*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * + * Tasknav data for Poitiers, France + * + * 22eme Coupe d'Europe des Planeurs Biplaces - 2013 + * + * Contributed by B. VILLENEUVE + * Contribution date was 03 July 2013 + * Airport information courtesy of Michael-Lorenz Meier + * File created Monday, 22 July 2013 at 21:13 GMT + * + * Available from the Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange at + * http://soaringweb.org/TP [ North America ] + * or http://soaring.gahsys.com/TP [ North America ] + * or http://soaring.xinqu.net/TP [ New Zealand ] + * + * UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + * + * Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + * + * Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + * information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + * expressed or implied. + * User assumes all risk of use. + * + *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 30E 30E U 463632N 0003718E 30N 30NW U 464731N 0000357W 30W 30W U 463635N 0001007W ARV Airvault U 464935N 0000817W ALN Alencon U# 482649N 0000635E Aéro AMB Amboise U 472500N 0005800E Pont/Loire ANG Angers Avrille U 472953N 0003430W ANE Angers Ponts deCe U 472409N 0003134W ANO Angouleme U 453854N 0000922E ARE Argenton Chateau U 465936N 0002658W ARG Argenton/Creuse U 463513N 0013115E AXR Auxerre U 475042N 0032952E Aéro BRR Barrage Eguzon U 462714N 0013650E BAG Bauge U 473151N 0000617W BMN Beaumont/Sarthe U 481337N 0000754E BCN Becon les Granits U 473004N 0004805W BLB Belabre U 463304N 0010950E BLL Bellac U# 460751N 0010448E BNN Bonnetable U 481031N 0002601E BRS Bressuire U 465017N 0002946W BRI Briare Chatillon U 473641N 0024659E BRN Brienne le Ch U 482534N 0042755E BZN Buzancais U 465316N 0012526E CND Cande U 473346N 0010144W CHL Chalais U# 451556N 0000057E Sud CHA Chalandray U 463930N 0000122W Ouest CHT Chatellerault U 464959N 0003221E Nord CHI Chatillon/Indre U 465917N 0011031E CHM Chemille U 471307N 0004352W CHN Chenevelles U# 464451N 0004046E CHO Chinon U 471007N 0001450E Château CHE Cholet Lepontreau U 470455N 0005238W CVR Civray U 460748N 0001751E Sud CNT Contres U 472507N 0012541E CRM Cormery U 471547N 0005004E CSN Cosne/Loire U 472425N 0025602E CHV Couhe Verac U# 461622N 0001126E Aérodrome CRN Craon U 475054N 0005704W CLN Culan U 463243N 0022109E DSC Descartes U 465815N 0004128E DCH Douchy U 475636N 0030313E DLF Doue la Fontaine U 471138N 0001628W ECL Ecueille U 470508N 0012057E ERN Ernee U 481755N 0005554W FLB Faye lAbesse U 464942N 0002039W FLR Fleure U 462810N 0003440E Est FNT Fontenay le Comte U# 462629N 0004734W Aérodrome GIN Gien U 474131N 0023904E GZX Gizeux U 472328N 0001222E GRT Gueret U 461026N 0015248E LCH La Chataigneraie U 463900N 0004421W LAC La Chatre U 463507N 0015948E LFR LaFerriereenPrthn U 463917N 0000440W LFL La Fleche U 474136N 0000359W LMT Lamotte Beuvron U 473605N 0020153E LPL Lapalisse U 461456N 0033823E LAP La Puye U 463830N 0004514E LRC La Roche Chalais U# 450856N 0000026E Aérodrome LAR La Roche Posay U 464719N 0004856E LST La Souterraine U 461419N 0012933E LTR La Trimouille U 462728N 0010230E LVC La Vacherie U 474743N 0012210E Sud LVL Laval Entrammes U# 480156N 0004433W LBL Le Blanc U 463823N 0010310E Viaduc LGR Le GrandPressigny U 465522N 0004809E LLN Le Lion dAngers U 473739N 0004255W LLR Le Louroux U# 470900N 0004246E Aérodrome LLD Le Lude U 473856N 0000919E LMN Le Mans U 475955N 0001217E LNC Lencloitre U 464859N 0001940E LVR Levroux U 465847N 0013646E LFB LFBI U# 463511N 0001840E Aérodrome LOC Loches U 470726N 0005958E LNG Longuee Jumelles U 472244N 0000650W LDN Loudun U 470400N 0000526E Nord LCN Lucon U 462740N 0010955W MNS Mansle U 455238N 0001039E MLN Mauleon U# 465410N 0004151W Aérodrome MNN Mayenne U 481845N 0003800W MZR Mazieres enGatine U 463202N 0001920W MEZ Mezieres enBrenne U 464910N 0011241E MRB Mirebeau U 464741N 0001100E Nord MNT Mont/Guesne U 465500N 0001300E MON Montlucon Domerat U# 462108N 0023417E Aérodrome MOT Montmarault U 461900N 0025700E MOR Montreuil Bellay U 470751N 0000913W MOI Montrichard U 472037N 0011105E NNG Neung/Beuvron U 473204N 0014818E NNT Noyant U 473100N 0000700E PZL Paizay le Sec U 463500N 0004700E PRT Parthenay U 463904N 0001427W PTR Poitiers Coupe U 463625N 0001340E Point d'origine POR Port de Piles U 470022N 0003557E Ponts RBR Riberac St Aulaye U# 451425N 0001559E Aérodrome RCH Richelieu U 470056N 0001925E RMR Romorantin U 472126N 0014442E RFF Ruffec U 460133N 0001057E SBL Sable/Sarthe U 474953N 0001941W SLB Salbris U 472525N 0020255E SNX Sanxay U 462936N 0000026W SMR Saumur U 471600N 0000500W Château SGR Segre U 474412N 0005201W Nord SNS Sens U 481230N 0031719E STM St Amand Monrond U 464336N 0022927E STB St Benoit duSault U 462640N 0012337E STJ Ste Jean deSauves U 465028N 0000530E STF St Florentin U# 475851N 0034640E STG St Gaultier U 463800N 0012600E STH St Hippolyte U# 470330N 0010630E Aérodrome STJ St Julien lArs U 463332N 0003002E THR Thouars U 465918N 0001229W TOC Toucy U 474407N 0031737E USS Ussel Thalamy U# 453213N 0022532E Aérodrome VLN Valencay U 470943N 0013402E VTN Vatan U 470429N 0014836E VLL Velleches U 465631N 0003151E VRZ Vierzon Mereau U# 471141N 0020400E Aérodrome VIL Villeneuve/Allier U 463935N 0031348E VII Villiers/Mer U 491915N 0000023E