Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange

Unofficial Coordinates for the Pleasant Valley, Arizona [ Turf: Region 9, 2006 ] Control Points

Contest: Region 9, 2006

Courtesy of Ted and Pam Wagner ( tedandpam(at) )
Dated: 11 March, 2006
Magnetic Variation: 11.2E
Time zone: US/Arizona, Offset from GMT is -7:00

The waypoint data are available directly at

Information about Region 9, 2006 is available at

The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees, minutes, and seconds


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"Please note that private use airports in the FAA's National
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  ID  NumberName                        Codes               Links                Latitude    Longitude        Latitude     Longitude   Elevation     ID  ICAO    Frequency  R/W Direction  R/W Length   R/W Width  R/W Surface
                                                                                 °  '  "      °  '  "         °   '         °   '         Feet             ID                                  Feet                             

 1  Agua Fria                   T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 56 48 N  112 12 40 W  or  33 56.800 N  112 12.667 W     3000     1                               10        24                                                                               Turn Point   
 2  Ashfork                     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              35 13 30 N  112 29 00 W  or  35 13.500 N  112 29.000 W     5000     2                               99         4                                                                               Turn Point   
 3  Bagdad                      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    34 35 34 N  113 10 20 W  or  34 35.567 N  113 10.333 W     4183     3    E51                        76       328       122.9                   5/23                  46         60  A          Turn Point, RW width: 60
 4  Bar Heart Ranch             ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    34 58 50 N  112 17 45 W  or  34 58.833 N  112 17.750 W     4445     4   13AZ                        82         9                               N/S                   24         35  D          Turn Point, RW width: 35
 5  Bean                        LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 46 40 N  112 25 44 W  or  33 46.667 N  112 25.733 W     1500     5                               10       272                                                                               Turn Point   

 6  Bell Road                   LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 37 58 N  112 46 33 W  or  33 37.967 N  112 46.550 W     1400     6                               32       260                                                                               Turn Point   
 7  Black Canyon Landfill       LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              34 03 48 N  112 06 56 W  or  34 03.800 N  112 06.933 W     2300     7                               20        34                                                                                            
 8  Bouse                       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 55 00 N  113 59 00 W  or  33 55.000 N  113 59.000 W      900     8                              100       286                                                                               Turn Point   
 9  Brenda Junction             T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 39 46 N  114 01 10 W  or  33 39.767 N  114 01.167 W     1500     9                              102       276                                                                               Turn Point   
10  Buckeye                     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    33 25 15 N  112 41 11 W  or  33 25.250 N  112 41.183 W     1021     10   BXK                        36       235       122.8                   17/35                 43         75  A          RW width: 75 

11  Buckeye Pierce              ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    33 22 00 N  112 37 10 W  or  33 22.000 N  112 37.167 W      860     11  10AZ                        37       227                               8/26                  34        150  A          Turn Point, RW width: 150
12  Castle Hot Springs          T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 59 00 N  112 22 00 W  or  33 59.000 N  112 22.000 W     3000     12                              14       343                                                                               Turn Point   
13  Chrysler Track              LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 49 27 N  112 30 03 W  or  33 49.450 N  112 30.050 W     1500     13                              14       288                                                                               Turn Point   
14  Circle City                 ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    33 49 18 N  112 34 22 W  or  33 49.300 N  112 34.367 W     1800     14  AZ32                        19       286                               18/36               4700         60  G          Turn Point   
15  Clementine                  TPA    Q,I,Z,R,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G      33 46 46 N  112 20 39 W  or  33 46.767 N  112 20.650 W     1530     15  AZ44                       5.6       266                               12/30               2400         50  G          Turn Point   

