* NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "pila_14.stx" created Monday, 16 June 2014 at 00:42 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $LANGUAGE EN $COPYRIGHT 2014 Jantar Cup 2014. $COUNTRY PL $HOME Pila, Poland $CONTRIBUTOR Zbyszka Siwika $CONTEST Jantarcup 2014 $EXTRACT_FROM_EXISTING_SUA /home/leib/WSX/Airspace/PL/PL.txt $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL ava@ava.net.pl * http://jantarcup.pl/index.php?option=com_mailto&tmpl=component&link=00f9b20ff041934560bc4eb2f93ee783f13c88b9 $DISTANCE_UNIT Kilometers $ALTITUDE_UNIT Meters $URL_INFORMATION jantarcup.pl/ the Jantarcup $URL_TURNPOINTS jantarcup.pl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=48&Itemid=55 $MILOMEI Yes $FILENAME_8 pila_14 $FILENAME_5 pila4 $FILENAME_4 pil4 $FILENAME_3 pl4 $LONGITUDE E $LATITUDE N $MODIFICATIONS 10 Feb 04: Original contribution, courtesy of Zbyszka Siwika $MODIFICATIONS 19 Jan 10: Magnetic Variation added $MODIFICATIONS 17 May 14: Babimost Mil, Cottbus Drewitz, Cottbus Mil CLS, Deblin, Eisenhuettenstad, Elblag, Gronenfelde, Grudziadz Lisie, Inowroclaw Inowr, Kazimierz Biskup, Ketrzyn, Klix, Koszalin Zegrze, Lodz Lublinek, Lubin, Malbork, Meta A, Meta B, Meta D, Modlin Mil, Nardt, Neuhardenberg, Neuhausen, Olsztyn Dajtki, Ostrow Wielk, Piotrkow, Plock AF, Poznan Kobylnica, Poznan Lawica, Radom Piastrow, Rothenbrg Ol, Siewisch, Szczecin Dabiee, Szczecin Golenio, Szprotawa Mil, Szymany, Warsschau Okecie, Warszawa Babice, and Wloclawek Kruszy removed.   $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 3.7E $RW_L_UNIT METERS $MILOMEI Yes * ============================================================================== * * Filename "pila_14.stx" created Monday, 16 June 2014 at 00:42 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $COPYRIGHT 2014 Jantar Cup 2014. $COUNTRY PL $HOME Pila, Poland $CONTRIBUTOR Zbyszka Siwika $CONTEST Jantarcup 2014 $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL ava@ava.net.pl $ALTITUDE_UNIT Meters $LONGITUDE E $LATITUDE N $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 3.7E $RW_L_UNIT METERS $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 03 March 2014 * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * 2 Barcin Road Bridge 52 51 49 17 57 2 T 73 4 Barlinek Stadium 52 59 22 15 13 27 T 99 5 Bednary W End Runway 52 32 16 17 12 7 AT 108 11/29 457 A 10 Borek Town Hall 51 55 1 17 14 32 T 123 11 Borowy Mlyn Bldg. Buildings 51 47 42 15 53 49 T 76 12 Borowy Mlyn Lake S Lake End 53 57 41 17 16 55 T 110 13 Borsk W End Runway 53 57 15 17 55 40 AT 135 15 Brodnica Rail Station 53 15 49 19 24 23 T 64 16 Brody Palace 51 47 13 14 46 16 T 72 18 Brusy Rail Station 53 52 57 17 43 41 T 156 19 Budachow Rail Station 52 9 14 15 4 53 T 79 21 Bytow Castle 54 10 7 17 29 30 T 137 22 Cedynia School 52 52 53 14 12 25 T 9 25 Chodziez