;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Hilltown, Pennsylvania + ; + ; Jack's Dam Task + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Alain Daumas + ; + ; Generated Friday, 29 March 2024 at 17:12 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "A G A Farms" "N4025.533" "W07513.950" "Aerequus" "N4023.450" "W07500.850" "Air Haven" "N4121.000" "W07528.983" "Albrecht" "N3928.400" "W07630.017" "Allen" "N3956.467" "W07446.250" "Alliance" "N3930.283" "W07505.583" "Altemose" "N4005.550" "W07530.950" "Ashland Landing Farm" "N3907.083" "W07605.783" "Ashlawn" "N4137.317" "W07535.783" "B Flat Farm" "N4208.433" "W07336.717" "Bally Spring Farm" "N4025.917" "W07537.567" "Baneys" "N4001.033" "W07649.183" "Benton" "N4112.000" "W07623.233" "Blue Mtn Academy" "N4033.167" "W07601.733" "Blueberry" "N4217.500" "W07504.000" "Boden" "N4150.800" "W07526.783" "Boehms" "N4126.583" "W07500.483" "Breezecroft" "N3915.000" "W07612.317" "Bridgeport Cahill" "N3947.500" "W07522.483" "Broadt" "N4059.833" "W07623.033" "Bugs" "N4042.850" "W07518.267" "Carsonville" "N4029.417" "W07646.000" "Catskill Valley" "N4216.833" "W07357.167" "CedarAcresPrivateGrp" "N4030.000" "W07508.817" "Charles G Kalko" "N4142.333" "W07517.283" "Chestnut Hill" "N4023.800" "W07704.450" "Circle W" "N3957.517" "W07658.250" "Cmelak" "N4204.750" "W07318.433" "Cosklos Elkview" "N4137.617" "W07531.700" "Coyle" "N3948.750" "W07425.483" "Cromwell Farm" "N3916.483" "W07600.600" "Crosswinds" "N4020.583" "W07534.367" "Cuatros Vientos" "N4039.550" "W07552.433" "Cuddihy Landing" "N4011.217" "W07416.033" "DAngelo" "N3920.350" "W07546.000" "Daves" "N3919.083" "W07512.383" "Dee Jay" "N4024.500" "W07630.233" "Deer Run" "N4219.417" "W07352.383" "Deitch" "N4015.467" "W07704.883" "Dons Place" "N4031.083" "W07554.983" "Double D Skyranch" "N4102.150" "W07601.350" "Doyles" "N3901.250" "W07534.633" "Duffys" "N3919.550" "W07544.500" "Eagles Lair" "N4028.067" "W07503.033" "East Penn" "N4046.000" "W07546.483" "Ekdahl" "N4010.967" "W07416.733" "Elephant Path" "N4024.617" "W07513.767" "Emmanuel" "N3935.800" "W07514.017" "Erwinna Private" "N4030.000" "W07503.983" "Evans" "N4028.833" "W07457.717" "Fairview Farm" "N4032.000" "W07627.733" "Fauser" "N4106.167" "W07648.333" "Fetters Construction" "N4005.500" "W07542.650" "Flying Acres" "N3910.867" "W07554.533" "Flying D Farm" "N4028.100" "W07500.150" "Flying Eagle" "N4038.750" "W07648.733" "Flying Ridge" "N4122.083" "W07317.467" "Forest Hill" "N3934.800" "W07622.483" "Fox" "N4029.133" "W07713.233" "Fox Hollow" "N4059.600" "W07654.017" "Full Throttle Farm" "N3918.750" "W07543.733" "Gap View" "N4051.550" "W07508.033" "Gardiner" "N4140.000" "W07408.983" "Gehris" "N4019.033" "W07517.433" "Gilbert" "N3955.767" "W07646.250" "Gilfert" "N4047.033" "W07712.400" "Goat Hill" "N4021.083" "W07454.567" "Graces Landing" "N4220.283" "W07444.950" "Grayce Farms" "N4136.000" "W07540.983" "Graystrip" "N4021.733" "W07510.817" "Grover" "N4055.000" "W07551.983" "Gunden" "N4019.750" "W07516.900" "Gusler" "N4027.917" "W07650.400" "Hackenburg