* NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S RW_W RW_G ICAO NAM_12 CIT CUP_COD FAA_NAME FRE_ATIS FRE_AWOS FRE_CTAF FRE_TOWER FRE_UNICOM FUEL GLIDERS ID_10 ID_12 ID_14 ID_15 ID_16 ID_17 ID_20 ID_22 ID_3 ID_4 ID_5 ID_6 ID_7 ID_8 ID_9 MAG STA STATE_ABBREV TEL * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "perry_25.stx" created Wednesday, 19 February 2025 at 20:49 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $OFFICIAL Y $HOME Perry, South Carolina $ILEC_HOME Perry, SC $CONTEST Region 5 North, 2025 $CONTRIBUTOR John Godfrey $FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/Region-5-North-Contest-1777855355865132 $COUNTRY US $TIMEZONE -4.0 $TIMEZONE_NAME US/Eastern $DATUM 100 $LATITUDE N $LONGITUDE W $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 6.6W $FILENAME_3 pr5 $FILENAME_4 pr25 $FILENAME_5 pry25 $FILENAME_8 perry_25 $FILENAME_FULL Perry, South Carolina 2025 $SKIP_WAYPOINT_MODE_CHANGES Y $FILENAME_BASE Perry, South Carolina 2025 $VERSION_WAYPOINT 2025 $USE_EXISTING_SUA y $USE_EXISTING_SSA_SUA y $IF_SSA_AIRSPACE Y $CD Yes $ZANDER_START_FINISH Orig $MODIFICATIONS 17 Mar 99: Original Contribution $MODIFICATIONS 18 Mar 99: Barnwell added. $MODIFICATIONS 06 Apr 99: Terraserver links added $MODIFICATIONS 21 May 99: Contributor name changed $MODIFICATIONS 10 Apr 00: Elevation added for Caraways, Crummy Strip, Unknown, West Wagner, Wexford, and Willistion.   Contributor e-mail changed.   Acrobat map added. $MODIFICATIONS 22 Jan 01: URL for information updated. $MODIFICATIONS 18 Mar 01: Special Use Airspace added. $MODIFICATIONS 26 Mar 01: Start 1, Start 2, Start 3, Start 4, Ernie's, Sawyerdale, St. George, Millen, and Thompson-McDuffie Co. added. Pelion changed name to Corporate. Trenton changed name to Edgefield County. Crummy Strip and Unknown removed. $MODIFICATIONS 21 Mar 02: Start 1 - 6 changed. Don Bell's, Greenwod, Judge Wil, Laurens, Newberry, and Spartanburg added. Corporate, Harma, and Lexington Co removed. $MODIFICATIONS 26 Mar 03: Starts and Finish changed. $MODIFICATIONS 27 Mar 03: McNeill installed as TP 5. Non-FAA landing fields attribute changed to L. $MODIFICATIONS 17 Apr 03: Starts modified. Airport code changed to Landing for Ernies, Sawyerdale, Wexford Mills, Williston, Don Bells, West Wagener, Caraway, and Judge Wil. $MODIFICATIONS 28 Apr 03: Airport attribute removed from Scurry. $MODIFICATIONS 23 Feb 04: Many changes, all new data $MODIFICATIONS 10 Mar 04: Airport attribute removed from Scurry, again... $MODIFICATIONS 20 Mar 08: Dr. Ross, O'Neals, Cato's, West Aiken, Fogles, Dry Swamp, and West Newberry added. Scurry and Sawyerdale removed. $MODIFICATIONS 01 Apr 08: Waypoints reordered and renumbered. $MODIFICATIONS 08 Apr 08: Starts 1 - 4 put as control points 1 - 4, Finish as 5, Perry put in alphabetical order, Davis Field landing site removed and David turnpoint given airport attribute, and points renumbered, courtesy of Rich Chesser $MODIFICATIONS 09 Apr 08: Airspace files regenerated with same data, but modified comments, as version 2008c $MODIFICATIONS 19 Mar 09: Coleman's added. Many airports in the area added. $MODIFICATIONS 24 Mar 09: Fogles moved. Rhodes Air Ranch landing site removed. $MODIFICATIONS 18 Apr 10: Coding for a few grass strips changed and one removed. No changes in coordinates, so version left as 2009/modification C. Thanks to Frank Paynter. $MODIFICATIONS 03 Apr 11: Airspace updated to version 2011 generated with optional SSA version. $MODIFICATIONS 14 Apr 11: Revised STX file named perry09cCN.stx $MODIFICATIONS 17 Feb 12: Non-control point airports Laurel Hill Plantation, Millhaven, Moccasin Creek removed, as they are no longer in the FAA database. URL removed. $MODIFICATIONS 19 Feb 12: Reloaded, filenames changed to 12a. $MODIFICATIONS 25 Jan 14: Double Spring, Foxhunt, and Log Creek landable sites added. Courtesy of Al Tyler $MODIFICATIONS 26 Mar 14: Aerie, Apalachee Bluff, B Tree Farms, Brookline, Covington, Gwinnett County, Habersham County, Jackson County, Kennedy Intranational, LT World, Lee Gilmer, Lenora, Monroe, Monticello Sky Ranch, Neely Farms, Northeast Georgia, Seven Lakes, Sleepy Hollow, Spring Valley, Sunset GA, Taylor Field, and Whispering Pines added.   Caraways, Eliott Barrow, Green Pond, Holt, Judge Wil, Sexton, West Wagener, Wexford Mills, Williamsport, and Williston moved.   29NC, Aero Plantation, Asheville, Bearwallow Farm, Bell's Branch, Bethel-Lake Wylie, Boomerang, Branhams, Brevard, Byrd, Cane Creek, Charleston AFB, Charleston Executive, Charlotte/Douglas, Chester Catawba, Clute's Hilltop, Clyde Valley, Cockfield, Crawford Hendrix Farm, Creech Aviation Facility, Curry, Daniels, Danville, Davis 2, Davis 4, Dirt Dobber's Grass, Dream Team, El Porvenir, Emery, Fairview, Flying O, Gaffney, Gastonia, Great Oaks, Hartsville, Hawk's Knoll, Hawks Meadow, Hearn, Hemingway-Stuckey, Hendersonville, Hickory, Hilton Head, Hondarosa, Huggins, Jaars-Townsend, Jordan, King, Kirk Air Base, LT Landing, Lake City Muni CJ Evans, Lamar, Lancaster County-McWhirter, Lathan, Laurel Hill Farms, Lee County-Butters, Lesesne, Lincolnton-Lincoln County, Marsh Point, McKay, Mcintosh, Monroe, Mt Pleasant-Faison, Northbrook Ultraport, Oolenoy Valley, Pageland, Palmetto Air Plantation, Pluff Mud, Pocotaligo, Raven's Run, Riverbend, Robert F Swinnie, Rock Hill(York Co)Bryant, Rutherford Co-Marchman, Shaw AFB, Shelby, Shiflet, Silver Creek, Six Oaks, State Line Ultraport/Flightpark, Sugar Hill, Summey, Sumter, Telfair-Wheeler, Too Goo Doo Farms, Transylvania County, Unity, W.N.C. Air Museum, Wheat, Williamsburg, Wilson's, Woodward, Yonges Island, and York removed.   Merritt renamed Beaufort MCAS. Courtesy of Frank Paynter. $MODIFICATIONS 27 Mar 14: Cato landable attribute removed.   St. Mathews and Wade Plantation removed.   Version 2014a. $MODIFICATIONS 31 Mar 14: Airport code removed from House Movers.   Version 2014b $MODIFICATIONS 02 Apr 14: Landable attribute removed from Judge Wil.   Carolina Cow Country, Carpenter, Cox, Darla's, Foxhunt, Hannah Rhea, Iva Airstrip, and McEntire ANGS removed.   Version 2014c. $MODIFICATIONS 05 Oct 14: Ilec airspace file updated with AirParse Version 2.5 $MODIFICATIONS 23 Mar 15: Airy Hall (non-control point waypoint) removed and airspace updated. $MODIFICATIONS 30 Mar 15: Airspace removed. $MODIFICATIONS 30 Mar 15: Airspace restored as version 2015a, with the Barnwell airspace removed and the Aiken airspace not included in the SSA version. $MODIFICATIONS 21 Mar 16: Airspace updated. Airport attribute removed from Hester Memorial $MODIFICATIONS 08 Apr 16: Start 1 restored. $MODIFICATIONS 01 Feb 17: Judge Will and O'Neal's removed. Cato's moved slightly, and given landable attribute. Control points renumbered. $MODIFICATIONS 08 Jan 18: Caraways changed to turn point only. Control point attribute added to Holly Hill, Sandy Hill, Triple Tree, and Union County. Airspace altitude limits for Aiken NSA and North Class D changed. Control points renumbered. Version 2018 $MODIFICATIONS 10 Jan 18: Control point numbers returned to originals, with new control points at the end. Version 2018a $MODIFICATIONS 21 Jan 18: Everything for 08 and 10 January redone to original 2017 version.   Cato's moved slightly.   