;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Pont Saint Vincent, France + ; + ; Championnat Inter-Regional Est Senior + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Jean-Pierre Lebrun + ; + ; Generated Tuesday, 12 July 2016 at 21:43 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Aix en Othe" "AIXNTH" "_" "N4813,500" "E00344,150" "Albe Val de Ville" "ALBVLD" "LF6721 - AD Prive" "N4820,950" "E00719,800" "Ancy le Franc" "ANCLFR" "_" "N4806,367" "E00409,567" "Anglure" "ANGLUR" "_" "N4835,017" "E00348,800" "Arbois" "ARBOIS" "Ancien Aerodrome" "N4655,200" "E00545,567" "Arches" "ARCHES" "_" "N4807,050" "E00631,417" "Arcis/Aube" "ARCISB" "_" "N4832,167" "E00408,283" "Attigny" "ATTIGN" "_" "N4928,633" "E00434,683" "Auberive" "AUBERV" "_" "N4912,083" "E00425,050" "Aulnay lAitre" "ALNLTR" "_" "N4849,367" "E00433,850" "Autrey" "AUTREY" "_" "N4817,883" "E00641,417" "Autun Bellevue" "ATNBLL" "LFQF" "N4658,267" "E00415,667" "Auxerre Branches" "AXRRBR" "LFLA" "N4750,783" "E00329,800" "Avallon" "AVALLN" "LFGE" "N4730,117" "E00353,900" "Avize" "AVIZE" "_" "N4858,200" "E00400,383" "Baccarat" "BACCRT" "_" "N4827,133" "E00644,633" "Bains Les Bains" "BNSLSB" "_" "N4800,050" "E00615,533" "Bar le Duc" "BARLDC" "LFEU Les Hauts de Chee" "N4852,067" "E00511,050" "Bar/Aube" "BARAUB" "_" "N4813,917" "E00442,500" "Bar/Seine" "BARSEN" "LFFR" "N4803,967" "E00424,750" "Bassu" "BASSU" "_" "N4849,850" "E00441,567" "Bayon" "BAYON" "_" "N4828,517" "E00618,967" "Beaune" "BEAUNE" "LFGF" "N4700,617" "E00453,783" "Belfort Chaux" "BLFRTC" "LFGG" "N4742,067" "E00649,850" "Belfort Fontaine" "BLFRTF" "Ancien Aerodrome" "N4739,317" "E00700,633" "Berru" "BERRU" "_" "N4916,217" "E00408,817" "Besancon la Veze" "BSNCNL" "LFQM" "N4712,317" "E00604,833" "Besancon Thise" "BSNCNT" "LFSA" "N4716,417" "E00604,983" "Bitche" "BITCHE" "Ancien Aerodrome" "N4903,617" "E00727,050" "Bouilly" "BOUILL" "_" "N4811,517" "E00359,950" "Brabois" "BRABOS" "Hippodrome" "N4839,200" "E00608,567" "Brienne le Chateau" "BRNNLC" "LFFN" "N4825,783" "E00428,933" "Brienne/Aisne" "BRNNSN" "_" "N4925,983" "E00403,100" "Broye les Pesmes" "BRLSPS" "Ancien Aerodrome" "N4719,000" "E00530,967" "Bruyeres" "BRUYRS" "_" "N4812,400" "E00643,100" "Bussy le Chateau" "BSSLCH" "_" "N4903,767" "E00432,450" "Bussy le Repos" "BSSLRP" "_" "N4853,950" "E00445,567" "Buzancy" "BUZANC" "_" "N4925,583" "E00457,317" "Carignan" "CARGNN" "_" "N4938,133" "E00510,050" "Celles/Plaine" "CLLSPL" "_" "N4827,217" "E00657,000" "Cerisiers" "CERSRS" "Centre" "N4807,983" "E00329,500" "Cernon" "CERNON" "_" "N4850,383" "E00420,700" "Chailley" "CHAILL" "Ancien