;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Orleans, France [St Denis de l'Hotel:Coupe des debutants] + ; + ; Control Points formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Alex Chartier + ; + ; Generated Monday, 08 July 2024 at 00:47 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "OrleansStDenisdelHotel" "ORLNSS" "TWR" "N4753,850" "E00209,850" "LFOZ NE" "LFOZNE" "_" "N4754,150" "E00210,433" "LFOZ SW" "LFOZSW" "_" "N4753,617" "E00209,333" "Porte Nord" "PRTNRD" "_" "N4753,700" "E00212,717" "Porte Sud" "PORTSD" "_" "N4752,600" "E00208,600" "Ablis" "ABLIS" "Pont N10/A11" "N4831,450" "E00149,983" "Alencon Valframbert" "ALNCNV" "Centre piste en dur" "N4826,850" "E00006,550" "Amboise Chateau" "AMBSCH" "_" "N4724,817" "E00059,267" "Amboise Dierre" "AMBSDR" "Hangar" "N4720,550" "E00056,633" "Angerville" "ANGRVL" "Gare SNCF" "N4818,667" "E00200,117" "Arcis/Aube" "ARCISB" "Gare SNCF" "N4831,650" "E00407,850" "Argent/Sauldre" "ARGNTS" "Gare SNCF" "N4733,717" "E00226,467" "Artenay" "ARTENA" "Peage A10" "N4805,033" "E00151,483" "Aubigny/Nere" "ABGNNR" "Intersection taxiway/piste" "N4728,817" "E00223,617" "Auxerre" "AUXERR" "Cathedrale" "N4747,833" "E00334,383" "Avallon LFGE" "AVLLNL" "Hangar" "N4730,000" "E00354,117" "BagnolesdelOrneCoutern" "BGNLSD" "Hangar" "N4832,750" "W00023,100" "Bailleau Armenonville" "BLLRMN" "Intersection pistes" "N4831,000" "E00138,433" "Bar/Aube" "BARAUB" "Gare SNCF" "N4814,483" "E00442,433" "Bar/Seine" "BARSEN" "Hangar" "N4804,133" "E00424,667" "Beaugency" "BEAGNC" "Gare SNCF" "N4746,667" "E00137,600" "Beaune" "BEAUNE" "Carrefour autoroutier centre ville" "N4701,817" "E00452,667" "Beaune la Rolande" "BNLRLN" "Silos (NW ville)" "N4804,383" "E00225,483" "Beauvoir" "BEAUVR" "_" "N4610,867" "W00028,350" "Bellegarde" "BLLGRD" "_" "N4758,850" "E00226,733" "Beynes Thiverval" "BNSTHV" "Ligne arrivee" "N4850,700" "E00153,883" "Blere" "BLERE" "Croisement centre ville" "N4719,667" "E00059,567" "Blois pont" "BLSPNT" "Vieux sud" "N4735,100" "E00120,367" "Blois Le Breuil" "BLSLBR" "Aero ouvert CAP" "N4740,783" "E00112,350" "Bonnetable" "BNNTBL" "Gare SNCF" "N4810,383" "E00025,167" "Bonneuil Matours" "BNNLMT" "Pont D3/Vienne" "N4640,967" "E00034,550" "Bonny/Loire" "BONNLR" "Gare SNCF" "N4733,533" "E00250,717" "Bourges cathedrale" "BRGSCT" "_" "N4704,950" "E00223,950" "Bourges LFLD" "BRGSLF" "Aero ouvert CAP" "N4703,867" "E00222,733" "Bourges voie ferree" "BRGSVF" "Noeud ferroviaire W" "N4705,367" "E00218,750" "Briare Chatillon" "BRRCHT" "Aero ouvert CAP" "N4736,867" "E00246,917" "Brienne le Ch