++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Palmeira das Missoes, RS, Brazil + + + + Contributed by Lucas Agostini + + Contributed on 18 November 2024 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Tuesday, 19 November 2024 at 23:18 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 90, Ajuricaba, -28, -14.33, -53, -45.93 84, Alegria, -27, -47.33, -54, -1.82 92, AlmrntTmnd, -28, -6.83, -52, -54.82 1, Barreiro, -27, -54.5, -53, -6.7, 564 2, Bicaco, -27, -43.07, -53, -42.35, 510 3, BoVstdsMsss, -27, -41.17, -53, -18.47, 616 4, Campo Novo, -27, -40.0, -53, -48.62, 445 5, Carazinho, -28, -19.28, -52, -48.92, 565 6, Chapada, -28, -3.58, -53, -3.97, 544 43, ChgdCbcr06, -27, -54.3, -53, -19.98, 628 7, Chiapeta, -28, -8.0, -53, -49.0, 380 96, Cilada, -28, -11.8, -53, -22.7 8, Condor, -28, -10.58, -53, -28.6, 546 42, ControleSl, -27, -56.78, -53, -23.13 9, Cruz Alta, -28, -43.22, -53, -38.72, 435 10, Cruzltrclb, -28, -39.43, -53, -36.6, 470 11, Espumoso, -28, -44.22, -52, -51.35, 365 88, EsquinaArj, -27, -58.07, -54, -6.98 87, EsquinBnns, -28, -31.95, -53, -46.7 83, EsqnBmScss, -28, -7.68, -53, -56.57 12, EsquinaBck, -28, -4.28, -53, -32.5, 558 13, EsquinSBnt, -27, -49.13, -53, -25.08, 616 14, EsqunSchrr, -27, -59.6, -53, -25.85, 600 FAI300A, FA300, -27, -41.2, -53, -42.65, 507 FAI300B, F300B, -28, -35.67, -53, -32.35, 458 FAI300C, F300C, -28, -14.23, -52, -45.12, 547 FAI500A, FA500, -27, -34.73, -53, -52.87 FAI500B, F500B, -29, -2.27, -54, -24.8, 401 FAI500C, F500C, -28, -16.4, -52, -40.82 FAI750A, FA750, -27, -21.8, -53, -45.53 FAI750B, F750B, -28, -58.78, -55, -13.67 FAI750C, F750C, -29, -6.62, -52, -20.32, 556 99, FazndVCtnh, -27, -55.7, -53, -32.85 15, Fazndctrll, -27, -49.77, -53, -32.28, 555 16, FrdrcWstph, -27, -20.83, -53, -24.12, 460 17, Guarita, -27, -45.92, -53, -33.45, 524 18, Horizontin, -27, -38.3, -54, -20.43, 322 19, Ibiruba, -28, -37.67, -53, -3.67, 420 20, Ijui, -28, -22.22, -53, -50.72, 361 89, Independnc, -27, -50.98, -54, -11.43 21, Joia, -28, -40.33, -54, -4.43, 360 22, JuldCstlhs, -29, -9.15, -53, -44.57, 470 85, Lagoa3Cnts, -28, -34.3, -52, -51.37 23, Lufa, -27, -49.45, -53, -27.68, 556 98, NovaRamada, -28, -3.97, -53, -41.82 24, Palmerrclb, -27, -53.88, -53, -19.55, 635 25, PalmeirTrv, -27, -58.47, -53, -19.37, 612 26, Panambi, -28, -15.75, -53, -30.37, 521 27, PanambiTrv, -28, -21.0, -53, -30.18, 507 28, PassoFundo, -28, -14.72, -52, -19.72, 722 29, PssFndrclb, -28, -15.0, -52, -30.97, 600 30, Passo Raso, -27, -48.68, -53, -16.12, 508 31, PejussrTrv, -28, -28.13, -53, -32.85, 513 95, Roos, -28, -11.12, -53, -13.77 93, Roubada, -27, -59.03, -53, -53.42 91, SaldnhMrnh, -28, -24.02, -53, -5.6 32, SantaBarbr, -28, -23.2, -53, -15.52, 494 33, Santa Rosa, -27, -54.53, -54, -31.32, 300 34, SantoAngel, -28, -16.88, -54, -10.13, 324 35, Sarandi, -27, -58.83, -52, -51.78, 620 36, Seberi, -27, -29.92, -53, -23.42, 544 94, Sede Pivos, -27, -54.9, -53, -42.07 37, SantoAugst, -27, -52.92, -53, -45.72, 545 38, TioHugoTrv, -28, -34.58, -52, -35.72, 529 39, TresPassos, -27, -30.73, -53, -53.88, 458 44, Trv Hipica, -27, -56.03, -53, -19.47, 629 45, Trv Norte, -27, -52.0, -53, -19.97, 606 46, TrvPortico, -27, -53.0, -53, -18.23, 631 86, TrvGranelr, -28, -36.2, -53, -20.25 40, Tupanciret, -29, -5.97, -53, -48.62, 485 41, Van Ass, -28, -1.15, -53, -33.58, 572