++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Pokweni, Namibia + + + + Contributed by Jos van der Merwe, Rainer Horbert, and Erik Lund + + Contributed on 08 August, 2004 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Sunday, 07 November 2004 at 23:58 GMT + + + + Copyright Pokweni Soaring Namibia 2004 + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, Pokweni, -23, -38.76, 17, 43.92, 1280 2, AfroVenture, -24, -48.4, 15, 53.1, 900 3, Albrechts, -21, -56.73, 16, 4.2 4, Aminuis, -23, -38.93, 19, 22.6 5, Aminuis AS, -23, -38.17, 19, 20.3, 1200 6, Aminuis Pan, -23, -36.43, 19, 54.83, 1200 7, Anib Lodge, -24, -25.9, 18, 6.1, 1300 8, Arandis, -22, -28.0, 14, 59.0, 582 9, Aranos AS, -24, -7.75, 19, 6.85, 1260 10, Aranos Pan, -24, -6.82, 19, 16.87, 1260 11, Ariamsvley, -28, -6.8, 19, 49.63 12, Aris, -22, -45.38, 17, 8.12 13, Aroab, -26, -48.13, 19, 38.87, 1000 14, Aus, -26, -41.0, 16, 18.0, 1430 15, Basaroot, -23, -45.5, 18, 17.67, 1300 16, Beenbreek, -23, -29.0, 17, 57.0, 1100 17, Bergland, -22, -58.4, 17, 8.68 18, Bethanien, -26, -32.67, 17, 11.0, 1067 19, Bimsfarm, -23, -43.7, 18, 8.83 20, BttrwssrPn, -23, -52.62, 17, 59.32, 1257 21, BlumfeldPn, -23, -33.9, 18, 22.27, 1300 22, Brukkaros, -25, -41.97, 18, 3.18 23, Buitepos N, -22, -16.0, 20, 0.0 24, Buitepos S, -24, -45.0, 20, 0.0 25, Bullsport, -24, -7.0, 16, 22.0 26, Cowdray, -23, -32.68, 17, 47.27 27, Derm, -23, -38.93, 18, 11.77 28, Doornpoort, -23, -4.43, 18, 3.08 29, Dordabis, -22, -56.7, 17, 39.78 30, Drimiopsis, -22, -4.0, 19, 4.0 31, Droeplaas, -23, -49.12, 19, 4.95, 1300 32, Eintracht, -22, -21.18, 18, 14.7 33, Eirup, -24, -14.07, 18, 24.25, 1200 34, Epukiro N, -21, -40.52, 19, 13.02, 1113 35, Epukiro S, -21, -48.63, 19, 5.02, 1115 36, Epukiru, -21, -37.0, 19, 24.0, 1105 37, FingerGtts, -25, -29.83, 18, 10.35 38, Fortuna, -21, -48.5, 19, 54.5 39, Gams Farm, -23, -22.0, 16, 18.0 40, Gamsberg, -23, -22.0, 16, 15.0 41, Garib, -23, -8.1, 17, 37.97 42, GelukKlLdg, -24, -37.58, 15, 56.57, 900 43, GrgPtrSchm, -23, -17.0, 18, 38.0, 1200 44, Gianti 1, -24, -15.0, 16, 19.0 45, Gibeon, -25, -7.63, 17, 45.72 46, Gobabis, -22, -30.3, 18, 58.22, 1442 47, GobbsStrtT, -22, -26.17, 19, 0.82 48, Gochas, -24, -52.2, 18, 48.4 49, Gochas AS, -24, -51.6, 18, 49.4, 1150 50, Godehoop, -21, -17.0, 15, 32.0 51, GollschFrm, -23, -16.5, 16, 32.33 52, Gomnab, -23, -41.25, 18, 16.52, 1200 53, Gravensten, -23, -27.93, 17, 29.62 54, Grootfontn, -19, -36.0, 18, 8.0, 1414 55, Guamus, -25, -11.87, 18, 16.42 56, Guibes, -26, -42.0, 16, 57.0 