Rail Station 52 59 26 16 54 35 T 66 26 Chojnice W End Runway 52 56 24 14 24 23 AT 58 27 Cigacice Road Bridge 52 1 49 15 37 49 T 50 29 Czarnkow Road Bridge 52 54 30 16 33 13 T 56 30 Czerniejewo Palace 52 26 7 17 29 17 T 113 32 Czersk Rail Viaduct 53 47 58 17 57 56 T 128 34 Czlopa Ro-Ra Cross 53 5 11 16 7 8 T 95 35 Czluchow Road Bridge 53 39 43 17 21 58 T 170 36 Debno Lubusk Stadion 52 44 35 14 43 10 T 65 38 Dolsk Town Square 51 59 11 17 3 51 T 80 40 Drezdenko Road Bridge 52 51 2 15 50 13 T 31 41 Drzonow Road Cross 51 56 41 15 18 58 T 95 46 Gizalki Road Bridge 52 2 29 17 45 29 T 85 49 Golub Dobrzyn Castle 53 6 55 19 2 59 T 107 53 Grochowice Church 51 46 55 16 1 10 T 95 61 Inowroclaw Hangar 52 48 26 18 16 38 AT 85 62 Janiszowice Church 51 54 35 15 2 13 T 86 63 Jankow Road Bridge 51 53 55 17 57 15 T 115 64 Jarocin Road Junctio 51 57 22 17 31 8 T 120 65 Jasien Rail Station 51 45 11 15 1 37 T 95 68 Kalisz Pomorski Ro-Ra Cross 53 16 42 15 52 42 T 101 73 Kakolewo X Ra-Ro Cross 51 51 31 16 41 28 T 110 74 Kakolewo RW E End Runway 52 13 54 16 15 34 AT 91 76 Kobylin Rail Station 51 43 10 17 13 22 T 112 77 Kolsko Ro-Ra Cross 51 57 46 15 57 25 T 76 78 Kolczyn Road Bridge 52 36 56 15 6 46 T 30 80 Koscierzyna RJ Road Junction 52 6 16 16 40 12 T 74 81 Koscierzyna RX Road Cross 52 10 28 18 34 15 T 100 82 Kozmin Rail Station 51 49 54 17 26 39 T 140 83 Kozuchow Ro-Ra Cross 51 44 7 15 35 46 T 120 85 Krosno Odrzanskie Road Bridge 52 3 2 15 5 55 T 79 90 Kwilcz Road Cross 52 33 18 16 5 8 T 120 96 Leszno T Tower 51 50 0 16 32 1 AT 93 97 Letnica Ro-Ra Cross 51 53 20 15 19 13 T 150 98 Lipki Church 52 43 33 15 31 51 T 51 107 Labiszyn Road Bridge 52 57 26 17 55 14 T 86 108 Lagow Castle 52 20 5 15 17 34 T 130 109 Lowyn Church 52 29 56 15 54 13 T 94 115 Miedzyrzecz 1 Road Bridge 52 36 17 15 53 11 T 54 116 Miedzyrzecz 2 Road Bridge 52 26 53 15 35 10 T 68 119 Milsko N End Runway 51 56 56 15 46 28 AT 66 120 Modliszewko Road Junctio 52 37 25 17 36 37 T 120 123 Niestronno Road Junctin 52 42 14 17 50 5 T 130 124 Nietkowice Ro-Ra Cross 52 3 56 15 19 47 T 45 125 Nowa Sol Road Bridge 51 47 59 15 44 16 T 65 127 Nowogrod Bobrzanski Rail Bridge 51 48 23 15 14 23 T 86 135 Orzechowo Rail Bridge 52 6 34 17 29 9 T 76 138 Osno Lubuskie Church 52 27 14 14 52 8 T 90 140 Paterek Factory Hall 53 6 13 17 35 13 T 86 141 Plock Road Bridge 52 31 58 19 41 17 T 101 146 Powidz Church 52 24 36 17 55 24 T 131 148 Przylep Hangar 51 58 31 15 27 53 AT 77 149 Przytoczna Stadium 52 34 38 15 41 31 T 85 150 Pyzdry Road Bridge 52 10 6 17 41 40 T 85 154 Rapice Road Cross 52 6 41 14 43 47 T 48 155 Rosin Road Cross 52 9 58 15 34 43 T 93 160 Rytel Rail Bridge 53 45 24 17 45 39 T 130 161 Rzepin Road Cross 52 19 53 14 49 28 T 66 163 Sadow Church 52 13 23 14 50 43 T 80 168 Sierakow Road Bridge 52 39 10 16 4 50 T 65 169 Skoki Rail Station 52 40 37 17 9 47 T 84 170 