;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Orleans, France + ; + ; Coupe des Debutants, Inter-Regions, 2013 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Planeurs Orleans + ; + ; Generated Monday, 12 August 2013 at 00:50 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Allegre" "05" "N4512,183" "E00342,567" "Anet" "05" "N4851,550" "E00126,283" "Archiac" "01" "N4531,000" "W00021,000" "Aubusson" "05" "N4557,283" "E00209,967" "Augignac" "01" "N4532,983" "E00042,000" "Aulnay" "05" "N4601,200" "W00020,767" "Availles" "05" "N4607,300" "E00039,417" "Azay le Rideau" "05" "N4715,517" "E00028,017" "Baignes" "05" "N4523,117" "W00014,150" "Barbezieux StHilaire" "05" "N4528,400" "W00009,450" "Bas Meygnaud Valeuil" "01" "N4519,667" "E00038,250" "Bessines" "05" "N4606,550" "E00122,250" "Blanzac" "05" "N4528,617" "E00001,633" "Blet" "05" "N4652,967" "E00244,000" "Bonneville La Louvet" "01" "N4915,800" "E00022,300" "BoulogneMer lePortel" "01" "N5041,700" "E00134,083" "Bourcefranc" "05" "N4552,333" "W00108,050" "Bourdeil" "05" "N4519,250" "E00035,183" "Bouttemont" "01" "N4910,033" "W00000,167" "Brantome" "05" "N4522,117" "E00039,033" "Bray/Seine2" "05" "N4825,033" "E00314,250" "Brigueil CV" "05" "N4557,217" "E00051,867" "Brochot" "01" "N4858,600" "E00322,383" "Brossac" "05" "N4519,833" "W00002,633" "Bucey les Gy" "01" "N4725,317" "E00552,333" "Bujaleuf" "05" "N4547,783" "E00138,017" "Calviac" "01" "N4455,617" "E00204,083" "Cande" "05" "N4733,800" "W00101,767" "Carlux" "05" "N4453,067" "E00121,233" "Chailley" "01" "N4805,167" "E00342,333" "Chalonnes/Loire" "05" "N4721,750" "W00043,117" "Champagne Mouton" "05" "N4559,667" "E00024,600" "Champdeniers" "05" "N4629,200" "W00024,417" "ChamprondLePttBsLndr" "01" "N4823,617" "E00103,450" "Charroux" "05" "N4608,617" "E00024,433" "Chassene" "05" "N4549,550" "E00026,983" "Chateau Gontier" "05" "N4750,000" "W00042,267" "Chateaubriant Ch" "05" "N4743,267" "W00122,100" "Chatillon Coligny2" "05" "N4749,267" "E00251,017" "Chaunay" "05" "N4612,500" "E00009,933" "Chavagne" "05" "N4803,167" "W00147,250" "Chef Boutonne" "05" "N4606,700" "W00004,033" "Chirac" "05" "N4555,017" "E00039,250" "Coetquidam" "01" "N4756,633" "W00210,917" "Coex La Boissiere" "01" "N4643,450" "W00145,450" "Col du Beal" "01" "N4540,750" "E00347,333" "Combree" "05" "N4742,283" "W00101,767" "Condat/Vezere" "01" "N4506,433" "E00112,900" "Corbeny" "01" "N4927,450" "E00351,267" "Cornieville Geville" "01" "N4845,800" "E00541,750" "Courseulles/Mer" "01" "N4918,867" "W00027,167" "Craon" "05" "N4751,300" "W00056,933" "Crespin" "05" "N5026,383" "E00340,117" "CroixRoziersClavslls" "01" "N4604,683" "E00432,833" "Culan" "05" "N4632,717" "E00221,150" "Dignac" "05" "N4533,500" "E00016,600" "Dissay" "05" "N4642,033" "E00025,700" "Dussac" "01" "N4522,983" "E00102,283" "Ecouis" "05" "N4918,583" "E00125,950" "Ercee" "05" "N4749,583" "W00132,600" "Exideuil" "05" "N4520,283" "E00103,000" "Eyrignac" "01" "N4456,583" "E00118,700" "Fresnes" "01" "N4851,400" "E00626,117" "Gaillon" "05" "N4909,750" "E00119,833" "Gajoubert" "01" "N4607,300" "E00051,400" "GalinatTamnieslesEzs" "01" "N4459,583" "E00108,533" "Gencay" "05" "N4622,383" "E00024,217" "Gisors" "05" "N4916,867" "E00146,550" "Grassac" "05" "N4535,217" "E00024,217" "Guise" "05" "N4953,833" "E00337,350" "Hautefort" "05" "N4515,767" "E00108,617" "Henrichemont" "05" "N4718,167" "E00231,483" "Hiersac" "05" "N4540,300" "E00000,350" "Issoire