Aerodrome" "N4802,700" "E00342,800" "Chaintrix Bierges" "CHNTRX" "_" "N4854,100" "E00406,017" "Chalindrey" "CHLNDR" "_" "N4748,600" "E00526,583" "Chalon Champforgueil" "CHLNCH" "LFLH" "N4649,700" "E00449,017" "Chalons Ecury/Coole" "CHLNSC" "LFQK" "N4854,333" "E00421,167" "Chalons en Champagne" "CHLNSN" "_" "N4857,250" "E00421,583" "Chalons Vatry" "CHLNSV" "LFOK" "N4846,400" "E00412,367" "Chambley" "CHAMBL" "LFJY" "N4901,533" "E00552,567" "Champ du Feu" "CHMPDF" "Antenne" "N4823,667" "E00715,833" "Champdray" "CHMPDR" "Champ Vosges No20" "N4807,917" "E00645,617" "Champigneul Champagne" "CHMPGN" "_" "N4858,050" "E00409,733" "Chaource" "CHAORC" "Eglise" "N4803,383" "E00408,067" "Charleville Mezieres" "CHRLVL" "LFQV" "N4947,100" "E00438,567" "Charmes" "CHARMS" "_" "N4820,700" "E00618,600" "Charmont sous Barbuise" "CHRMNT" "_" "N4824,533" "E00410,350" "Chateau Salins" "CHSLNS" "_" "N4849,467" "E00630,383" "Chatillon/Seine" "CHTLLN" "LFQH" "N4750,717" "E00434,767" "Chaumont" "CHAMNT" "_" "N4807,067" "E00509,350" "Chaumont Semoutiers" "CHMNTS" "LFJA" "N4805,500" "E00502,967" "Chaumousey" "CHAUMS" "Aero" "N4811,433" "E00617,200" "Chavanges" "CHVNGS" "_" "N4830,483" "E00434,617" "Chenevieres" "CHNVRS" "_" "N4831,800" "E00636,300" "Clamecy" "CLAMEC" "LFJC" "N4726,250" "E00330,450" "Col de la Schlucht" "CSCHLC" "_" "N4803,967" "E00701,350" "Col du Bonhomme" "CBNHMM" "_" "N4809,900" "E00704,767" "Colmar" "COLMAR" "LFGA" "N4806,617" "E00721,550" "ColombeylesdeuxEglises" "CLMBLS" "_" "N4813,317" "E00453,117" "Commercy" "COMMRC" "_" "N4845,950" "E00535,283" "Connantre" "CNNNTR" "_" "N4843,600" "E00355,383" "Coole" "COOLE" "_" "N4844,450" "E00423,650" "Corbeny" "CORBEN" "_" "N4927,867" "E00349,283" "Corbigny" "CORBGN" "_" "N4715,633" "E00340,300" "Cornieville Geville" "CRNVLL" "LF5521 Ad Prive" "N4845,833" "E00541,733" "Coulanges la Vineuse" "CLNGSL" "_" "N4742,083" "E00334,967" "Coupeville" "COPVLL" "_" "N4854,600" "E00437,700" "Courcelles" "CRCLLS" "Centre" "N4754,083" "E00433,233" "Courtisols les Houches" "CRTSLS" "LF5123 Ad Prive" "N4859,717" "E00429,800" "Damblain" "DAMBLN" "Ancien Aerodrome" "N4805,000" "E00540,000" "Dampierre" "DAMPRR" "_" "N4833,050" "E00421,933" "Damprichard" "DMPRCH" "Outlanding Field" "N4715,150" "E00651,483" "Damvillers" "DMVLLR" "_" "N4920,450" "E00523,917" "Dierrey St