;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Pont sur Yonne, France + ; + ; Championnat de France Feminin Classe Club, 2018 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Luc Lamblin + ; + ; Generated Tuesday, 26 June 2018 at 05:22 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Pont/Yonne Aero" "PNTNNR" "LFGO" "N4817,433" "E00315,050" "Pont/Yonne Ville" "PNTNNV" "_" "N4817,117" "E00312,283" "Chapelle/Oreuse" "CHPLLR" "_" "N4817,433" "E00318,317" "Ligne 32" "LIGN32" "118,175" "N4817,300" "E00315,000" "Ligne 14" "LIGN14" "118,175" "N4817,717" "E00314,517" "Abbaye Pierre Qui Vire" "ABBPRR" "_" "N4721,467" "E00403,767" "Aix en Othe" "AIXNTH" "_" "N4813,267" "E00343,983" "Amboise Dierre" "AMBSDR" "_" "N4720,550" "E00056,633" "Amboise Pagode" "AMBSPG" "_" "N4723,467" "E00058,267" "Anglure" "ANGLUR" "_" "N4835,000" "E00348,667" "Arces Dilo" "ARCSDL" "Pont TGV" "N4804,117" "E00333,717" "Arcis sur Aube" "ARCSSR" "_" "N4832,167" "E00408,283" "Arc sur Tille" "ARCSRT" "Lac" "N4720,800" "E00510,283" "Argent/Sauldre" "ARGNTS" "_" "N4733,717" "E00226,467" "Arnay le Duc" "ARNLDC" "Eglise" "N4707,883" "E00429,150" "Auberive" "AUBERV" "_" "N4912,083" "E00425,050" "Aubigny/Nere" "ABGNNR" "LFEH" "N4728,817" "E00223,617" "Autry" "AUTRY" "_" "N4735,867" "E00236,100" "Autun Bellevue" "ATNBLL" "_" "N4658,350" "E00415,700" "Auxerre Branches" "AXRRBR" "_" "N4750,717" "E00329,867" "Auxerre Cathedrale" "AXRRCT" "_" "N4747,833" "E00334,383" "Auxonne" "AUXONN" "Pont Routier" "N4711,683" "E00522,950" "Avallon" "AVALLN" "Aero" "N4730,183" "E00353,933" "Bailleau Armenonville" "BLLRMN" "LFFL" "N4831,000" "E00138,433" "Bar le Duc Aero" "BRLDCR" "_" "N4852,100" "E00511,117" "Bar le Duc" "BARLDC" "_" "N4846,150" "E00510,350" "Barrage de Chaumecon" "BRRGDC" "_" "N4718,183" "E00355,033" "Barrage de Panneciere" "BRRGDP" "_" "N4709,833" "E00352,467" "Barrage Lac desSettons" "BRRGLC" "_" "N4711,817" "E00403,433" "Bar sur Aube" "BARSRB" "_" "N4813,917" "E00442,500" "Bar sur Seine" "BRSRSN" "Aero" "N4803,950" "E00424,733" "Bazoches les Bray" "BZCHSL" "_" "N4823,900" "E00311,167" "Beaugency" "BEAGNC" "_" "N4746,667" "E00137,600" "Beaune Hospices" "BNHSPC" "_" "N4701,333" "E00450,200" "Beaunes Aero" "BEANSR" "Aero" "N4700,667" "E00453,817" "Bellegarde" "BLLGRD" "_" "N4759,383" "E00226,600" "Bligny sur Ouche" "BLGNSR" "Eglise" "N4706,150" "E00440,350" "Blois le Breuil" "BLSLBR" "_" "N4740,967" "E00112,500" "Blois Pont" "BLSPNT" "_" "N4735,100" "E00120,367" "Boisville" "BOSVLL" "_" "N4819,717" "E00141,567" "Bonny/Loire" "BONNLR" "_" "N4733,550" "E00250,417" "Bouilly" "BOUILL" "Eglise" "N4811,517" "E00359,950" "Bourges" "BOURGS" "_" "N4703,817" "E00222,233" "Boynes" "BOYNES" "_" "N4807,233" "E00221,550" "Briare