;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Poitiers, France + ; + ; 22eme Coupe d'Europe des Planeurs Biplaces - 2013 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by B. VILLENEUVE + ; + ; Generated Monday, 22 July 2013 at 21:13 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "30E" "30E" "_" "N4636,533" "E00037,300" "30NW" "30NW" "_" "N4647,517" "W00003,950" "30W" "30W" "_" "N4636,583" "W00010,117" "Airvault" "AIRVLT" "_" "N4649,583" "W00008,283" "Alencon" "ALENCN" "Aero" "N4826,817" "E00006,583" "Amboise" "AMBOIS" "Pont/Loire" "N4725,000" "E00058,000" "Angers Avrille" "ANGRSV" "_" "N4729,883" "W00034,500" "Angers Ponts de Ce" "ANGRSP" "_" "N4724,150" "W00031,567" "Angouleme" "ANGOLM" "_" "N4538,900" "E00009,367" "Argenton/Creuse" "ARGNTN" "_" "N4635,217" "E00131,250" "Argenton Chateau" "ARGENT" "_" "N4659,600" "W00026,967" "Auxerre" "AUXERR" "Aero" "N4750,700" "E00329,867" "Barrage Eguzon" "BRRGGZ" "_" "N4627,233" "E00136,833" "Bauge" "BAUGE" "_" "N4731,850" "W00006,283" "Beaumont/Sarthe" "BMNTSR" "_" "N4813,617" "E00007,900" "Becon les Granits" "BCNLSG" "_" "N4730,067" "W00048,083" "Belabre" "BELABR" "_" "N4633,067" "E00109,833" "Bellac" "BELLAC" "123,5" "N4607,850" "E00104,800" "Bonnetable" "BNNTBL" "_" "N4810,517" "E00026,017" "Bressuire" "BRESSR" "_" "N4650,283" "W00029,767" "Briare Chatillon" "BRRCHT" "_" "N4736,683" "E00246,983" "Brienne le Chateau" "BRNNLC" "_" "N4825,567" "E00427,917" "Buzancais" "BUZNCS" "_" "N4653,267" "E00125,433" "Cande" "CANDE" "_" "N4733,767" "W00101,733" "Chalais" "CHALAS" "Sud" "N4515,933" "E00000,950" "Chalandray" "CHLNDR" "Ouest" "N4639,500" "W00001,367" "Chatellerault" "CHTLLR" "Nord" "N4649,983" "E00032,350" "Chatillon/Indre" "CHTLLN" "_" "N4659,283" "E00110,517" "Chemille" "CHEMLL" "_" "N4713,117" "W00043,867" "Chenevelles" "CHNVLL" "_" "N4644,850" "E00040,767" "Chinon" "CHINON" "Chateau" "N4710,117" "E00014,833" "Cholet Lepontreau" "CHLTLP" "120,4" "N4704,917" "W00052,633" "Civray" "CIVRAY" "Sud" "N4607,800" "E00017,850" "Contres" "CONTRS" "_" "N4725,117" "E00125,683" "Cormery" "CORMER" "_" "N4715,783" "E00050,067" "Cosne/Loire" "COSNLR" "_" "N4724,417" "E00256,033" "Couhe Verac" "COHVRC" "Aerodrome" "N4616,367" "E00011,433" "Craon" "CRAON" "_" "N4750,900" "W00057,067" "Culan" "CULAN" "_" "N4632,717" "E00221,150" "Descartes" "DSCRTS" "_" "N4658,250" "E00041,467" "Douchy" "DOUCHY" "_" "N4756,600" "E00303,217" "Doue la Fontaine" "DLFNTN" "_" "N4711,633" "W00016,467" "Ecueille" "ECUELL" "_" "N4705,133" "E00120,950" "Ernee" "ERNEE" "_" "N4817,917" "W00055,900" "Faye lAbesse" "FALBSS" "_" "N4649,700" "W00020,650" "Fleure" "FLEURE" "Est" "N4628,167" "E00034,667" "Fontenay le Comte" "FNTNLC" "Aerodrome" "N4626,483" "W00047,567" "Gien" "GIEN" "_" "N4741,517" "E00239,067" "Gizeux" "GIZEUX" "_" "N4723,467" "E00012,367" "Gueret" "GUERET" "_" "N4610,433" "E00152,800" "La Chataigneraie" "LCHTGN" "_" "N4639,000" "W00044,350" "La Chatre" "LACHTR" "_" "N4635,117" "E00159,800" "La FerriereenParthenay" "LFRRRN" "_" "N4639,283" "W00004,667" "La Fleche" "LAFLCH" "_" "N4741,600" "W00003,983" "La Puye" "LAPUYE" "_" "N4638,500" "E00045,233" "La Roche Chalais" "LRCHCH" "Aerodrome" "N4508,933" "E00000,433" "La Roche Posay" "LRCHPS" "_" "N4647,317" "E00048,933" "La