;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Orleans, France + ; + ; Control Points formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by l'Aero-club d'Orleans et du Loiret + ; + ; Generated Sunday, 10 April 2005 at 18:48 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "OSDH" "OSDH" "ligne < 3km" "N4752,500" "E00210,500" "OrleansStDenisdelHotel" "ORLNSS" "122.400" "N4753,850" "E00209,850" "Jargeau" "JARGEA" "PONT" "N4752,133" "E00207,533" "Chateauneuf/Loire" "CHTNFL" "GARE SNCF" "N4752,067" "E00213,617" "Loury" "LOURY" "Centre ville" "N4759,900" "E00205,317" "Sully/Loire" "SULLLR" "Pont routier" "N4746,183" "E00222,383" "Neuville au Bois" "NVLLBS" "GARE SNCF" "N4804,067" "E00203,583" "Orleans" "ORLENS" "Noeud sud" "N4750,517" "E00151,967" "La Ferte St Aubin" "LFRTST" "_" "N4743,200" "E00155,950" "Beaune la Rolande" "BNLRLN" "Silos NO" "N4804,383" "E00225,483" "Cerdon" "CERDON" "Centre ville" "N4738,200" "E00221,800" "Clery St Andre" "CLRSTN" "Eglise" "N4749,200" "E00145,367" "Ladon" "LADON" "Passage a" "N4800,017" "E00233,850" "Artenay" "ARTENA" "Peage A10" "N4805,017" "E00151,450" "Pithiviers" "PTHVRS" "Gare SNCF" "N4810,333" "E00214,600" "Meung/Loire" "MENGLR" "Peage autort" "N4749,967" "E00140,133" "Gien" "GIEN" "Pont ferr" "N4741,267" "E00236,900" "Nouans Le Fuzelier" "NNSLFZ" "Gare SNCF" "N4732,067" "E00202,217" "Toury" "TOURY" "Croisement" "N4811,283" "E00155,650" "Argent/Sauldre" "ARGNTS" "_" "N4733,700" "E00226,450" "Beaugency" "BEAGNC" "Gare SNCF" "N4746,633" "E00137,600" "Puiseaux" "PUISEX" "GARE SNCF" "N4812,350" "E00227,650" "Montargis" "MNTRGS" "Gare SNCF" "N4800,417" "E00244,517" "Souesmes" "SOUSMS" "EGLISE" "N4727,483" "E00210,767" "Sermaises" "SERMSS" "Gare SNCF" "N4817,633" "E00212,567" "Neung/Beuvron" "NNGBVR" "_" "N4732,200" "E00148,050" "Aubigny/Nere" "ABGNNR" "Gare SNCF" "N4729,217" "E00226,033" "Peronville" "PRNVLL" "GARE SNCF" "N4803,583" "E00134,883" "Malesherbes" "MLSHRB" "Gare SNCF" "N4817,583" "E00224,117" "Dhuizon" "DHUIZN" "EGLISE" "N4735,350" "E00139,517" "Angerville" "ANGRVL" "Gare SNCF" "N4818,667" "E00200,117" "Salbris" "SALBRS" "Gare SNCF" "N4725,417" "E00202,917" "Mer" "MER" "Gare SNCF" "N4742,367" "E00130,483" "Chatillon/Loire" "CHTLLN" "Pont rout" "N4735,833" "E00245,700" "Dordives" "DORDVS" "Y N7 / Sp" "N4809,383" "E00245,817" "Chateaurenard" "CHTRNR" "GARE SNCF" "N4755,850" "E00255,333" "Millancay" "MILLNC" "Eglise" "N4726,917" "E00146,317" "Chambord" "CHMBRD" "Chateau" "N4736,950" "E00131,050" "Marchenoir" "MRCHNR" "EGLISE" "N4749,350" "E00123,817" "Maisse" "MAISSE" "Gare