Pierre" "DRRSTP" "_" "N4819,783" "E00349,750" "Dieuze" "DIEUZE" "_" "N4848,650" "E00643,233" "Dieuze Gueblange" "DZGBLN" "LFQZ" "N4846,467" "E00642,850" "Dijon Darois" "DJNDRS" "LFGI" "N4723,117" "E00456,817" "Dijon Longvic" "DJNLNG" "LFSD" "N4715,950" "E00505,700" "Dole Tavaux" "DOLTVX" "LFGJ" "N4702,567" "E00526,100" "Doncourt les Conflans" "DNCRTL" "LFGR" "N4909,117" "E00555,883" "Dormans" "DORMNS" "_" "N4904,517" "E00338,333" "Dun/Meuse" "DUNMES" "_" "N4922,983" "E00511,117" "Einville au Jard" "ENVLLJ" "_" "N4839,317" "E00629,300" "Epernay" "EPERNA" "_" "N4902,000" "E00356,883" "Epernay Plivot" "EPRNPL" "LFSW" "N4900,267" "E00405,117" "Epinal Dogneville" "EPNLDG" "LFSE" "N4812,683" "E00626,900" "Estissac" "ESTSSC" "Croisement A5 et N60" "N4816,483" "E00349,233" "Etain" "ETAIN" "_" "N4912,833" "E00538,000" "Etain Rouvres" "ETNRVR" "LFQE" "N4913,750" "E00540,567" "Eurville Bienville" "ERVLLB" "_" "N4835,100" "E00502,250" "Grand Couronne" "GRNDCR" "LF5453 Ferme Beauchamp" "N4845,967" "E00613,267" "Festieux" "FESTIX" "_" "N4931,350" "E00345,300" "Fismes" "FISMES" "_" "N4918,617" "E00341,233" "Flirey" "FLIREY" "_" "N4852,533" "E00550,800" "Fontaine les Gres" "FNTNLS" "_" "N4825,617" "E00355,033" "Fresnes au Mont" "FRSNSM" "_" "N4853,750" "E00526,333" "Fromentieres" "FRMNTR" "_" "N4853,367" "E00342,117" "Froncles" "FRNCLS" "_" "N4817,917" "E00508,933" "Gigny Bussy" "GGNBSS" "_" "N4836,367" "E00434,250" "Gondrecourt le Chateau" "GNDRCR" "_" "N4830,700" "E00530,350" "Gray St Adrien" "GRSTDR" "LFEV" "N4725,933" "E00537,283" "Grostenquin" "GRSTNQ" "_" "N4901,517" "E00642,967" "Haroue" "HAROUE" "_" "N4827,917" "E00610,800" "Haumont" "HAUMNT" "_" "N4900,667" "E00548,367" "Hautvillers" "HTVLLR" "_" "N4904,950" "E00356,767" "Herpy lArlesienne" "HRPLRL" "_" "N4931,433" "E00412,550" "Igny Comblizy" "IGNCMB" "_" "N4901,100" "E00342,767" "Jarny" "JARNY" "_" "N4909,983" "E00552,067" "Joinville Mussey" "JNVLLM" "LFFJ" "N4823,117" "E00508,600" "Juvancourt" "JVNCRT" "LFQX" "N4806,833" "E00449,167" "Juvigny en Perthois" "JVGNNP" "_" "N4835,817" "E00509,283" "La Veuve" "LAVEUV" "_" "N4901,750" "E00419,083" "Lanans" "LANANS" "LF2521 Base Ulm" "N4718,167" "E00627,167" "Langres" "LANGRS" "_" "N4751,850" "E00520,083" "Langres Rolampont" "LNGRSR" "LFSU" "N4757,850" "E00517,617" "Laon Chambry" "LNCHMB" "LFAF" "N4935,683" "E00337,817" "Laumes" "LAUMES" "_" "N4732,617" "E00427,867" "Le Chesne" "LECHSN" "_" "N4930,717" "E00445,633" "Valdahon" "VALDHN" "Ancien