Souterraine" "LSTRRN" "_" "N4614,317" "E00129,550" "La Trimouille" "LTRMLL" "_" "N4627,467" "E00102,500" "La Vacherie" "LAVCHR" "Sud" "N4747,717" "E00122,167" "Lamotte Beuvron" "LMTTBV" "_" "N4736,083" "E00201,883" "Lapalisse" "LAPLSS" "_" "N4614,933" "E00338,383" "Laval Entrammes" "LVLNTR" "119,3" "N4801,933" "W00044,550" "Le Blanc" "LEBLNC" "Viaduc" "N4638,383" "E00103,167" "Le Grand Pressigny" "LGRNDP" "_" "N4655,367" "E00048,150" "Le Lion dAngers" "LLNDNG" "_" "N4737,650" "W00042,917" "Le Louroux" "LELORX" "Aerodrome" "N4709,000" "E00042,767" "Le Lude" "LELUDE" "_" "N4738,933" "E00009,317" "Le Mans" "LEMANS" "_" "N4759,917" "E00012,283" "Lencloitre" "LNCLTR" "_" "N4648,983" "E00019,667" "Levroux" "LEVROX" "_" "N4658,783" "E00136,767" "LFBI" "LFBI" "Aerodrome" "N4635,183" "E00018,667" "Loches" "LOCHES" "_" "N4707,433" "E00059,967" "Longuee Jumelles" "LNGJML" "_" "N4722,733" "W00006,833" "Loudun" "LOUDUN" "Nord" "N4704,000" "E00005,433" "Lucon" "LUCON" "_" "N4627,667" "W00109,917" "Mansle" "MANSLE" "_" "N4552,633" "E00010,650" "Mauleon" "MAULEN" "Aerodrome" "N4654,167" "W00041,850" "Mayenne" "MAYENN" "_" "N4818,750" "W00038,000" "Mazieres en Gatine" "MZRSNG" "_" "N4632,033" "W00019,333" "Mezieres en Brenne" "MZRSNB" "_" "N4649,167" "E00112,683" "Mirebeau" "MIREBE" "Nord" "N4647,683" "E00011,000" "Mont/Guesne" "MNTGSN" "_" "N4655,000" "E00013,000" "Montlucon Domerat" "MNTLCN" "Aerodrome" "N4621,133" "E00234,283" "Montmarault" "MNTMRL" "_" "N4619,000" "E00257,000" "Montreuil Bellay" "MNTRLB" "_" "N4707,850" "W00009,217" "Montrichard" "MNTRCH" "_" "N4720,617" "E00111,083" "Neung/Beuvron" "NNGBVR" "_" "N4732,067" "E00148,300" "Noyant" "NOYANT" "_" "N4731,000" "E00007,000" "Paizay le Sec" "PAZLSC" "_" "N4635,000" "E00047,000" "Parthenay" "PARTHN" "_" "N4639,067" "W00014,450" "Poitiers Coupe" "PTRSCP" "Point d'origine" "N4636,417" "E00013,667" "Port de Piles" "PRTDPL" "Ponts" "N4700,367" "E00035,950" "Riberac St Aulaye" "RBRCST" "Aerodrome" "N4514,417" "E00015,983" "Richelieu" "RICHEL" "_" "N4700,933" "E00019,417" "Romorantin" "RMRNTN" "_" "N4721,433" "E00144,700" "Ruffec" "RUFFEC" "_" "N4601,550" "E00010,950" "Sable/Sarthe" "SBLSRT" "_" "N4749,883" "W00019,683" "Saint Jean de Sauves" "STJNDS" "_" "N4650,467" "E00005,500" "Salbris" "SALBRS" "_" "N4725,417" "E00202,917" "Sanxay" "SANXAY" "_" "N4629,600" "W00000,433" "Saumur" "SAUMUR" "Chateau" "N4716,000" "W00005,000" "Segre" "SEGRE" "Nord" "N4744,200" "W00052,017" "Sens" "SENS" "_" "N4812,500" "E00317,317" "St Amand Monrond" "STMNDM" "_" "N4643,600" "E00229,450" "St Benoit du Sault" "STBNTD" "_" "N4626,667" "E00123,617" "St Florentin" "STFLRN" "_" "N4758,850" "E00346,667" "St Gaultier" "STGLTR" "_" "N4638,000" "E00126,000" "St Hippolyte" "STHPPL" "Aerodrome" "N4703,500" "E00106,500" "St Julien lArs" "STJLNL" "_" "N4633,533" "E00030,033" "Thouars" "THOURS" "_" "N4659,300" "W00012,483" "Toucy" "TOUCY" "_" "N4744,117" "E00317,617" "Ussel Thalamy" "USSLTH" "Aerodrome" "N4532,217" "E00225,533" "Valencay" "VALENC" "_" "N4709,717" "E00134,033" "Vatan" "VATAN" "_" "N4704,483" "E00148,600" "Velleches" "VLLCHS" "_" "N4656,517" "E00031,850" "Vierzon Mereau" "VRZNMR" "Aerodrome" "N4711,683" "E00204,000" "Villeneuve/Allier" "VLLNVL" "_" "N4639,583" "E00313,800" "Villiers/Mer" "VLLRSM" "_" "N4919,250" "E00000,383"