;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Pirmasens, Germany + ; + ; Landesmeisterschaften Rheinland-Pfalz, 2002 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Bernd Doernemann + ; via Moritz Huebler + ; + ; Generated Wednesday, 31 July 2002 at 03:08 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Ailertchen" "ALRTCH" "123,05" "N5035,600" "E00756,700" "AP1 Pottschuettehoehe" "AP1 PT" "122,35" "N4915,933" "E00729,450" "AP2 Sud" "AP2 SD" "_" "N4912,550" "E00735,767" "AP3 Ost" "AP3 OS" "_" "N4918,517" "E00739,633" "Bad Duerkheim" "BDRKHM" "122,40" "N4928,383" "E00811,783" "Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler" "BNNHRH" "122,35" "N5033,467" "E00708,200" "Bad Sobernheim Domberg" "BSBRNH" "118,92" "N4947,450" "E00739,950" "Betzdorf Kirchen" "BTZDRF" "122,75" "N5049,083" "E00749,950" "Bottenhorn" "BTTNHR" "120,37" "N5047,683" "E00827,817" "Breitscheid/Dillkreis" "BRTSCH" "122,60" "N5040,617" "E00810,150" "Bruchsal BAB k" "BRCHSL" "_" "N4908,300" "E00833,233" "Bitche Citadelle" "BTCHCT" "_" "N4903,000" "E00725,500" "Bundenthal Rumbach" "BNDNTH" "_" "N4905,717" "E00747,617" "Dahlemer Binz" "DHLMRB" "_" "N5024,333" "E00631,733" "Daun Senheld" "DNSNHL" "_" "N5010,533" "E00651,467" "Dierdorf Wienau" "DRDRFW" "_" "N5033,983" "E00739,233" "Dillingen" "DLLNGN" "_" "N4923,200" "E00644,917" "Donnersberg" "DNNRSB" "_" "N4937,467" "E00755,417" "Dieuze" "DIEUZE" "_" "N4846,500" "E00642,500" "Elz" "ELZ" "_" "N5025,617" "E00800,667" "Erbeskopf Radartuerme" "ERBSKP" "_" "N4943,967" "E00705,883" "Essweiler" "ESSWLR" "_" "N4933,750" "E00734,817" "Epinal Dogneville" "EPNLDG" "_" "N4812,700" "E00626,750" "Giessen Luetzellinden" "GSSNLT" "_" "N5032,633" "E00835,417" "Gruenstadt/B" "GRNSTD" "_" "N4933,117" "E00811,167" "Gueglingen TV" "GGLNGN" "_" "N4902,083" "E00859,867" "Goetzenbruck Sender" "GTZNBR" "_" "N4858,467" "E00723,250" "IdarObersteinGoettschd" "IDRBRS" "_" "N4943,967" "E00720,283" "Karlsruhe Maxau" "KRLSRH" "_" "N4902,200" "E00818,217" "Kell" "KELL" "_" "N4937,333" "E00650,483" "Koblenz Winningen" "KBLNZW" "_" "N5019,467" "E00731,650" "Konz Koenen" "KNZKNN" "_" "N4940,667" "E00632,633" "Kusel Langenbach" "KSLLNG" "_" "N4928,717" "E00718,617" "Lachen Speyerdorf" "LCHNSP" "_" "N4919,850" "E00812,317" "Landau Ebenberg" "LNDBNB" "_" "N4910,650" "E00808,150" "Linkenheim" "LNKNHM" "_" "N4908,467" "E00823,683" "Luneville" "LUNVLL" "_" "N4835,633" "E00632,483" "Mainbullau" "MANBLL" "_" "N4941,700" "E00910,917" "Maria Laach" "MARLCH" "_" "N5024,150" "E00715,133" "Marpingen" "MRPNGN" "_" "N4927,183" "E00702,350" "Mettlach Saarbruecke" "MTTLCH" "_" "N4929,550" "E00635,283" "Mettlach Saarschleife" "METTLA" "_" "N4930,067" "E00632,733" "Michelstadt" "MCHLST" "_" "N4940,683" "E00858,433" "Moenchsheide" "MNCHSH" "_" "N5030,550" "E00715,417" "Montabaur" "MONTBR" "_" "N5026,333" "E00749,617" "Mosbach Lohrbach" "MSBCHL" "_" "N4923,933" "E00907,433" "Nannhausen" "NNNHSN" "_" "N4958,200" "E00728,750" "Neumagen Dhron" "NMGNDH" "_" "N4950,567" "E00654,967" "Neunkirchen Bexbach" "NNKRCH" "_" "N4920,117" "E00715,950" "Nonnweiler" "NNNWLR" "_" "N4936,867" "E00658,750" "Niederbronn" "NDRBRN" "_" "N4856,933" "E00738,633" "Pruem Bahnhof" "PRMBHF" "_" "N5012,217" "E00625,383" "Rheinboellen" "RHNBLL" "_" "N4959,867" "E00741,150" "Raon LEtape" "RANLTP" "_" "N4824,317" "E00650,183" "Remiremont" "RMRMNT" "_" "N4800,900" "E00636,000" "Saarlouis Dueren" "SRLSDR" "_" "N4918,750" "E00640,433" "Schweighofen" "SCHWGH" "_" "N4901,900" "E00759,400" "Sinsheim" "SINSHM" "_" "N4914,833" "E00853,617" "Speyer" "SPEYER" "_" "N4918,283" "E00827,100" "St Die" "ST DIE" "_" "N4816,067" "E00700,467" "Sarrebourg" "SRRBRG" "_" "N4843,050" "E00704,783" "Sarreguemines" "SRRGMN" "_" "N4907,500" "E00706,467" "Sarre Union" "SARRNN" "_" "N4857,000" "E00705,000" "St Avold" "STAVLD" "_" "N4908,000" "E00643,000" "Stockwhrsndr" "STCKWH" "_" "N4845,883" "E00652,650" "Traben Trarbach" "TRBNTR" "_" "N4957,850" "E00706,867" "Thionville" "THNVLL" "_" "N4921,000" "E00612,000" "Utscheid" "UTSCHD" "_" "N4959,850" "E00620,567" "Walldorf A5xA6 BAB" "WLLDRF" "_" "N4916,850" "E00837,250" "Wershofen/Eifel" "WRSHFN" "_" "N5027,100" "E00647,150" "Wertheim A3xMain BAB X" "WRTHM3" "_" "N4947,000" "E00934,317" "Worms" "WORMS" "_" "N4936,383" "E00822,000" "Wuerzburg West" "WRZBRG" "_" "N4944,817" "E00949,117" "Wustweiler" "WSTWLR" "_" "N4923,683" "E00701,033" "ZL 05" "ZL 05" "_" "N4915,717" "E00729,050" "ZL 23" "ZL 23" "_" "N4916,017" "E00729,533"