;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Pehuajo (BA), Argentina + ; + ; Campeonato regional zona centro. CP Pehuajo 2019 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Mario Berazategui + ; + ; Generated Saturday, 02 February 2019 at 18:57 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "AP" "AP" "_" "S3550.400" "W06151.433" "America" "AMERIC" "_" "S3529.333" "W06258.333" "Ancon" "ANCON" "_" "S3534.583" "W06150.483" "Belloco" "BELLOC" "_" "S3554.700" "W06131.800" "Beruti" "BERUTI" "_" "S3551.900" "W06230.900" "Bolivar" "BOLIVR" "_" "S3612.000" "W06104.000" "Cabecera norte" "CBCRNR" "_" "S3550.517" "W06151.217" "Cadret" "CADRET" "_" "S3546.400" "W06119.500" "Casares" "CASARS" "_" "S3537.700" "W06121.800" "Cementerio" "CEMNTR" "_" "S3549.500" "W06153.117" "Chiclana" "CHICLN" "_" "S3543.533" "W06144.317" "ClubdePlaneadoresPehuj" "CLBDPL" "_" "S3550.467" "W06151.450" "Club pesca" "CLBPSC" "_" "S3546.400" "W06154.400" "Cop de Agua Sto Tomas" "CPDGST" "_" "S3541.417" "W06130.333" "Cru 226 86" "CR2268" "_" "S3552.450" "W06151.550" "Cruvia" "CRUVIA" "_" "S3551.217" "W06156.183" "Curaru" "CURARU" "_" "S3539.017" "W06210.317" "Daireaux" "DAIREX" "_" "S3636.000" "W06145.000" "Esc agro" "ESCAGR" "_" "S3547.117" "W06147.450" "Estacion Alagon" "ESTCNL" "118.35" "S3556.417" "W06158.767" "Estacion Pehuajo" "ESTCNP" "_" "S3548.567" "W06153.383" "Este" "ESTE" "_" "S3549.017" "W06134.950" "Giondo" "GIONDO" "_" "S3559.017" "W06137.017" "Girodias" "GIRODS" "_" "S3622.000" "W06221.200" "Gnecco" "GNECCO" "_" "S3540.217" "W06157.467" "Guanaco" "GUANAC" "_" "S3542.233" "W06138.067" "Henderson" "HNDRSN" "_" "S3618.133" "W06142.517" "Henderson Aero" "HENDER" "_" "S3618.883" "W06144.733" "Herrera Vegas" "HRRRVG" "_" "S3605.017" "W06124.900" "La Cotorra" "LACTRR" "_" "S3601.500" "W06213.800" "Madero" "MADERO" "_" "S3551.200" "W06204.200" "Magdala" "MAGDAL" "_" "S3604.567" "W06143.433" "Media Noche" "MEDNCH" "_" "S3557.550" "W06146.150" "Mones Cazon" "MNSCZN" "_" "S3613.500" "W06200.700" "Nueva Plata" "NUVPLT" "_" "S3555.750" "W06148.483" "Nueve de Julio" "NUVDJL" "_" "S3526.800" "W06052.000" "Nueve de Julio Aero" "NVDJLR" "_" "S3524.000" "W06056.167" "Paso" "PASO" "_" "S3551.200" "W06217.900" "Pedro Gamen" "PDRGMN" "_" "S3538.800" "W06150.017" "Sto Tomas" "STOTMS" "_" "S3540.117" "W06130.417" "Sur" "SUR" "_" "S3602.483" "W06146.833" "Tejedor" "TEJEDR" "_" "S3523.100" "W06225.300" "Trenque Lauquen" "TRNQLQ" "_" "S3558.167" "W06243.567"