Gare" "BRNNLC" "Ville" "N4823,717" "E00431,900" "Brou" "BROU" "Gare SNCF" "N4813,033" "E00109,733" "Buzancais" "BUZNCS" "Gare SNCF" "N4653,167" "E00125,133" "Cerdon" "CERDON" "Centre ville" "N4738,200" "E00221,800" "Chambord" "CHMBRD" "Chateau" "N4736,950" "E00131,050" "Chaource" "CHAORC" "Eglise" "N4803,483" "E00408,217" "Chartres cathedrale" "CHRTRS" "_" "N4826,883" "E00129,267" "Chartres Champhol" "CHARTR" "Installations" "N4827,567" "E00131,383" "Chateau du Loir" "CHDULR" "Gare SNCF" "N4741,017" "E00025,050" "Chateaudun gare" "CHTDNG" "SNCF" "N4804,400" "E00120,317" "Chateauneuf/Charents" "CHTNFC" "_" "N4536,000" "W00003,100" "Chateauneuf/Thymerais" "CHTNFT" "Centre ville" "N4834,800" "E00114,583" "Chateauneuf/Loire" "CHTNFL" "Gare SNCF" "N4752,100" "E00213,633" "Chateau Renault" "CHRNLT" "Gare SNCF" "N4735,183" "E00054,117" "Chateaurenard" "CHTRNR" "Gare SNCF" "N4755,867" "E00255,350" "Chateauroux Villers" "CHTRXV" "Aero ouvert CAP" "N4650,517" "E00137,267" "Chatellerault" "CHTLLR" "Echangeur nord sur N10" "N4650,267" "E00032,817" "Chatillon Coligny" "CHTLLN" "Aerodrome prive non entretenu" "N4748,017" "E00250,000" "Chatillon en Bazois" "CHATIL" "Eglise" "N4703,167" "E00339,333" "Chatillon en Vendelais" "CHATIO" "Eglise" "N4813,433" "W00110,650" "Chatillon/Indre" "CHATIN" "Eglise" "N4659,283" "E00110,517" "Chatillon/Loire" "CHATIL" "Pont routier sur la Loire" "N4735,867" "E00245,733" "Chatillon/Seine" "CHATIS" "Hangar" "N4750,967" "E00434,833" "Chaumont" "CHAMNT" "Viaduc SNCF W ville sur la Suize" "N4806,667" "E00507,350" "Chaumont Semoutiers" "CHMNTS" "Aerogare" "N4804,767" "E00503,533" "Chaumont/Loire" "CHMNTL" "Chateau" "N4728,750" "E00111,033" "Chenonceaux" "CHNNCX" "Chateau" "N4719,483" "E00104,283" "Cheverny" "CHEVRN" "Chateau" "N4730,067" "E00127,517" "Chinon" "CHINON" "Pont routier D 749/Vienne" "N4709,867" "E00014,333" "Cloyes/Loir" "CLOSLR" "Gare SNCF" "N4759,517" "E00114,617" "ColombeylesDeuxEglises" "CLMBLS" "Memorial Croix de Lorraine" "N4813,417" "E00452,433" "Contres" "CONTRS" "Centre viLle carrefour D675/D95" "N4725,033" "E00125,750" "Cormery" "CORMER" "Gare SNCF" "N4715,783" "E00050,067" "Cosne/Loire" "COSNLR" "Aero ouvert CAP" "N4721,633" "E00255,167" "Cosnes/Loire" "CSNSLR" "Pont D955/Loire" "N4724,700" "E00255,167" "Courtenay gare" "CRTNGR" "SNCF" "N4802,233" "E00303,467" "Courtenay A6" "CORTN6" "_" "N4803,333" "E00305,500" "Dame Marie" "DAMEMR" "Aerodrome prive 30M maxi" "N4731,967" "E00101,133" "Decize" "DECIZE" "Pont/Loire" "N4649,717" "E00329,500" "Descartes" "DSCRTS" "Gare