* NUM NAM ID LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "ohlstad3.stx" created Sunday, 16 April 2023 at 10:45 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $USE_EXISTING_AIR Y $HOME Ohlstädt, Germany $FILENAME_3 oh3 $FILENAME_4 ohl3 $FILENAME_5 ohls3 $FILENAME_8 ohlstad3 $FILENAME_FULL Ohlstad 2023 $IDL_MAP_TITLE Ohlstädt, Bayern $COUNTRY DE $STATE Bayern $STATE_ABBREV BY $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $CONTRIBUTOR Sportfliegergruppe Werdenfels e.V. $ILEC_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME SFG Werdenfels $HEADER Facebook $URL_INFORMATION $HEADER Flugplatz Pömetsried $URL_TURNPOINTS www.soaringspot.com/en_gb/ohlstaedter-wettbwerb-2023-ohlstadt-2023/downloads $CONTEST Ohlstädter Wettbewerb 2023 $MODIFICATIONS 29 Apr 18: Original contribution. $MODIFICATIONS 16 Apr 23: Many changes, all new data. $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 2.0E $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS * ============================================================================== * * Filename "ohlstad3.stx" created Sunday, 16 April 2023 at 10:45 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $USE_EXISTING_AIR Y $HOME Ohlstädt, Germany $FILENAME_3 oh3 $FILENAME_4 ohl3 $FILENAME_5 ohls3 $FILENAME_8 ohlstad3 $FILENAME_FULL Ohlstad 2023 $IDL_MAP_TITLE Ohlstädt, Bayern $COUNTRY DE $STATE Bayern $STATE_ABBREV BY $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $CONTRIBUTOR Sportfliegergruppe Werdenfels e.V. $ILEC_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME SFG Werdenfels $HEADER Facebook $URL_INFORMATION $HEADER Flugplatz Pömetsried $URL_TURNPOINTS www.soaringspot.com/en_gb/ohlstaedter-wettbwerb-2023-ohlstadt-2023/downloads $CONTEST Ohlstädter Wettbewerb 2023 $MODIFICATIONS 29 Apr 18: Original contribution. $MODIFICATIONS 16 Apr 23: Many changes, all new data. $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 2.0E $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS * ============================================================================== * * Filename "ohlstad3.stx" created Sunday, 16 April 2023 at 10:45 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $USE_EXISTING_AIR Y $HOME Ohlstädt, Germany $COUNTRY DE $STATE_ABBREV BY $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $CONTRIBUTOR Sportfliegergruppe Werdenfels e.V. $CONTEST Ohlstädter Wettbewerb 2023 $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 2.0E $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 15 April 2023 $LONGITUDE East $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM ID LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * 1 Elbigenalb ELBIGALB 47 18 37 10 25 41 T 2151 2 Riegespitze RISPITZE 47 7 41 10 49 26 T 2598 3 Geratshof GERATFWP 47 58 52 10 51 17 T 631 4 Grafing GRAFING 48 2 39 11 57 54 T 551 5 Guffertspitze GUF 47 32 51 11 47 9 T 2115 6 Heiterwand HEITEAND 47 17 55 10 45 29 T 2004 7 Kreuzjoch KRE 47 15 3 11 58 51 T 2454 8 Mooserboden MOO 47 10 35 12 43 35 T 1708 9 München SW MUCSW 48 5 16 11 24 56 T 569 10 Prenten PRE 47 14 50 10 15 30 T 1307 11 Ronsberg RON 47 53 51 10 24 47 T 706 12 Sauerlach SAU 47 58 20 11 39 1 T 640 13 Soiernspitze SOIERTZE 47 28 46 11 20 19 T 1789 14 Steinplatte STE 47 36 8 12 36 55 T 1823 15 Breitkopf BRE 47 14 3 12 21 10 T 2400 16 