Skwierzyna Road Junctin 52 35 20 15 25 34 T 105 171 Slonsk Buildings 52 33 53 14 50 0 T 32 172 Slubice Terminal 52 18 28 14 38 34 T 72 174 Solec Rail Bridge 52 5 54 17 19 35 T 84 175 Sompolno Town Square 52 23 19 18 30 14 T 104 177 Stany Rail Bridge 51 51 41 15 46 29 T 90 178 Stare Miasto Road Viaduct 52 9 46 18 12 23 T 110 180 Stradomia Buildings 51 15 14 17 39 5 T 180 181 Strzelno Road Cross 52 38 26 18 10 48 T 100 182 Sulecin Stadium 52 26 8 15 6 26 T 115 184 Szamocin Road Cross 53 1 48 17 7 25 T 90 191 Srem Road Bridge 52 5 29 17 1 6 T 70 192 Sroda Wielko Dam 52 14 7 17 17 25 T 95 193 Swiebodzin Road Cross 52 15 44 15 32 1 T 110 198 Torun Runway Junct 53 1 50 18 32 16 AT 50 199 Torzym Rail Station 52 18 47 15 3 29 T 130 200 Trzcianka Bridge Road Bridge 52 22 19 15 52 28 T 64 202 Trzemeszno Ro-Ra Cross 52 34 13 17 49 13 T 120 203 Tuchola Stadium 53 34 56 17 52 4 T 150 204 Tuczno Factory Sugar Factory 52 51 39 18 8 29 T 97 211 Walowice Ra-Ro Cross 51 59 4 14 47 35 T 55 212 Wagrowiec Stadium 52 49 14 17 12 9 T 79 215 Wegrzynice Road Junctio 52 11 22 15 20 29 T 100 216 Wielen Road Bridge 52 53 52 16 10 23 T 69 225 Wronki Road Bridge 52 42 42 16 22 46 T 50 226 Wrzesnia Rail Bridge 52 20 25 17 32 27 T 99 232 Zbaszyn Rail Station 52 15 36 15 53 40 T 77 238 Zlotow Castle 53 22 3 17 1 47 T 120 240 Zagan Road Bridge 51 37 2 15 18 55 T 114 241 Zary Rail Station 51 38 5 15 8 16 T 180 301 Barwice Church 53 43 30 16 21 30 T 154 302 Bedlino Ro-Ra Cross 53 26 15 16 9 30 T 151 303 Bierzwnik Buildings 53 2 11 15 39 27 T 73 304 Bobolice Church 53 57 10 16 35 15 T 128 305 Brzeznica Church 53 25 54 16 41 36 T 126 306 Budy Church 53 23 42 16 38 36 T 113 307 Budzyn Church 52 53 45 16 59 17 T 77 308 Chociwel Church 53 27 45 15 20 4 T 78 309 Choszczno Church 53 10 0 15 25 24 T 57 310 Czaplinek Road Cross 53 33 45 16 14 33 T 146 311 Debrzno E End Runway 53 31 40 17 16 47 AT 162 312 Dobrzyn / Wisla Road Cross 53 21 37 15 26 5 T 94 313 Drawsko Church 53 31 54 15 48 50 T 116 314 Dziembowo Church 53 4 18 16 49 55 T 80 315 Dzierzazno Wielkie Church 52 59 12 16 12 18 T 64 316 Gardzko Church 52 52 3 15 35 42 T 77 317 Gogolice Road Cross 52 45 39 16 7 42 T 56 318 Gostomia Road Cross 53 11 26 16 26 2 T 143 319 Insko Church 53 26 19 15 33 27 T 130 320 Kaczory Building 53 6 0 16 53 24 T 98 321 Kamien Krajenski Factory 53 32 1 17 32 25 T 127 322 Kielpino Road Cross 53 11 27 15 38 33 T 91 323 Kluczewo S End Of Rwy 53 16 20 14 58 44 AT 30 324 Konotop Road Cross 53 26 33 15 49 30 T 105 325 Krajenka Church 53 17 50 16 59 18 T 94 326 Kruszewo Church 52 58 12 16 39 57 T 101 327 Ledyczek Church 53 32 14 16 57 22 T 108 328 Lipka Church 53 29 45 17 15 12 T 133 329 Lobrzenica Kloster 53 14 19 17 14 16 T 108 330 Lotyn Road Cross 53 36 24 16 47 55 T 165 331 Lubiatow Church 52 43 3 15 47 18 T 57 332 Machliny Road Cross 53 28 42 16 21 15 T 139 