SNCF" "N4658,467" "E00041,767" "Dhuizon" "DHUIZN" "Eglise" "N4735,350" "E00139,533" "Dordives" "DORDVS" "Y N7/Bretelle A6" "N4809,383" "E00245,817" "Dreux gare" "DREXGR" "SNCF" "N4843,833" "E00122,250" "Dreux Vernouillet" "DRXVRN" "Hangar" "N4842,483" "E00121,767" "Epuisay" "EPUISA" "Carrefour centre ville" "N4754,017" "E00055,833" "Fougeres/Bievre" "FGRSBV" "Aerodrome prive" "N4727,467" "E00121,967" "Freteval" "FRETVL" "Gare SNCF" "N4753,500" "E00112,783" "Fussy" "FUSSY" "Carrefour Centre ville" "N4708,650" "E00225,783" "Gien" "GIEN" "Pont ferroviaire" "N4741,283" "E00236,917" "Issoudun carrefour" "ISSDNC" "NE rocade" "N4657,167" "E00200,433" "Issoudun Le Fay" "ISSDNL" "Croisee des pistes" "N4653,317" "E00202,483" "Jargeau" "JARGEA" "Pont routier D921/Loire" "N4752,133" "E00207,533" "Joigny Pont" "JGNPNT" "Yonne" "N4758,850" "E00323,783" "Joigny LFGK" "JGNLFG" "Intersection taxiway/piste" "N4759,700" "E00323,517" "Joinville Mussey" "JNVLLM" "Hangars" "N4823,133" "E00508,850" "LEchalier" "LECHLR" "Aerodrome prive" "N4706,517" "E00134,000" "LIsle Jourdain" "LSLJRD" "Pont sud/Vienne" "N4613,783" "E00040,800" "Lamotte Beuvron" "LMTTBV" "_" "N4735,733" "E00202,083" "Le Blanc pont" "LBLNCP" "Routier/Creuse" "N4637,783" "E00103,833" "Le Louroux" "LELORX" "Milieu piste" "N4709,000" "E00042,767" "Les Aix dAngilon" "LSXDNG" "Eglise centre ville" "N4711,850" "E00234,300" "Levroux Grange Dieu" "LVRXGR" "Aerodrome prive" "N4657,700" "E00139,733" "Loches" "LOCHES" "Aerodrome prive 15 m maxi" "N4709,267" "E00100,883" "Malesherbes" "MLSHRB" "Gare SNCF" "N4817,567" "E00224,117" "Marchenoir" "MRCHNR" "Eglise" "N4749,383" "E00123,817" "Meung/Loire" "MENGLR" "Peage autoroute" "N4749,983" "E00140,167" "Millancay" "MILLNC" "Eglise" "N4726,917" "E00146,317" "Montargis gare" "MNTRGS" "SNCF" "N4800,417" "E00244,517" "Montargis Vimory" "MONTAR" "Aero ouvert CAP" "N4757,633" "E00241,150" "Montereau Fault Yonne" "MNTRFL" "Pont routier/Yonne" "N4823,300" "E00257,617" "Montrichard" "MNTRCH" "Aerodrome prive" "N4720,133" "E00112,250" "Moret Episy" "MORTPS" "Aero ouvert CAP" "N4820,517" "E00247,967" "Neung/Beuvron" "NNGBVR" "Carrefour D925/D923 en V" "N4732,233" "E00148,083" "Neuvy/Barangeon" "NVBRNG" "Eglise" "N4718,883" "E00215,350" "Nevers RP" "NVRSRP" "Est" "N4658,867" "E00312,700" "Nevers Fourchambault" "NVRSFR" "Aero ouvert CAP" "N4700,217" "E00306,650" "Nogent le Rotrou" "NGNTLR" "Gare SNCF" "N4819,550" "E00048,650" "Nouans les Fontaine" "NNSLSF" "Centre ville D675 X D760" "N4708,133" "E00117,967" "Pithiviers gare" "PTHVRS" "SNCF" "N4810,333" "E00214,600" "Pithiviers