Version 2018c $MODIFICATIONS 24 Feb 18: Log Cabin non-control-point waypoint removed. Version 2018d. $MODIFICATIONS 03 Apr 18: Google Earth and Google Earth Tracking files regenerated, as version 2018e $MODIFICATIONS 05 Mar 20: Hartness and Smith non-control-point waypoint changed to "l"andmark. $MODIFICATIONS 06 Mar 20: Hartness and Smith non-control-point waypoint removed. Airspace updated. No changes to control points. $MODIFICATIONS 18 Mar 21: Airspace updated, filenames end in 21 $MODIFICATIONS 10 Apr 21: SeeYou file with number in front of control point name updated to revision a. $MODIFICATIONS 13 Apr 21: Airspace updated to version 21a $MODIFICATIONS 15 Apr 21: Airspace updated to version 21b $MODIFICATIONS 26 Feb 23: Davis renamed Abbeville.   Burke County, Ehrhardt, Hampton-Varnville, Louisville Muni, Lowcountry Regional, NAP Branchville school, NAP Girard water tower, NAP Scotia cell tower, NAP Smoake water tower, Paces South Farms, Plantation, and Summerville added as turnpoints. $MODIFICATIONS 04 Mar 23: Anna's, Oakview, Pearson's Farm, and Shealy non-control-point waypoints removed. Ehrhardt given the "T"urnpoint attribute. $MODIFICATIONS 07 Mar 23: Special airspaces updated. $MODIFICATIONS 08 Mar 23: Special airspaces updated. SeeYou with number before name restored. $MODIFICATIONS 08 Mar 23: Airspace reverted to Verion 2021b $MODIFICATIONS 11 Mar 23: Changed to Official $MODIFICATIONS 18 Feb 25: American Dream Skyranch added as a turnpoints and Landings East Sylvania promoted from a waypoint to a turnpoint, and moved slightly. $ALTITUDE_UNIT FEET $STATE_ABBREV SC $STATE South Carolina $RW_L_UNIT Feet * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S RW_W RW_G ICAO NAM_12 CIT CUP_COD FAA_NAME FRE_ATIS FRE_AWOS FRE_CTAF FRE_TOWER FRE_UNICOM FUEL GLIDERS ID_10 ID_12 ID_14 ID_15 ID_16 ID_17 ID_20 ID_22 ID_3 ID_4 ID_5 ID_6 ID_7 ID_8 ID_9 MAG STA STATE_ABBREV TEL * * Starting the waypoints * 1 Start 1 Start 1 33 41 0 81 19 46 S 438 Start 1 Start 1 Start 1 Start 1 Start 1 Start 1 Start 1 Start 1 Start 1 STR Str1 Str 1 Strt 1 Start 1 Start 1 Start 1 2 Start 2 Start 2 33 37 17 81 24 0 S 438 Start 2 Start 2 Start 2 Start 2 Start 2 Start 2 Start 2 Start 2 Start 2 STA Str2 Str 2 Strt 2 Start 2 Start 2 Start 2 3 Start 3 Start 3 33 37 17 81 15 30 S 438 Start 3 Start 3 Start 3 Start 3 Start 3 Start 3 Start 3 Start 3 Start 3 STT Str3 Str 3 Strt 3 Start 3 Start 3 Start 3 4 Start 4 Start 4 33 34 0 81 20 0 S 438 Start 4 Start 4 Start 4 Start 4 Start 4 Start 4 Start 4 Start 4 Start 4 ST4 Str4 Str 4 Strt 4 Start 4 Start 4 Start 4 5 Finish Finish 33 37 37 81 19 44 FDP 438 07/25 70 5000 G 100 SC95 Finish Perry SC95 Perry Intl 8 Finish Finish Finish Finish Finish Finish Finish Finish FNS Fnsh Finsh Finish Finish Finish Finish 05W South Carolina SC 803-564-5226 6 Aiken Aiken 33 38 58 81 41 4 TA 528 122.8 07/25 60 5500 A 100 AIK Aiken Aiken AIK Aiken RGNL 122.8 122.8 100LL 0 Aiken Aiken Aiken Aiken Aiken Aiken Aiken Aiken AKN Aikn Aiken Aiken Aiken Aiken Aiken 06W South Carolina SC (803) 643-2123 7 Allendale Allendal 32 59 42 81 16 13 TA 161 122.8 17/35 162 5001 A 75 88J Allendale Allendale AQX Allendale County 122.8 122.8 100LL 1 Allendale Allendale Allendale Allendale Allendale Allendale Allendale Allendale ALL Alln Allnd Allndl Allendl Allendal Allendale 06W South Carolina SC 803-584-3801 8 Bamburg Bamburg 33 18 16 81 6 30 TA 231 122.8 05/23 44 3603 A 60 0.6 99N Bamburg Bamberg 99N Bamberg County 122.8 122.8 100LL 0 Bamburg Bamburg Bamburg Bamburg Bamburg Bamburg Bamburg Bamburg BMB Bmbr Bmbrg Bambrg Bamburg Bamburg Bamburg 07W South Carolina SC 803-245-5191 9 Barnwell County BrnwllCn 33 15 28 81 23 18 TA 246 122.8 17/35 160 5119 A 100 BNL BarnwellCont Barnwell BNL Barnwell RGNL 122.8 122.8 100LL,MOGAS 0 BarnwllCnt BarnwellCont BarnwellCounty Barnwell County Barnwell County Barnwell County Barnwell County Barnwell County BRN Brnw Brnwl Brnwll BrnwllC BrnwllCn BrnwllCnt 05W South Carolina SC 803-259-1090 10 Caraways Caraways 33 41 36 81 22 3 T 440 Caraways Caraways Caraways Caraways Caraways Caraways Caraways Caraways Caraways CRW Crws Carws Caraws Carawas Caraways Caraways 11 Cato's Catos 33 31 49 81 28 2 TL 299 Catos Catos Catos Catos Catos Catos Catos Catos Catos CTS Cats Catos Catos Catos Catos Catos 12 Coleman's Colemans 33 41 30 81 33 12 TL 440 Colemans Colemans Colemans Colemans Colemans Colemans Colemans Colemans Colemans CLM Clmn Clmns Colmns Colemns Colemans Colemans 13 Abbeville Abbevill 34 9 4 82 21 13 TPA 550 08/26 80 2250 A 40 SC81 Abbeville Abbeville SC81 Abbeville Abbeville Abbeville Abbeville Abbeville Abbeville Abbeville Abbeville Abbeville ABB Abbv Abbvl Abbvll Abbevll Abbevill Abbeville 04W South Carolina SC 813-417-8910 14 Do Little DoLittle 33 40 34 80 56 54 TAP 369 14/32 140 3200 G 100 SC90 Do Little ST. Matthews SC90 Do-Little FLD Do Little Do Little Do Little Do Little Do Little Do Little Do Little Do Little DLT DLtt DLttl DoLttl DoLittl DoLittle Do Little 05W South Carolina SC 803-874-1310 15 Don Bell's DonBells 33 56 8 81 25 47 TAP 510 13/31 130 2600 G 180 24SC Don Bells Summit 24SC The Farm Don Bells Don Bells Don Bells Don Bells Don Bells Don Bells Don Bells Don Bells DNB DnBl DnBll DnBlls DonBlls DonBells Don Bells South Carolina SC 803-822-4114 16 Dr. Ross Dr Ross 33 30 39 81 19 32 TL 440 Dr Ross Dr Ross Dr Ross Dr Ross Dr Ross Dr Ross Dr Ross Dr Ross Dr Ross DRR DrRs DrRss DrRoss Dr Ross Dr Ross Dr Ross 17 Dry Swamp DrySwamp 33 23 16 80 54 23 TA 180 122.9 02/20 20 2900 G 60 1DS Dry Swamp Orangeburg 1DS Dry Swamp 122.9 100LL 0 Dry Swamp Dry Swamp Dry Swamp Dry Swamp Dry Swamp Dry Swamp Dry Swamp Dry Swamp DRS DrSw DrSwm DrSwmp DrySwmp DrySwamp Dry Swamp South Carolina SC 803-534-3157 18 Eagles Nest EaglsNst 33 45 51 81 21 31 TAP 460 03/21 30 1500 G 200 SC23 Eagles Nest Pelion SC23 Eagles Nest-Fairview Airpark EaglesNest Eagles Nest Eagles Nest Eagles Nest Eagles Nest Eagles Nest Eagles Nest Eagles Nest EGL Egls EglsN EglsNs EglsNst EaglsNst EaglesNst 04W South Carolina SC 704-941-9915 19 Edgefield County EdgfldCn 33 44 12 81 49 10 TA 610 122.9 11/29 105 2640 G 85 -EST 6J6 EdgefieldCnt Trenton 6J6 Edgefield County 122.9 EdgefldCnt EdgefieldCnt EdgefieldCount EdgefieldCounty Edgefield County Edgefield County Edgefield County Edgefield County EDG Edgf Edgfl Edgfld EdgfldC EdgfldCn EdgfldCnt 04W South Carolina SC 218-686-7746 20 Ernies Ernies 33 32 11 81 35 58 TLP 450 12/30 120 2850 G 130 SC67 Ernies Aiken SC67 Polecat Aerodrome Ernies Ernies Ernies Ernies Ernies Ernies Ernies Ernies ERN Erns Ernis Ernies Ernies Ernies Ernies South Carolina SC 803-640-6867 21 Fogles Fogles 33 30 25 81 5 48 TL 318 Fogles Fogles Fogles Fogles Fogles Fogles Fogles Fogles Fogles FGL Fgls Fogls Fogles Fogles Fogles Fogles 22 Gilbert Gilbert 33 53 3 81 22 54 TAP 551 122.9 09/27 90 3000 G 75 SC45 Gilbert Gilbert SC45 Gilbert Intl Airpark 122.9 Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert GLB Glbr Glbrt Gilbrt Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert 04W South Carolina SC 803-463-7662 23 Greenwood Greenwod 34 14 55 82 9 33 TA 631 122.8 09/27 85 5003 A 100 TS CO GRD Greenwood Greenwood GRD Greenwood County 122.975 122.975 100LL 0 Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood Greenwood GRN Grnw Grnwd Grenwd Greenwd Greenwod Greenwood 07W South Carolina SC (864) 942-8556 24 Hester Memorial HstrMmrl 34 5 29 82 34 7 T 517 HesterMemorl HesterMmrl HesterMemorl HesterMemorial Hester Memorial Hester Memorial Hester Memorial Hester Memorial Hester Memorial HST Hstr HstrM HstrMm HstrMmr HstrMmrl HestrMmrl 25 House Movers HousMvrs NARROW 33 51 4 81 32 54 TP 540 10/28 100 2600 G 60 SC46 House Movers