Site Paraparaumu, New Zealand Courtesy of Philip Plane Airport and elevation information courtesy of Michael-Lorenz Meier Updated 29 October, 2001 Time Zone Name NZ File created on Wednesday, 09 January 2002 at 04:16 GMT The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees >>>>>>>>>> UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<< Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Number Name North/South Latitude [degrees] Latitude [minutes] Latitude [seconds] Latitude [decimal minutes] Latitude [decimal degrees] East/West Longitude [degrees] Longitude [minutes] Longitude [seconds] Longitude [decimal minutes] Longitude [decimal degrees] Elevation [Feet] Control P Turnpoint ID[6] ICAO Identifier 1 Paraparaumu S 40 54 24 54.40002 -40.906667 E 174 59 18 59.29998 174.988333 20 TAHSF Ref pt PARAPM NZPP 2 Mokai S 39 40 47 40.78302 -39.679717 E 176 1 38 1.63302 176.027217 328 T Road End MOKAI 3 Terawhiti S 41 17 50 17.83302 -41.297217 E 174 37 9 37.15002 174.619167 69 T South tip TWHITI 4 Kaitawa S 38 48 24 48.40002 -38.806667 E 177 8 8 8.12802 177.135467 417 T Power Station KTWPS 5 Hood S 40 58 23 58.38 -40.973 E 175 38 4 38.05998 175.634333 361 TA Airfield HOOD NZMS 6 Jury Hill S 41 6 2 6.03 -41.1005 E 175 30 20 30.33 175.5055 289 T Clubhouse J-HILL 7 Dannevirke S 40 13 16 13.27002 -40.221167 E 176 5 2 5.04 176.084 640 TA Clubhouse DVIRKE NZDV 8 Waipukurau S 39 59 54 59.89998 -39.998333 E 176 32 12 32.20002 176.536667 430 TA Clubhouse WAIPUK NZYP 9 Willow Flat S 39 0 12 0.19998 -39.003333 E 176 56 42 56.7 176.945 144 T Road Bridge WILLOW 10 Turakirae Head S 41 26 25 26.409 -41.44015 E 174 54 56 54.939 174.91565 89 T TRKRAE 11 Otamauri S 39 30 15 30.25002 -39.504167 E 176 29 50 29.83302 176.497217 223 T Junction OTAMRI 12 Ferry S 41 23 31 23.517 -41.39195 E 175 8 56 8.93298 175.148883 108 T NDB Site FERRY 13 Tokomaru S 40 28 15 28.24998 -40.470833 E 175 30 15 30.25002 175.504167 207 T Railway Station TOKOMR 14 Kereru S 39 38 8 38.13 -39.6355 E 176 25 18 25.30692 176.421782 282 T KERERU 15 Taonui S 40 15 30 15.49998 -40.258333 E 175 36 12 36.19998 175.603333 210 TA Clubhouse WMGC NZFI 16 Tok w/fall S 40 30 44 30.73998 -40.512333 E 175 31 18 31.30002 175.521667 210 T Waterfall TOK-WF 17 Makara Gun T S 41 13 16 13.26 -41.221 E 174 41 53 41.88 174.698 66 T Gun turret MAKARA 18 Kuripapango S 39 24 47 24.78 -39.413 E 176 19 3 19.05 176.3175 243 T Trig point KURIPP 19 Te Pohue S 39 15 0 15 -39.25 E 176 40 45 40.75002 176.679167 161 T Road Junction TEPOHU 20 Patoka S 39 20 30 20.50002 -39.341667 E 176 36 0 36 176.6 194 T Road Junction PATOKA 21 Martinborough S 41 13 7 13.11 -41.2185 E 175 27 36 27.6 175.46 236 T Town Square MBROGH 22 Gladstone S 41 4 20 4.33998 -41.072333 E 175 37 47 37.78002 175.629667 302 T Bridge GLDSTN 23 Ekatahuna Rl S 40 38 5 38.08998 -40.634833 E 175 42 43 42.70998 175.711833 266 T North Rail Br EKATNA 24 Te Rewarewa S 41 4 0 4.00002 -41.066667 E 174 50 0 49.99998 174.833333 59 T South Tip TERWRW 25 Paekakariki S 40 59 21 59.35002 -40.989167 E 174 56 49 56.82 174.947 69 T Road/Rail X PAEKAK 26 Akatarawa S 40 56 40 56.67 -40.9445 E 175 6 11 6.18 175.103 89 T Lookout Pt AKATRW 27 Otaki Gorge S 40 49 20 49.33002 -40.822167 E 175 11 52 11.86002 175.197667 128 T Suspension Bridge OTAKIG 28 Kuku S 40 40 51 40.84998 -40.680833 E 175 13 48 13.8 175.23 171 T Old Dairy Fy KUKU 29 Mangahao S 40 34 28 34.47 -40.5745 E 175 27 0 27 175.45 197 T Power Station MANGAH 30 Featherston S 41 7 3 7.05 -41.1175 E 175 19 27 19.45002 175.324167 246 T Road/Rail Junction FTHRST 31 Shannon S 40 33 0 33 -40.55 E 175 25 0 25.00002 175.416667 200 T Grandstand SHANON 32 Kiwi Korner S 40 25 20 25.33002 -40.422167 E 175 35 31 35.50998 175.591833 200 T Hwy 57 X-Rd KIWI 33 Hinakura S 41 17 40 17.65998 -41.294333 E 175 38 50 38.83998 175.647333 253 T Hall HINKRA 34 Umutoi S 39 59 14 59.23002 -39.987167 E 175 56 50 56.83998 175.947333 292 T Bridge to East UMUTOI