;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Brandywine Soaring, New Garden, Pennsylvania + ; + ; Control Points formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Charles Norman + ; + ; Generated Wednesday, 03 July 2024 at 10:57 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "New Garden" "NWGRDN" "_" "N3949.833" "W07546.183" "New Garden Control" "NEWGAR" "_" "N3950.417" "W07548.183" "Harris" "HARRIS" "_" "N3949.217" "W07555.550" "Founding Fathers" "FNDNGF" "_" "N3946.317" "W07554.667" "Cochranville" "CCHRNV" "_" "N3953.083" "W07554.867" "ChesterCountyGOCarlson" "CHSTRC" "_" "N3958.733" "W07551.933" "Oxford" "OXFORD" "_" "N3947.117" "W07558.717" "Brandywine" "BRNDWN" "_" "N3959.400" "W07534.917" "High Valley" "HGHVLL" "_" "N3940.033" "W07557.667" "Lynchs Landing" "LNCHSL" "_" "N3943.467" "W07604.233" "Fetters Construction" "FTTRSC" "_" "N4005.500" "W07542.650" "Hideaway" "HIDEAW" "_" "N3952.850" "W07607.017" "Knollwood Farm" "KNLLWD" "_" "N3933.717" "W07550.083" "Morgantown" "MRGNTW" "_" "N4009.417" "W07552.233" "Pembroke Farm" "PMBRKF" "_" "N3943.167" "W07612.500" "Kolb" "KOLB" "_" "N4009.600" "W07532.733" "Nesspor" "NESSPR" "_" "N4011.383" "W07536.900" "Smoketown" "SMKTWN" "_" "N4002.500" "W07612.117" "Kunda" "KUNDA" "_" "N4009.900" "W07527.117" "Harford County" "HRFRDC" "_" "N3934.100" "W07612.183" "Moxleys" "MOXLES" "_" "N3937.500" "W07615.750" "Pottstown" "PTTSTW" "_" "N4015.633" "W07540.250" "Heritage" "HERITG" "_" "N4014.367" "W07533.400" "Wings" "WINGS" "_" "N4008.250" "W07515.917" "Lancaster" "LNCSTR" "_" "N4007.350" "W07617.667" "Forest Hill" "FRSTHL" "_" "N3934.767" "W07622.433" "Crosswinds" "CRSSWN" "_" "N4020.583" "W07534.367" "Links" "LINKS" "_" "N3940.800" "W07627.167" "Baublitz" "BABLTZ" "_" "N3951.133" "W07629.183" "Boyer" "BOYER" "_" "N4019.317" "W07606.033" "Sunburst" "SNBRST" "_" "N4003.533" "W07626.267" "Reading" "READNG" "_" "N4022.717" "W07557.917" "Indian Springs" "INDNSP" "_" "N4007.367" "W07625.150" "Butter Valley" "BTTRVL" "_" "N4023.850" "W07533.783" "Draco" "DRACO" "_" "N3945.150" "W07632.133" "Area 52" "AREA52" "_" "N4025.917" "W07537.567" "Hurst" "HURST" "_" "N4020.567" "W07612.567" "Walnut Grove" "WLNTGR" "_" "N4005.583" "W07629.583" "Moyer" "MOYER" "_" "N4017.800" "W07514.883" "Old Plains" "OLDPLN" "_" "N4023.667" "W07526.483" "Gunden" "GUNDEN" "_" "N4019.750" "W07516.900" "Keller Brothers" "KLLRBR" "_" "N4017.500" "W07619.717" "PGC" "PGC" "_" "N4019.867" "W07514.883" "Wicker and Wings" "WCKR+W" "_" "N4024.200" "W07522.233" "Jarrett" "JARRTT" "_" "N4013.850" "W07504.550" "Pennridge" "PNNRDG" "_" "N4023.350" "W07517.433" "Donegal Springs" "DNGLSP" "_" "N4005.533" "W07634.467" "Kutztown" "KTZTWN" "_" "N4030.200" "W07547.233" "Quakertown" "QKRTWN" "_" "N4026.117" "W07522.917" "Shoestring" "SHSTRN" "_" "N3947.783" "W07638.783" "Deck" "DECK" "_" "N4021.133" "W07619.783" "Skyline" "SKYLIN" "_" "N4030.417" "W07556.500" "Doylestown" "DLSTWN" "_" "N4019.983" "W07507.333" "Old Commonwealth" "OLDCMM" "_" "N4029.467" "W07605.867" "Elephant