Daniel DAN 47 25 57 10 52 38 T 2340 17 Ebner Joch EBN 47 25 26 11 46 23 T 1800 18 Ehrwalder Alm EHR 47 23 9 10 58 11 T 1600 19 Feldkirch FELDKHWP 47 14 34 9 39 48 T 786 20 Grimming GRI 47 31 18 14 0 57 T 2351 21 Haldensee HALDESEE 47 30 6 10 36 44 T 2061 22 Hochkönig HOC 47 24 40 13 3 43 T 2939 23 Hochkönig Ost HOCHKOST 47 24 58 13 7 53 T 1740 24 Hohe Munde HOHEMNDE 47 20 32 11 4 40 T 1970 25 Honigkogel HONIGGEL 47 19 2 12 55 19 T 1805 26 Kaiser Ost KAISEOST 47 32 46 12 24 44 T 1215 LOIT 27 Leoganger Steinberge LEO 47 28 23 12 45 0 T 2486 28 Loferer Steinberge LOFERRGE 47 32 17 12 40 34 T 1790 29 Oberjoch OBE 47 31 29 10 26 22 T 1200 30 Parseierspitze PAR 47 10 0 10 30 0 T 2850 31 Pass Thurn PASSTNWP 47 19 38 12 27 29 T 1883 32 Paznauntal PAZNATAL 47 3 10 10 19 20 T 1970 33 Pendling PENDLING 47 34 11 12 6 22 T 1483 LOIK 34 Pfunds SCHM 47 0 31 10 31 18 T 2500 35 Plansee PLANSEE 47 28 50 10 47 22 T 1408 36 Pyhrn PYHRN WP 47 36 36 14 15 16 T 1603 37 Ramsau RAM 47 26 52 13 38 35 T 2400 38 Reither Spitze REI 47 18 48 11 13 30 T 2150 39 Hochgründeck HOGRECK 47 22 52 13 16 8 T 1776 40 Sausteigen SAU 47 22 58 12 45 41 T 1800 41 Schafberg SCH 47 10 15 9 51 24 T 1540 42 Schmittenhöhe SCH 47 18 43 12 45 17 T 1900 LOWZ 43 Schrotten-Kopf SCH 46 59 39 10 9 27 T 2890 44 Sölden SOELDNWP 46 58 30 11 1 28 T 2008 45 Spuller See SPU 47 9 41 10 5 27 T 2000 46 Steinernes Meer West STEINEST 47 29 58 12 50 24 T 1992 47 Steinplatte Ost STEINOST 47 35 18 12 39 42 T 1642 48 Tauerntunnel TAU 47 14 0 13 26 0 T 1250 49 Trainsjoch TRA 47 36 41 12 3 32 T 1700 50 Tschirgant TSC 47 14 20 10 47 30 T 2250 51 Tuxertal TUXERTAL 47 10 8 11 47 53 T 2046 52 Venet Sender VENETDER 47 8 40 10 37 41 T 2134 53 Volldüpp VOLLDEPP 47 30 33 11 56 56 T 1480 54 Wallerberg WAL 47 30 38 12 33 0 T 1400 55 Wetterstein WET 47 23 0 11 6 54 T 2100 56 Wilder Kaiser KAI 47 33 21 12 18 51 T 1700 57 Wildkogel WIL 47 16 50 12 16 5 T 2150 58 Arosa West AROSAEST 46 42 30 9 30 53 T 2066 59 Corvatsch COR 46 26 20 9 50 0 T 2700 60 Mouttas Muragl MOUTTAGL 46 30 13 9 54 30 T 2396 61 Muttler MUT 46 52 0 10 22 0 T 2700 62 Piz Grisch PIZ 46 31 49 9 28 8 T 2700 63 Piz Lischana PIZ 46 45 42 10 19 23 T 3000 64 Piz Nuna PIZ 46 42 9 10 7 59 T 2900 65 Quattervals QUATTALS 46 37 45 10 3 58 T 2799 66 St Moritz Berg STM 46 30 33 9 48 6 T 2800 67 Aalen AALEN WP 48 45 34 10 17 49 T 529 68 Albstadt ALBSTTWP 48 15 4 9 5 48 T 859 EDSA 69 Altötting ALTOEGWP 48 12 25 12 39 53 T 443 70 Antersberg ANTERGWP 47 59 14 11 59 32 T 525 71 Bairawies BAI 47 50 14 11 32 9 T 631 72 Beilngries BEILNSWP 49 0 26 11 29 3 T 510 EDNC 73 Beuerberg BEU 47 49 44 11 24 44 T 614 74 Biberach BIBERHWP 48 5 24 9 48 45 T 577 75 Blaubeuren BLAUBNWP 48 24 12 9 47 46 T 511 EDMC 76 Blomberg BLOMBERG 47 43 46 11 30 4 T 1240 77 Brauneck BRAUNECK 47 39 50 11 31 28 T 1528 78 Brünnstein BRUENEIN 47 38 54 12 5 59 T 1394 79 Buchenauerkopf BUCHEOPF 47 41 31 11 27 34 T 1167 80 Deggendorf DEGGEFWP 48 49 42 12 48 24 T 313 81 Demmljoch DEM 47 32 30 11 35 45 T 1650 82 Dingolfing DINGOGWP 48 39 32 12 32 25 T 349 EDPD 83 Donauwörth DONAUHWP 48 42 52 10 49 32 T 397 84 Eggenfelden EGGENNWP 48 24 33 12 47 29 T 396 85 Eichstätt EICHSTWP 48 53 7 11 10 54 T 490 EDPE 86 Elsenthal ELSENLWP 48 47 40 13 22 29 T 431 EDNF 87 Fischbach FIS 47 46 12 11 30 0 T 750 88 Geretsried GERETIED 47 51 44 11 28 7 T 