CV" "05" "N4532,750" "E00315,500" "Janze" "05" "N4757,833" "W00129,683" "Jarnac CV" "05" "N4540,983" "W00010,517" "Javerlhac" "01" "N4533,250" "E00033,433" "La FermedEdouardDouy" "01" "N4904,000" "E00254,000" "La Ferme des Moulins" "01" "N4910,750" "E00059,867" "La Ferte Vidame" "05" "N4836,083" "E00054,000" "La Gravelle" "05" "N4805,050" "W00101,367" "La Guerche" "05" "N4756,517" "W00113,550" "La Jasserie" "01" "N4523,867" "E00435,000" "La Motte" "05" "N4907,483" "E00008,567" "La Palenderie" "05" "N4737,550" "E00037,717" "LaRochebeaucortrgntn" "01" "N4528,000" "E00024,000" "La Tranche/Mer" "01" "N4621,817" "W00125,467" "La Trancliere" "01" "N4605,700" "E00517,150" "LAbsie" "05" "N4638,017" "W00034,650" "Lagarde Enval" "01" "N4510,650" "E00148,100" "Lagleygeolle" "01" "N4504,800" "E00140,367" "Langon" "01" "N4745,850" "W00151,683" "Lanouail" "05" "N4523,517" "E00108,400" "Lapalisse Chateau" "05" "N4614,933" "E00338,383" "Le Ch La Chassagne" "01" "N4718,567" "E00449,167" "Le Dorat" "05" "N4612,950" "E00105,083" "Le Grand Pressigny" "05" "N4655,383" "E00048,183" "Le Lion dAngers" "05" "N4737,500" "W00041,767" "Le Neubourg" "05" "N4908,933" "E00054,083" "Le Pavillon" "01" "N4640,450" "E00127,783" "Le Quilloux" "01" "N4735,983" "W00154,817" "Le Thuit" "05" "N4915,367" "E00121,733" "Les Eyzies de Tayac" "05" "N4456,233" "E00100,867" "Leyrieu" "01" "N4545,950" "E00514,600" "Lezay" "05" "N4615,967" "W00000,583" "Lignieres" "05" "N4645,017" "E00210,900" "LIle dElle" "05" "N4619,500" "W00056,750" "Lizy/Ourcq" "01" "N4859,900" "E00302,117" "Loches Chateau" "05" "N4707,633" "E00100,283" "Loeuilly" "01" "N4946,167" "E00213,250" "Loulay" "05" "N4602,917" "W00030,483" "Loury" "05" "N4759,900" "E00205,317" "Lucon Chasnais" "01" "N4627,750" "W00114,283" "Lusignan" "05" "N4625,850" "E00006,433" "Magnac Laval" "05" "N4612,917" "E00110,050" "Mansle" "05" "N4552,633" "E00010,650" "Marcille Robert" "05" "N4756,683" "W00121,133" "Mareuil" "05" "N4527,217" "E00027,050" "Martel" "05" "N4456,233" "E00136,383" "Martizay" "05" "N4648,383" "E00102,617" "Matha" "05" "N4552,167" "W00019,133" "Mazeyrat" "01" "N4506,333" "E00330,433" "Mazieres" "05" "N4632,033" "W00019,333" "Mellay" "01" "N4812,000" "E00138,983" "Menars" "05" "N4738,367" "E00124,683" "Meymac" "05" "N4532,217" "E00208,717" "Meyssac" "05" "N4503,417" "E00140,617" "Mezieres" "05" "N4606,583" "E00054,550" "Mezieres2" "05" "N4748,633" "E00150,433" "Mirebeau" "05" "N4647,100" "E00010,967" "Monhoudou" "01" "N4816,567" "E00019,600" "Mont/Meurthe" "01" "N4832,483" "E00626,500" "Montboyer" "05" "N4519,517" "E00004,533" "Montmorillon" "01" "N4623,433" "E00056,850" "Montrevel en Bresse" "01" "N4620,700" "E00508,533" "Mordelles" "05" "N4804,467" "W00150,817" "MoulindeLachatnfnvll" "01" "N4755,983" "E00552,000" "Moulins Pont" "05" "N4633,333" "E00319,817" "Mouthiers/Boeme" "05" "N4533,483" "E00007,533" "Mouy" "01" "N4919,000" "E00217,933" "Necy