Path" "ELPHNT" "_" "N4024.467" "W07513.950" "Slack" "SLACK" "_" "N4017.617" "W07503.883" "A G A Farms" "AGFRMS" "_" "N4025.533" "W07513.950" "Rover" "ROVER" "_" "N4017.000" "W07632.367" "Blue Mountain Academy" "BLMTNC" "_" "N4033.167" "W07601.733" "Grimes" "GRIMES" "_" "N4029.083" "W07615.817" "Stefanik" "STEFNK" "_" "N4027.167" "W07512.233" "Russo" "RUSSO" "_" "N4025.967" "W07508.983" "Reigle" "REIGLE" "_" "N4017.200" "W07634.617" "Allentown Queen City" "ALLNTW" "_" "N4034.217" "W07529.300" "Gilbert" "GILBRT" "_" "N3955.767" "W07646.250" "Farmers Pride" "FRMRSP" "_" "N4026.567" "W07626.500" "Aerequus" "AEREQS" "_" "N4023.433" "W07500.900" "Hillview" "HILLVW" "_" "N4035.917" "W07608.217" "Cedar Acres" "CDRCRS" "_" "N4029.900" "W07508.833" "Lazy B Ranch" "LAZBRC" "_" "N4001.467" "W07648.917" "Hoge Farm" "HOGFRM" "_" "N4028.167" "W07504.933" "Vansant" "VANSNT" "_" "N4029.050" "W07505.983" "Cuatros Vientos" "CTRSVN" "_" "N4039.550" "W07552.433" "York" "YORK" "_" "N3955.017" "W07652.383" "Erwinna" "ERWINN" "_" "N4030.617" "W07504.600" "Fairview Farm" "FRVWFR" "_" "N4032.000" "W07627.733" "Level Acres Farm" "LVLCRS" "_" "N3957.233" "W07654.550" "Landing" "LANDNG" "_" "N4028.833" "W07457.717" "Herr Brothers" "HRRBRT" "_" "N4033.333" "W07504.350" "Flying M" "FLYNGM" "_" "N4044.250" "W07542.333" "West Penn Township" "WPNNTW" "_" "N4044.867" "W07555.983" "Circle W" "CRC W" "_" "N3957.517" "W07658.250" "Yingst" "YINGST" "_" "N4023.750" "W07644.750" "Slatington" "SLTNGT" "_" "N4045.817" "W07536.283" "Tidmore" "TIDMOR" "_" "N4042.300" "W07614.183" "Bendigo" "BENDIG" "_" "N4033.533" "W07633.583" "Lizard Creek Valley" "LZRDCR" "_" "N4046.800" "W07542.983" "Sky Manor" "SKYMNR" "_" "N4033.950" "W07458.767" "Kampel" "KAMPEL" "_" "N4002.967" "W07658.633" "Shreveport North" "SHRVPR" "_" "N4002.167" "W07659.733" "Bermudian Valley" "BRMDNV" "_" "N4001.000" "W07700.233" "CarrollCountyJackBPoag" "CRRLLC" "_" "N3936.500" "W07700.467" "Jake Arner" "JAKRNR" "_" "N4048.567" "W07545.683" "Jugtown Mountain" "JGTWNM" "_" "N4038.017" "W07501.800" "Schulteis PA 2" "SCHLTS" "_" "N3955.083" "W07702.733" "SchuylkillCountyJoeZrb" "SCHLKL" "_" "N4042.400" "W07622.433" "Mathna" "MATHNA" "_" "N4001.000" "W07702.483" "Braden" "BRADEN" "_" "N4044.533" "W07514.583" "Beltzville" "BLTZVL" "_" "N4050.650" "W07538.117" "Parker" "PARKER" "_" "N4040.617" "W07501.483" "Masser" "MASSER" "_" "N4038.000" "W07635.817" "Mayberry Run" "MBRRRN" "_" "N3940.967" "W07705.833" "Gusler" "GUSLER" "_" "N4027.917" "W07650.400" "Makoutz" "MAKOTZ" "_" "N3938.167" "W07707.367" "Three J" "THREEJ" "_" "N3934.133" "W07707.283" "Sency" "SENCY" "_" "N4053.733" "W07556.650" "Harman" "HARMAN" "_" "N4031.333" "W07650.733" "Grover" "GROVER" "_" "N4055.000" "W07551.983" "McDonalds" "MCDNLD" "_" "N4053.167" "W07609.217" "Matthews" "MTTHWS" "_" "N4047.500" "W07504.233" "Bowtie" "BOWTIE" "_" "N3954.500" "W07712.317" "Carlisle" "CARLSL" "_" "N4011.267" "W07710.450" "Gap View" "GAPVIW" "_" "N4051.550" "W07508.033" "Flying