;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Pirassununga (SP), Brazil + ; + ; 29o Prova AFA, 2018 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Valeria Caselato and Claudio E. Schmidt + ; + ; Generated Sunday, 18 November 2018 at 12:19 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "AFA Campo Fontenelle" "AFCMPF" "118.3" "S2159.067" "W04720.650" "Torre E" "TORREE" "_" "S2159.067" "W04719.700" "Chegada Norte" "CHGDNR" "_" "S2156.917" "W04719.450" "Chegada Sul" "CHGDSL" "_" "S2201.483" "W04719.650" "Largada Ponte" "LRGDPT" "_" "S2200.450" "W04717.950" "Pirassununga" "PRSSNN" "_" "S2201.583" "W04725.167" "Usina Sao Luis" "USNSLS" "_" "S2154.050" "W04716.367" "Faz Criciumal" "FZCRCM" "_" "S2209.150" "W04716.683" "Leme" "LEME" "_" "S2213.617" "W04722.933" "Descalvado" "DSCLVD" "_" "S2154.233" "W04737.167" "Tambau" "TAMBAU" "_" "S2141.817" "W04718.417" "Casa Branca" "CSBRNC" "_" "S2147.283" "W04703.333" "Aguai" "AGUAI" "_" "S2203.567" "W04658.717" "Araras" "ARARAS" "_" "S2220.217" "W04721.500" "SantaRitadoPassaQuatro" "SNTRTD" "_" "S2138.550" "W04728.267" "Conchal" "CONCHL" "_" "S2219.817" "W04710.350" "Analandia" "ANALND" "_" "S2209.433" "W04742.867" "UsinaSantaRitadoPssQtr" "USNSNT" "_" "S2143.417" "W04739.417" "Vargem Gde do Sul" "VRGMGD" "_" "S2149.933" "W04657.333" "Mogi Guacu" "MOGIGC" "_" "S2213.717" "W04658.200" "Sao Joao da Boa Vista" "SJDBVS" "_" "S2201.033" "W04650.450" "Rio Claro" "RIOCLR" "_" "S2225.867" "W04733.850" "Itirapina Broa" "ITRPNB" "_" "S2211.683" "W04751.700" "Sao Carlos" "SACRLS" "_" "S2152.583" "W04754.200" "Mococa SJCA" "MCCSJC" "_" "S2131.733" "W04702.750" "Faz Amalia" "FAZAML" "_" "S2126.700" "W04722.317" "Sao Simao" "SAOSIM" "_" "S2128.750" "W04733.050" "Faz Pixoxo" "FAZPXX" "_" "S2146.867" "W04753.067" "Pinhal" "PINHAL" "_" "S2209.700" "W04646.600" "Ipeuna Edra" "IPENDR" "_" "S2226.417" "W04742.100" "Mococa SDKK" "MCCSDK" "_" "S2129.267" "W04702.067" "Sao Simao2" "SAOSIA" "_" "S2128.117" "W04737.867" "Mogi Mirim" "MOGMRM" "_" "S2224.600" "W04654.317" "Faz Passaredo" "FZPSSR" "_" "S2119.617" "W04713.867" "Brotas Santa Isabel" "BRTSSN" "_" "S2214.450" "W04801.500" "Cajuru" "CAJURU" "_" "S2116.517" "W04718.250" "AraraquaraBartholmdGsm" "ARRQRB" "131.6" "S2148.267" "W04808.417" "Monte Santo de Minas" "MNTSNT" "_" "S2110.550" "W04657.533" "Brotas San Angelo" "BROTAS" "_" "S2214.733" "W04815.467" "Mutuca" "MUTUCA" "_" "S2130.483" "W04809.667" "Dourado" "DOURAD" "_" "S2207.883" "W04819.183" "Matao" "MATAO" "_" "S2137.383" "W04821.150" "Guariba" "GUARIB" "_" "S2119.667" "W04810.267" "Matao Marchesan" "MTMRCH" "_" "S2137.767" "W04823.633" "Santa Ernestina" "SNTRNS" "_" "S2128.033" "W04822.033" "Usina Santa Adelia" "USINAS" "_" "S2119.950" "W04818.983" "Batatais" "BATATS" "_" "S2052.633" "W04735.133" "Jaboticabal" "JBTCBL" "_" "S2113.800" "W04817.083" "Jau Faz Moro Vermelho" "JFZMRV" "_" "S2216.467" "W04836.250" "Taquaritinga" "TQRTNG" "_" "S2123.350" "W04831.633" "Pitangueiras" "PTNGRS" "_" "S2056.267" "W04810.400" "Monte Alto" "MONTLT" "_" "S2115.683" "W04831.783" "Orlandia" "ORLAND" "_" "S2044.833" "W04753.383" "Morro Agudo" "MORRGD" "_" "S2048.500" "W04813.317" "Bebedouro" "BEBEDR" "_" "S2053.833" "W04828.883" "Retiro" "RETIRO" "_" "S2205.283" "W04713.900" "Outldn 1" "OTLDN1" "_" "S2213.900" "W04711.850" "Chifre" "CHIFRE" "_" "S2208.933" "W04707.833" "Outld 2" "OUTLD2" "_" "S2200.467" "W04706.633" "Outld 3" "OUTLD3" "_" "S2201.883" "W04701.583" "Chamine" "CHAMIN" "_" "S2221.533" "W04658.483" "Velocita" "VELOCT" "_" "S2217.250" "W04650.900" "Oricanga" "ORICNG" "_" "S2213.933" "W04658.150" "Igreja Aguai" "IGREJG" "_" "S2203.550" "W04658.750" "US Jacuba" "USJACB" "_" "S2155.600" "W04655.467" "Barragem" "BARRGM" "_" "S2137.533" "W04700.550" "Outld 4" "OUTLD4" "_" "S2131.583" "W04709.600" "Outld 5" "OUTLD5" "_" "S2147.500" "W04709.817" "Laranjal" "LARNJL" "_" "S2153.367" "W04710.150"