Vignats" "01" "N4850,667" "W00006,550" "Negronde" "05" "N4520,733" "E00051,950" "Neuvic" "05" "N4506,083" "E00028,167" "Oradour/Glane" "05" "N4555,933" "E00101,983" "Oradour/Vayres" "05" "N4544,083" "E00051,783" "Orbigny2" "01" "N4713,300" "E00117,133" "Orgenoy" "01" "N4829,567" "E00234,417" "Paimpont" "05" "N4801,200" "W00210,483" "Palluau" "05" "N4656,767" "E00118,667" "Peyrelevade" "01" "N4542,367" "E00202,000" "Peyrillac" "01" "N4453,133" "E00125,383" "Piegut Pluviers" "05" "N4537,417" "E00041,483" "Pipriac" "05" "N4748,700" "W00156,767" "Ployart" "01" "N4930,217" "E00344,267" "Pompadour" "01" "N4524,483" "E00125,250" "Pons Jonzac" "05" "N4534,567" "W00032,917" "Pontarion" "05" "N4559,717" "E00150,800" "Premery" "05" "N4710,517" "E00320,250" "Pressac" "05" "N4606,983" "E00034,267" "Retiers" "05" "N4754,883" "W00122,733" "Rouillac" "05" "N4546,650" "W00003,833" "Saint Benoit" "01" "N4627,217" "E00124,283" "Saint Benoit du Saut" "05" "N4626,450" "E00123,583" "Saint Coutant" "01" "N4601,133" "E00025,983" "Ste Crepin Carlucet" "01" "N4458,000" "E00115,133" "Ste Cyr La Campagne" "01" "N4915,167" "E00101,683" "Saint Inglevert" "01" "N5052,950" "E00144,150" "SteRemyCreuseBuxeuil" "01" "N4657,217" "E00040,117" "Saint Romain" "01" "N4701,000" "E00441,983" "SteThibaultMenntssrd" "01" "N4941,650" "E00148,883" "Salignac" "05" "N4458,483" "E00119,367" "Santilly" "01" "N4809,667" "E00151,167" "Sauze Vaussais" "05" "N4608,083" "E00006,333" "Secondigny" "05" "N4636,717" "W00025,117" "Senonches" "05" "N4833,633" "E00102,250" "Septeuil" "05" "N4853,533" "E00140,800" "Servon Melzicourt" "01" "N4912,000" "E00449,983" "Sille le Guillaume" "05" "N4810,917" "W00006,983" "Sommevoire" "01" "N4826,100" "E00451,183" "Souge" "01" "N4745,750" "E00044,300" "Soulaire" "01" "N4733,933" "W00032,983" "St Angea" "05" "N4550,950" "E00017,333" "St Angel" "05" "N4530,367" "E00213,967" "St Astier" "05" "N4508,767" "E00031,683" "St Cere" "05" "N4451,617" "E00153,600" "St Claude" "05" "N4553,867" "E00028,000" "St Julien lArs" "05" "N4633,617" "E00030,517" "St Laure" "05" "N4546,283" "E00057,467" "St Maixent" "05" "N4624,767" "W00012,250" "St Mathi" "05" "N4542,450" "E00045,467" "St Pardoux laRiviere" "05" "N4529,683" "E00044,800" "St Savin" "05" "N4634,050" "E00051,917" "St Ciers" "01" "N4551,100" "E00016,050" "Talensac" "05" "N4806,450" "W00155,483" "Talmont Vendee AP" "01" "N4629,683" "W00134,500" "Tergnier" "05" "N4939,067" "E00318,267" "Thenon" "05" "N4508,283" "E00104,267" "Thiviers" "05" "N4524,883" "E00055,200" "Thoiry" "05" "N4851,850" "E00147,717" "Tocane" "05" "N4515,233" "E00029,783" "Tulle" "05" "N4515,850" "E00146,117" "Uzerche" "05" "N4525,467" "E00133,883" "Vallon en Sully" "05" "N4630,450" "E00237,850" "Valves" "05" "N4634,633" "W00001,500" "Verchocq" "01" "N5032,450" "E00202,017" "Vergt" "05" "N4501,650" "E00042,850" "Verteillac" "05" "N4520,850" "E00022,017" "Vihiers" "05" "N4708,317" "W00034,717" "Villamblard" "05" "N4501,383" "E00032,450" "Ville Langy" "01" "N4656,783" "E00329,500" "Villefagnan" "05" "N4600,700" "E00004,850" "Villerupt Micheville" "01" "N4929,183" "E00555,250" "Vitre" "05" "N4807,617" "W00112,583" "Vouille" "05" "N4638,483" "E00009,983" "Voves Viabon" "01" "N4812,750" "E00140,483" "Yvetot" "01" "N4938,300" "E00043,650"