Eagle" "FLNGGL" "_" "N4038.750" "W07648.733" "Numidia" "NUMIDI" "_" "N4051.967" "W07623.850" "Keymar" "KEYMAR" "_" "N3937.167" "W07713.650" "Haunstein" "HANSTN" "_" "N4019.000" "W07707.483" "Pegasus" "PEGASS" "_" "N4056.000" "W07520.983" "Schulteis PA 1" "SCHULT" "_" "N3957.617" "W07715.550" "Good Neighbor Farm" "GDNGHB" "_" "N3928.450" "W07711.717" "Gettysburg" "GTTSBR" "_" "N3950.483" "W07716.483" "Willows Landing" "WLLWSL" "_" "N3933.283" "W07713.833" "Deer Meadows" "DRMDWS" "_" "N4059.750" "W07544.433" "Flying H Farm" "FLNGHF" "_" "N3929.900" "W07713.300" "Hazleton" "HAZLTN" "_" "N4059.200" "W07559.683" "Northumberland County" "NRTHMB" "_" "N4050.217" "W07633.150" "Halletts" "HLLTTS" "_" "N4054.633" "W07509.900" "Bell" "BELL" "_" "N3938.183" "W07717.567" "Karlindo" "KARLND" "_" "N3945.533" "W07720.850" "High Meadow Farms" "HGHMDW" "_" "N4053.750" "W07459.983" "MidAtlanticSoaringCntr" "MDTLNT" "_" "N3945.417" "W07721.083" "Double D Skyranch" "DBLDSK" "_" "N4102.150" "W07601.350" "Catoctin Crosswind" "CTCTNC" "_" "N3938.783" "W07722.000" "Broadt" "BROADT" "_" "N4059.833" "W07623.033" "Mount Pleasant Landing" "MTPLSN" "_" "N4058.183" "W07504.017" "Heberlig" "HEBRLG" "_" "N4009.850" "W07722.233" "Bloomsburg" "BLMSBR" "_" "N4059.867" "W07626.117" "Jansen Vineyards" "JNSNVN" "_" "N4039.000" "W07703.450" "Blairstown" "BLRSTW" "_" "N4058.267" "W07459.850" "Fox" "FOX" "_" "N4029.133" "W07713.233" "Weiss Farm" "WSSFRM" "_" "N4055.083" "W07451.633" "Seesholtz" "SSHLTZ" "_" "N4102.667" "W07621.317" "Penn Valley" "PNNVLL" "_" "N4049.267" "W07651.850" "Danville" "DANVLL" "_" "N4056.900" "W07638.633" "Frederick" "FRDRCK" "_" "N3925.017" "W07722.483" "Sunbury" "SUNBUR" "_" "N4053.500" "W07646.733" "Botsford" "BTSFRD" "_" "N4006.800" "W07727.250" "Pocono Mountains" "PCNMTN" "_" "N4108.267" "W07522.800" "5 Lakes" "5LAKES" "_" "N3954.767" "W07731.967" "Rocky Hill" "RCKHLL" "_" "N4108.917" "W07516.517" "Rocktop" "ROCKTP" "_" "N3958.500" "W07733.467" "Derick" "DERICK" "_" "N4011.650" "W07731.100" "Flying Dollar" "FLNGDL" "_" "N4112.900" "W07514.817" "Franklin County" "FRNKLN" "_" "N3958.383" "W07738.600" "Fox Hollow" "FXHLLW" "_" "N4059.600" "W07654.017" "Benton" "BENTON" "_" "N4112.000" "W07623.233" "Gilfert" "GILFRT" "_" "N4047.033" "W07712.400" "Snook" "SNOOK" "_" "N4044.000" "W07715.983" "Drillmore Acres" "DRLLMR" "_" "N4007.700" "W07737.883" "Lauras Landing" "LRSLND" "_" "N3935.217" "W07738.700" "Mifflintown" "MFFLNT" "_" "N4035.933" "W07724.333" "WilkesBarreWyomingVall" "WLKSBR" "_" "N4117.833" "W07551.133" "Lazy J Ranch" "LAZJRC" "_" "N4117.750" "W07535.867" "G A E" "G A E" "_" "N4056.667" "W07702.750" "Wilkes Barre/Scranton" "WILKES" "_" "N4120.317" "W07543.400" "HagerstownRichardAHnsn" "HGRSTW" "_" "N3942.517" "W07743.583" "Spring Hill" "SPRNGH" "_" "N4120.850" "W07524.950" "JJ and" "JJ AND" "_" "N3947.600" "W07746.683" "Lovettsville Vintage" "LVTTSV" "_" "N3915.900" "W07739.217" "Grass Patch" "GRSSPT" "_" "N3915.467" "W07739.233" "McCardle Farm" "MCCRDL" "_" "N4038.717" "W07733.317" "Mills