Chatillon" "BRRCHT" "_" "N4736,683" "E00247,000" "Bricy" "BRICY" "LFOJ" "N4759,267" "E00145,633" "Brienne" "BRIENN" "123,5" "N4825,400" "E00428,717" "Brienne sur Aisne" "BRNNSR" "_" "N4925,983" "E00403,100" "Brimont" "BRIMNT" "_" "N4920,400" "E00401,400" "Brinon" "BRINON" "_" "N4733,967" "E00215,300" "Broussy le Petit" "BRSSLP" "_" "N4847,467" "E00349,583" "Broye" "BROYE" "Aero" "N4719,000" "E00530,967" "Buno Bonnevaux" "BNBNNV" "123,15" "N4821,000" "E00225,683" "Busserotte" "BSSRTT" "Chapelle" "N4739,800" "E00458,850" "Bussy le Repos" "BSSLRP" "_" "N4853,950" "E00445,567" "Buzancy" "BUZANC" "_" "N4925,583" "E00457,317" "Cailletterie" "CLLTTR" "123,5" "N4810,133" "E00235,833" "Cerdon" "CERDON" "_" "N4738,183" "E00221,767" "Cerisiers" "CERSRS" "Centre" "N4807,900" "E00329,233" "Cessey" "CESSEY" "Aero Prive" "N4736,550" "E00437,000" "Chablis" "CHABLS" "Centre" "N4748,917" "E00348,033" "Chateau Chinon" "CHCHNN" "_" "N4703,867" "E00356,050" "Chateauneuf/Loire" "CHTNFL" "_" "N4752,083" "E00213,633" "Chateaurenard" "CHTRNR" "_" "N4755,867" "E00255,350" "Chatillon Coligny" "CHATIL" "_" "N4749,267" "E00251,017" "Chailley" "CHAILL" "Aero" "N4802,700" "E00342,800" "Chalette sur Loing" "CHLTTS" "_" "N4800,983" "E00244,217" "Chalindrey" "CHLNDR" "_" "N4748,600" "E00526,583" "Chalon" "CHALON" "Aero" "N4649,700" "E00449,017" "Chambon" "CHAMBN" "_" "N4803,683" "E00217,717" "Chambord" "CHMBRD" "_" "N4736,950" "E00131,050" "Champignelles" "CHMPGN" "_" "N4746,800" "E00304,367" "Champlitte" "CHMPLT" "Eglise" "N4737,000" "E00530,867" "Champrond en Gatine" "CHMPRN" "123,5" "N4823,567" "E00103,383" "Chaource" "CHAORC" "_" "N4803,500" "E00408,283" "Chapelle dAngilon" "CHPLLD" "_" "N4721,817" "E00226,517" "Chapelle la Reine" "CHPLLL" "_" "N4819,283" "E00233,933" "Charmont sous Barbuise" "CHRMNT" "_" "N4824,533" "E00410,350" "Chartres Champhols" "CHRTRS" "LFOR" "N4827,567" "E00131,383" "Chatenoy" "CHATEN" "_" "N4755,083" "E00223,767" "Chatillon" "CHTLLN" "Aero" "N4750,783" "E00434,800" "Chaumont Aero" "CHMNTR" "118,775" "N4805,500" "E00502,967" "Chaumont Viaduc" "CHMNTV" "_" "N4807,067" "E00509,350" "Chenonceaux" "CHNNCX" "_" "N4719,483" "E00104,283" "Cheroy" "CHEROY" "_" "N4811,917" "E00300,067" "Cheverny" "CHEVRN" "_" "N4730,067" "E00127,517" "Clamecy" "CLAMEC" "Aero" "N4726,417" "E00330,500" "Colombey Les 2 Eglises" "CLMBLS" "_" "N4813,317" "E00453,117" "Conde sur Marne" "CNDSRM" "_" "N4902,750" "E00410,650" "Connantre" "CNNNTR" "_" "N4843,600" "E00355,383" "Corbigny" "CORBGN" "Gare" "N4715,283" "E00340,650" "Cosnes/Loire" "CSNSLR" "Aero" "N4621,617" "E00255,367" "Coulanges la Vineuse" "CLNGSL" "_" "N4742,083" "E00334,967" "Coulanges sur Yonne" "CLNGSS" "_" "N4731,583" "E00332,483" "Coulmier le