Batesburg SC46 House Movers FLD HouseMovrs House Movers House Movers House Movers House Movers House Movers House Movers House Movers HSM HsMv HsMvr HsMvrs HosMvrs HousMvrs HouseMvrs 04W South Carolina SC 803-532-5121 26 Laurens Laurens 34 30 25 81 56 50 TA 697 122.8 08/26 72 4051 C 75 34A Laurens Laurens LUX Laurens County 122.8 122.8 100LL 0 Laurens Laurens Laurens Laurens Laurens Laurens Laurens Laurens LRN Lrns Larns Laurns Laurens Laurens Laurens 07W South Carolina SC (864) 923-3507 27 McCormick County McCrmckC 33 54 29 82 16 0 TA 459 122.9 18/36 177 3598 A 75 S19 McCormickCnt MC Cormick S19 MC Cormick County 122.9 McCrmckCnt McCormickCnt McCormickCount McCormickCounty McCormick County McCormick County McCormick County McCormick County MCC McCr McCrm McCrmc McCrmck McCrmckC McCrmckCn 04W South Carolina SC 864-852-2231 28 McNeil McNeil 33 33 26 80 38 54 TAP 170 03/21 30 2800 G 100 SC03 McNeil Cameron SC03 MC Neil McNeil McNeil McNeil McNeil McNeil McNeil McNeil McNeil MCN McNl McNel McNeil McNeil McNeil McNeil 05W South Carolina SC 803-823-2001 29 Millen Millen 32 53 38 81 57 54 TA 229 122.9 17/35 168 4000 A 75 2J5 Millen Millen 2J5 Millen 122.9 100LL 0 Millen Millen Millen Millen Millen Millen Millen Millen MLL Mlln Milln Millen Millen Millen Millen 05W Georgia GA (478)982-2563 30 Newberry Newberry 34 18 33 81 38 23 TA 568 122.8 04/22 37 4001 A 75 27J Newberry Newberry EOE Newberry County 122.8 122.8 100LL 0 Newberry Newberry Newberry Newberry Newberry Newberry Newberry Newberry NWB Nwbr Nwbrr Newbrr Newberr Newberry Newberry 07W South Carolina SC (803) 944-4298 31 Orangeburg Orangbrg 33 27 30 80 51 31 TA 195 122.7 17/35 167 5399 A 100 OGB Orangeburg Orangeburg OGB Orangeburg Muni 122.7 122.7 100LL 0 Orangeburg Orangeburg Orangeburg Orangeburg Orangeburg Orangeburg Orangeburg Orangeburg ORN Orng Orngb Orngbr Orngbrg Orangbrg Orangebrg 07W South Carolina SC 803-534-5545 32 Perry Perry 33 37 46 81 19 47 THDP 438 07/25 70 5000 G 100 SC95 Perry Perry SC95 Perry Intl 8 Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry PRR Perr Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry 05W South Carolina SC 803-564-5226 33 Saluda Saluda 33 55 36 81 47 40 TA 555 122.9 01/19 9 3189 A 60 6J4 Saluda Saluda 6J4 Saluda County 122.9 100LL 0 Saluda Saluda Saluda Saluda Saluda Saluda Saluda Saluda SLD Sald Salud Saluda Saluda Saluda Saluda 06W South Carolina SC 864-445-2529 34 Spartanburg Sprtnbrg 34 54 57 81 57 23 TA 801 118.3 05/23 42 5202 A 100 SPA Spartanburg Spartanburg SPA Spartanburg Downtown Meml/Simpson FLD 123.0 123.0 100LL 5 Spartanbrg Spartanburg Spartanburg Spartanburg Spartanburg Spartanburg Spartanburg Spartanburg SPR Sprt Sprtn Sprtnb Sprtnbr Sprtnbrg Spartnbrg 05W South Carolina SC (864) 580-5004 35 St. George StGeorge 33 11 44 80 30 30 TA 85 122.8 05/23 46 3201 A 60 0 6J2 St George ST George 6J2 ST George 122.8 122.8 0 St George St George St George St George St George St George St George St George STG StGr StGrg StGerg StGeorg StGeorge St George 06W South Carolina SC 843-412-1999 36 Thompson-McDuffie Co ThmpsnMc 33 31 47 82 30 59 TA 498 122.8 10/28 93 5503 A 100 HQU ThmpsnMcDffC Thomson HQU Thomson-Mcduffie County 122.8 122.8 100LL 0 ThmpsnMcDf ThmpsnMcDffC ThompsonMcDffC ThompsonMcDuffC ThompsonMcDuffiC ThompsonMcDuffieC Thompson McDuffie Co Thompson McDuffie Co THM Thmp Thmps Thmpsn ThmpsnM ThmpsnMc ThmpsnMcD 04W Georgia GA 706-597-7378 37 Twin Lakes TwinLaks 33 38 44 81 52 1 TA 540 122.9 06/24 60 4000 A 60 S17 Twin Lakes Graniteville S17 Twin Lakes 122.9 Twin Lakes Twin Lakes Twin Lakes Twin Lakes Twin Lakes Twin Lakes Twin Lakes Twin Lakes TWN TwnL TwnLk TwnLks TwinLks TwinLaks TwinLakes 04W South Carolina SC 803-507-8669 38 West Aiken W Aiken 33 39 55 81 42 32 TL 528 West Aiken West Aiken West Aiken West Aiken West Aiken West Aiken West Aiken West Aiken West Aiken WKN WAkn WAikn WAiken W Aiken W Aiken W Aiken 39 West Wagener WWagener 33 39 20 81 24 33 TL 440 West Wagener W Wagener West Wagener West Wagener West Wagener West Wagener West Wagener West Wagener West Wagener WWG WWgn WWgnr WWagnr WWagenr WWagener W Wagener 40 Wexford Mills WxfrdMll 33 35 20 81 30 11 TAP 465 04/22 40 4200 G 200 4SC7 WexfordMills Aiken 4SC7 Wexford Landing WexfrdMlls WexfordMills Wexford Mills Wexford Mills Wexford Mills Wexford Mills Wexford Mills Wexford Mills WXF Wxfr Wxfrd WxfrdM WxfrdMl WxfrdMll WxfrdMlls South Carolina SC 803-317-9627 41 Williston Willistn CAUTION 33 27 44 81 25 28 TL 350 Williston Williston Williston Williston Williston Williston Williston Williston Williston WLL Wlls Wllst Wllstn Willstn Willistn Williston 42 Holly Hill HollyHll 33 18 4 80 23 38 TA 96 122.9 04/22 43 2900 G 150 -EST 5J5 Holly Hill Holly Hill 5J5 Holly Hill 122.9 Holly Hill Holly Hill Holly Hill Holly Hill Holly Hill Holly Hill Holly Hill Holly Hill HLL HllH HllHl HllHll HollHll HollyHll HollyHill 05W South Carolina SC 843-514-4757 43 Sandy Hill SandyHll 33 13 16 81 59 43 TAP 310 10/28 100 1900 G 75 GE30 Sandy Hill Waynesboro GE30 Sandy Hill Sandy Hill Sandy Hill Sandy Hill Sandy Hill Sandy Hill Sandy Hill Sandy Hill Sandy Hill SND SndH SndHl SndHll SandHll SandyHll SandyHill Georgia GA 706-554-5618 44 Triple Tree TripleTr 34 40 28 82 0 5 TAP 680 03/21 30 7000 G 400 SC00 Triple Tree Woodruff SC00 Triple Tree 1 TripleTree Triple Tree Triple Tree Triple Tree Triple Tree Triple Tree Triple Tree Triple Tree TRP Trpl TrplT TrplTr TriplTr TripleTr TripleTre 05W South Carolina SC (864) 213-1754 45 Union County UnionCnt 34 41 11 81 38 30 TA 608 122.7 05/23 47 3508 A 60 1 35A Union County Union 35A Union County, Troy Shelton FLD 122.7 122.7 100LL 1 UnionCount Union County Union County Union County Union County Union County Union County Union County UNN UnnC UnnCn UnnCnt UninCnt UnionCnt UnionCont 06W South Carolina SC 864-429-1680 50 Burke County BurkeCnt 33 2 27 82 0 14 TA 302 122.9 08/26 71 4012 A 75 BXG Burke County Waynesboro BXG Burke County 122.9 100LL 0 BurkeCount Burke County Burke County Burke County Burke County Burke County Burke County Burke County BRK BrkC BrkCn BrkCnt BurkCnt BurkeCnt BurkeCont 04W Georgia GA 706-554-2324 51 Ehrhardt Ehrhardt 33 5 23 81 0 29 TAP 146 11/29 110 3400 G 80 SC35 Ehrhardt Ehrhardt SC35 Ehrhardt Ehrhardt Ehrhardt Ehrhardt Ehrhardt Ehrhardt Ehrhardt Ehrhardt Ehrhardt EHR Ehrh Ehrhr Ehrhrd Ehrhrdt Ehrhardt Ehrhardt 04W South Carolina SC 803-300-0091 52 Hampton-Varnville HmptnVrn 32 52 4 81 4 59 TA 113 122.9 11/29 110 3580 A 60 -EST 3J0 HamptnVrnvll Hampton 3J0 Hampton County 122.9 100LL HmptnVrnvl HamptnVrnvll HamptonVarnvll HamptonVarnvill HamptonVarnville Hampton Varnville Hampton Varnville Hampton Varnville HMP Hmpt Hmptn HmptnV HmptnVr HmptnVrn HmptnVrnv 04W South Carolina SC (803) 942-2702 53 Louisville Muni LosvllMn 32 59 12 82 23 8 TA 328 122.9 13/31 130 5002 A 100 2J3 LouisvilleMn Louisville 2J3 Louisville Muni 122.9 100LL 0 LouisvllMn LouisvilleMn Louisville Mun Louisville Muni Louisville Muni Louisville Muni Louisville Muni Louisville Muni LSV Lsvl Lsvll LsvllM LsvllMn LosvllMn LousvllMn 03W Georgia GA 478-625-3166 54 Lowcountry Regional LwcntrRg 32 55 14 80 38 28 TA 98 122.8 05/23 44 6002 A 100 RBW LowcountrRg. Walterboro RBW Lowcountry RGNL 122.8 122.8 100LL 0 LowcntrRg. LowcountrRg. LowcountryReg. Lowcountry Reg. Lowcountry Reg. Lowcountry Reg. Lowcountry Regional Lowcountry Regional LWC Lwcn Lwcnt Lwcntr LwcntrR LwcntrRg LwcntrRg. 