333 Maszewo Church 53 29 44 15 3 36 T 69 334 Mialy Church 52 48 36 16 10 18 T 47 335 Miasteczko Krajenskie Rail Station 53 5 32 17 1 26 T 48 336 Mrocza Church 53 14 19 17 36 27 T 119 337 Nakielno Church 53 15 38 16 18 18 T 118 338 Niekursko Church 53 6 45 16 23 30 T 101 339 Osiek Factory 53 7 18 17 17 0 T 71 340 Podgaje Fuel Station 53 28 21 16 52 12 T 117 341 Podlesiec Rail Station 52 56 12 15 52 30 T 57 342 Ptusza Fuel Station 53 22 38 16 47 37 T 98 343 Pyrzyce Silos 53 8 47 14 52 42 T 33 344 Radecin Church 53 2 48 15 51 6 T 76 345 Rzadkowo Viaduct 53 5 20 16 56 23 T 73 346 Rzeczenica Road Cross 53 45 25 17 6 26 T 149 347 Sadki Church 53 9 26 17 27 0 T 101 348 Stobnica Road Cross 52 42 12 16 37 18 T 50 349 Szczecinek Stadium 53 42 15 16 41 53 T 139 350 Szwecja Church 53 20 54 16 34 18 T 101 351 Trzcianka Church 53 2 25 16 27 40 T 74 352 Tuczno Castle 53 11 23 16 8 55 T 92 353 Tychowo Building 53 55 17 16 15 0 T 64 354 Ujscie Chimney 53 3 22 16 43 38 T 63 355 Walcz Tower 53 16 4 16 27 32 T 105 356 Wapno Rail Station 52 50 42 17 28 30 T 102 357 Wegorzyno Factory Hall 53 32 33 15 35 22 T 93 358 Wiecbork Rail Station 53 21 8 17 28 54 T 113 359 Wierzchowo Peninsula 53 51 12 16 39 22 T 136 360 Wolowe Lasy Church 53 6 3 16 16 48 T 118 361 Zatom Road Cross 53 8 0 15 51 0 T 80 362 Zelgniewo Road Cross 53 11 27 16 57 18 T 97 363 Zlocieniec Rail Cross 53 31 34 16 1 49 T 136 403 Biala Piska Church 53 36 34 22 3 42 T 165 404 Bialy Bor (Nasyp) 53 55 10 16 47 52 T 180 405 Biskupiec Rail Station 53 52 8 20 57 30 T 167 410 Bydgoszcz West End Of Runway 53 5 45 17 57 35 AT 72 131.0 08/26 765 A EPBY 412 Chelmno Town Hall 53 20 56 18 25 23 T 60 414 Chojnice Ro-Ra Cross 53 42 11 17 36 22 T 167 415 Chorzele Bridge 53 15 20 20 53 58 T 131 416 Ciechanow Rail Station 52 53 0 20 35 29 T 121 421 Dobrzyn / Wisla Church 52 38 14 19 19 18 T 59 422 Drzycim Church 53 30 49 18 18 56 T 88 424 Gniew Castle 53 50 4 18 49 48 T 8 429 Ilawa Bridge 53 35 51 19 33 18 T 111 435 Koronowo Bridge 53 18 50 17 59 12 T 99 436 Koscierzyna Ro-Ra Cross 54 7 28 17 59 30 T 175 446 Lasin Bridge 53 30 52 19 5 29 T 82 455 Nowe Church 53 38 41 18 43 42 T 12 456 Ocypel Building Between Lakes 53 48 12 18 19 10 T 110 467 Skorcz Church 53 47 54 18 31 45 T 88 474 Sliwice Church 53 42 25 18 10 25 T 116 476 Swiecie Bridge Over Wda River 53 24 15 18 27 3 T 17 481 Warlubie Road Cross 53 35 16 18 38 7 T 68 500 Pila Marker 53 9 46 16 42 42 HAT 83 124.5 04/22 457 A EPPI 503 Meta C FL C 53 9 39 16 42 55 FA 83 124.5 04/22 457 A EPPI 510 Pila D Rail Station 53 8 51 16 39 4 S 83 511 Pila E Hall 53 8 9 16 48 0 S 83 512 Pila F Fountain 53 9 12 16 44 30 S 83 513 Pila G (Zajazd) 53 11 20 16 44 41 S 83 514 Pila K (Kotlownia) 53 10 7 16 45 45 S 83 515 Pila M Bridge 53 10 58 16 46 13 S 83 516 Pila S Building 53 13 32 16 41 12 S 83 517 Pila Z Road Cross 53 11 39 16 38 57 S 83