Aerodrome" "N4710,000" "E00621,017" "Ligny en Barrois" "LGNNBR" "_" "N4841,150" "E00519,250" "Liverdun" "LIVRDN" "_" "N4845,000" "E00603,767" "Longuyon" "LONGUN" "LFGS" "N4929,017" "E00534,317" "Luneville Ad" "LNVLLD" "LFQC" "N4835,617" "E00632,533" "Luneville Chateau" "LNVLLC" "_" "N4835,667" "E00629,600" "Lure Malbouhans" "LRMLBH" "Ancien Aerodrome" "N4742,183" "E00632,683" "Lusigny/Barse" "LSGNBR" "_" "N4815,117" "E00415,867" "Luxeuil St Sauveur" "LXLSTS" "LFSX" "N4747,233" "E00621,900" "Mailly Chateau Yonne" "MLLCHN" "_" "N4735,617" "E00338,150" "Mailly le Camp" "MLLLCM" "_" "N4839,483" "E00413,617" "Marigny le Chatel" "MRGNLC" "_" "N4824,200" "E00344,283" "Marigny le Grand" "MRGNLG" "Ancien Aerodrome" "N4839,667" "E00350,217" "Metz Frescaty" "MTZFRS" "131,275" "N4904,583" "E00608,033" "Metz Nancy Lorraine" "MTZNNC" "LFJL Louvigny" "N4858,700" "E00614,800" "Migennes" "MIGNNS" "_" "N4757,650" "E00331,017" "Minaucourt le Mesnil" "MNCRTL" "_" "N4910,167" "E00442,867" "Mirecourt Ville" "MRCRTV" "_" "N4818,083" "E00608,067" "Mirecourt Ad" "MRCRTD" "LFSG" "N4819,500" "E00604,000" "Mont/Meurthe" "MNTMRT" "LF5421 Ad Prive" "N4831,617" "E00624,400" "Montbard" "MNTBRD" "_" "N4737,367" "E00420,083" "Montbeliard" "MNTBLR" "LFSM" "N4729,200" "E00647,483" "Montfaucon" "MNTFCN" "_" "N4916,283" "E00508,017" "Monthois" "MONTHS" "_" "N4918,633" "E00442,567" "Montmedy" "MONTMD" "_" "N4931,150" "E00522,050" "Montmort Lucy" "MNTMRT" "_" "N4855,450" "E00348,567" "Morhange" "MORHNG" "_" "N4855,367" "E00638,267" "Mourmelon" "MORMLN" "Ancien Aerodrome" "N4906,683" "E00422,017" "Nancy Azelot" "NNCZLT" "LFEX" "N4835,517" "E00614,383" "Nancy Essey" "NANCSS" "LFSN" "N4841,533" "E00613,567" "Nancy Malzeville" "NNCMLZ" "LFEZ" "N4843,417" "E00612,383" "Nancy Ochey" "NANCCH" "LFSO" "N4834,983" "E00557,267" "Neufchateau Rouceux" "NFCHTR" "LFFT" "N4821,700" "E00543,217" "Nitry" "NITRY" "_" "N4740,267" "E00352,783" "Nogent/Seine" "NGNTSN" "_" "N4829,917" "E00329,767" "Nomexy" "NOMEXY" "_" "N4818,433" "E00623,250" "Nuits Saint Georges" "NTSSTG" "LFGZ" "N4708,533" "E00458,100" "Passavent la Rochere" "PSSVNT" "_" "N4758,133" "E00602,183" "Pevy" "PEVY" "_" "N4918,667" "E00350,517" "Phalsbourg" "PHLSBR" "LFQP" "N4846,100" "E00712,317" "Piney" "PINEY" "_" "N4821,800" "E00419,667" "Point du Jour" "PNTDJR" "Ferme" "N4832,733" "E00611,617" "Poix" "POIX" "_" "N4857,800" "E00437,417" "Pont a Mousson" "PNTMSS" "_" "N4853,783" "E00603,450" "Pont St