16  Congress                    LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              34 07 26 N  112 55 03 W  or  34 07.433 N  112 55.050 W     3000     16                              44       312                                                                               Turn Point   
17  Cooper                      TPA    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    34 12 54 N  112 32 10 W  or  34 12.900 N  112 32.167 W     3440     17  AZ71                        33       341                               1/19                1300         80  T          Turn Point   
18  Cordes                      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    34 18 25 N  112 09 52 W  or  34 18.417 N  112 09.867 W     3810     18  00AZ                        35        19                               15/33               1700         60  G          Turn Point, RW width: 60
19  Cottonwood                  AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    34 43 48 N  112 02 07 W  or  34 43.800 N  112 02.117 W     3550     19   P52                        65        22       122.7                   14/32                 43         75  A          RW width: 75 
20  Coyote Run                  DTPA   Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    34 41 03 N  112 17 30 W  or  34 41.050 N  112 17.500 W     4978     20  AZ86                        61         9                               3/21                2500         50  T          RW width: 50 

21  Date Creek                  LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              34 12 42 N  113 03 48 W  or  34 12.700 N  113 03.800 W     2600     21                              55       313                                                                               Turn Point   
22  Estrella                    DT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    33 05 20 N  112 09 47 W  or  33 05.333 N  112 09.783 W     1273     22   E68                        49       185       122.9                   6R/24L                37         30  A          Start Point, Finish Point, Turn Point, RW width: 30
23  Flagstaff                   AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    35 08 10 N  111 40 25 W  or  35 08.167 N  111 40.417 W     7011     23   FLG                        98        31       120                     3/21                  70        150  A          Turn Point, RW width: 150
24  Forepaugh                   LTA    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    33 57 08 N  112 59 38 W  or  33 57.133 N  112 59.633 W     2428     24   44E                        44       295       122.9                   3/21                  61         80  D          Turn Point, RW width: 80
25  Gila Bend                   AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    32 57 36 N  112 40 25 W  or  32 57.600 N  112 40.417 W      778     25   E63                        63       214       122.8                   4/22                  52         75  A          Turn Point, RW width: 75

26  Gila Compressor             ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    33 14 58 N  112 48 25 W  or  33 14.967 N  112 48.417 W      838     26  30AZ                        50       231                               E/W                   45        120  D          Turn Point, RW width: 120
27  GPS Start North             S      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                33 52 24 N  112 15 02 W  or  33 52.400 N  112 15.033 W     1580     27                             5.0        11                                                                               Start Point  
28  GPS Start West              SPA    Q,I,Z,R,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G      33 48 15 N  112 21 24 W  or  33 48.250 N  112 21.400 W     1580     28  AZ44                       6.1       283                               12/30               2400         50  G          Start Point  
29  Grand Canyon National Park  AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    35 57 08 N  112 08 49 W  or  35 57.133 N  112 08.817 W     6606     29   GCN                       149        13       119                     3/21                  90        150  A          RW width: 150
30  Grand Canyon Caverns        AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    35 31 38 N  113 14 50 W  or  35 31.633 N  113 14.833 W     5386     30   L37                       132       346       122.8                   5/23                  51         45  G          Turn Point, RW width: 45

31  Granite Mountain            T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              34 38 00 N  112 33 00 W  or  34 38.000 N  112 33.000 W     7626     31                              60       355                                                                               Turn Point   
32  Harquahala Peak             T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 48 21 N  113 21 14 W  or  33 48.350 N  113 21.233 W     5681     32                              63       282                                                                               Turn Point   
33  Hells Canyon                T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 54 02 N  112 22 50 W  or  33 54.033 N  112 22.833 W     3000     33                              10       324                                                                               Turn Point   
34  HH Ranch                    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    34 45 59 N  112 32 57 W  or  34 45.983 N  112 32.950 W     5025     34  AZ46                        69       357                               11/29                 22         50  D          RW width: 50 
35  Hillside                    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              34 25 00 N  112 55 00 W  or  34 25.000 N  112 55.000 W     4000     35                              57       330                                                                               Turn Point   