05W South Carolina SC 843-893-7346 55 NAP Branchville school NAPBrnch 33 14 46 80 47 23 T 130 NAPBranchvil NPBrnchvll NPBrnchvllsc NPBrnchvllschl NAPBrnchvllschl NAPBranchvllschl NAPBranchvillschl NAPBranchvilleschool NAP Branchville school NPB NPBr NPBrn NPBrnc NPBrnch NPBrnchv NPBrnchvl 56 NAP Girard water tower NAPGirrd 33 2 44 81 42 43 T 235 NAPGirardTwr NPGrrdwtrt NPGrrdwtrtwr NAPGirrdwtrtwr NAPGirardwtrtwr NAPGirardwatrtwr NAPGirardwatertwr NAP Girardwatertower NAP Girard water tower NPG NPGr NPGrr NPGrrd NPGrrdw NPGrrdwt NPGrrdwtr 57 NAP Scotia cell tower NAPScoti 32 40 52 81 14 44 T 93 NAPScotiaTwr NPSctclltw NAPSctclltwr NAPScoticlltwr NAPScotiaclltwr NAPScotiacelltwr NAPScotiacelltowr NAP Scotia celltower NAP Scotia cell tower NPS NPSc NPSct NPSctc NPSctcl NPSctcll NPSctcllt 58 NAP Smoake water tower NAPSmoak 33 5 30 80 48 45 T 108 NAPSmoakeTwr NPSmkwtrtw NAPSmkwtrtwr NAPSmoakwtrtwr NAPSmoakewtrtwr NAPSmoakewatrtwr NAPSmoakewatertwr NAP Smoakewatertower NAP Smoake water tower NAP NPSm NPSmk NPSmkw NPSmkwt NPSmkwtr NPSmkwtrt 59 Paces South Farms PcsSFrms 32 48 32 82 23 7 TAP 275 02/20 20 3500 G 50 82GA Paces SFarms Wadley 82GA Paces South Farms PacesSFrms Paces SFarms Paces S Farms Paces S Farms Paces S Farms Paces South Farms Paces South Farms Paces South Farms PCS PcsS PcsSF PcsSFr PcsSFrm PcsSFrms PacsSFrms 04W Georgia GA (478) 494-7341 60 Plantation Plantatn 32 38 43 81 35 50 TA 188 122.8 05/23 47 5000 A 100 JYL Plantation Sylvania JYL Plantation Airpark 122.8 122.8 100LL 0 Plantation Plantation Plantation Plantation Plantation Plantation Plantation Plantation PLN Plnt Plntt Plnttn Planttn Plantatn Plantatin 07W Georgia GA 912-857-3220 61 Summerville Summrvll 33 3 48 80 16 46 TA 56 123 06/24 49 3700 A 75 DYB Summerville Summerville DYB Summerville 123.0 123.0 100LL 0 Summervill Summerville Summerville Summerville Summerville Summerville Summerville Summerville SMM Smmr Smmrv Smmrvl Smmrvll Summrvll Summervll 07W South Carolina SC 843-412-1999 62 American Dream Skyranch AmDrmSky 34 5 52 81 53 29 TAP 450 122.9 13/31 131 3411 G 50 18SC AmDrmSkyRnch Ninety Six 18SC American Dream Skyranch AmrcnDrmSk AmrcnDrmSkrn AmrcnDrmSkrnch AmercnDrmSkrnch AmericnDrmSkrnch AmericanDrmSkrnch AmericanDreamSkyrnch American DreamSkyranch AMR Amrc Amrcn AmrcnD AmrcnDr AmrcnDrm AmrcnDrmS 04W South Carolina SC 407-973-9347 63 Landings East Sylvania LndngsSl 32 44 38 81 36 50 TAP 155 08/26 80 3600 G 50 76GA LandingsSlvn Sylvania 76GA Landings East Sylvania LndngsSlvn LandingsSlvn LandingsESylvn LandingsESylvan LandingsESylvani LandingsESylvania Landings E Sylvania Landings East Sylvania LND Lndn Lndng Lndngs LndngsS LndngsSl LndngsSlv 04W Georgia GA (912) 682-9313 Aerie Aerie 33 45 41 83 39 10 AP 830 NW/SE 315 2000 G 300 1GA9 Aerie Monroe 1GA9 Aerie Aerie Aerie Aerie Aerie Aerie Aerie Aerie Aerie AER Aeri Aerie Aerie Aerie Aerie Aerie 03W Georgia GA 678-772-8144 Airnautique Airnautq 34 22 40 82 56 45 AP 720 08/26 80 2600 G 60 0GA2 Airnautique Hartwell 0GA2 Airnautique, Inc Airnautiqu Airnautique Airnautique Airnautique Airnautique Airnautique Airnautique Airnautique ARN Arnt Arntq Airntq Airnatq Airnautq Airnautiq 03W Georgia GA Alan's Alans 33 40 33 80 56 59 AP 369 122.8 13/31 130 2600 A 125 SC07 Alans ST Matthews SC07 Alan's 122.8 Alans Alans Alans Alans Alans Alans Alans Alans ALN Alns Alans Alans Alans Alans Alans 04W South Carolina SC 803-347-3927 Anderson Anderson 34 29 41 82 42 34 A 782 123.6 05/23 46 6002 A 149 AND Anderson Anderson AND Anderson RGNL 123.6 100LL 0 Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson AND Andr Andrs Andrsn Andersn Anderson Anderson 05W South Carolina SC 864-260-4163 Apalachee Bluff AplchBlf 33 51 33 83 35 16 AP 735 06/24 60 2300 G 50 67GA Apalachee Monroe 67GA Appalachee Bluff Riverfront Airpark ApalchBlff ApalacheBlff ApalacheeBluff Apalachee Bluff Apalachee Bluff Apalachee Bluff Apalachee Bluff Apalachee Bluff APL Aplc Aplch AplchB AplchBl AplchBlf AplchBlff 02W Georgia GA 770-310-1234 Athens/Ben Epps AthnsBnp 33 56 55 83 19 35 A 808 121.8 09/27 88 5522 A 100 AHN AthensBenpps Athens AHN Athens/Ben Epps 126.3 126.3 122.95 100LL 1 AthnsBnpps AthensBenpps AthensBen Epps Athens/Ben Epps Athens/Ben Epps Athens/Ben Epps Athens/Ben Epps Athens/Ben Epps ATH Athn Athns AthnsB AthnsBn AthnsBnp AthnsBnpp 06W Georgia GA 706-613-3416 Augusta Regional AugstRg. 33 22 12 81 57 52 A 144 118.7 17/35 168 8001 C 150 AGS Augusta Reg. Augusta AGS Augusta RGNL At Bush FLD 132.75 118.7 118.7 122.95 100LL AugustaRg. Augusta Reg. Augusta Reg. Augusta Reg. Augusta Regional Augusta Regional Augusta Regional Augusta Regional AGS Agst AgstR AgstRg AgstRg. AugstRg. AugustRg. 04W Georgia GA 706-798-3236 Avinger Avinger 33 26 34 80 27 20 AP 138 13/31 130 3000 G 100 SC87 Avinger Vance SC87 Avinger FLD Avinger Avinger Avinger Avinger Avinger Avinger Avinger Avinger AVN Avng Avngr Avingr Avinger Avinger Avinger 05W South Carolina SC 803-492-7839 B Tree Farms BTreFrms 34 16 5 83 40 20 AP 1000 10/28 100 2300 G 150 97GA BTreeFarms Gillsville 97GA B Tree Farms BTreeFarms B Tree Farms B Tree Farms B Tree Farms B Tree Farms B Tree Farms B Tree Farms B Tree Farms BTR BTrF BTrFr BTrFrm BTrFrms BTreFrms BTreeFrms 03W Georgia GA 770-861-6593 Baldwin County BldwnCnt 33 9 15 83 14 27 A 384 122.8 10/28 92 5509 A 99 MLJ BaldwinCount Milledgeville MLJ Baldwin County RGNL 122.975 122.975 100LL 0 BaldwinCnt BaldwinCount Baldwin County Baldwin County Baldwin County Baldwin County Baldwin County Baldwin County BLD Bldw Bldwn BldwnC BldwnCn BldwnCnt BaldwnCnt 04W Georgia GA 478-457-4228 Beaufort County BefrtCnt 32 24 44 80 38 4 A 10 122.7 07/25 60 3434 A 75 -0.1 ARW BeaufortCont Beaufort ARW Beaufort Exec 122.7 122.7 100LL 0 BeaufrtCnt BeaufortCont BeaufortCounty Beaufort County Beaufort County Beaufort County Beaufort County Beaufort County BFR Bfrt BfrtC BfrtCn BfrtCnt BefrtCnt BeafrtCnt 07W South Carolina SC 843-962-2142 Beaufort MCAS (Merritt) BefrtMCS 32 28 38 80 43 23 Y 37 119.05 05/23 42 12202 T 200 NBC BeaufortMCAS Beaufort NBC Beaufort Mcas (Merritt FLD) 119.05 BeaufrtMCS BeaufortMCAS Beaufort MCAS Beaufort MCAS Beaufort MCAS Beaufort MCAS Beaufort MCAS Beaufort MCAS BEA Beau BfrtM BfrtMC BfrtMCS BefrtMCS BeafrtMCS 05W South Carolina SC Berkeley County BerklCnt 33 11 8 80 2 11 A 73 123.05 05/23 43 4351 C 75 MKS BerkeleyCont Moncks Corner MKS Berkeley County 123.05 123.05 100LL 0 BerkeleCnt BerkeleyCont BerkeleyCounty Berkeley County Berkeley County Berkeley County Berkeley County Berkeley County BER Brkl BrklC BrklCn BrklCnt BerklCnt BerkelCnt 07W South Carolina SC (843) 719-4751 Briar Patch BrirPtch 32 26 56 81 20 13 AP 100 16/34 160 2600 G 100 9GA1 Briar Patch Clyo 9GA1 Briar Patch BriarPatch Briar Patch Briar Patch Briar Patch Briar Patch Briar Patch Briar Patch Briar Patch BRR BrrP BrrPt BrrPtc BrrPtch BrirPtch BriarPtch 05W Georgia GA (912) 754-7547 Briggs Briggs 32 19 17 81 25 36 AP 78 122.7 08/26 80 2300 G 150 GA43 Briggs Guyton GA43 Briggs FLD 122.7 Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs BRG Brgg Brggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Georgia GA (912) 657-4553 Broad River BroadRvr 34 24 43 83 11 3 AP 690 07/25 70 3000 C 40 3GE3 Broad River Carnesville 3GE3 Broad River Air Park BroadRiver Broad River Broad River Broad River Broad River Broad River Broad River Broad River BRD BrdR BrdRv BrdRvr BrodRvr BroadRvr BroadRivr 04W Georgia GA 706-587-8119 Brookline Brooklin 33 5 52 83 24 17 AP 500 06/24 60 2000 G 100 9GA6 Brookline Milledgeville 9GA6 Brookline - Meadowmere Brookline Brookline Brookline Brookline Brookline Brookline Brookline Brookline BRO Broo Brkln Brokln Brookln Brooklin Brookline 04W Georgia GA 912-746-1372 Broxton Bridge Plantation BrxtnBrg 33 0 21 81 2 54 AP 120 01/19 10 2600 G 150 SC55 BrxtnBrgPlnt Ehrhardt SC55 Broxton Bridge Plantation BrxtnBrgPl BrxtnBrgPlnt BrxtnBrgPlnttn BroxtnBrgPlnttn BroxtonBrgPlnttn BroxtonBrgPlanttn BroxtonBrgPlantation Broxton Brg Plantation BRX Brxt Brxtn BrxtnB BrxtnBr BrxtnBrg BrxtnBrgP 04W South Carolina SC 803-300-0091 Cauley's Cauleys 32 19 46 82 38 6 AP 251 122.8 09/27 90 1500 G 150 3GA8 Cauleys Soperton 3GA8 Cauley's Airstrip 122.8 Cauleys Cauleys Cauleys Cauleys Cauleys Cauleys Cauleys Cauleys CLS Cals Cauls Caules Cauleys Cauleys Cauleys 03W Georgia GA 912-529-6810 Chandelle Chandell 34 49 22 82 8 53 AP 850 122.8 03/21 30 3700 A 50 SC72 Chandelle Greer SC72 Chandelle 122.8 1 Chandelle Chandelle Chandelle Chandelle Chandelle Chandelle Chandelle Chandelle CHN Chnd Chndl Chndll Chandll Chandell Chandelle 04W South Carolina SC 864-640-9801 Chinaberry Ranch ChnbrrRc 32 41 37 82 53 56 AP 295 12/30 120 1500 G 90 9GA8 ChinaberryRc East Dublin 9GA8 Chinaberry Ranch ChinabrrRc ChinaberryRc Chinaberry Rc Chinaberry Rc Chinaberry Ranch Chinaberry Ranch Chinaberry Ranch Chinaberry Ranch CHI Chnb Chnbr Chnbrr ChnbrrR ChnbrrRc ChinbrrRc 04W Georgia GA Claxton-Evans County Clxtnvns 32 11 42 81 52 10 A 112 122.8 09/27 89 5001 A 74 CWV ClaxtnvnsCnt Claxton CWV Claxton-Evans County 122.8 122.8 100LL 0 ClxtnvnsCn ClaxtnvnsCnt ClaxtonEvnsCnt ClaxtonEvansCnt ClaxtonEvansCont ClaxtonEvansCount Claxton Evans County Claxton Evans County CLX Clxt Clxtn Clxtnv Clxtnvn Clxtnvns ClxtnvnsC 07W Georgia GA 912-739-0124 Columbia Metro ColmbMtr 33 56 20 81 7 10 A 236 119.5 11/29 105 8601 C 150 CAE ColumbiaMetr Columbia CAE Columbia Metro 120.15 119.5 122.95 100LL 5 ColumbiMtr ColumbiaMetr Columbia Metro Columbia Metro Columbia Metro Columbia Metro Columbia Metro Columbia Metro COL Clmb ClmbM ClmbMt ClmbMtr ColmbMtr ColumbMtr 07W South Carolina SC (803) 822-5017 Columbia Owens Downtown ClmbwnsD 33 58 14 80 59 43 A 193 122.8 13/31 125 5011 A 75 CUB ClmbwnsDwntw Columbia CUB Jim Hamilton L B Owens 123.075 123.075 100LL 1 ClmbwnsDwn ClmbwnsDwntw ColmbwnsDwntwn ColumbwnsDwntwn ColumbiwnsDwntwn ColumbiawnsDwntwn ColumbiaOwensDowntwn Columbia OwensDowntown COU Colu Clmbw Clmbwn Clmbwns ClmbwnsD ClmbwnsDw 06W South Carolina SC 803-771-7915 Corporate Corporat 33 47 41 81 14 45 A 452 123 18/36 171 4335 A 60 6J0 Corporate Pelion 6J0 Lexington County 123.0 123.0 100LL 0 Corporate Corporate Corporate Corporate Corporate Corporate Corporate Corporate CRP Crpr Crprt Corprt Corport Corporat Corporate 07W South Carolina SC 803-600-9313 Covington Covingtn 33 37 56 83 50 51 A 809 123 10/28 95 5500 A 75 9A1 Covington Atlanta CVC Covington Muni 123.0 123.0 100LL 0 Covington Covington Covington Covington Covington Covington Covington Covington CVN Cvng Cvngt Cvngtn Covngtn Covingtn Covington 05W Georgia GA 770-787-0098 Crooked Fence Farm CrkdFncF 34 46 19 81 59 16 AP 621 08/26 80 3033 A 50 3SC4 CrookdFncFrm Woodruff 3SC4 Crooked Fence Farm CrkdFncFrm CrookdFncFrm CrookedFencFrm CrookedFenceFrm CrookedFenceFarm Crooked FenceFarm Crooked Fence Farm Crooked Fence Farm CRK Crkd CrkdF CrkdFn CrkdFnc CrkdFncF CrkdFncFr 05W South Carolina SC 864-877-9090 Crosswinds-Wilson Crsswnds 33 16 19 80 15 15 AP 90 09/27 90 2700 G 100 SC37 CrsswndsWlsn Cross SC37 Crosswinds-Wilson PVT CrsswndsWl CrsswndsWlsn CrosswindsWlsn CrosswindsWilsn CrosswindsWilson Crosswinds Wilson Crosswinds Wilson Crosswinds Wilson CRS Crss Crssw Crsswn Crsswnd Crsswnds CrsswndsW 05W South Carolina SC 843-753-7138 Cypress Lakes CprssLks 32 9 27 81 23 48 AP 30 13/31 130 2700 G 100 GA35 CypressLakes Savannah GA35 Cypress Lakes CypressLks CypressLakes Cypress Lakes Cypress Lakes Cypress Lakes Cypress Lakes Cypress Lakes Cypress Lakes CPR Cprs Cprss CprssL CprssLk CprssLks CyprssLks 05W Georgia GA 912-748-8613 Daniel Field DanilFld 33 27 59 82 2 22 A 422 123.05 05/23 46 4002 A 100 DNL Daniel Field Augusta DNL Daniel FLD 123.05 123.05 100LL 0 DanielFild Daniel Field Daniel Field Daniel Field Daniel Field Daniel Field Daniel Field Daniel Field DNL DnlF DnlFl DnlFld DanlFld DanilFld DanielFld 04W Georgia GA 706-733-8970 Darden Darden 33 50 27 81 11 1 AP 450 12/30 120 3300 G 200 SC13 Darden Gaston SC13 Darden Darden Darden Darden Darden Darden Darden Darden Darden DRD Drdn Dardn Darden Darden Darden Darden 04W South Carolina SC 803-270-5912 Davis 3 Davis 3 32 40 20 81 18 40 AP 82 16/34 160 2500 G 100 SC12 Davis 3 Garnett SC12 Davis Davis 3 Davis 3 Davis 3 Davis 3 Davis 3 Davis 3 Davis 3 Davis 3 DVS Dvs3 Davs3 Davis3 Davis 3 Davis 3 Davis 3 04W South Carolina SC 803-625-3352 Deerfield Landing DrfldLnd 33 13 5 83 19 2 AP 445 16/34 160 2900 G 50 9GA9 DeerfldLndng Eatonton 9GA9 Deerfield Landing DrfldLndng DeerfldLndng DeerfieldLndng DeerfieldLandng DeerfieldLanding Deerfield Landing Deerfield Landing Deerfield Landing DRF Drfl Drfld DrfldL DrfldLn DrfldLnd DrfldLndn 04W Georgia GA 770-861-8360 Donaldson Center DnldsnCn 34 45 30 82 22 35 A 955 121.4 05/23 40 8000 C 150 GYH DonaldsnCntr Greenville GYH Donaldson FLD 133.325 133.325 122.7 100LL 0 DnldsnCntr DonaldsnCntr DonaldsonCentr DonaldsonCenter Donaldson Center Donaldson Center Donaldson Center Donaldson Center DON Dnld Dnlds Dnldsn DnldsnC DnldsnCn DnldsnCnt 07W South Carolina SC 864-277-3152 Double Spring DblSprng 34 1 56 81 52 34 L 550 DoubleSpring DoublSprng DoubleSpring Double Spring Double Spring Double Spring Double Spring Double Spring Double Spring DBL DblS DblSp DblSpr DblSprn DblSprng DoblSprng Doug Bolton DougBltn 34 12 9 83 25 45 AP 884 13/31 130 1500 G 100 02GA Doug Bolton Commerce 02GA Doug Bolton FLD DougBolton Doug Bolton Doug Bolton Doug Bolton Doug Bolton Doug Bolton Doug Bolton Doug Bolton DGB DgBl DgBlt DgBltn DogBltn DougBltn DougBoltn 03W Georgia GA 704-335-5181 Duke 2 Duke 2 32 22 54 83 3 35 AP 340 06/24 60 2000 G 75 GE26 Duke 2 Dublin GE26 Duke Strip 2 Duke 2 Duke 2 Duke 2 Duke 2 Duke 2 Duke 2 Duke 2 Duke 2 DK2 Duk2 Duke2 Duke 2 Duke 2 Duke 2 Duke 2 Georgia GA 478-689-4942 Eagle Ridge EagleRdg 34 40 18 82 54 49 AP 850 05/23 50 2100 A 80 SC24 Eagle Ridge Seneca SC24 Eagle Ridge EagleRidge Eagle Ridge Eagle Ridge Eagle Ridge Eagle Ridge Eagle Ridge Eagle Ridge Eagle Ridge EAG EglR EglRd EglRdg EaglRdg EagleRdg EagleRidg 05W South Carolina SC 864-885-9485 Elbert County-Patz ElbrtCnt 34 5 43 82 48 57 A 603 122.8 11/29 99 5004 A 75 27A ElbertCntPtz Elberton EBA Elbert County-Patz FLD 122.8 122.8 100LL 0 ElbrtCntPt ElbertCntPtz ElbertCountPtz ElbertCountyPtz ElbertCountyPatz Elbert CountyPatz Elbert County Patz Elbert County Patz ELB Elbr Elbrt ElbrtC ElbrtCn ElbrtCnt ElbrtCntP 06W Georgia GA 706-283-2035 Eliott Barrow ElttBrrw 33 11 44 82 16 22 L 400 EliottBarrow EliottBrrw EliottBarrow Eliott Barrow Eliott Barrow Eliott Barrow Eliott Barrow Eliott Barrow Eliott Barrow ELT Eltt ElttB ElttBr ElttBrr ElttBrrw ElittBrrw Emanuel County EmanlCnt 32 36 33 82 22 12 A 327 122.975 14/32 129 6021 A 100 SBO EmanuelCount Swainsboro SBO East Georgia RGNL 122.975 122.975 100LL 1 EmanuelCnt EmanuelCount Emanuel County Emanuel County Emanuel County Emanuel County Emanuel County Emanuel County EMN Emnl EmnlC EmnlCn EmnlCnt EmanlCnt EmanulCnt 06W Georgia GA 478-237-5882 Fairfield County FrfldCnt 34 18 56 81 6 32 A 577 123.05 04/22 38 5003 A 100 FDW FairfieldCnt