57, Hannover, -23, -22.07, 17, 48.0, 1200 58, HaribesDam, -24, -37.0, 17, 32.33, 1500 59, HelmeringS, -25, -51.8, 16, 48.6, 1399 60, Helmrnghsn, -25, -53.05, 16, 48.68 61, HetakGmLdg, -21, -58.75, 18, 30.87, 1400 62, Hoachanas, -23, -54.9, 18, 2.95 63, Hobas, -27, -37.47, 17, 41.6, 780 64, Hochfeld, -21, -29.42, 17, 51.12 65, X Africa, -24, -5.3, 17, 57.1 66, Judaea, -23, -44.85, 18, 5.55, 1320 67, Julia, -22, -57.0, 18, 11.78, 1300 68, KalhnGmLdg, -25, -47.33, 20, 0.0 69, Kalkfeld, -20, -52.98, 16, 11.45 70, Kalkrand, -24, -4.45, 17, 35.52 71, KalkrandPn, -24, -3.73, 17, 35.82 72, Kamanjab, -19, -31.0, 14, 49.0, 1295 73, OnduruqLdg, -21, -36.15, 16, 4.25 74, Kansimba, -22, -2.67, 16, 11.0, 1100 75, Karibib, -21, -50.87, 15, 54.17, 1070 76, Katzensteg, -24, -46.18, 18, 59.3 77, Kaukerus, -23, -37.07, 17, 52.33 78, KeetmnshRR, -26, -35.58, 18, 8.53 79, Keetmanshp, -26, -32.43, 18, 6.82, 1070 80, Keitzaub, -22, -48.62, 18, 50.98 81, Kentani, -23, -51.87, 17, 51.23, 1200 82, Kentucky, -22, -42.92, 19, 17.58, 1200 83, Kerweder, -24, -57.53, 16, 1.27, 900 84, Kiripotib, -23, -19.7, 17, 56.78, 1250 85, KleinAubAS, -23, -47.5, 16, 39.4, 1600 86, KleinAubPn, -23, -46.83, 16, 38.7, 1600 87, KleinNauas, -23, -19.0, 17, 50.65, 1300 88, Klipdrif, -26, -31.0, 16, 55.0 89, Koes, -25, -56.27, 19, 7.23 90, Kouwater, -24, -37.58, 18, 2.62, 1300 91, Krumneck, -22, -57.68, 16, 56.07 92, Kub, -24, -12.93, 17, 29.6 93, Lendepas, -24, -44.72, 20, 0.0 94, Leonardvll, -23, -30.08, 18, 47.27 95, Lidfontein, -24, -4.9, 18, 11.8 96, LouwaterPn, -23, -17.0, 17, 43.0, 1200 97, LouwatrSM7, -23, -15.35, 17, 58.2 98, Luederitz, -26, -41.0, 15, 15.0, 140 99, MaltahoehS, -24, -46.1, 16, 58.52, 1365 100, Maltahoeh, -24, -51.0, 16, 57.42 101, Mariental, -24, -36.25, 17, 55.5, 1113 102, Mata Mata, -25, -46.07, 20, 0.0 103, Mbela, -23, -44.5, 17, 54.7, 1200 104, MokutiLdg, -18, -48.87, 17, 3.12, 1113 105, Morester, -24, -6.97, 19, 58.67 106, Moscow, -25, -11.17, 19, 15.33, 1200 107, MtEtjoNmb, -21, -1.6, 16, 28.7, 1750 108, Nabus, -24, -2.3, 18, 58.5 109, Namutoni, -18, -48.0, 16, 56.0, 1158 110, Nauchas, -23, -38.0, 16, 19.5 111, Neuloore, -23, -40.93, 18, 24.33, 1200 112, Ninette, -22, -24.0, 18, 45.0 113, NossobGbl, -23, -7.22, 18, 42.1 114, Oamites, -23, -0.45, 17, 7.02 115, OhKtjwLdg, -20, -44.0, 16, 47.0, 1505 116, OkahandjS, -22, -1.33, 16, 53.32 117, Okahennsv, -21, -51.92, 18, 24.17 118, Okamapu, -21, -44.22, 17, 53.1 119, Okapanje, -22, -35.35, 17, 57.93 120, Okaukuejo, -19, -10.0, 15, 58.0, 1200 121, OlfntwtrW, -23, -42.3, 