36  Hope                        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 43 23 N  113 42 10 W  or  33 43.383 N  113 42.167 W     1560     36                              84       278                                                                               Turn Point   
37  Hualapai                    ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    35 34 20 N  113 17 33 W  or  35 34.333 N  113 17.550 W     5317     37  3AZ5                       136       346                               7/25                  48         30  A          RW width: 30 
38  Humphreys Peak              T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              35 20 47 N  111 40 40 W  or  35 20.783 N  111 40.667 W    12633     38                             112        28                                                                               Turn Point   
39  I-10 Intersection           T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 32 17 N  113 09 52 W  or  33 32.283 N  113 09.867 W     1200     39                              56       262                                                                               Turn Point   
40  Indian Hills                ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    33 45 37 N  113 36 50 W  or  33 45.617 N  113 36.833 W     1866     40  2AZ1                        78       280                               7/25                  22         40  A          Turn Point, RW width: 40

41  Juniper                     LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              35 00 30 N  113 02 00 W  or  35 00.500 N  113 02.000 W     5700     41                              95       343                                                                               Turn Point   
42  Kingman                     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    35 15 00 N  113 57 00 W  or  35 15.000 N  113 57.000 W     3446     42   IGM                       139       328       122.8                   3/21                  68        150  A          Turn Point, RW width: 150
43  Kirkland                    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              34 23 45 N  112 40 52 W  or  34 23.750 N  112 40.867 W     4300     43                              48       340                                                                               Turn Point   
44  Lake Pleasant               T      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                33 50 52 N  112 16 30 W  or  33 50.867 N  112 16.500 W     1800     44                             3.5       347                                                                               Turn Point   
45  Lake St. Clair              T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 39 05 N  111 56 50 W  or  32 39.083 N  111 56.833 W     1500     45                              81       179                                                                               Turn Point   

46  Luke #1                     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 43 14 N  112 32 23 W  or  33 43.233 N  112 32.383 W     1400     46                              18       263                                                                               Turn Point   
47  Luke #2                     LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 42 07 N  112 25 21 W  or  33 42.117 N  112 25.350 W     1300     47                              12       247                                                                               Turn Point   
48  Luke #4                     LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 44 31 N  112 38 20 W  or  33 44.517 N  112 38.333 W     1500     48                              23       271                                                                               Turn Point   
49  Mauldin                     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    33 28 55 N  113 00 08 W  or  33 28.917 N  113 00.133 W     1180     49  56AZ                        49       254                               11/29               2900         60  G          RW width: 60 
50  Mingus Mountain             T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              34 42 00 N  112 07 00 W  or  34 42.000 N  112 07.000 W     7815     50                              63        18                                                                               Turn Point   

51  Mobile                      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    33 06 42 N  112 16 08 W  or  33 06.700 N  112 16.133 W     1261     51  1AZ0                        48       193       122.725                 9/27                  45         75  A          Turn Point, RW width: 75
52  Montezuma                   ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    34 36 15 N  111 51 53 W  or  34 36.250 N  111 51.883 W     3370     52  19AZ                        60        33       118.525                 17/35                 33         60  A          Turn Point, RW width: 60
53  Moreton                     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    34 01 10 N  112 49 33 W  or  34 01.167 N  112 49.550 W     2455     53  23AZ                        36       306       122.8                   13/31                 20        140  D          RW width: 140
54  Mount Union                 T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              34 25 00 N  112 24 00 W  or  34 25.000 N  112 24.000 W     7979     54                              43       360                                                                               Turn Point   
55  New River                   T      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                33 54 20 N  112 08 47 W  or  33 54.333 N  112 08.783 W     2000     55                             9.4        51                                                                               Turn Point   

56  Orme School                 ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    34 25 48 N  112 03 45 W  or  34 25.800 N  112 03.750 W     3934     56  42AZ                        45        25                               17/35                 50        100  D          Turn Point, RW width: 100
57  Paloma                      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    32 54 19 N  112 54 03 W  or  32 54.317 N  112 54.050 W      737     57  29AZ                        72       223       122.8                   3/21                  55         60  A          Turn Point, RW width: 60
58  Parsons                     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    34 59 53 N  113 27 42 W  or  34 59.883 N  113 27.700 W     3760     58  4AZ6                       108       332                               15/33               1500         40  T          RW width: 40 
59  Paulden                     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              34 54 00 N  112 27 00 W  or  34 54.000 N  112 27.000 W     4400     59                              77         3                                                                               Turn Point   
60  Pilots Rest                 ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    34 55 51 N  112 30 45 W  or  34 55.850 N  112 30.750 W     4482     60  AZ57                        79         0                               9/27                5250         75  G          RW width: 75 