Winnsboro FDW Fairfield County 123.05 123.05 100LL 0 FairfldCnt FairfieldCnt FairfieldCount FairfieldCounty Fairfield County Fairfield County Fairfield County Fairfield County FRF Frfl Frfld FrfldC FrfldCn FrfldCnt FarfldCnt 07W South Carolina SC (803) 718-0087 Farm Farm 32 40 28 82 46 16 AP 375 10/28 100 2560 G 75 01GE Farm Wrightsville 01GE The Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm FRM Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Georgia GA 678-977-2076 Franklin County FrnklnCn 34 20 25 83 7 51 A 890 122.9 08/26 80 5000 A 75 18A FranklinCont Canon 18A Franklin-Hart 122.9 100LL 0 FranklnCnt FranklinCont FranklinCounty Franklin County Franklin County Franklin County Franklin County Franklin County FRN Frnk Frnkl Frnkln FrnklnC FrnklnCn FrnklnCnt 05W Georgia GA 706-255-6072 Green Pond GreenPnd 34 48 30 82 4 36 AP 788 12/30 120 2850 G 85 SC39 Green Pond Woodruff SC39 Green Pond Green Pond Green Pond Green Pond Green Pond Green Pond Green Pond Green Pond Green Pond GRE GrnP GrnPn GrnPnd GrenPnd GreenPnd GreenPond South Carolina SC 854-542-7253 Greene County GreenCnt 33 35 52 83 8 20 A 677 122.8 07/25 64 5500 A 75 3J7 GreeneCounty Greensboro 3J7 Greene County RGNL 122.8 122.8 100LL 0 GreeneCont GreeneCounty Greene County Greene County Greene County Greene County Greene County Greene County GRC GrnC GrnCn GrnCnt GrenCnt GreenCnt GreeneCnt 05W Georgia GA (706) 453-2715 Greenville Downtown GrnvllDw 34 50 53 82 21 0 A 1048 119.9 01/19 1 5393 A 100 GMU GrnvllDwntwn Greenville GMU Greenville Downtown 127.075 119.9 119.9 122.95 100LL 0 GrnvllDwnt GrnvllDwntwn GreenvllDwntwn GreenvillDwntwn GreenvilleDwntwn GreenvilleDowntwn Greenville Downtown Greenville Downtown GRV Grnv Grnvl Grnvll GrnvllD GrnvllDw GrnvllDwn 05W South Carolina SC 864-242-4777 Greenville-Spartanburg GrnvllSp 34 53 44 82 13 8 A 964 118.8 04/22 32 11001 A 150 GSP GrnvllSprtnb Greer GSP Greenville Spartanburg Intl 134.25 120.1 120.1 122.95 100LL 0 GrnvllSprt GrnvllSprtnb GrnvllSprtnbrg GrenvllSprtnbrg GreenvllSprtnbrg GreenvillSprtnbrg GreenvilleSpartanbrg Greenville Spartanburg GRI Gree Green Greenv GrnvllS GrnvllSp GrnvllSpr 06W South Carolina SC (864) 848-6272 Gwinn Gwinn 33 56 2 80 47 46 AP 390 10/28 100 2100 G 75 1SC2 Gwinn Hopkins 1SC2 Gwinn FLD Gwinn Gwinn Gwinn Gwinn Gwinn Gwinn Gwinn Gwinn GWN Gwnn Gwinn Gwinn Gwinn Gwinn Gwinn South Carolina SC 803-776-8464 Gwinnett County GwnnttCn 33 58 41 83 57 45 A 1061 121.8 07/25 64 6000 A 100 LZU Gwinnett Lawrenceville LZU Gwinnett County/Briscoe FLD 132.275 124.1 124.1 123.05 100LL 0 GwinnttCnt GwinnettCont GwinnettCounty Gwinnett County Gwinnett County Gwinnett County Gwinnett County Gwinnett County GWI Gwin Gwnnt Gwnntt GwnnttC GwnnttCn GwnnttCnt 05W Georgia GA 770-822-5196 Habersham County HbrshmCn 34 30 3 83 33 17 A 1434 122.7 06/24 57 5506 A 100 AJR HabershamCty Cornelia AJR Habersham County 122.7 122.7 100LL 0 HabrshmCnt HabershamCnt HabershamCount HabershamCounty Habersham County Habersham County Habersham County Habersham County HBR Hbrs Hbrsh Hbrshm HbrshmC HbrshmCn HbrshmCnt 06W Georgia GA 706-839-0248 Hacienda De Gay HacindDG 32 39 48 82 4 31 AP 328 17/35 170 2000 G 80 7GA3 HaciendaDeGa Garfield 7GA3 Hacienda De Gay Airstrip HaciendaDG HaciendaDeGa Hacienda DeGay Hacienda De Gay Hacienda De Gay Hacienda De Gay Hacienda De Gay Hacienda De Gay HCN Hcnd HcndD HcndDG HacndDG HacindDG HaciendDG 04W Georgia GA 706-551-0746 Harman Harman 33 29 3 81 49 33 AP 458 14/32 140 1500 G 50 SC20 Harman Langley SC20 Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman Harman HRM Hrmn Harmn Harman Harman Harman Harman 04W South Carolina SC Harpers Harpers 32 45 31 81 13 29 AP 111 04/22 40 3600 G 150 02SC Harpers Estill 02SC Harpers Harpers Harpers Harpers Harpers Harpers Harpers Harpers Harpers HRP Hrpr Hrprs Harprs Harpers Harpers Harpers 04W South Carolina SC 803-942-0633 Hawks Nest Farm HwksNstF 34 48 29 82 59 55 AP 1050 03/21 30 1800 G 100 SC26 HawksNestFrm West Union SC26 Hawks Nest Farm HwksNstFrm HawksNestFrm Hawks NestFarm Hawks Nest Farm Hawks Nest Farm Hawks Nest Farm Hawks Nest Farm Hawks Nest Farm HWK Hwks HwksN HwksNs HwksNst HwksNstF HwksNstFr 04W South Carolina SC 864-903-1017 Hay Hay 33 31 2 83 26 23 AP 650 12/30 120 3000 G 50 1GE7 Hay Madison 1GE7 Hay FLD Hay Hay Hay Hay Hay Hay Hay Hay HAY Hay Hay Hay Hay Hay Hay 04W Georgia GA (770) 380-2914 Holt Holt 32 21 39 82 20 5 AP 280 11/29 110 2600 G 60 13GE Holt Oak Park 13GE Holt Airpark Holt Holt Holt Holt Holt Holt Holt Holt HLT Holt Holt Holt Holt Holt Holt Georgia GA 912-578-3211 Hudson River Landing HdsnRvrL 34 15 36 83 17 12 AP 665 01/19 10 2000 G 50 33GA HdsnRvrLndng Carnesville 33GA Hudson River Landing HdsnRvrLnd HdsnRvrLndng HudsonRvrLndng HudsonRivrLndng HudsonRiverLndng HudsonRiverLandng Hudson River Landing Hudson River Landing HDS Hdsn HdsnR HdsnRv HdsnRvr HdsnRvrL HdsnRvrLn 04W Georgia GA 706-335-9423 Jackson County JcksnCnt 34 10 28 83 33 40 A 951 122.8 17/35 163 5009 A 75 19A JacksonCty Jefferson JCA Jackson County 122.975 122.975 100LL 0 JacksonCnt JacksonCount Jackson County Jackson County Jackson County Jackson County Jackson County Jackson County JCK Jcks Jcksn JcksnC JcksnCn JcksnCnt JacksnCnt 05W Georgia GA 706-367-1493 Kaolin Kaolin 32 58 0 82 50 17 A 438 123 13/31 120 5016 A 75 0.6 OKZ Kaolin Sandersville OKZ Kaolin FLD 123.0 123.0 100LL 0 Kaolin Kaolin Kaolin Kaolin Kaolin Kaolin Kaolin Kaolin KLN Kaln Kaoln Kaolin Kaolin Kaolin Kaolin 05W Georgia GA 478-552-9136 Kennedy Intranational Knndntrn 33 31 35 83 38 17 AP 695 123.075 10/28 100 3900 G 75 2GA0 Kennedy Newborn 2GA0 Kennedy Intranational 123.075 Knndntrntn Kenndntrntnl Kennedyntrntnl KennedyIntrntnl KennedyIntrantnl KennedyIntranatnl KennedyIntranational Kennedy Intranational KNN Knnd Knndn Knndnt Knndntr Knndntrn Knndntrnt 03W Georgia GA 678-485-2567 Lee Gilmer LeeGilmr 34 16 21 83 49 49 A 1276 123.075 05/23 41 5500 A 100 GVL LeeGilmer Gainesville GVL Lee Gilmer Meml 123.075 123.075 100LL 0 Lee Gilmer Lee Gilmer Lee Gilmer Lee Gilmer Lee Gilmer Lee Gilmer Lee Gilmer Lee Gilmer LGL LGlm LGlmr LeGlmr LeeGlmr LeeGilmr LeeGilmer 03W Georgia GA 770-535-6882 Lenora Lenora 33 48 16 83 59 47 AP 940 06/24 60 2800 G 100 2GA9 Lenora Snellville 2GA9 Lenora Lenora Lenora Lenora Lenora Lenora Lenora Lenora Lenora LNR Lenr Lenor Lenora Lenora Lenora Lenora 02W Georgia GA 770-979-8462 Lexington County LxngtnCn 33 47 13 81 5 41 AP 460 11/29 110 3350 G 90 2SC8 LexingtonCnt Gaston 2SC8 Gaston LexngtnCnt LexingtonCnt LexingtonCount LexingtonCounty Lexington County Lexington County Lexington County Lexington County LXN Lxng Lxngt Lxngtn LxngtnC LxngtnCn LxngtnCnt 05W South Carolina SC 717-829-6334 LT World LT World 33 46 3 84 4 6 AP 700 09/27 90 2600 G 80 00GA LTWorld Lithonia 00GA LT World LT World LT World LT World LT World LT World LT World LT World LT World LTW LTWr LTWrl LTWrld LTWorld LT World LT World 03W Georgia GA 770-482-4836 Madison Madison 33 36 44 83 27 38 A 694 122.8 14/32 141 3806 A 75 52A Madison Madison 52A Madison Muni 122.8 122.8 100LL 0 Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison MDS Mdsn Madsn Madisn Madison Madison Madison 04W Georgia GA 706-342-1251 Metter Metter 32 22 26 82 4 45 A 197 123 10/28 93 5001 A 75 MHP Metter Metter MHP John Edwin Jones SR Fld/Metter Muni 123.0 123.0 100LL 0 Metter Metter Metter Metter Metter Metter Metter Metter MTT Mttr Mettr Metter Metter Metter Metter 07W Georgia GA 912-536-5909 Midville Midville 32 50 