PennyHill" "N4109.000" "W07653.983" "Halka Nurseries" "N3921.983" "W07516.100" "Halletts" "N4054.633" "W07509.900" "Harman" "N4031.333" "W07650.733" "Harris 1" "N3920.000" "W07604.983" "Harris 2" "N3949.217" "W07555.550" "Hartung" "N4039.117" "W07511.167" "Haunstein" "N4019.000" "W07707.483" "Herr Brothers" "N4033.333" "W07504.350" "Herr Mountain" "N4035.500" "W07450.483" "Hexton Farms" "N3922.500" "W07554.400" "Hi Vu" "N4042.000" "W07532.983" "Hiawatha" "N4154.900" "W07521.867" "Hidden Acres Farm" "N3925.983" "W07523.800" "Hideaway" "N3953.067" "W07607.117" "High Meadow Farms" "N4053.750" "W07459.983" "High Valley" "N3940.017" "W07557.417" "Hill Top" "N4105.000" "W07420.317" "Hoge Farm" "N4028.167" "W07504.933" "Hop Brook Farm" "N4021.067" "W07410.883" "Horst" "N4023.000" "W07627.983" "Huf" "N4059.750" "W07544.433" "Hybarc Farm" "N3912.183" "W07601.500" "In The Woods" "N4200.983" "W07402.950" "Inductotherm" "N4000.900" "W07450.583" "J F T" "N4056.667" "W07702.750" "Jansen Vineyards" "N4039.000" "W07703.450" "Jarrett" "N4014.000" "W07504.500" "John E Rogers" "N4051.200" "W07455.783" "Johnsons" "N3904.083" "W07529.317" "Kellachows" "N4131.333" "W07523.767" "Kennersley" "N3908.683" "W07602.433" "Kitner" "N4024.767" "W07714.483" "Klaverack" "N4215.733" "W07341.767" "Kolb" "N4009.600" "W07532.783" "Kunda" "N4010.000" "W07526.983" "Lake" "N4107.017" "W07631.250" "Lazy B Ranch" "N4001.350" "W07649.000" "Lazy J Ranch" "N4117.750" "W07535.867" "Level Acres Farm" "N3957.250" "W07654.567" "Lewis Landing" "N4125.100" "W07431.950" "Long View Landing" "N4140.000" "W07316.967" "Lynchs Landing" "N3943.467" "W07604.233" "MD1" "N4122.083" "W07430.333" "Malinchak" "N4137.500" "W07531.983" "Malone" "N4033.000" "W07500.983" "Mar Bar L Farms" "N4016.583" "W07423.317" "Mason Airway" "N4219.483" "W07459.183" "Masser" "N4038.000" "W07635.817" "Mathna" "N4001.000" "W07702.483" "Matthews" "N4047.500" "W07504.233" "McDonalds" "N4053.167" "W07609.217" "McKeown" "N3929.733" "W07544.000" "Mt Pleasant Landing" "N4058.183" "W07504.017" "Mountain Bay" "N4122.800" "W07513.950" "Moxleys" "N3937.500" "W07615.750" "Moyer" "N4017.800" "W07514.883" "Newberg" "N3917.500" "W07534.500" "Norts Resort" "N4135.750" "W07601.783" "North Canaan" "N4202.717" "W07320.317" "Numidia" "N4051.967" "W07623.850" "Old Commonwealth" "N4029.467" "W07605.867" "Old Orchard" "N4139.433" "W07404.633" "Old Plains" "N4023.667" "W07526.483" "Old Rhinebeck" "N4158.283" "W07351.767" "Olmstead Landing" "N4215.950" "W07518.600" "Orange Poultry Farm" "N4119.667" "W07419.483" "Orson" "N4150.533" "W07526.183" "Our Domain" "N3904.000" "W07544.000" "Parker" "N4040.617" "W07501.483" "Peaslees" "N3947.350" "W07513.750" "Pegasus" "N4056.000" "W07520.983" "Pemberton" "N3958.917" "W07441.567" "Pembroke Farm" "N3943.167" "W07612.500" "Peters" "N4036.000" "W07443.983" "Rainbows End" "N3939.667" "W07527.917" "Reed" "N4130.000" "W07524.983" "Ridgeview" "N4027.000" "W07511.983" "Roadcap" "N4047.300" "W07706.367" "Roseland" "N3911.367" "W07552.617" "Rover" "N4017.000" "W07632.367" "Roxbury