Sec" "CLMRLS" "Eglise" "N4745,050" "E00429,600" "Coupeville" "COPVLL" "_" "N4854,600" "E00437,700" "Courson" "COURSN" "_" "N4736,867" "E00329,967" "Courtenay" "COURTN" "_" "N4802,233" "E00303,467" "Courville/Eure" "CRVLLR" "_" "N4827,100" "E00114,117" "Dampierre et Flee" "DMPRRT" "ULM" "N4728,517" "E00521,467" "Dijon Darrois" "DJNDRR" "Aero" "N4723,217" "E00456,850" "Dijon Longvic" "DJNLNG" "Aero" "N4715,950" "E00505,700" "Dole Tavaux" "DOLTVX" "Aero" "N4702,567" "E00526,100" "Dordives" "DORDVS" "_" "N4809,383" "E00245,817" "Dreux Vernouillet" "DRXVRN" "_" "N4842,483" "E00121,767" "Ecury" "ECURY" "Croisement pistes" "N4854,317" "E00421,167" "Entrains" "ENTRNS" "_" "N4727,867" "E00315,367" "Epernay" "EPERNA" "_" "N4902,000" "E00356,883" "Epinac" "EPINAC" "_" "N4659,550" "E00430,800" "Etampes Montdesir" "ETMPSM" "LFOX" "N4822,867" "E00204,683" "Ferte Bernard" "FRTBRN" "_" "N4811,200" "E00039,367" "Fismes" "FISMES" "_" "N4918,617" "E00341,233" "Fontaine Simon" "FNTNSM" "_" "N4830,500" "E00059,717" "Fougeres/Bievre" "FGRSBV" "123,5" "N4727,467" "E00121,967" "Gien" "GIEN" "Pont" "N4741,283" "E00236,917" "Givry" "GIVRY" "Eglise" "N4646,917" "E00444,733" "Grosbois" "GROSBS" "Barrage" "N4718,700" "E00436,300" "Igny Comblizy" "IGNCMB" "_" "N4901,100" "E00342,767" "Illiers Combray" "ILLRSC" "_" "N4817,983" "E00114,583" "Issoudun le Fay" "ISSDNL" "119,75" "N4653,317" "E00202,467" "Joigny" "JOIGNY" "Aero" "N4759,700" "E00323,517" "Juvancourt" "JVNCRT" "Aero" "N4806,900" "E00449,217" "LAigle St Michel" "LGLSTM" "LFOL" "N4845,550" "E00039,500" "Laignes" "LAIGNS" "Eglise" "N4750,500" "E00421,933" "La Motte Beuvron" "LMTTBV" "LFFM" "N4739,333" "E00159,267" "Lamotte" "LAMOTT" "_" "N4736,183" "E00201,533" "Langres Aero" "LNGRSR" "_" "N4757,933" "E00517,667" "Langres Cathedrale" "LNGRSC" "_" "N4751,850" "E00520,100" "Lethuin" "LETHUN" "_" "N4821,983" "E00152,033" "Lechelle" "LECHLL" "_" "N4834,650" "E00323,350" "Le Creusot" "LECRST" "ULM" "N4649,000" "E00424,000" "Le Gault St Denis" "LGLTST" "_" "N4814,600" "E00129,067" "Les Choux" "LESCHX" "_" "N4747,883" "E00240,550" "Ligny en Barrois" "LGNNBR" "_" "N4841,117" "E00519,533" "Ligny le Ribault" "LGNLRB" "_" "N4742,433" "E00146,550" "Lorris" "LORRIS" "_" "N4753,383" "E00230,833" "Losne St Jean" "LSNSTJ" "ULM" "N4704,450" "E00515,933" "Lugny Chartreuse" "LGNCHR" "_" "N4747,817" "E00450,350" "Luigny" "LUIGNY" "_" "N4814,433" "E00101,450" "Lurcy Levy" "LURCLV" "LFJU" "N4642,767" "E00256,767" "Lusigny sur Barse" "LSGNSR" "_" "N4815,200" "E00415,850" "Macey" "MACEY" "_" "N4817,583" "E00354,900" "Maisons en Champagne" "MSNSNC" "_" "N4845,000" "E00429,733" "Malesherbes" "MLSHRB" "_" "N4817,567" "E00224,117" "Marcigny sout Thil" "MRCGNS" "Carriere" "N4723,283" "E00424,000" "Marcilly" "MARCLL" "_" "N4820,850" "E00338,083" "Marigny