61  Pine Mountain               T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              34 17 50 N  111 47 06 W  or  34 17.833 N  111 47.100 W     6820     61                              43        49                                                                               Turn Point   
62  Prescott                    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    34 39 04 N  112 25 22 W  or  34 39.067 N  112 25.367 W     5042     62   PRC                        60         2       125.3                   3R/21L                44        150  A          Turn Point, RW width: 150
63  Quarter Circle J            ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    34 30 37 N  112 40 41 W  or  34 30.617 N  112 40.683 W     4366     63  16AZ                        55       345                               2/20                  29         50  D          Turn Point, RW width: 50
64  Quartzsite                  ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    33 40 16 N  114 13 25 W  or  33 40.267 N  114 13.417 W      861     64  4AZ4                       114       277                               15/33                 30         50  D          Turn Point, RW width: 50
65  Quintero Golf               T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 50 41 N  112 25 04 W  or  33 50.683 N  112 25.067 W     2000     65                              10       299                                                                               Turn Point   

66  Rainbow Rancho              LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 13 13 N  112 18 26 W  or  33 13.217 N  112 18.433 W     1300     66                              40       196                                                                               Turn Point   
67  Rancho Loma Vista           LTPA   Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    33 52 33 N  112 37 55 W  or  33 52.550 N  112 37.917 W     2200     67  0AZ5                        23       295                               17/35               2000         60  A          Turn Point   
68  Ranta Strip                 ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    33 51 14 N  112 39 09 W  or  33 51.233 N  112 39.150 W     1840     68  12AZ                        23       290                               E/W                 2400        100  G          Turn Point, RW width: 100
69  Red Mine                    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 54 47 N  112 28 02 W  or  33 54.783 N  112 28.033 W     3000     69                              15       313                                                                               Turn Point   
70  Rimrock                     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    34 39 03 N  111 47 18 W  or  34 39.050 N  111 47.300 W     3575     70  48AZ                        64        35       122.75                  5/23                  22         75  A          RW width: 75 

71  Rio Vista Hills             ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    33 57 08 N  112 41 10 W  or  33 57.133 N  112 41.167 W     2226     71  AZ64                        27       304                               1/19                  25         75  D          Turn Point, RW width: 75
72  Robin                       AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              34 44 40 N  112 26 43 W  or  34 44.667 N  112 26.717 W     4772     72                              66         2                                                                                            
73  Salome                      ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    33 46 41 N  113 38 30 W  or  33 46.683 N  113 38.500 W     1929     73  0AZ2                        80       280       122.95                  17/35               3500        100  A                       
74  Sampley                     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    33 55 28 N  113 10 50 W  or  33 55.467 N  113 10.833 W     2208     74  28AZ                        54       291       122.9                   17/35                 35         75  D          Turn Point, RW width: 75
75  Schu Ranch                  ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    33 01 01 N  112 16 53 W  or  33 01.017 N  112 16.883 W     1410     75  AZ13                        54       193                               17/35                 20         90  D          RW width: 90 

76  Sedona                      AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    34 50 56 N  111 47 17 W  or  34 50.933 N  111 47.283 W     4827     76   SEZ                        77        31       122.8                   3/21                  51         75  A          Turn Point, RW width: 75
77  Seligman                    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    35 20 06 N  112 53 11 W  or  35 20.100 N  112 53.183 W     5257     77   P23                       112       353       122.9                   4/22                  45         75  A          Turn Point, RW width: 75
78  Sentinel                    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 51 00 N  113 12 00 W  or  32 51.000 N  113 12.000 W      700     78                              86       231                                                                               Turn Point   
79  Sun City Substation         T      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                33 42 00 N  112 19 00 W  or  33 42.000 N  112 19.000 W     1500     79                             8.0       220                                                                               Turn Point   
80  Sunrise Ranch               ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    35 14 18 N  111 56 09 W  or  35 14.300 N  111 56.150 W     6958     80  AZ77                       101        21                               12/30                 32        100  A          Turn Point, RW width: 100

