* NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S NS LON_D LON_M LON_S EW COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_L RW_S RW_W ICAO NAM_12 COM_12 * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "nrth_knt.sti" created Monday, 31 March 2014 at 20:35 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.2 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.2 $CD Y * North_Kanto_Plane.dat processed on 29 March 2014 at 04:29 by read_cai $HOME Oyama, North Kanto Plane, Japan * CAI_TITLE: Oyama, North Kanto Plane $COUNTRY JP $TIMEZONE_NAME Japan $CONTRIBUTOR Seiji Fugimoto $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL fujimoto@winpal.co.jp $ALTITUDE_UNIT Feet $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 7.2W $MILOMEI Yes * ============================================================================== * * Filename "nrth_knt.stx" created Monday, 31 March 2014 at 20:35 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.2 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.2 $HOME Oyama, North Kanto Plane, Japan $COUNTRY JP $TIMEZONE_NAME Japan $CONTRIBUTOR Seiji Fugimoto $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL fujimoto@winpal.co.jp $ALTITUDE_UNIT Feet $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 7.2W $RW_L_UNIT Meters $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 28 March 2014 * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S NS LON_D LON_M LON_S EW COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_L RW_S RW_W ICAO NAM_12 COM_12 * * Starting the waypoints * 1 Akeno AF 1 36 13 24 N 140 0 20 E AT 65 15/33 2950 G Akeno AF 2 Asio 2 36 38 52 N 139 27 0 E T 2106 Asio 3 Bandai Atami 3 37 32 49 N 140 15 44 E LT 1692 Bandai Atami 4 Bandou-O BR 4 36 15 2 N 139 12 6 E LT 147 Bandou-O BR 5 Bitama 5 36 47 3 N 140 8 18 E LT 515 Bitama 6 FHI TC 6 36 24 23 N 139 35 43 E LT 790 FHI TC 7 Fujimi Ranch 7 36 27 45 N 139 6 27 E LT 1151 Fujimi Ranch 8 Fukushima Sk 8 130.675 37 49 7 N 140 23 16 E AT 1318 130.675 Fukushima Sk 130.675 9 Fukushima VO 9 37 13 17 N 140 26 8 E T Fukushima VO 10 Goryou Ranch 10 36 35 39 N 140 0 44 E LT 465 Goryou Ranch 11 Goryou UL 11 36 17 41 N 139 9 45 E LT 196 Goryou UL 12 Honda AP 12 130.750 35 58 18 N 139 31 24 E AT 32 130.750 HONDA AP 130.750 13 Honda Test C 13 36 34 54 N 140 1 15 E LT 442 HONDA test c 14 Hanyuu GP 14 36 11 47 N 139 36 16 E AT 49 Hanyuu GP 15 Houjyubana G 15 36 2 12 N 139 48 54 E AT 29 Houjyubana G 16 Imaichi Ranc 16 36 44 28 N 139 46 8 E LT 938 Imaichi Ranc 17 Itakura GP 17 130.675 36 15 54 N 139 38 2 E AT 55 130.675 Itakura GP 130.675 18 Iwase Ranch 18 37 14 49 N 140 22 21 E LT 889 Iwase Ranch 19 Jiyuugakuen 19 36 55 48 N 139 58 45 E LT 967 Jiyuugakuen 20 Jyoubu O BR 20 36 14 42 N 139 16 26 E LT 114 Jyoubu O BR 21 Kegon Fall 21 36 44 17 N 139 30 1 E T 4176 Kegon Fall 22 Kiryugawa DA 22 36 28 45 N 139 24 44 E T 849 Kiryugawa DA 23 Kitsuregawa 23 36 44 17 N 139 59 18 E LT 564 Kitsuregawa 24 Kurihashi GP 24 36 9 37 N 139 40 47 E AT 36 Kurihashi GP 25 Kuroiso GP 25 37 0 40 N 140 0 10 E AT 1312 Kuroiso GP 26 Kusaki Dam 26 36 33 14 N 139 22 35 E T 1496 Kusaki DAM 27 Kuwajima Br 27 36 30 24 N 139 57 32 E LT 282 Kuwajima BR 28 Lake Hatori 28 37 15 41 N 140 4 40 E T 2263 Lake Hatori 29 Lake Inawasi 29 37 28 49 N 140 5 46 E T Lake Inawasi 30 Makabe GP 30 36 15 39 N 140 4 14 E AT 91 Makabe GP 31 Mebuki O Br 31 35 58 50 N 139 53 55 E LT 16 Mebuki O BR 32 Menuma GP 32 36 12 42 N 139 25 7 E AT 82 Menuma GP 33 Motegi Link 33 36 31 30 N 140 13 34 E LT 577 Motegi Link 34 Mouka No4 34 36 23 43 N 139 57 57 E LT 196 Mouka No4 35 Mt Adatara 35 37 37 15 N 140 17 22 E T 5577 Mt Adatara 36 Mt Akagi 36 36 32 46 