le Chatel" "MRGNLC" "_" "N4824,200" "E00344,283" "Matougues" "MATOGS" "_" "N4859,533" "E00414,567" "Mereville" "MERVLL" "_" "N4818,900" "E00205,200" "Merinville" "MRNVLL" "_" "N4804,933" "E00256,450" "Mespuits" "MESPTS" "Report W" "N4821,483" "E00216,300" "Minaucourt le Mesnil" "MNCRTL" "_" "N4910,167" "E00442,867" "Montargis Vimory" "MNTRGS" "_" "N4757,383" "E00241,283" "Montmort Lucy" "MNTMRT" "_" "N4855,450" "E00348,567" "Montrichard" "MNTRCH" "119,0" "N4720,133" "E00112,250" "Mont Saint Jean" "MNTSTJ" "Chateau" "N4717,433" "E00423,983" "Moret Episy" "MORTPS" "LFPU" "N4820,400" "E00247,783" "Mortagneau Perche" "MRTGNP" "Aero" "N4832,467" "E00032,167" "Mottereau" "MOTTER" "_" "N4815,233" "E00110,633" "Mourmelon le Petit" "MRMLNL" "_" "N4907,750" "E00418,350" "Mousseaux les Bray" "MSSXLS" "_" "N4824,550" "E00313,717" "Neung/Beuvron" "NNGBVR" "_" "N4732,233" "E00148,083" "Neuvy/Barangeon" "NVBRNG" "_" "N4718,883" "E00215,350" "Nevers Fourchambault" "NVRSFR" "_" "N4700,000" "E00306,750" "Nevers Pont" "NVRSPN" "_" "N4658,833" "E00312,933" "Nitry" "NITRY" "Centre" "N4740,267" "E00352,783" "Nogent le Rotrou" "NGNTLR" "_" "N4819,550" "E00048,650" "Nogent sur Seine" "NGNTSR" "_" "N4829,517" "E00330,167" "Nolay" "NOLAY" "Eglise" "N4657,100" "E00438,000" "Nouans le Fuzelier" "NNSLFZ" "_" "N4732,067" "E00202,217" "Nuits St Georges" "NTSSTG" "129,025" "N4708,583" "E00458,117" "OrleansMeziereslesCler" "ORLNSM" "_" "N4748,800" "E00150,333" "Pevy" "PEVY" "_" "N4918,667" "E00350,517" "Piney" "PINEY" "_" "N4821,800" "E00419,667" "Pithiviers" "PTHVRS" "_" "N4809,417" "E00211,700" "Plivot" "PLIVOT" "Aero" "N4900,317" "E00405,167" "Pogny" "POGNY" "_" "N4851,500" "E00429,000" "PontfavergerMoronvillr" "PNTFVR" "_" "N4917,800" "E00419,300" "Pontlevoy" "PONTLV" "_" "N4723,167" "E00113,167" "Pouilly" "POUILL" "Aero" "N4713,283" "E00433,633" "Premery" "PREMER" "_" "N4710,517" "E00320,250" "Prenois" "PRENOS" "Circuit" "N4721,750" "E00453,950" "Prunay" "PRUNAY" "Aero" "N4912,517" "E00409,400" "Puiseaux" "PUISEX" "_" "N4812,250" "E00228,350" "Rethel" "RETHEL" "Aero" "N4928,917" "E00421,850" "Rimaucourt" "RIMCRT" "_" "N4814,917" "E00519,750" "Romilly" "ROMILL" "123,5" "N4829,967" "E00345,700" "Romorantin Pruniers" "RMRNTN" "_" "N4718,917" "E00141,683" "Sacy" "SACY" "SACY" "N4911,800" "E00356,967" "Saint Aignan" "STEGNN" "_" "N4716,167" "E00122,483" "Saint Benoit/Loire" "STBNTL" "123,55" "N4747,483" "E00220,167" "Saint Calais" "STECLS" "_" "N4755,283" "E00044,817" "Saint Denis Orleans" "STDNSR" "_" "N4753,917" "E00209,817" "St Dizier" "STDIZR" "Aero" "N4838,017" "E00454,483" "St Etienne a Arnes" "STTNNR" "_" "N4918,583" "E00429,450" "St Etienne au