43 82 16 15 AP 265 13/31 130 2600 G 80 92GE Midville Midville 92GE Midville Intl Midville Midville Midville Midville Midville Midville Midville Midville MDV Mdvl Mdvll Midvll Midvill Midville Midville Georgia GA 478-589-7124 Monroe Monroe 33 46 53 83 41 37 A 867 122.9 03/21 31 5000 A 75 D73 MonroeGa Monroe D73 Cy Nunnally Meml 122.9 100LL 2 Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe MNR Monr Monro Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe 04W Georgia GA 770-267-7536 Monticello Sky Ranch MntcllSk 33 19 57 83 43 37 AP 690 14/32 140 3900 G 80 GA06 MonticelloSky Monticello GA06 Monticello Sky Ranch MntcllSkRc MonticllSkRc MonticelloSkRc MonticelloSkyRc Monticello SkyRc Monticello Sky Rc Monticello Sky Ranch Monticello Sky Ranch MNT Mntc Mntcl Mntcll MntcllS MntcllSk MntcllSkR 02W Georgia GA (770) 365-5288 Moore's Moores 34 35 37 82 23 56 AP 871 09/27 90 1400 G 60 SC43 Moores Williamston SC43 Moore's FLD Moores Moores Moores Moores Moores Moores Moores Moores MRS Mors Moors Moores Moores Moores Moores 04W South Carolina SC (864) 243-2276 Mount Holly Mt Holly 33 3 16 80 5 0 AP 55 12/30 120 2700 G 65 SC98 Mount Holly Goose Creek SC98 Mount Holly Mt Holly Mount Holly Mount Holly Mount Holly Mount Holly Mount Holly Mount Holly Mount Holly MTH MtHl MtHll MtHoll MtHolly Mt Holly Mt Holly 06W South Carolina SC 803-875-1530 Mountain Ridge MtnRidge 34 57 38 82 20 22 AP 980 05/23 50 1950 A 60 25SC Mtn Ridge Greenville 25SC Mountain Ridge Mtn Ridge Mtn Ridge Mountain Ridge Mountain Ridge Mountain Ridge Mountain Ridge Mountain Ridge Mountain Ridge MTN MtnR MtnRd MtnRdg MtnRidg MtnRidge Mtn Ridge South Carolina SC 864-244-5284 Mustang Mustang 34 28 40 82 53 50 AP 693 13/31 130 2000 G 75 0GA1 Mustang Hartwell 0GA1 Mustang FLD Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang Mustang MST Mstn Mstng Mustng Mustang Mustang Mustang 03W Georgia GA 706-371-5492 Neely Farms NeelFrms 33 31 53 83 47 31 AP 720 15/33 150 2100 G 120 9GE7 Neely Covington 9GE7 Neely Farms NeelyFarms Neely Farms Neely Farms Neely Farms Neely Farms Neely Farms Neely Farms Neely Farms NLF NlFr NlFrm NlFrms NelFrms NeelFrms NeelyFrms Georgia GA 770-778-1700 North AF Aux 1 NAFAux 1 33 36 34 81 4 52 Y 321 118.15 06/24 60 10003 A 150 XNO N AF Aux 1 North XNO North Af Aux N AF Aux 1 N AF Aux 1 North AF Aux 1 North AF Aux 1 North AF Aux 1 North AF Aux 1 North AF Aux 1 North AF Aux 1 NFX NFx1 NAFx1 NAFAx1 NAFAux1 NAFAux 1 NAFAux 1 07W South Carolina SC 843-963-3028 Northeast Georgia NrthstGr 33 58 58 83 40 3 A 943 123 13/31 129 5500 A 100 WDR NrtheastGa Winder WDR Barrow County 123.0 123.0 100LL 0 NorthstGrg NortheastGrg NortheastGeorg NortheastGeorgi NortheastGeorgia Northeast Georgia Northeast Georgia Northeast Georgia NRT Nrth Nrths Nrthst NrthstG NrthstGr NrthstGrg 05W Georgia GA 770-307-3013 Oakhill Oakhill 34 35 5 82 21 6 AP 837 10/28 100 2400 G 100 SC82 Oakhill Williamson SC82 Oakhill Airpark Oakhill Oakhill Oakhill Oakhill Oakhill Oakhill Oakhill Oakhill OKH Okhl Okhll Oakhll Oakhill Oakhill Oakhill 04W South Carolina SC (864) 419-8565 Oconee County OconeCnt 34 40 19 82 53 13 A 892 122.7 07/25 68 5000 A 100 CEU OconeeCounty Clemson CEU Oconee County RGNL 122.7 122.7 100LL 0 OconeeCont OconeeCounty Oconee County Oconee County Oconee County Oconee County Oconee County Oconee County OCN OcnC OcnCn OcnCnt OconCnt OconeCnt OconeeCnt 05W South Carolina SC 864-882-2959 Over The Hill OvrThHll 34 8 29 80 44 48 AP 250 09/27 90 2000 G 100 12SC Over TheHill Elgin 12SC Over The Hill OverTheHll Over TheHill Over The Hill Over The Hill Over The Hill Over The Hill Over The Hill Over The Hill OVR OvrT OvrTh OvrThH OvrThHl OvrThHll OverThHll 06W South Carolina SC 803-438-3085 Parker Field ParkrFld 34 45 41 82 9 41 AP 860 05/23 50 3200 G 100 SC47 Parker Field Simpsonville SC47 Parker FLD ParkerFild Parker Field Parker Field Parker Field Parker Field Parker Field Parker Field Parker Field PRK Prkr PrkrF PrkrFl PrkrFld ParkrFld ParkerFld 05W South Carolina SC 864-967-9822 Pea Patch PeaPatch 33 18 7 82 10 20 AP 434 18/36 180 2500 G 200 61GA Pea Patch Blythe 61GA Pea Patch Aerodrome Pea Patch Pea Patch Pea Patch Pea Patch Pea Patch Pea Patch Pea Patch Pea Patch PPT PPtc PPtch PePtch PeaPtch PeaPatch Pea Patch 03W Georgia GA 706-790-0511 Pegasus Ranch PegassRc 32 41 38 81 47 55 AP 230 03/21 30 2000 G 100 0GE9 Pegasus Rc Rocky Ford 0GE9 Pegasus Ranch Pegasus Rc Pegasus Rc Pegasus Ranch Pegasus Ranch Pegasus Ranch Pegasus Ranch Pegasus Ranch Pegasus Ranch PGS Pgss PgssR PgssRc PegssRc PegassRc PegasusRc Georgia GA 912-863-7161 Pickens County PcknsCnt 34 48 36 82 42 10 A 1013 122.8 05/23 44 5002 A 100 LQK PickensCount Pickens LQK Pickens County 122.8 122.8 100LL 0 PickensCnt PickensCount Pickens County Pickens County Pickens County Pickens County Pickens County Pickens County PCK Pckn Pckns PcknsC PcknsCn PcknsCnt PicknsCnt 04W South Carolina SC 864-843-5803 Prater Ranch PraterRc 33 50 36 82 28 44 AP 460 14/32 140 3200 G 140 3GE8 Prater Ranch Lincolnton 3GE8 Prater Ranch Prater Rc Prater Ranch Prater Ranch Prater Ranch Prater Ranch Prater Ranch Prater Ranch Prater Ranch PRT Prtr PrtrR PrtrRc PratrRc PraterRc Prater Rc 04W Georgia GA 404-359-4811 Rambos Field RambsFld 34 6 11 82 16 54 AP 550 10/28 100 2200 G 50 SC92 Rambos Field Abbeville SC92 Rambos FLD RambosFild Rambos Field Rambos Field Rambos Field Rambos Field Rambos Field Rambos Field Rambos Field RMB Rmbs RmbsF RmbsFl RmbsFld RambsFld RambosFld 04W South Carolina SC 864-554-0900 Ridgeland Ridgelnd 32 29 34 80 59 32 A 79 122.7 03/21 30 2692 A 70 -EST 3J1 Ridgeland Ridgeland 3J1 Ridgeland-Claude Dean 123.075 123.075 100LL 4 Ridgeland Ridgeland Ridgeland Ridgeland Ridgeland Ridgeland Ridgeland Ridgeland RDG Rdgl Rdgln Rdglnd Ridglnd Ridgelnd Ridgeland 04W South Carolina SC (843) 547-8380 Ridgewood Air Ridgewdr 34 17 30 82 3 14 AP 560 08/26 80 3100 A 40 2SC5 RidgewoodAir Waterloo 2SC5 Ridgewood Air Ridgewoodr RidgewoodAir Ridgewood Air Ridgewood Air Ridgewood Air Ridgewood Air Ridgewood Air Ridgewood Air RID Rdgw Rdgwd Rdgwdr Ridgwdr Ridgewdr Ridgewodr 05W South Carolina SC 864-377-2544 Russell Russell 33 21 29 80 27 35 AP 110 13/31 130 2400 G 75 SC17 Russell Holly Hill SC17 Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell RSS Rssl Rssll Russll Russell Russell Russell 05W South Carolina SC 803-496-5140 Santee Cooper SanteCpr 33 35 14 80 12 31 A 103 122.8 02/20 12 3602 A 75 MNI SanteeCooper Manning MNI Santee Cooper RGNL 122.8 122.8 100LL 0 SanteeCopr SanteeCooper Santee Cooper Santee Cooper Santee Cooper Santee Cooper Santee Cooper Santee Cooper SNT SntC SntCp SntCpr SantCpr SanteCpr SanteeCpr 06W South Carolina SC (803) 433-3223 Savannah/Hilton Head SvnnhHlt 32 7 39 81 12 8 A 50 118.4 10/28 91 9351 C 150 SAV SavnnhHltnHd Savannah SAV Savannah/Hilton Head Intl 123.75 125.975 125.975 122.95 100LL SvnnhHltnH SavnnhHltnHd SavannahHltnHd SavannahHiltnHd SavannahHiltonHd SavannahHiltonHed Savannah/Hilton Head Savannah/Hilton Head SVN Svnn Svnnh SvnnhH SvnnhHl SvnnhHlt SvnnhHltn 06W Georgia GA 912-964-0514 Sebastian Cove SebstnCv 33 27 15 83 16 40 AP 490 122.9 08/26 80 2700 G 175 32GA SebastianCov Eatonton 32GA Sebastian Cove 122.9 SebastinCv SebastianCov Sebastian Cove Sebastian Cove Sebastian Cove Sebastian Cove Sebastian Cove Sebastian Cove SBS Sbst Sbstn SbstnC SbstnCv SebstnCv SebastnCv 03W Georgia GA 706-473-3672 Seven Lakes SevenLks 33 19 28 83 54 59 AP 630 18/36 180 2930 G 130 62GA SevenLakes Jackson 