601 89 Grünten GRU 47 33 11 10 19 2 T 1697 90 Gundelfingen GUNDENWP 48 32 39 10 23 9 T 432 EDMU 91 Habach HABACH 47 43 39 11 16 48 T 663 92 Hayingen HAYINNWP 48 16 15 9 29 51 T 650 93 Hochstaufen Ost HOCHSOST 47 45 11 12 52 33 T 1246 94 Höfen HöFEN 47 47 39 11 27 43 T 612 95 Holzkirchen BAB HOLZ 47 53 41 11 43 33 T 663 96 Inntaldreieck INN 47 48 35 12 5 48 T 460 97 Irschenberg BAB IRS 47 49 49 11 54 25 T 731 98 Isny ISNY WP 47 42 5 10 2 38 T 695 99 Kampenwand KAMPEAND 47 44 35 12 23 43 T 988 100 Kaufbeuern KAUFBORD 47 55 22 10 37 18 T 664 101 Kempten KEMPTNWP 47 42 29 10 20 7 T 715 EDMK 102 Klippeneck KLIPPKWP 48 5 14 8 45 39 T 943 103 Kochel KOCHEL 47 39 37 11 22 6 T 610 104 Kraiburg KRAIBURG 48 11 4 12 25 41 T 399 105 Kramer KRA 47 30 30 11 2 44 T 1697 106 Kreuz München Süd BAB KREUZBAB 48 1 39 11 39 26 T 609 107 Latschenkopf LATSCOPF 47 37 40 11 27 26 T 1372 108 Leibertingen LEIBENWP 48 2 55 9 3 46 T 763 109 Leilachspitze LEILATZE 47 26 13 10 32 47 T 2198 110 LinderhofNord LIORD 47 35 8 10 58 15 T 1648 111 Marktoberdorf Kirche MAR 47 46 48 10 37 18 T 768 112 Mindelheim MINDEMWP 48 6 43 10 33 21 T 609 EDMN 113 Mittagsspitze MITTATZE 47 36 20 11 14 33 T 1482 114 Münsingen MUENSGEN 48 26 3 9 26 14 T 787 115 Neubiberg Cls NEUBI2 48 4 23 11 38 17 T 576 116 Oppingen OPPINNWP 48 33 27 9 51 44 T 656 117 Peißenberg PEISSERG 47 47 54 11 3 49 T 600 118 Peiting Sportplatz PEI 47 47 29 10 55 46 T 718 119 Peretshofen PER 47 53 10 11 31 41 T 650 120 Pertenau PERTENAU 48 35 17 11 6 19 T 399 121 Raisting RAISTING 47 54 56 11 6 35 T 550 122 Regensburg REGENGWP 48 58 34 12 8 26 T 381 123 Risserkogel RISSEGEL 47 38 14 11 48 13 T 1784 124 Schliersee Ost SCHLIOST 47 43 7 11 53 56 T 985 125 Schnaitsee Tv SCH 48 4 59 12 21 51 T 649 126 Schönberg SCHOEGWP 48 4 16 12 29 48 T 520 EDPK 127 Sonnen SONNENWP 48 39 0 13 41 33 T 783 EDPS 128 Sonnwendjoch SONNWOCH 47 35 33 11 57 31 T 1618 129 Starnberg Bf STA 47 59 46 11 20 36 T 587 130 Tegelberg TEG 47 33 34 10 46 43 T 1820 131 Thannhausen THANNNWP 48 17 31 10 28 26 T 532 EDNU 132 Tölz Alpamare ALP 47 45 38 11 32 41 T 650 133 Vilshofen VILSHNWP 48 38 13 13 9 2 T 438 EDMV 134 Vogtareuth VOGTAHWP 47 56 9 12 12 17 T 508 EDNV 135 Vorderriss VORDEISS 47 34 20 11 25 29 T 1295 136 Wank WANK 47 30 24 11 8 38 T 1780 137 Waßerburg-Inn WASSEINN 48 3 44 12 13 56 T 444 138 Weilheim WEILHEIM 47 50 17 11 8 57 T 600 139 Weitsee WEITSEE 47 42 21 12 36 38 T 1240 140 Wörishofen WOERINWP 47 59 47 10 37 9 T 630 EDNH 141 Rossbrand ROSSBRDT 47 24 55 13 28 40 T 1755 142 Crasta Mora CRORA 46 33 50 9 53 7 T 2324 LSZS 143 Ardez ARDEZ 46 47 59 10 10 34 T 2386 144 Schartlkopf SCOPF 46 53 26 10 32 20 T 2426 145 Rabenkopf RABKOPF 47 39 13 11 24 29 T 1259 146 Hohe Kiste HOHEK 47 33 3 11 11 18 T 1941 147 Ross Buchstein ROEIN 47 37 38 11 41 25 T 1357 148 Rotwand ROTWAND 47 38 35 11 58 1 T 1641 149 Wendelstein WENDLST 47 42 0 12 0 39 T 1540 150 Egglham EGHAM 48 31 48 13 3 11 T 362 151 Eschenlainetal ESCHETAL 47 35 7 11 14 20 T 831 152 Ettaler Mandl ETTALNDL 47 35 3 11 6 9 T 1563 153 Farchant Nord FARCHORD 47 35 3 11 10 3 T 770 154 Oberammergau OBERAGAU 47 35 46 11 3 26 T 844 155 Ohlstadt OHLSTTWP 47 39 28 11 14 2 HSFD 655 156 Spatzenhausen SPATZSEN 47 42 34 11 12 11 T 680 157 Staffelsee Süd STAFFSüD 47 40 18 11 9 42 T 700 158 Staffelsee West STAFFEST 47 41 23 11 7 37 T 653