++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Pirmasens, Germany + + + + Contributed by Bernd Doernemann + + Via Moritz Huebler + + Contributed on 16 June, 2002 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Wednesday, 31 July 2002 at 03:08 GMT + + + + >>>>>>>>>> UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<< + + + + Always consult the relevant publications + + for current and correct information. This + + service is provided free of charge with + + no warrantees, expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, Ailertchen, 50, 35.6, 7, 56.7, 469 2, AP1 Pttscht, 49, 15.93, 7, 29.45, 382 3, AP2 Sud, 49, 12.55, 7, 35.77, 380 4, AP3 Ost, 49, 18.52, 7, 39.63, 380 5, B Duerkheim, 49, 28.38, 8, 11.78, 107 6, BNenhrhrwlr, 50, 33.47, 7, 8.2, 204 7, BSbrnhmDmbr, 49, 47.45, 7, 39.95, 247 8, BtzdrfKrchn, 50, 49.08, 7, 49.95, 344 9, Bottenhorn, 50, 47.68, 8, 27.82, 506 10, BrtschdDll, 50, 40.62, 8, 10.15, 558 11, BruchslBBk, 49, 8.3, 8, 33.23, 115 12, BitchCtdll, 49, 3.0, 7, 25.5, 400 13, BndnthlRmb, 49, 5.72, 7, 47.62, 287 14, DahlemrBnz, 50, 24.33, 6, 31.73, 579 15, DaunSenhld, 50, 10.53, 6, 51.47, 525 16, DierdorfWn, 50, 33.98, 7, 39.23, 290 17, Dillingen, 49, 23.2, 6, 44.92, 245 18, Donnersbrg, 49, 37.47, 7, 55.42, 671 19, Dieuze, 48, 46.5, 6, 42.5, 215 20, Elz, 50, 25.62, 8, 0.67, 213 21, ErbskpfRdr, 49, 43.97, 7, 5.88, 802 22, Essweiler, 49, 33.75, 7, 34.82, 380 23, EpnlDgnvll, 48, 12.7, 6, 26.75, 305 24, GssnLtzlln, 50, 32.63, 8, 35.42, 232 25, GruenstdtB, 49, 33.12, 8, 11.17, 165 26, GueglngnTV, 49, 2.08, 8, 59.87, 470 27, GtznbrckSn, 48, 58.47, 7, 23.25, 519 28, IdrbrstnGt, 49, 43.97, 7, 20.28, 482 29, KarlsruhMx, 49, 2.2, 8, 18.22, 106 30, Kell, 49, 37.33, 6, 50.48, 550 31, KblnzWnnng, 50, 19.47, 7, 31.65, 195 32, KonzKoenen, 49, 40.67, 6, 32.63, 215 33, KslLngnbch, 49, 28.72, 7, 18.62, 450 34, LchnSpyrdr, 49, 19.85, 8, 12.32, 119 35, Landabnbrg, 49, 10.65, 8, 8.15, 160 36, Linkenheim, 49, 8.47, 8, 23.68, 101 37, Luneville, 48, 35.63, 6, 32.48, 240 38, Mainbullau, 49, 41.7, 9, 10.92, 457 39, MariaLaach, 50, 24.15, 7, 15.13, 290 40, Marpingen, 49, 27.18, 7, 2.35, 360 41, MttlchSrbr, 49, 29.55, 6, 35.28, 161 42, MttlchSrsc, 49, 30.07, 6, 32.73, 160 43, Michelstdt, 49, 40.68, 8, 58.43, 347 44, Moenchshed, 50, 30.55, 7, 15.42, 205 45, Montabaur, 50, 26.33, 7, 49.62, 231 46, MsbchLhrbc, 49, 23.93, 9, 7.43, 329 47, Nannhausen, 49, 58.2, 7, 28.75, 372 48, NeumgnDhrn, 49, 50.57, 6, 54.97, 268 49, NnkrchnBxb, 49, 20.12, 7, 15.95, 272 50, Nonnweiler, 49, 36.87, 6, 58.75, 375 51, Niederbrnn, 48, 56.93, 7, 38.63, 220 52, Pruem Bhf, 50, 12.22, 6, 25.38, 440 53, Rheinbolln, 49, 59.87, 7, 41.15, 375 54, RaonLEtape, 48, 24.32, 6, 50.18, 390 55, Remiremont, 48, 0.9, 6, 36.0, 375 56, SaarlosDrn, 49, 18.75, 6, 40.43, 341 57, Schweighfn, 49, 1.9, 7, 59.4, 149 58, Sinsheim, 49, 14.83, 8, 53.62, 158 59, Speyer, 49, 18.28, 8, 27.1, 94 60, St Die, 48, 16.07, 7, 0.47, 344 61, Sarrebourg, 48, 43.05, 7, 4.78, 262 62, Sarregumns, 49, 7.5, 7, 6.47, 256 63, SarreUnion, 48, 57.0, 7, 5.0, 252 64, St Avold, 49, 8.0, 6, 43.0, 300 65, Stckwhrsnd, 48, 45.88, 6, 52.65, 370 66, TrbnTrrbch, 49, 57.85, 7, 6.87, 271 67, Thionville, 49, 21.0, 6, 12.0, 155 68, Utscheid, 49, 59.85, 6, 20.57, 424 69, Wlldrf5x6B, 49, 16.85, 8, 37.25, 106 70, Wershofnfl, 50, 27.1, 6, 47.15, 482 71, Wrthm3xMnB, 49, 47.0, 9, 34.32, 145 72, Worms, 49, 36.38, 8, 22.0, 91 73, WuerzburgW, 49, 44.82, 9, 49.12, 298 74, Wustweiler, 49, 23.68, 7, 1.03, 365 74, ZL 05, 49, 15.72, 7, 29.05, 382 75, ZL 23, 49, 16.02, 7, 29.53, 382