18, 21.7, 1200 122, Omaha, -21, -7.92, 16, 31.57 123, OmrrGmLdg, -21, -19.6, 16, 5.25, 1400 124, Omawewozn, -21, -35.68, 19, 25.0 125, Omuramba, -21, -25.0, 19, 17.0 126, Ondangwa, -17, -53.0, 15, 58.0 127, Onjossa, -22, -10.35, 16, 17.32, 1700 128, Operet, -18, -36.0, 17, 9.0, 1097 129, Oranjemnd, -28, -35.0, 16, 27.0, 9 130, Osona AS, -22, -6.28, 16, 58.82, 1500 131, Otjihaenn, -22, -17.42, 17, 46.28 132, Otjiwarng, -20, -25.83, 16, 39.75, 1475 133, OtjwrngCn, -20, -27.83, 16, 38.87 134, OtjiwrngS, -20, -26.88, 16, 38.92 135, Outjo, -20, -4.67, 16, 7.83, 1323 136, RehobothS, -23, -18.75, 17, 2.67, 1300 137, RehobthSt, -23, -18.63, 17, 11.3 138, RehbthTwn, -23, -19.3, 17, 4.27 139, Rheinpflz, -23, -31.73, 17, 59.4 140, RhenostrK, -21, -9.92, 16, 24.15 141, Rietfontn, -26, -44.7, 20, 2.0 142, Rietoog, -23, -58.0, 16, 33.83 143, Rooisand, -23, -17.78, 16, 6.75, 1217 144, RoshPinah, -27, -57.0, 16, 46.0, 390 145, RostckRtz, -23, -32.47, 15, 50.57, 1300 146, Ruacana, -17, -25.0, 14, 22.0, 1152 147, Rundu, -17, -57.0, 19, 43.0, 1097 148, Runnrsrst, -24, -0.8, 17, 44.68 149, Salzbrunn, -24, -22.98, 17, 58.28 150, Sandfontn, -22, -16.82, 20, 0.0 151, Schlip, -24, -2.0, 17, 11.5 152, SesriemAS, -24, -30.5, 15, 45.33 153, SkorpinMn, -27, -52.55, 16, 38.87, 570 154, Solingen, -22, -23.78, 19, 6.65 155, Solitaire, -23, -52.0, 15, 59.0 156, Spatznfld, -22, -47.12, 18, 53.38 157, Stampriet, -24, -20.93, 18, 24.08 158, StamprtPn, -24, -20.98, 18, 19.6, 1300 159, Steinhasn, -21, -49.47, 18, 13.92 160, Strate, -23, -58.0, 18, 33.0, 1200 161, SWA Knie, -22, -0.0, 20, 0.0 162, Swakopmnd, -22, -39.5, 14, 34.0, 52 163, Tivoli, -23, -27.65, 18, 1.17, 1250 164, Tses, -25, -53.42, 18, 7.58 165, Tsumeb, -19, -16.0, 17, 44.0, 1326 166, Tsumis, -23, -43.72, 17, 26.4 167, Tsumkwe, -19, -35.0, 20, 27.5, 1128 168, Tweerivir, -25, -27.38, 19, 26.3 169, Twilight, -24, -10.03, 17, 59.35 170, Uis, -21, -13.0, 14, 52.0, 826 171, Victory, -23, -58.18, 18, 16.15 172, Vredeshop, -27, -6.02, 19, 32.07 173, Wandervgl, -24, -38.35, 19, 42.2 174, WavisBRkp, -23, -0.0, 14, 38.4 175, Wilskrag, -22, -0.0, 20, 37.67 176, Windhokrs, -22, -36.5, 17, 4.8, 1701 177, WindhoekX, -22, -28.77, 17, 28.35, 1719 178, Witboosvl, -25, -4.13, 18, 27.1 179, Wittenau, -23, -27.83, 18, 52.4 180, Witvlei, -22, -24.32, 18, 28.78, 1401 181, WitwaterE, -24, -42.1, 15, 58.52, 900 182, WitwaterW, -24, -40.57, 15, 47.85, 900 183, Wohlzfrdn, -24, -11.43, 18, 9.67, 1281 184, Wolwedans, -25, -6.83, 15, 59.75, 900 185, Zuuberg, -26, -16.0, 17, 0.0