Temple" "STTNNT" "_" "N4901,483" "E00425,250" "Saint Fargeau" "STEFRG" "_" "N4738,300" "E00304,350" "St Florentin" "STFLRN" "Aero" "N4758,933" "E00346,667" "Saint Maurice" "STEMRC" "_" "N4750,050" "E00321,783" "Saint Seine" "STESEN" "Abbaye" "N4726,400" "E00447,383" "Sainte Colombe" "STCLMB" "_" "N4719,300" "E00308,450" "Sainte Osmane" "STESMN" "_" "N4753,450" "E00036,567" "Salagny" "SALAGN" "_" "N4812,850" "E00321,350" "Salbris" "SALBRS" "_" "N4725,417" "E00202,917" "Santigny" "SANTGN" "TGV D95" "N4734,050" "E00407,833" "Saulieu Liernais" "SLLRNS" "_" "N4714,367" "E00415,917" "Semur en Auxois" "SMRNXS" "Aero" "N4728,917" "E00420,617" "Senely" "SENELY" "_" "N4740,717" "E00208,833" "Sens" "SENS" "Cathedrale" "N4811,883" "E00316,967" "Sezanne" "SEZANN" "Aero" "N4842,633" "E00345,817" "Sombernon" "SMBRNN" "Transfo" "N4719,533" "E00441,250" "SouainPertheslesHurlus" "SNPRTH" "_" "N4910,950" "E00432,717" "Souesmes" "SOUSMS" "_" "N4726,883" "E00212,667" "Souhil" "SOUHIL" "ULM" "N4755,417" "E00446,233" "Soulaines Dhuys" "SLNSDH" "_" "N4822,367" "E00444,033" "Thiron Gardais" "THRNGR" "_" "N4818,600" "E00059,683" "Thivars" "THIVRS" "_" "N4821,783" "E00126,800" "Thorigny sur Oreuse" "THRGNS" "_" "N4817,583" "E00324,067" "Thury" "THURY" "_" "N4735,183" "E00317,700" "Tigy" "TIGY" "_" "N4747,717" "E00211,883" "Til Chatel" "TLCHTL" "Aero" "N4732,850" "E00512,683" "Tonnerre Gare" "TNNRRG" "_" "N4751,317" "E00358,583" "Tonnerre Aero" "TNNRRR" "123,5" "N4746,000" "E00402,000" "Toucy" "TOUCY" "_" "N4744,117" "E00317,617" "Tours Val de Loire" "TRSVLD" "LFOT" "N4725,917" "E00043,383" "Toury" "TOURY" "_" "N4811,317" "E00155,667" "Trainel" "TRAINL" "_" "N4824,867" "E00326,433" "Troyes Barberey" "TRSBRB" "125,35" "N4819,300" "E00401,000" "Troyes Cathedrale" "TRSCTH" "_" "N4818,017" "E00404,850" "Valmy" "VALMY" "_" "N4905,050" "E00446,267" "Varennes en Argonne" "VRNNSN" "_" "N4913,567" "E00501,983" "Vatan" "VATAN" "_" "N4704,483" "E00148,633" "Vatry" "VATRY" "Chalons" "N4846,400" "E00412,367" "Vaux sous Aubigny" "VXSSBG" "Eglise" "N4739,433" "E00517,317" "Vendome" "VENDOM" "_" "N4748,067" "E00103,983" "Vermenton" "VRMNTN" "_" "N4739,683" "E00343,683" "Vertus" "VERTUS" "_" "N4854,333" "E00400,350" "Vezelay" "VEZELA" "Basilique" "N4727,983" "E00344,917" "Vierzon Mereau" "VRZNMR" "_" "N4711,833" "E00204,000" "Ville en Selve" "VLLNSL" "_" "N4907,500" "E00404,833" "Villenauxe la Grande" "VLLNXL" "_" "N4835,300" "E00333,517" "Villeneuve lArcheveque" "VLLNVL" "_" "N4814,267" "E00333,083" "Villiers St Georges" "VLLRSS" "_" "N4838,683" "E00324,200" "Voulx" "VOULX" "_" "N4816,850" "E00258,150" "Vouziers" "VOUZRS" "_" "N4923,850" "E00442,067" "Voves" "VOVES" "_" "N4816,267" "E00137,600" "Y TGV Sud Tonnerre" "YTGVSD" "_" "N4740,783" "E00404,800"