LFFP" "PITHIV" "Hangar" "N4809,417" "E00211,700" "Pont/Yonne" "PONTNN" "_" "N4816,350" "E00310,467" "Pont/Yonne LFGO" "PNTNNL" "Intersection pistes" "N4817,433" "E00315,050" "Pontlevoy" "PONTLV" "Aerodrome prive 15M Max" "N4723,167" "E00113,167" "Port de Piles" "PRTDPL" "Pont routier/Creuse" "N4700,367" "E00036,033" "Pouilly en Auxois" "PLLNXS" "Peage croisement A6/A38" "N4715,133" "E00433,700" "Romilly/Seine" "RMLLSN" "Croisee des pistes" "N4830,033" "E00345,800" "Romorantin Pruniers" "RMRNTN" "Hangars sud est" "N4718,917" "E00141,683" "Salbris" "SALBRS" "Gare SNCF" "N4725,417" "E00202,917" "Sancerre" "SANCRR" "Centre ville" "N4719,800" "E00250,367" "Sancoins" "SANCNS" "Centre ville" "N4649,917" "E00255,283" "Sandillon" "SNDLLN" "Aerodrome prive 15m max" "N4749,400" "E00203,850" "St Aignan" "STAGNN" "Chateau" "N4716,167" "E00122,483" "St Amand Monrond" "STMNDM" "Pont D951/Cher" "N4643,600" "E00229,450" "St Benoit/Loire" "STBNTL" "Aerodrome prive" "N4747,633" "E00220,217" "St Fargeau" "STFARG" "Chateau" "N4738,300" "E00304,350" "St Florentin Cheu" "STFLRN" "Aero ouvert CAP" "N4758,933" "E00346,700" "St Hippolyte" "STHPPL" "Aerodrome prive 15m max" "N4703,617" "E00108,650" "Sully/Loire" "SULLLR" "Pont routier" "N4746,200" "E00222,417" "Thivars" "THIVRS" "Echangeur A11" "N4821,783" "E00126,800" "Toury" "TOURY" "Croisement N20/D927" "N4811,300" "E00155,667" "Troyes" "TROYES" "Triangle voies ferrees N ville" "N4818,750" "E00403,700" "Troyes Barberey" "TRSBRB" "Aero ouvert CAP" "N4819,300" "E00401,000" "Valencay" "VALENC" "Chateau" "N4709,483" "E00133,800" "Vatan" "VATAN" "Eglise" "N4704,483" "E00148,633" "Vendome" "VENDOM" "Gare SNCF" "N4748,067" "E00103,983" "Viabon" "VIABON" "Eglise" "N4815,750" "E00131,417" "Vierzon Pont" "VRZNPN" "Acces peage/D918b" "N4714,583" "E00204,333" "Vierzon Mereau" "VRZNMR" "Hangar" "N4711,833" "E00204,000" "Villedieu/Indre" "VLLDND" "Centre ville" "N4650,883" "E00132,450" "Villeneuve lArcheveque" "VLLNVL" "Gare SNCF" "N4814,267" "E00333,083" "Villeneuve/Allier" "VILLEN" "Pont sur l'Allier" "N4639,583" "E00313,800" "Vouzeron" "VOUZRN" "Aerodrome prive 15m max" "N4715,133" "E00215,033" "Voves" "VOVES" "Gare SNCF" "N4816,467" "E00137,333" "Vitry" "VITRY" "_" "N4756,333" "E00216,017" "Gironville" "GRNVLL" "_" "N4811,067" "E00231,500" "Chatillon le Roi" "CHATIE" "_" "N4809,700" "E00206,200" "Chilleurs aux Bois" "CHLLRS" "_" "N4804,267" "E00208,050" "Buno Bonnevaux" "BNBNNV" "_" "N4821,017" "E00225,467" "Annay" "ANNAY" "_" "N4732,117" "E00255,917" "Mezieres" "MEZIRS" "_" "N4748,633" "E00150,467" "Sandillon2" "SANDIL" "_" "N4750,717" "E00201,983"