Farm 42 8.068 N 89 49.474 W SWN SWNVL SWNVLL SwnVllyF SwnVllyFr SwnVllyFrm SwanVallyFrm 1IS4 370 Sweedler 41 24.735 N 88 2.920 W SWD SWDLR SWEDLR Sweedler Sweedler Sweedler Sweedler 3IL2 371 Tautz Bros 42 3.835 N 89 58.174 W TTZ TTZBR TTZBRS TautzBrs TautzBros Tautz Bros Tautz Bros LL07 372 Taylor 41 43.419 N 89 17.506 W TYL TAYLR TAYLOR Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor IL07 373 Ted's Place 40 25.535 N 88 0.036 W TDS TDSPL TDSPLC TedsPlac TedsPlace Teds Place Teds Place 71IS 374 Testoni Farms 41 1.252 N 88 39.204 W TST TSTNF TSTNFR TstnFrms TestnFrms TestonFrms TestoniFarms IL91 375 Thacker 40 43.385 N 88 45.787 W THC THCKR THACKR Thacker Thacker Thacker Thacker 11LL 376 The Sandbox 41 42.252 N 90 15.591 W THS THSND THSNDB TheSndbx TheSandbx TheSandbox The Sandbox 32LL 377 Thompson 41 28.019 N 89 56.490 W THM THMPS THMPSN Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson IL10 378 Three Rivers Farm 41 24.169 N 88 15.754 W THR THRRV THRRVR ThrRvrsF ThrRvrsFr ThrRvrsFrm ThreeRvrsFrm 2IS9 379 Thrifty Acres 42 8.568 N 89 13.706 W THI THRFT THRFTY Thrftycr Thrftycrs Thriftycrs ThriftyAcres 4IL3 380 Trent Aerial Sprayi 41 43.502 N 90 0.307 W TRN TRNTR TRNTRL TrntrlSp TrntrlSpr TrntrlSpry TrntrlSpryng 4IL5 381 Tri-City 41 25.152 N 89 7.388 W TRI TRI TRI Tri City Tri City Tri City Tri City C68 382 Tri-County 40 46.436 N 90 4.457 W TRC TRCNT TRCNTY TriConty TriCounty Tri County Tri County 2C6 383 Trovero 41 17.919 N 89 6.555 W TRV TROVR TROVER Trovero Trovero Trovero Trovero LL44 384 Turtle 42 30.418 N 88 54.890 W TRT TURTL TURTLE Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle WI02 385 Twin Gardens 42 24.501 N 88 39.173 W TWN TWNGR TWNGRD TwnGrdns TwinGrdns TwinGardns Twin Gardens 8IL1 386 Uncle Chuck's 41 55.068 N 88 47.355 W UNC UNCLC UNCLCH UnclChck UnclChcks UncleChcks Uncle Chucks IS80 387 Untied Acres 41 13.700 N 88 46.033 W UNT UNTDC UNTDCR Untidcrs Untiedcrs UntiedAcrs Untied Acres IS83 388 Villiger Rla 41 5.669 N 89 23.172 W VLL VLLGR VLLGRR VillgrRl VilligrRl VilligerRl Villiger Rla 9IL0 389 Vincent 42 31.101 N 88 18.022 W VNC VNCNT VINCNT Vincent Vincent Vincent Vincent 64C 390 Vodden 42 1.952 N 88 54.156 W VDD VODDN VODDEN Vodden Vodden Vodden Vodden IS15 391 Vogen Rla 41 27.652 N 88 35.521 W VGN VGNRL VOGNRL VogenRla Vogen Rla Vogen Rla Vogen Rla IS41 392 Von Alvens Airview 41 18.002 N 87 39.002 W VNL VNLVN VNLVNS Vnlvnsrv Vnlvnsrvw Vonlvnsrvw VonAlvensrvw IL29 393 W Davis 41 42.669 N 89 6.739 W WDV WDAVS WDAVIS W Davis W Davis W Davis W Davis IL87 394 Walder's Farm 41 39.185 N 89 0.089 W WLD WLDRS WLDRSF WldrsFrm WaldrsFrm WaldersFrm Walders Farm 1IS5 395 Walnut Wash 42 36.626 N 89 16.565 W WLN WLNTW WLNTWS WalntWsh WalnutWsh WalnutWash Walnut Wash 6WI7 396 Walpole 42 14.501 N 88 40.006 W WLP WALPL WALPOL Walpole Walpole Walpole