;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Perry, South Carolina + ; + ; Region 5 North, 2025 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Datum: 100 + ; Contributed by John Godfrey + ; + ; Generated Wednesday, 19 February 2025 at 20:49 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Start 1" "STRT 1" "_" "N3341.000" "W08119.767" "Start 2" "STRT 2" "_" "N3337.283" "W08124.000" "Start 3" "STRT 3" "_" "N3337.283" "W08115.500" "Start 4" "STRT 4" "_" "N3334.000" "W08120.000" "Finish" "FINISH" "_" "N3337.617" "W08119.733" "Aiken" "AIKEN" "_" "N3338.967" "W08141.067" "Allendale" "ALLNDL" "_" "N3259.700" "W08116.217" "Bamburg" "BAMBRG" "_" "N3318.267" "W08106.500" "Barnwell County" "BRNWLL" "_" "N3315.467" "W08123.300" "Caraways" "CARAWS" "_" "N3341.600" "W08122.050" "Catos" "CATOS" "_" "N3331.817" "W08128.033" "Colemans" "COLMNS" "_" "N3341.500" "W08133.200" "Abbeville" "ABBVLL" "_" "N3409.067" "W08221.217" "Do Little" "DOLTTL" "_" "N3340.567" "W08056.900" "Don Bells" "DNBLLS" "_" "N3356.133" "W08125.783" "Dr Ross" "DRROSS" "_" "N3330.650" "W08119.533" "Dry Swamp" "DRSWMP" "_" "N3323.267" "W08054.383" "Eagles Nest" "EGLSNS" "_" "N3345.850" "W08121.517" "Edgefield County" "EDGFLD" "_" "N3344.200" "W08149.167" "Ernies" "ERNIES" "_" "N3332.183" "W08135.967" "Fogles" "FOGLES" "_" "N3330.417" "W08105.800" "Gilbert" "GILBRT" "_" "N3353.050" "W08122.900" "Greenwood" "GRENWD" "_" "N3414.917" "W08209.550" "Hester Memorial" "HSTRMM" "_" "N3405.483" "W08234.117" "House Movers" "HSMVRS" "NARROW" "N3351.067" "W08132.900" "Laurens" "LAURNS" "_" "N3430.417" "W08156.833" "McCormick County" "MCCRMC" "_" "N3354.483" "W08216.000" "McNeil" "MCNEIL" "_" "N3333.433" "W08038.900" "Millen" "MILLEN" "_" "N3253.633" "W08157.900" "Newberry" "NEWBRR" "_" "N3418.550" "W08138.383" "Orangeburg" "ORNGBR" "_" "N3327.500" "W08051.517" "Perry" "PERRY" "_" "N3337.767" "W08119.783" "Saluda" "SALUDA" "_" "N3355.600" "W08147.667" "Spartanburg" "SPRTNB" "_" "N3454.950" "W08157.383" "St George" "STGERG" "_" "N3311.733" "W08030.500" "Thompson McDuffie Co" "THMPSN" "_" "N3331.783" "W08230.983" "Twin Lakes" "TWNLKS" "_" "N3338.733" "W08152.017" "West Aiken" "WAIKEN" "_" "N3339.917" "W08142.533" "West Wagener" "WWAGNR" "_" "N3339.333" "W08124.550" "Wexford Mills" "WXFRDM" "_" "N3335.333" "W08130.183" "Williston" "WLLSTN" "CAUTION" "N3327.733" "W08125.467" "Holly Hill" "HLLHLL" "_" "N3318.067" "W08023.633" "Sandy Hill" "SNDHLL" "_" "N3313.267" "W08159.717" "Triple Tree" "TRPLTR" "_" "N3440.467" "W08200.083" "Union County" "UNNCNT" "_" "N3441.183" "W08138.500" "Burke County" "BRKCNT" "_" "N3302.450" "W08200.233" "Ehrhardt" "EHRHRD" "_" "N3305.383" "W08100.483" "Hampton Varnville" "HMPTNV" "_" "N3252.067" "W08104.983" "Louisville Muni" "LSVLLM" "_" "N3259.200" "W08223.133" "Lowcountry Regional" "LWCNTR" "_" "N3255.233" "W08038.467" "NAP Branchville school" "NPBRNC" "_" "N3314.767" "W08047.383" "NAP Girard water tower" "NPGRRD" "_" "N3302.733" "W08142.717" "NAP Scotia cell tower" "NPSCTC" "_" "N3240.867" "W08114.733" "NAP Smoake water tower" "NPSMKW" "_" "N3305.500" "W08048.750" "Paces South Farms" "PCSSFR" "_" "N3248.533" "W08223.117" "Plantation" "PLNTTN" "_" "N3238.717" "W08135.833" "Summerville" "SMMRVL" "_" "N3303.800" "W08016.767" "American DreamSkyranch" "AMRCND" "_" "N3405.867" "W08153.483" "Landings East Sylvania" "LNDNGS" "_" "N3244.633" "W08136.833"