81  Table Top                   LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 50 03 N  112 08 32 W  or  32 50.050 N  112 08.533 W     1700     81                              67       186                                                                               Turn Point   
82  Tonopah                     ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    33 32 02 N  112 57 37 W  or  33 32.033 N  112 57.617 W     1248     82  AZ85                        45       257                               13/31                 31         60  D          RW width: 60 
83  Towers Mountain             T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              34 14 00 N  112 22 00 W  or  34 14.000 N  112 22.000 W     7628     83                              31       359                                                                               Turn Point   
84  Trans West                  T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              35 12 00 N  113 23 00 W  or  35 12.000 N  113 23.000 W     5115     84                             116       338                                                                               Turn Point   
85  Turf                        HDFST  Q,I,Z,R,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G      33 48 03 N  112 15 00 W  or  33 48.050 N  112 15.000 W     1580     85   P48                                           122.9                   5C/23C                41        100  D          Start Point, Finish Point, Turn Point, RW width: 100

86  Turf North                  LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 57 02 N  112 18 40 W  or  33 57.033 N  112 18.667 W     1600     86                              11       352                                                                               Turn Point   
87  Turnbow                     LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 00 54 N  112 24 00 W  or  33 00.900 N  112 24.000 W     1400     87                              55       200                                                                               Turn Point   
88  Valle                       AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    35 38 59 N  112 08 54 W  or  35 38.983 N  112 08.900 W     6002     88   40G                       128        14       122.8                   1/19                  43         45  A          Turn Point, RW width: 45
89  Vulture Mine                LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 49 30 N  112 49 40 W  or  33 49.500 N  112 49.667 W     2000     89                              33       284                                                                               Turn Point   
90  Walter Ranch                ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    32 53 44 N  112 15 13 W  or  32 53.733 N  112 15.217 W     1615     90  AZ49                        63       191                               17/35                 26         75  D          RW width: 75 

91  Watts                       ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    33 24 45 N  112 50 03 W  or  33 24.750 N  112 50.050 W     1000     91  32AZ                        43       243                               7/25                  18        150  D          RW width: 150
92  Wenden                      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 49 21 N  113 32 28 W  or  33 49.350 N  113 32.467 W     1870     92                              74       283                                                                               Turn Point   
93  White Tanks                 T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 34 02 N  112 33 31 W  or  33 34.033 N  112 33.517 W     4083     93                              24       239                                                                               Turn Point   
94  Wickenburg                  AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    33 58 05 N  112 48 01 W  or  33 58.083 N  112 48.017 W     2386     94   E25                        34       301       123                     5/23                  51         75  A          Turn Point, RW width: 75
95  Wikieup                     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              34 42 00 N  113 37 00 W  or  34 42.000 N  113 37.000 W     2000     95                             100       320                                                                               Turn Point   

96  Williams                    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    35 18 09 N  112 11 41 W  or  35 18.150 N  112 11.683 W     6680     96   P32                       104        13       122.8                   18/36                 60        100  A          Turn Point, RW width: 100
97  X Bar 1 Ranch               ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    35 20 54 N  113 41 20 W  or  35 20.900 N  113 41.333 W     3710     97  AZ97                       135       334                               N/S                   43         40  D          RW width: 40 
98  Yarnell                     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              34 13 00 N  112 45 00 W  or  34 13.000 N  112 45.000 W     5000     98                              41       326                                                                               Turn Point   
99  Yolo                        ATP    Q,I,Z,R,r,A,T,F,O,g,S,L,m,V,W,M,G    34 47 37 N  112 58 28 W  or  34 47.617 N  112 58.467 W     5925     99  33AZ                        80       340                               14/32               4000         50  G          Turn Point, RW width: 50

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