Runway" "N4217.833" "W07432.900" "Russo" "N4025.967" "W07508.983" "Salem" "N3933.750" "W07526.983" "Sauers Haven" "N4053.033" "W07658.800" "Saxon Farms" "N3909.133" "W07601.117" "Schadels" "N4040.000" "W07640.983" "Seesholtz" "N4102.667" "W07621.317" "Sency" "N4053.733" "W07556.650" "Sheeleys Farm" "N4149.900" "W07407.800" "Sherman" "N4138.333" "W07344.567" "Shreveport North" "N4002.167" "W07659.733" "Shulls" "N4018.000" "W07717.983" "Skyline" "N4030.383" "W07556.600" "Slack" "N4018.000" "W07504.983" "Smith" "N3920.267" "W07605.883" "Snook" "N4044.000" "W07715.983" "Solt" "N4046.800" "W07542.983" "Spirit" "N3922.417" "W07544.750" "Stahls Mountain" "N4144.867" "W07529.850" "Stallone" "N3940.800" "W07515.150" "Stanton" "N4145.000" "W07406.983" "Stefanik" "N4027.167" "W07512.233" "Stoe Creek Farm" "N3928.883" "W07524.317" "Strizki" "N4141.833" "W07535.700" "Sunny Rest" "N4049.000" "W07539.983" "Taylor" "N3911.233" "W07547.567" "Thomas Browne" "N3941.483" "W07508.600" "Tidmore" "N4042.300" "W07614.183" "Tintinhull" "N4030.000" "W07504.983" "Tomahawk Hills" "N4223.983" "W07454.383" "Townsend A" "N3924.850" "W07539.783" "Turtle Rock" "N4019.767" "W07710.067" "Valley View" "N4238.850" "W07423.233" "Var Sky" "N3939.000" "W07517.050" "Wayne Delp" "N4223.967" "W07351.967" "Weidel" "N4020.417" "W07451.267" "Weiss Farm" "N4055.417" "W07452.233" "West Penn Township" "N4044.867" "W07555.983" "Westtown" "N4121.683" "W07431.467" "Whalen" "N3910.050" "W07550.417" "White Birch" "N4203.000" "W07518.067" "Wicker and Wings" "N4024.200" "W07522.233" "Wide Sky" "N3926.800" "W07518.800" "Wildcat" "N4045.783" "W07600.283" "Windward Farms" "N4026.950" "W07501.067" "Wings Ago" "N4151.000" "W07315.967" "Wright" "N3916.617" "W07603.767" "Yingst" "N4023.750" "W07644.750" "Aeroflex Andover" "N4100.517" "W07444.283" "Airhaven" "N4149.950" "W07352.550" "Allentown Queen City" "N4034.217" "W07529.300" "Baublitz Commercial" "N3951.133" "W07629.183" "Bendigo" "N4033.517" "W07633.567" "Bermudian Valley" "N4001.000" "W07700.233" "Bloomsburg" "N4059.867" "W07626.167" "Braden" "N4044.533" "W07514.583" "Brandywine" "N3959.400" "W07534.917" "Bucks" "N3928.383" "W07511.117" "Camden County" "N3946.700" "W07456.867" "Candlelight Farms" "N4134.000" "W07327.967" "Capital City" "N4013.033" "W07651.083" "Carlisle" "N4011.267" "W07710.450" "Cecil County" "N3934.450" "W07552.183" "Central Jersey" "N4031.467" "W07435.900" "Chandelle Estates" "N3912.133" "W07529.133" "Cherry Ridge" "N4130.917" "W07515.083" "ChesterCountyGOCrlsn" "N3958.733" "W07551.933" "Columbia County" "N4217.483" "W07342.617" "Cross Keys" "N3942.333" "W07501.983" "Danbury" "N4122.300" "W07328.933" "Danville" "N4057.083" "W07638.567" "Deck" "N4021.133" "W07619.783" "Delaware" "N3913.100" "W07535.800" "Donegal Springs" "N4005.533" "W07634.467" "Dutchess County" "N4137.600" "W07353.050" "Eagles Nest" "N3939.917" "W07418.483" "Essex County" "N4052.517" "W07416.883" "Essex Skypark" "N3915.750" "W07625.933" "Fallston" "N3930.083" "W07624.683" "Farmers