Vincent" "PNTSTV" "LFSV" "N4836,000" "E00603,383" "PontfavergerMoronvillr" "PNTFVR" "s" "N4917,800" "E00419,300" "Pouilly Maconge" "PLLMCN" "LFEP" "N4713,233" "E00433,617" "Rambervillers" "RMBRVL" "_" "N4820,567" "E00638,017" "Ramonchamp" "RMNCHM" "Champ Vosges No6" "N4753,900" "E00643,050" "Reims" "REIMS" "_" "N4915,383" "E00401,583" "Reims Champagne" "RMSCHM" "Ancien Aerodrome" "N4918,600" "E00403,050" "Reims Prunay" "RMSPRN" "LFQA" "N4912,517" "E00409,400" "Remiremont" "RMRMNT" "Champ Vosges No10" "N4802,000" "E00635,000" "Rethel Perthes" "RTHLPR" "LFAP" "N4928,867" "E00421,800" "Revigny" "REVIGN" "_" "N4849,667" "E00459,367" "Rimaucourt" "RIMCRT" "_" "N4814,917" "E00519,750" "Rosnay lHopital" "RSNLHP" "_" "N4827,433" "E00430,167" "Sacy" "SACY" "_" "N4911,800" "E00356,967" "Santigny" "SANTGN" "Croisement TGV et D957" "N4734,050" "E00407,833" "Sarre Union" "SARRNN" "LFQU" "N4857,050" "E00704,583" "Sarrebourg Buhl" "SRRBRG" "LFGT" "N4843,100" "E00704,800" "Sarreguemines" "SRRGMN" "LFGU" "N4907,650" "E00706,400" "Saulieu Liernais" "SLLRNS" "LFEW" "N4714,317" "E00415,867" "Saverne Steinbourg" "SVRNST" "LFQY" "N4845,200" "E00725,550" "Sedan Douzy" "SEDNDZ" "LFSJ" "N4939,533" "E00502,200" "Semur en Auxois" "SMRNXS" "LFGQ" "N4728,867" "E00420,583" "Sermaize les Bains" "SRMZLS" "_" "N4847,150" "E00454,367" "Sezanne Saint Remy" "SZNNST" "LFFZ" "N4842,567" "E00345,767" "Sion" "SION" "Basilique" "N4825,850" "E00605,050" "Sissonne" "SISSNN" "_" "N4934,283" "E00353,467" "Soizy aux Bois" "SOZXBS" "_" "N4848,533" "E00344,033" "Songy" "SONGY" "_" "N4847,933" "E00430,433" "SouainPertheslesHurlus" "SNPRTH" "_" "N4910,950" "E00432,717" "Soulaines Dhuys" "SLNSDH" "_" "N4822,367" "E00444,033" "St Avold" "STAVLD" "_" "N4906,267" "E00642,350" "St Benoit en Woevre" "STBNTN" "_" "N4859,150" "E00547,083" "St Die Remomeix" "STDRMM" "LFGY" "N4815,983" "E00700,450" "St Dizier Robinson" "STDZRR" "LFSI" "N4838,017" "E00454,483" "St Etienne a Arnes" "STTNNR" "_" "N4918,583" "E00429,450" "St Etienne au Temple" "STTNNT" "_" "N4901,483" "E00425,250" "St Florentin Cheu" "STFLRN" "LFGP" "N4758,883" "E00346,667" "St Mards en Othe" "STMRDS" "_" "N4810,433" "E00348,017" "St Mihiel" "STMIHL" "_" "N4853,350" "E00532,483" "St Nicolas de Port" "STNCLS" "_" "N4837,900" "E00618,083" "Ste Menehould" "STMNHL" "_" "N4905,467" "E00453,500" "Stenay" "STENAY" "_" "N4929,733" "E00511,150" "Suippes" "SUIPPS" "_" "N4907,850" "E00431,933" "Thelod" "THELOD" "_" "N4832,750" "E00602,833" "Thiaucourt" "THICRT" "_" "N4857,250" "E00551,950" "Thibie" "THIBIE" "_" "N4855,800" "E00412,733" "Thillot