62GA Seven Lakes SevenLakes Seven Lakes Seven Lakes Seven Lakes Seven Lakes Seven Lakes Seven Lakes Seven Lakes SEV SvnL SvnLk SvnLks SevnLks SevenLks SevenLaks 02W Georgia GA (678) 350-5777 Sexton Sexton 34 21 23 81 48 15 PA 560 15/33 150 2200 G 100 19SC Sexton Newberry 19SC Sexton Sexton Sexton Sexton Sexton Sexton Sexton Sexton Sexton SXT Sxtn Sextn Sexton Sexton Sexton Sexton 04W South Carolina SC 864-569-9332 Shiloh Plantation ShlhPlnt 33 7 14 80 57 3 AP 131 16/34 160 3000 G 75 SC69 ShilohPlnttn Ehrhardt SC69 Shiloh Plantation ShlhPlnttn ShilohPlnttn ShilohPlantatn ShilohPlantatin ShilohPlantation Shiloh Plantation Shiloh Plantation Shiloh Plantation SHL Shlh ShlhP ShlhPl ShlhPln ShlhPlnt ShlhPlntt 05W South Carolina SC 843-693-1970 Sleepy Hollow SlepHllw 33 41 35 83 39 28 AP 750 16/34 160 2600 A 22 18GA SleepyHollow Social Circle 18GA Sleepy Hollow SleepyHllw SleepyHollow Sleepy Hollow Sleepy Hollow Sleepy Hollow Sleepy Hollow Sleepy Hollow Sleepy Hollow SLP SlpH SlpHl SlpHll SlpHllw SlepHllw SleepHllw 03W Georgia GA (404) 642-8660 Southern Aero Sports SthrnrSp 34 37 30 81 53 54 AP 600 16/34 160 3800 G 200 16SC SothrnrSprts Cross Anchor 16SC Southern Aero Sports MOGAS SthrnrSprt SothrnrSprts SouthernrSprts SouthernArSprts SouthernAerSprts SouthernAeroSprts Southern Aero Sports Southern Aero Sports STH Sthr Sthrn Sthrnr SthrnrS SthrnrSp SthrnrSpr 04W South Carolina SC 803-969-3400 Southern Ag Southrng 32 19 43 81 45 19 AP 180 09/27 90 2000 G 100 1GA4 Southern Ag Statesboro 1GA4 Southern Ag Aviation SouthernAg Southern Ag Southern Ag Southern Ag Southern Ag Southern Ag Southern Ag Southern Ag SOU Sout South Sthrng Sothrng Southrng Southerng 03W Georgia GA 912-685-5803 Southern Oaks Sothrnks 33 43 53 83 28 11 AP 121 10/28 100 1400 G 100 GE35 SouthernOaks Bostwick GE35 Southern Oaks Southernks SouthernOaks Southern Oaks Southern Oaks Southern Oaks Southern Oaks Southern Oaks Southern Oaks SOT Souh Soute Sthrnk Sthrnks Sothrnks Southrnks Georgia GA Spring Valley SprngVll 33 47 49 83 51 5 AP 920 06/24 60 3000 G 100 6GA4 SpringValley Loganville 6GA4 Spring Valley Farm SpringVall SpringValley Spring Valley Spring Valley Spring Valley Spring Valley Spring Valley Spring Valley SPI Sprn Sprng SprngV SprngVl SprngVll SpringVll 02W Georgia GA 770-466-2649 Statesboro-Bulloch County SttsbrBl 32 28 58 81 44 13 A 187 122.8 14/32 135 6000 A 100 TBR SttsbrBllchC Statesboro TBR Statesboro-Bulloch County 122.725 122.725 100LL 0 SttsbrBllc SttsbrBllchC SttsbrBllchCnt StatsbrBllchCnt StatesbrBllchCnt StatesborBllchCnt StatesboroBullochCnt StatesboroBullochCount STE Stts Sttsb Sttsbr SttsbrB SttsbrBl SttsbrBll 05W Georgia GA 912-764-9083 Sunset GA SunsetGA 33 44 0 83 49 8 AP 780 15/33 150 2100 G 150 0GA6 SunsetGa Jersey 0GA6 Sunset Strip Sunset GA Sunset GA Sunset GA Sunset GA Sunset GA Sunset GA Sunset GA Sunset GA SNS Snst SnstG SunstG SunsetG SunsetGA Sunset GA 02W Georgia GA 770-490-9249 Swaids Swaids 32 23 41 81 16 50 AP 85 02/20 20 3000 G 50 2GA2 Swaids Springfield 2GA2 Swaids FLD Swaids Swaids Swaids Swaids Swaids Swaids Swaids Swaids SWD Swds Swads Swaids Swaids Swaids Swaids 04W Georgia GA 912-655-0966 Taylor Field TaylrFld 33 43 27 83 34 1 AP 710 10/28 100 2100 G 50 GA16 TaylorField Bostwick GA16 Taylor FLD TaylorFild Taylor Field Taylor Field Taylor Field Taylor Field Taylor Field Taylor Field Taylor Field TLR TlrF TlrFl TlrFld TalrFld TaylrFld TaylorFld 02W Georgia GA 706-342-0496 Thomason Thomason 34 21 48 81 59 35 AP 642 17/35 170 2000 G 75 SC56 Thomason Mountville SC56 Thomason Airfield Thomason Thomason Thomason Thomason Thomason Thomason Thomason Thomason THO Thms Thmsn Thomsn Thomasn Thomason Thomason 04W South Carolina SC 864-430-3466 Toccoa RG Letourneau TccRGLtr 34 35 34 83 17 47 A 996 122.8 02/20 21 5008 A 100 TOC ToccoaRGLtrn Toccoa TOC Toccoa RG Letourneau FLD 122.8 122.8 100LL 0 ToccRGLtrn ToccoaRGLtrn ToccoaRGLetorn ToccoaRGLetourn ToccoaRGLetourne ToccoaRGLetournea Toccoa RG Letourneau Toccoa RG Letourneau TCC TccR TccRG TccRGL TccRGLt TccRGLtr TccRGLtrn 06W Georgia GA 706-886-5632 Tokeena Tokeena 34 33 37 82 56 7 zP 800 10/28 100 1000 G 75 SC96 Tokeena Seneca SC96 Tokeena Air Park Tokeena Tokeena Tokeena Tokeena Tokeena Tokeena Tokeena Tokeena TKN Tokn Token Tokeen Tokeena Tokeena Tokeena 04W South Carolina SC 864-934-0999 Treutlen County TrtlnCnt 32 23 15 82 33 48 A 345 122.9 16/34 160 3000 A 50 -EST 4J8 TreutlenCont Soperton 4J8 Treutlen County 122.9 TreutlnCnt TreutlenCont TreutlenCounty Treutlen County Treutlen County Treutlen County Treutlen County Treutlen County TRT Trtl Trtln TrtlnC TrtlnCn TrtlnCnt TretlnCnt 03W Georgia GA 912-529-3664 Vidalia Vidalia 32 11 34 82 22 16 A 275 122.8 13/31 132 5002 C 150 VDI Vidalia Vidalia VDI Vidalia RGNL 122.8 122.8 100LL 0 Vidalia Vidalia Vidalia Vidalia Vidalia Vidalia Vidalia Vidalia VDL Vidl Vidal Vidali Vidalia Vidalia Vidalia 06W Georgia GA 912-537-3979 W H 'Bud' Barron WHBdBrrn 32 33 52 82 59 7 A 309 122.7 02/20 16 6501 A 150 DBN W HBudBarron Dublin DBN W H 'Bud' Barron 122.7 122.7 100LL 0 WHBudBarrn W HBudBarron W H Bud Barron W H Bud Barron W H Bud Barron W H Bud Barron W H Bud Barron W H Bud Barron WHB WHBd WHBdB WHBdBr WHBdBrr WHBdBrrn WHBudBrrn 04W Georgia GA 478-272-4755 Washington-Wilkes County WshngtnW 33 46 48 82 49 0 A 645 122.7 13/31 126 4020 A 72 IIY WshngtnWlksC Washington IIY Washington/Wilkes County 122.7 122.7 100LL 0 WshngtnWlk WshngtnWlksC WshngtnWlksCnt WashngtnWlksCnt WashingtnWlksCnt WashingtonWlksCnt WashingtonWilkesCont WashingtonWilkesCounty WSH Wshn Wshng Wshngt Wshngtn WshngtnW WshngtnWl 07W Georgia GA 706-678-2662 West Newberry WNewberr 34 16 16 81 46 22 LP 570 W Newberry W Newberry W Newberry West Newberry West Newberry West Newberry West Newberry West Newberry West Newberry WNW WNwb WNwbr WNwbrr WNewbrr WNewberr WNewberry Whispering Pines WhsprngP 33 46 56 83 59 20 AP 940 122.725 15/33 150 2600 A 20 GA80 WhisperingPines Conyers GA80 Whispering Pines 122.725 WhsprngPns WhisperngPns WhisperingPins WhisperingPines Whispering Pines Whispering Pines Whispering Pines Whispering Pines WHS Whsp Whspr Whsprn Whsprng WhsprngP WhsprngPn 02W Georgia GA 770-843-9128 White Plains WhitPlns 33 57 50 81 21 33 AP 520 122.9 09/27 90 3000 A 35 SC99 White Plains Lexington SC99 Whiteplains 122.9 WhitePlans White Plains White Plains White Plains White Plains White Plains White Plains White Plains WHT WhtP WhtPl WhtPln WhtPlns WhitPlns WhitePlns South Carolina SC 803-567-2998 Whitehall Whitehll 32 29 56 83 11 30 AP 350 07/25 70 4017 G 70 4GE3 Whitehall Montrose 4GE3 Whitehall Whitehall Whitehall Whitehall Whitehall Whitehall Whitehall Whitehall Whitehall WHI Whth Whthl Whthll Whithll Whitehll Whitehall Georgia GA 770-634-4041 Williamsport Wllmsprt 34 51 40 82 34 51 AP 1100 15/33 150 2500 G 75 SC86 Williamsport Easley SC86 Williamsport Airpark Willimsprt Williamsport Williamsport Williamsport Williamsport Williamsport Williamsport Williamsport WIL Wllm Wllms Wllmsp Wllmspr Wllmsprt Willmsprt 04W South Carolina SC 864-238-6990 Wrens Wrens 33 13 22 82 23 1 A 450 122.7 11/29 110 3000 A 50 -EST 65J Wrens Wrens 65J Wrens Meml 122.7 122.7 0 Wrens Wrens Wrens Wrens Wrens Wrens Wrens Wrens WRN Wrns Wrens Wrens Wrens Wrens Wrens 03W Georgia GA 706-547-3000 Yahu Yahu 33 36 7 80 18 22 lP 140 122.975 01/19 10 4400 G 80 3SC2 Yahu Summerton 3SC2 Spirit FLD 122.975 Yahu Yahu Yahu Yahu Yahu Yahu Yahu Yahu YAH Yahu Yahu Yahu Yahu Yahu Yahu South Carolina SC 843-709-0665