Brothers" "MLLSBR" "_" "N4008.567" "W07751.717" "Needwood Farm" "NDWDFR" "_" "N3919.833" "W07747.683" "Krens Farm" "KRNSFR" "_" "N3913.733" "W07744.800" "Mifflin County" "MFFLNC" "_" "N4040.650" "W07737.617" "Williamsport" "WLLMSP" "_" "N4114.500" "W07655.317" "Eagles Mere" "EGLSMR" "_" "N4123.467" "W07636.683" "Beers Farm" "BRSFRM" "_" "N4013.800" "W07755.233" "Hinaman Acres" "HNMNCR" "_" "N4108.000" "W07711.983" "Green" "GREEN" "_" "N3934.483" "W07758.283" "Memmi" "MEMMI" "_" "N4010.133" "W07759.550" "Chambers" "CHMBRS" "_" "N4133.233" "W07603.283" "Pennfield Farm" "PNNFLD" "_" "N4051.000" "W07736.983" "Mountain Hide Away" "MTNHDW" "_" "N4026.200" "W07754.083" "Centre" "CENTRE" "_" "N4048.700" "W07739.433" "Penns Cave" "PNNSCV" "_" "N4053.400" "W07736.183" "Eastern WV/Shepherd" "ESTRNW" "_" "N3924.133" "W07758.983" "Jersey Shore" "JRSSHR" "_" "N4112.383" "W07713.550" "Hostetler" "HSTTLR" "_" "N4037.850" "W07751.017" "Blue Haven" "BLUHVN" "_" "N4001.683" "W07805.667" "Ashlawn" "ASHLWN" "_" "N4137.317" "W07535.783" "Malinchak" "MLNCHK" "_" "N4137.500" "W07531.983" "Cosklos Elkview" "CSKLSL" "_" "N4137.617" "W07531.700" "Pickles" "PICKLS" "_" "N3907.500" "W07755.500" "Lincoln Farms" "LNCLNF" "_" "N4019.733" "W07802.700" "William T Piper" "WLLMTP" "_" "N4108.150" "W07725.333" "Logue" "LOGUE" "_" "N4125.133" "W07655.600" "High View Farm" "HGHVWF" "_" "N3914.217" "W07800.667" "Schrenkel" "SCHRNK" "_" "N4015.767" "W07806.150" "Taylors" "TAYLRS" "_" "N3921.333" "W07804.750" "Talbott" "TALBTT" "_" "N3920.033" "W07806.300" "Tall Pines" "TLLPNS" "_" "N4112.083" "W07726.450" "Bellefonte" "BLLFNT" "_" "N4053.133" "W07748.967" "State College" "STTCLL" "_" "N4051.000" "W07750.850" "Michaels Farms" "MCHLSF" "_" "N3923.617" "W07809.383" "Ridge Soaring" "RDGSRN" "_" "N4053.033" "W07754.433" "Greater Breezewood" "GRTRBR" "_" "N3952.450" "W07817.867" "White Post" "WHTPST" "_" "N3903.750" "W07805.483" "Winchester" "WNCHST" "_" "N3908.617" "W07808.667" "Eagle" "EAGLE" "_" "N4049.617" "W07759.283" "Cove Valley" "COVVLL" "_" "N4027.267" "W07814.283" "Ponderosa" "PONDRS" "_" "N4118.500" "W07731.483" "Jucapa Farms" "JCPFRM" "_" "N3922.333" "W07818.267" "Altoona/Blair County" "ALTNBL" "_" "N4017.783" "W07819.200" "Baker Sell" "BKRSLL" "_" "N4014.900" "W07821.650" "Mid State" "MIDSTT" "_" "N4053.067" "W07805.233" "Als" "ALS" "_" "N3917.433" "W07821.050" "Rivers Edge Farm" "RVRSDG" "_" "N3919.517" "W07825.533" "Bedford County" "BDFRDC" "_" "N4005.167" "W07830.817" "FrontRoyalWarrenCounty" "FRNTRL" "_" "N3855.050" "W07815.200" "Vicars Private" "VCRSPR" "_" "N4032.850" "W07823.500" "Blue Knob Valley" "BLKNBV" "_" "N4023.783" "W07827.217" "Lynn" "LYNN" "_" "N3958.700" "W07832.450" "Folmar" "FOLMAR" "_" "N4059.933" "W07807.517" "Ickes" "ICKES" "_" "N4011.050" "W07833.533" "Mulberry Run" "MLBRRR" "_" "N3902.150" "W07823.533" "Albert" "ALBERT" "_" "N4058.300" "W07814.583" "Eastview" "EASTVW" "_" "N3923.683" "W07840.767" "Greater Cumberland" "GRTRCM" "_" "N3936.917" "W07845.683" "Mexico Farms" "MXCFRM" "_" "N3936.367" "W07845.633"