Ulm" "THLLTL" "LF8851 Ramonchamp Champ Vosges No5" "N4753,733" "E00645,317" "Thionville" "THNVLL" "_" "N4921,283" "E00612,050" "Til Chatel" "TLCHTL" "LFET" "N4732,783" "E00512,650" "Tonnerre Gare" "TNNRRG" "_" "N4751,317" "E00358,583" "Toul" "TOUL" "_" "N4840,650" "E00553,217" "Toul Rosieres" "TLRSRS" "Ancien Aerodrome" "N4846,800" "E00558,800" "Trancault" "TRNCLT" "_" "N4822,550" "E00332,317" "Trepail" "TREPAL" "_" "N4906,367" "E00410,800" "Triaucourt en Argonne" "TRCRTN" "_" "N4858,667" "E00503,450" "Troyes Barberey" "TRSBRB" "LFQB" "N4819,300" "E00401,000" "Valmy" "VALMY" "_" "N4905,050" "E00446,267" "Varennes en Argonne" "VRNNSN" "_" "N4913,567" "E00501,983" "Vaucouleurs" "VACLRS" "_" "N4836,133" "E00539,033" "Verdun le Rozelier" "VRDNLR" "LFGW" "N4907,333" "E00528,250" "Vermenton" "VRMNTN" "_" "N4739,683" "E00343,683" "Vertus" "VERTUS" "_" "N4854,333" "E00400,350" "Vesoul Frotey" "VSLFRT" "LFQW" "N4738,317" "E00612,250" "Ville en Selve" "VLLNSL" "_" "N4907,500" "E00404,833" "Villenauxe la Grande" "VLLNXL" "_" "N4835,300" "E00333,517" "Villeneuve lArcheveque" "VLLNVL" "_" "N4813,833" "E00333,433" "Villerupt" "VLLRPT" "LFAW" "N4924,633" "E00553,350" "Vitry le Croise" "VTRLCR" "_" "N4808,717" "E00433,500" "Vitry le Francois Gare" "VTRLFR" "SNCF" "N4843,033" "E00435,300" "VitryleFrancoisVauclrc" "VITRYL" "LFSK" "N4842,133" "E00441,000" "Vittel Auzainvilliers" "VTTLZN" "Ancien Aerodrome" "N4813,967" "E00550,883" "Vittel Champ deCourses" "VTTLCH" "Ancien Aerodrome" "N4813,433" "E00556,117" "Void Vacon" "VODVCN" "_" "N4841,150" "E00537,133" "Vouziers" "VOUZRS" "_" "N4923,850" "E00442,067" "Vouziers Sechaut" "VZRSSC" "_" "N4916,500" "E00445,333" "Vraux" "VRAUX" "_" "N4901,650" "E00414,417" "Wassy" "WASSY" "_" "N4829,983" "E00456,617" "Woel" "WOEL" "_" "N4902,467" "E00544,017" "La Petite Pierre" "LPTTPR" "_" "N4851,383" "E00718,733" "Lac Blanc" "LCBLNC" "_" "N4807,333" "E00705,283" "Hohneck" "HOHNCK" "Sommet" "N4802,417" "E00701,167" "Lepange" "LEPANG" "Champ Diff2 - 4 Lignes EDF" "N4755,300" "E00638,000" "Longemer" "LONGMR" "Champ Diff4 Attentiontouristesledimanche" "N4804,550" "E00656,500" "Pexonne" "PEXONN" "_" "N4829,000" "E00652,000" "PlanchedesBellesFilles" "PLNCHD" "Sommet" "N4746,150" "E00646,317" "Rocher de Dabo" "RCHRDD" "Sommet" "N4839,083" "E00715,000" "St Remy aux Bois" "STRMXB" "Aero" "N4825,000" "E00621,600" "Wingen/Moder" "WNGNMD" "_" "N4855,133" "E00722,850"