++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Landing sites for Postojna, Slovenia + + + + Contributed by Miha Premrl and Bostjan Rudolf + + Contributed on 28 March 2012 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Thursday, 29 March 2012 at 05:50 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to LNDGSITE.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ AJD, AjdvscnLt, 45, 53.23, 13, 53.5, 117 AJS, Ajseviclp, 45, 56.62, 13, 42.17, 61 BRV, BorovljLt, 46, 31.95, 14, 19.83, 458 BVC, Bovec Let, 46, 19.95, 13, 33.2, 440 CRK, Cerknical, 45, 46.68, 14, 23.28, 547 CRN, Crnoticel, 45, 33.42, 13, 54.83, 437 DVC, DivacaLet, 45, 41.0, 14, 0.5, 433 DLN, DolnjVslp, 46, 12.58, 14, 13.3, 405 ENM, EnemonzLt, 46, 24.32, 12, 53.1, 380 FLD, FldkrchnL, 46, 42.52, 14, 4.58, 520 GGL, Gaglianlp, 46, 3.33, 13, 25.67, 60 GRC, GoricaLet, 45, 54.42, 13, 35.97, 64 GRB, GrobnikLt, 45, 22.77, 14, 30.22, 300 JNG, Jenig Ilp, 46, 37.45, 13, 14.28, 600 KLG, Klgnfrtnt, 46, 38.57, 14, 20.23, 448 KBR, Kobaridlp, 46, 14.82, 13, 32.42, 240 LSC, Lesce Let, 46, 21.38, 14, 10.47, 504 LZL, Loz Ilp, 45, 42.1, 14, 27.27, 569 MLB, Mlbrghttl, 46, 30.33, 13, 25.77, 720 NTS, NotschLet, 46, 34.87, 13, 37.75, 549 NVL, NoviLazil, 45, 34.25, 14, 51.45, 540 NVM, NovoMstLt, 45, 48.6, 15, 6.8, 170 PLZ, Paluzzalp, 46, 32.6, 13, 0.47, 690 PVK, Pivka Ilp, 45, 40.45, 14, 12.62, 544 PDN, Podnanslp, 45, 48.33, 13, 57.93, 156 PRT, Portorznt, 45, 28.4, 13, 36.9, 3 PST, PostojnLt, 45, 45.02, 14, 11.68, 528 RVL, RivlGmnLt, 46, 14.15, 13, 4.4, 170 RNC, RnchDLgnt, 45, 49.65, 13, 28.32, 12 SNT, SentvidLt, 45, 56.7, 14, 51.05, 312 VDM, Videm Ilp, 46, 8.0, 13, 16.7, 142 VPV, VipavaIlp, 45, 50.98, 13, 57.85, 130 VLR, Volarjelp, 46, 12.3, 13, 40.23, 197