SNCF" "N4823,617" "E00223,650" "La Chapelle dAngilon" "LCHPLL" "Gare SNCF" "N4721,817" "E00226,517" "Voves" "VOVES" "GARE SNCF" "N4816,433" "E00137,317" "Neuvy/Barangeon" "NVBRNG" "Eglise" "N4718,883" "E00215,350" "Nanteau/Lunain" "NNTLNN" "Eglise" "N4815,483" "E00248,567" "Cheverny" "CHEVRN" "Chateau" "N4730,067" "E00127,517" "Courtenay" "COURTN" "Gare SNCF" "N4802,233" "E00303,467" "Henrichemont" "HNRCHM" "Place car" "N4718,167" "E00231,483" "Blois" "BLOIS" "Vieux pon" "N4735,100" "E00120,367" "Vierzon" "VIERZN" "Pont acce" "N4714,583" "E00204,333" "Villefranche/Cher" "VLLFRN" "Passage à" "N4717,767" "E00146,200" "Cheroy" "CHEROY" "Eglise" "N4812,200" "E00300,033" "Freteval" "FRETVL" "Gare SNCF" "N4753,483" "E00112,783" "St Fargeau" "STFARG" "CHATEAU" "N4738,283" "E00304,333" "Contres" "CONTRS" "Centre ville" "N4725,033" "E00125,750" "Blois le Breuil" "BLSLBR" "Airport" "N4740,783" "E00112,350" "Cosnes/Loire" "CSNSLR" "Pont d955" "N4724,700" "E00255,183" "Sancerre" "SANCRR" "Centre ville" "N4719,800" "E00250,367" "Les Aix dAngilon" "LSXDNG" "EgliseCentre" "N4711,850" "E00234,300" "Chartres" "CHRTRS" "Cathedral" "N4826,883" "E00129,267" "Vendome" "VENDOM" "Gare SNCF" "N4748,050" "E00103,983" "Brou" "BROU" "GARE SNCF" "N4813,000" "E00109,717" "Toucy" "TOUCY" "Eglise" "N4744,117" "E00317,617" "Chaumont/Loire" "CHMNTL" "Chateau" "N4728,750" "E00111,033" "Bourges Voie Ferree" "BRGSVF" "Noeud fer" "N4705,367" "E00218,750" "Maintenon" "MANTNN" "GARE SNCF" "N4834,517" "E00135,733" "Pont/Yonne" "PONTNN" "Road brid" "N4817,000" "E00312,250" "St Aignan" "STAGNN" "Chateau" "N4716,167" "E00122,483" "Sens" "SENS" "Gare SNCF" "N4812,500" "E00317,317" "Joigny" "JOIGNY" "Pont sur" "N4758,850" "E00323,783" "Valencay" "VALENC" "Chateau" "N4709,483" "E00133,800" "Vatan" "VATAN" "Eglise" "N4704,483" "E00148,633" "Entrains/Nohains" "ENTRNS" "Gare SNCF" "N4727,917" "E00315,683" "La Charite/Loire" "LCHRTL" "Pont n151" "N4710,567" "E00300,683" "Chateau Renault" "CHTRNL" "Gare SNCF" "N4735,183" "E00054,117" "Amboise Chateau" "AMBSCH" "Chateau" "N4724,800" "E00059,267" "Chenonceaux" "CHNNCX" "Chateau" "N4719,483" "E00104,283" "Issoudun" "ISSODN" "Carrefour" "N4657,167" "E00200,433" "Auxerre" "AUXERR" "Cathedral" "N4747,833" "E00334,383" "St Calais" "STCALS" "EGLISE" "N4755,267" "E00044,800" "Ecueille" "ECUELL" "Eglise" "N4705,167" "E00120,967" "Levroux" "LEVROX" "Carre sud" "N4658,433" "E00136,833" "Coulanges/Yonne" "CLNGSN" "Road