Walpole 64IL 397 Walter 41 52.352 N 88 43.422 W WLT WALTR WALTER Walter Walter Walter Walter 0IL8 398 Warren 41 38.867 N 88 41.667 W WRR WARRN WARREN Warren Warren Warren Warren 95LL 399 Watters 41 3.202 N 88 27.670 W WTT WTTRS WATTRS Watters Watters Watters Watters 2IL2 400 Wayne Ziller JR 40 48.502 N 88 32.503 W WYN WYNZL WYNZLL WynZllrJ WynZllrJR WaynZllrJR WayneZillrJR 4IL2 401 Weihler 41 18.885 N 90 33.125 W WHL WEHLR WEIHLR Weihler Weihler Weihler Weihler 2LL2 402 Weishaupt 40 30.786 N 89 22.039 W WSH WSHPT WESHPT Weishapt Weishaupt Weishaupt Weishaupt 9IL6 403 Wernsmans 40 45.886 N 89 27.472 W WRN WRNSM WRNSMN Wernsmns Wernsmans Wernsmans Wernsmans 77IL 404 West Grove 42 5.835 N 89 25.157 W WGR WGROV WGROVE W Grove W Grove West Grove West Grove 28IL 405 Westosha 42 30.834 N 88 12.505 W WST WSTSH WESTSH Westosha Westosha Westosha Westosha 5K6 406 Wichman 40 36.969 N 87 36.852 W WCH WCHMN WICHMN Wichman Wichman Wichman Wichman 96LL 407 Wietbrock 41 15.585 N 87 28.885 W WTB WTBRC WTBRCK Wietbrck Wietbrock Wietbrock Wietbrock IN90 408 Wilbur Thompson 41 48.435 N 89 2.872 W WLB WLBRT WLBRTH WlbrThmp WlbrThmps WlbrThmpsn WilburThmpsn 3LL9 409 Wiley Updike 41 37.518 N 88 34.471 W WLY WLYPD WLYPDK Wileypdk WileyUpdk WileyUpdik Wiley Updike 72IS 410 Wilhelmi 41 29.002 N 88 5.003 W WLH WLHLM WILHLM Wilhelmi Wilhelmi Wilhelmi Wilhelmi 0C3 411 Wilken 40 50.835 N 88 2.869 W WLK WILKN WILKEN Wilken Wilken Wilken Wilken 0IL2 412 Wilkinson 41 4.136 N 89 48.873 W WIL WLKNS WLKNSN Wilkinsn Wilkinson Wilkinson Wilkinson 29IL 413 Willadae Farms 42 0.002 N 88 40.005 W WLL WLLDF WLLDFR WlldFrms WilldFrms WilladFrms WilladaeFrms 4LL7 414 William L. Rutherfo 41 42.085 N 89 49.740 W WII WLLML WLLMLR WllmLRth WllmLRthr WllmLRthrf WllmLRthrfrd LL60 415 Willis 42 1.835 N 88 42.105 W WIS WILLS WILLIS Willis Willis Willis Willis IS47 416 Winterton 41 45.402 N 88 56.772 W WNT WNTRT WNTRTN Wintertn Winterton Winterton Winterton 17IS 417 Wirth 41 22.869 N 87 39.252 W WRT WIRTH WIRTH Wirth Wirth Wirth Wirth IL30 418 Wix 41 24.135 N 87 49.003 W WIX WIX WIX Wix Wix Wix Wix 03IL 419 Wolford's 40 47.552 N 90 26.291 W WLF WLFRD WLFRDS Wolfords Wolfords Wolfords Wolfords IL01 420 Woodley Aerial Spra 41 31.950 N 89 42.117 W WDL WDLYR WDLYRL WdlyrlSp WdlyrlSpr WdlyrlSpry WoodlyrlSpry IS73 421 Wormley 41 41.035 N 88 15.737 W WRM WRMLY WORMLY Wormley Wormley Wormley Wormley 85LL 422 Wright 40 26.669 N 88 24.503 W WRG WRGHT WRIGHT Wright Wright Wright Wright 3IS9 423 Wyoming 41 2.752 N 89 47.006 W WYM WYMNG WYOMNG Wyoming Wyoming Wyoming Wyoming 8LL3 424 Young 41 9.869 N 90 33.441 W YNG YOUNG YOUNG Young Young Young Young 6LL2 425 Zea Mays 41 31.602 N 89 25.089 W ZMY ZEMYS ZEAMYS Zea Mays Zea Mays Zea Mays Zea Mays 54IS 426 Zoomer 40 47.336 N 87 33.502 W ZMR ZOOMR ZOOMER Zoomer Zoomer Zoomer Zoomer 1LL8