;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Parowan, Utah [ 1-26 ] + ; + ; 1-26 Championships, 2006 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Del Blomquist + ; + ; Generated Thursday, 09 February 2006 at 07:11 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Finish" "FINISH" "122.8" "N3751.400" "W11248.783" "Start A" "STRT A" "_" "N3754.700" "W11252.750" "Start B" "STRT B" "133.125" "N3754.600" "W11244.983" "Start C" "STRT C" "_" "N3748.467" "W11245.117" "Start D" "STRT D" "_" "N3748.567" "W11252.883" "Parowan" "PAROWN" "122.8" "N3751.583" "W11248.967" "Bald Hills" "BLDHLL" "_" "N3751.883" "W11311.667" "Beaver Muni" "BEVRMN" "CTA 122.9" "N3813.850" "W11240.517" "Beryl Junction" "BRLJNC" "_" "N3742.600" "W11338.750" "Brian Head" "BRINHD" "_" "N3741.700" "W11250.850" "Burnt Peak" "BRNTPK" "_" "N3802.783" "W11233.683" "Cedar City" "CEDARC" "CTA 123.6" "N3742.050" "W11305.917" "Chalk Hollow" "CHLKHL" "_" "N3813.133" "W11251.917" "Enoch" "ENOCH" "_" "N3745.550" "W11301.250" "Exit 95" "EXIT95" "_" "N3804.483" "W11241.167" "Fillmore" "FILLMR" "CTA 122.8" "N3857.500" "W11221.800" "Graff Point" "GRFFPN" "_" "N3733.700" "W11308.850" "Indian Peak" "INDNPK" "_" "N3809.883" "W11350.933" "Junction" "JUNC" "CTA 122.9" "N3815.000" "W11213.533" "Kanosh Canyon" "KNSHCN" "_" "N3845.733" "W11223.100" "Lamerdorf Peak" "LMRDRF" "_" "N3818.200" "W11336.567" "Marysvale" "MARSVL" "_" "N3827.000" "W11214.150" "Milford" "MILFRD" "CTA 122.8" "N3825.600" "W11300.750" "Monroe Peak" "MONRPK" "_" "N3832.433" "W11204.500" "Panguitch" "PNGTCH" "CTA 122.9" "N3750.717" "W11223.517" "Pole Mountain" "POLMTN" "_" "N3824.133" "W11232.150" "Richfield" "RCHFLD" "CTA 122.8" "N3844.183" "W11205.933" "Sulphurdale" "SLPHRD" "_" "N3834.350" "W11235.550" "Sun Valley" "SUNVLL" "_" "N3758.500" "W11327.800" "White Pine Peak" "WHTPNP" "_" "N3852.000" "W11214.000"