brid" "N4731,467" "E00332,517" "Viileneuve lArcheveque" "VLNVLR" "Gare SNCF" "N4814,267" "E00333,083" "Dreux" "DREUX" "Gare SNCF" "N4843,833" "E00122,250" "Senonches" "SNNCHS" "Chateau" "N4833,633" "E00102,250" "Baranthaume" "BRNTHM" "Pont d14/" "N4651,767" "E00225,683" "Peemery" "PEEMER" "Chateau" "N4710,517" "E00320,250" "La Ferte Bernard" "LFRTBR" "_" "N4811,117" "E00038,400" "St Florentin Cheu" "STFLRN" "Airport" "N4758,933" "E00346,667" "Loches" "LOCHES" "Le chateau" "N4707,633" "E00100,283" "Cormery" "CORMER" "Gare SNCF" "N4715,783" "E00050,067" "Buzancais" "BUZNCS" "Gare SNCF" "N4653,167" "E00125,133" "Chatillon/Indre" "CHATIL" "Eglise" "N4659,283" "E00110,517" "Lignieres" "LIGNRS" "Chateau" "N4645,017" "E00210,900" "Nevers" "NEVERS" "Pont SNCF" "N4658,833" "E00312,917" "St Amand Monrond" "STMNDM" "Pont d951" "N4643,600" "E00229,450" "St Andre de lEure" "STNDRD" "Eglise" "N4854,367" "E00116,583" "Chateau du Loir" "CHTDLR" "Gare SNCF" "N4741,017" "E00025,050" "Mornay/Allier" "MRNLLR" "Pont rout" "N4648,950" "E00302,600" "Le Louroux" "LELORX" "airport" "N4709,000" "E00042,717" "Ligueil" "LIGUEL" "Eglise" "N4702,650" "E00049,183" "Lothiers" "LOTHRS" "Croisement" "N4641,950" "E00134,967" "La Caatre" "LACATR" "Croisement" "N4635,117" "E00159,800" "Chatillon en Bazois" "CHATIO" "Eglise" "N4703,167" "E00339,333" "Y TGV Sud Tonnerre" "YTGVSD" "Pointe N" "N4740,800" "E00404,833" "Azay le Rideau" "AZALRD" "Chateau" "N4715,517" "E00028,017" "Martizay" "MARTIZ" "Centre ville" "N4648,383" "E00102,617" "Grand Pressigny" "GRNDPR" "Chateau" "N4655,383" "E00048,183" "Troyes" "TROYES" "Triangle" "N4818,750" "E00403,700" "Decize" "DECIZE" "Pont sur" "N4649,717" "E00329,500" "Port de Piles" "PRTDPL" "Pont routier" "N4700,367" "E00036,033" "Villeneuve/Allier" "VLLNVL" "Pont sur" "N4639,583" "E00313,800" "St Julian" "STJULN" "Gare SNCF" "N4630,183" "E00131,550" "Le Blanc" "LEBLNC" "Pont routier" "N4637,783" "E00103,833" "Chatellerault" "CHTLLR" "Echangeur" "N4650,267" "E00032,817" "Richelieu" "RICHEL" "Gare SNCF" "N4700,917" "E00019,150" "Moulins" "MOULNS" "Pont SNCF" "N4633,333" "E00319,817" "St Savin" "STSAVN" "_" "N4634,050" "E00051,917" "Bonneuil Matours" "BNNLMT" "Pont D3/v" "N4640,967" "E00034,550" "Loudun" "LOUDUN" "GARE SNCF" "N4700,950" "E00005,050" "Mirebeau" "MIREBE" "Centre ville" "N4647,100" "E00010,950" "Lussac les Chateaux" "LSSCLS" "Pont routier" "N4624,217" "E00042,167" "OSDH1" "OSDH1" "dep deporte" "N4752,500" "E00210,500" "OSDH2" "OSDH2" "dep deporte" "N4753,500" "E00212,500"