Pride" "N4026.567" "W07626.500" "Flying Dollar" "N4113.000" "W07514.983" "Flying M" "N4044.233" "W07542.317" "Flying W" "N3956.050" "W07448.433" "Freehold" "N4221.850" "W07403.950" "Green Acres" "N4208.917" "W07345.050" "Greenville Rainbow" "N4225.000" "W07400.967" "Greenwood Lake" "N4107.700" "W07420.800" "Hammonton" "N3940.050" "W07445.467" "Harford County" "N3934.017" "W07612.150" "Harrisburg" "N4011.617" "W07645.800" "Hazleton" "N4059.200" "W07559.700" "Jake Arner" "N4048.567" "W07545.683" "Jenkins" "N3907.167" "W07535.033" "John F Kennedy" "N4038.383" "W07346.733" "Joseph Y Resnick" "N4143.667" "W07422.650" "Kampel" "N4002.900" "W07658.683" "Keller Brothers" "N4017.500" "W07619.733" "Kingston Ulster" "N4159.117" "W07357.850" "Kline Kill" "N4221.000" "W07338.217" "Kobelt" "N4137.667" "W07408.033" "Kroelinger" "N3931.433" "W07502.783" "La Guardia" "N4046.633" "W07352.350" "Lakewood" "N4004.000" "W07410.667" "Lancaster" "N4007.300" "W07617.767" "Lehigh Valley" "N4039.150" "W07526.417" "Lincoln Park" "N4056.850" "W07418.867" "Linden" "N4037.050" "W07414.683" "Martin State" "N3919.533" "W07624.833" "Massey" "N3917.967" "W07547.967" "Millville" "N3922.067" "W07504.333" "Monmouth Executive" "N4011.217" "W07407.500" "Morristown" "N4047.967" "W07424.900" "New Castle" "N3940.717" "W07536.400" "Newark Liberty" "N4041.550" "W07410.117" "NortheastPhiladelphi" "N4004.917" "W07500.633" "NorthumberlandCounty" "N4050.217" "W07633.150" "Old Bridge" "N4019.800" "W07420.800" "Orange County" "N4130.600" "W07415.883" "Penn Valley" "N4049.267" "W07651.850" "Philadelphia" "N3952.333" "W07514.450" "Pocono Mountains" "N4108.250" "W07522.733" "ReadingCarl A Spaatz" "N4022.717" "W07557.917" "Red Lion" "N3954.250" "W07444.967" "Redwing" "N4001.583" "W07441.567" "Reigle" "N4017.250" "W07634.650" "Robert J Miller" "N3955.650" "W07417.550" "Rocky Hill" "N4108.867" "W07516.500" "Schuylkill County" "N4042.383" "W07622.383" "Seamans" "N4135.367" "W07545.367" "Shoestring" "N3947.683" "W07638.833" "Sky Acres" "N4142.450" "W07344.283" "Sky Manor" "N4033.983" "W07458.717" "Skyhaven" "N4131.750" "W07556.817" "Slatington" "N4045.817" "W07536.283" "Smoketown" "N4002.500" "W07612.083" "Smyrna" "N3918.217" "W07535.033" "South Albany" "N4233.650" "W07350.033" "South Jersey" "N3956.567" "W07450.750" "Southern Cross" "N3939.333" "W07500.867" "Spitfire" "N3944.133" "W07523.867" "Stewart" "N4130.250" "W07406.283" "Stormville" "N4134.617" "W07343.967" "Sullivan County" "N4142.100" "W07447.700" "Summit" "N3931.267" "W07543.417" "Sunbury" "N4053.500" "W07646.733" "Teterboro" "N4051.000" "W07403.650" "Trenton Mercer" "N4016.600" "W07448.800" "Trenton Robbinsville" "N4012.833" "W07436.100" "Vineland Downstown" "N3932.250" "W07457.983" "Walter J Koladza" "N4211.050" "W07324.200" "Warwick" "N4117.250" "W07417.233" "Westchester County" "N4104.017" "W07342.450" "WilkesBarreWyomngVll" "N4117.833" "W07551.067" "Wilkes BarreScranton" "N4120.317" "W07543.400" "Wings" "N4008.250" "W07515.900" "SFDork" "N3955.017" "W07652.383"