N 139 10 46 E T 4875 Mt Akagi 37 Mt Azuma 37 37 42 41 N 140 13 50 E T 6463 Mt Azuma 38 Mt Bandai 38 37 36 14 N 140 4 26 E T 5577 Mt Bandai 39 Mt Chausudak 39 37 7 47 N 139 57 43 E T 5715 Mt Chausudak 40 Mt Haruna 40 36 28 40 N 138 51 13 E T 4373 Mt Haruna 41 Mt Hitaitori 41 37 26 36 N 140 12 23 E T 3412 Mt Hitaitori 42 Mt Hotaka 42 36 48 22 N 139 7 53 E T 6902 Mt Hotaka 43 Mt Kaba 43 36 18 14 N 140 8 38 E T 2139 Mt Kaba 44 Mt Kesamaru 44 36 37 46 N 139 19 44 E T 6026 Mt Kesamaru 45 Mt Koushi 45 37 11 13 N 139 58 10 E T 5058 Mt Koushi 46 Mt Kumotori 46 35 51 21 N 138 56 54 E T 6266 Mt Kumotori 47 Mt Kurikoma 47 37 52 32 N 140 16 10 E T 3936 Mt Kurikoma 48 Mt NakaAzuma 48 37 43 0 N 140 11 10 E T 6266 Mt NakaAzuma 49 Mt Nakimushi 49 36 43 52 N 139 35 48 E T 3461 Mt Nakimushi 50 Mt Nantai 50 36 46 1 N 139 29 23 E T 7755 Mt Nantai 51 Mt NishiAzum 51 37 44 17 N 140 8 26 E T 6679 Mt NishiAzum 52 Mt Nitsukou- 52 36 47 58 N 139 22 31 E T 8329 Mt Nitsukou- 53 Mt Nyohou 53 36 48 52 N 139 32 19 E T 7644 Mt Nyohou 54 Mt Otaki 54 37 33 32 N 140 12 9 E T 4461 Mt Otaki 55 Mt Ozatobi 55 37 3 57 N 139 50 53 E T 5856 Mt Ozatobi 56 Mt Sukai 56 36 41 24 N 139 20 11 E T 6925 Mt Sukai 57 Mt Takahara 57 36 54 10 N 139 46 22 E T 5410 Mt Takahara 58 Mt Tsukuba 58 36 13 33 N 140 6 17 E T 2739 Mt Tsukuba 59 Mt Yamizo 59 36 55 56 N 140 16 20 E T 3152 Mt Yamizo 60 Mt Yokone 60 36 37 14 N 139 31 21 E T 4445 Mt Yokone 61 Mt Hachimand 61 37 20 18 N 140 10 2 E T 3576 Mt hachimand 62 Nakagawa Br 62 36 33 37 N 140 15 50 E LT 108 Nakagawa BR 63 Nasu VOR 63 36 46 35 N 140 2 5 E T Nasu VOR 64 Ohgata BR 64 36 8 48 N 139 56 57 E LT 62 Ohgata BR 65 Ohtone AF 65 130.700 35 51 22 N 140 14 29 E AT 3 130.700 Ohtone AF 130.700 66 Onishi AP 66 129.900 36 13 49 N 139 29 57 E AT 65 129.900 07/25 1960 A Onishi AP 129.900 67 Ota Reseach 67 36 21 26 N 139 22 22 E LT 193 Ota Reseach 68 Otome BR 68 36 15 34 N 139 44 38 E LT 45 Otome BR 69 Oyama BR 69 36 18 47 N 139 47 50 E LT 82 Oyama BR 70 Oyama GP 70 122.600 36 18 0 N 139 54 30 E HSFDT 108 122.600 01/19 2290 G Oyama GP 122.600 71 Sakai BR 71 36 5 36 N 139 47 42 E LT 29 Sakai BR 72 Sano Park 72 36 21 5 N 139 33 11 E LT 160 Sano Park 73 Sarado 73 36 47 0 N 140 7 14 E LT 390 Sarado 74 Sekiyado GP 74 130.650 36 1 16 N 139 49 5 E AT 32 130.650 Sekiyado GP 130.650 75 Sekiyado VOR 75 36 0 23 N 139 50 13 E T 13 Sekiyado VOR 76 Senbon Ranch 76 36 55 45 N 139 55 27 E LT 1122 Senbon Ranch 77 Shouwa BR 77 36 11 8 N 139 31 31 E LT 62 Shouwa BR 78 Shuchiku Ran 78 37 8 55 N 140 6 3 E LT 1692 Shuchiku Ran 80 Tochigi 80 36 23 14 N 139 42 28 E LT 160 Tochigi 81 Ujiie GP 81 36 40 32 N 139 56 55 E AT 521 Ujiie GP 82 Usui Ranch 82 36 57 51 N 139 54 51 E LT 1456 Usui Ranch 83 Utsunomiya A 83 126.200 36 30 47 N 139 51 56 E AT 331 126.200 01/19 5540 A RJTU Utsunomiya A 126.200 84 WVPT1 84 36 52 8 N 139 52 35 E T WVPT1 85 WVPT2 85 37 1 21 N 139 56 49 E T WVPT2 86 WVPT3 86 37 5 23 N 140 3 51 E T WVPT3 87 WVPT4 87 37 9 22 N 140 4 50 E T WVPT4 88 WVPT5 88 37 17 39 N 140 15 45 E T WVPT5 89 WVPT6 89 37 24 58 N 140 18 53 E T WVPT6 90 WVPT7 90 37 31 42 N 140 19 1 E T WVPT7 91 WVPT8 91 37 35 53 N 140 24 3 E T WVPT8 92 WVPT9 92 37 42 29 N 140 20 44 E T WVPT9 93 Yaita Plant 93 36 45 46 N 139 55 38 E LT 718 Yaita Plant 94 Yanagita UL 94 36 34 29 N 139 57 56 E AT 374 Yanagita UL 95 Fukusima AP 95 118.05 37 13 39 N 140 25 41 E AT 1220 118.05 01/19 8230 A RJSF fukusima AP 118.05 96 Kamihira BR 96 36 43 34 N 139 51 58 E LT 685 kamihira BR 97 Kouriyama 97 37 22 15 N 140 23 26 E LT 738 kouriyama 98 Nihonmatsu 98 37 42 50 N 140 22 19 E T 672 nihonmatsu 99 UserTP9 99 36 24 14 N 140 7 9 E W 436 UserTP9 100 UserTP4 100 36 18 1 N 139 54 29 E W 144 UserTP4