;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Netook, Alberta, Canada + ; + ; Control Points formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Chris Gough + ; + ; Generated Thursday, 02 April 2015 at 00:47 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Acme Lagoon" "ACMLGN" "_" "N5130.617" "W11329.933" "Alliance" "ALLINC" "_" "N5225.900" "W11147.133" "Bashaw AD" "BASHWD" "123.2" "N5233.450" "W11257.883" "Bassano AD" "BASSND" "123.2" "N5048.000" "W11228.000" "Bawlf AD" "BAWLFD" "123.2" "N5253.600" "W11232.767" "Bentley" "BENTLE" "_" "N5228.000" "W11403.000" "Big Valley" "BIGVLL" "_" "N5202.050" "W11245.217" "Bishells Strip" "BSHLLS" "123.21" "N5134.933" "W11403.117" "Bowden School" "BWDNSC" "_" "N5156.083" "W11401.867" "Burns Lake" "BRNSLK" "_" "N5141.583" "W11348.483" "Byemoor" "BYEMOR" "_" "N5158.950" "W11217.367" "Camrose AD" "CAMRSD" "122.8" "N5302.417" "W11248.933" "Caroline" "CAROLN" "_" "N5205.583" "W11444.350" "Castor AD" "CASTRD" "123.2" "N5213.000" "W11156.000" "Chipman AD" "CHPMND" "123.4" "N5343.000" "W11238.000" "Consort AD" "CNSRTD" "123.2" "N5201.433" "W11044.933" "Coronation AD" "CRNTND" "122.8" "N5204.500" "W11126.717" "Cremona" "CREMON" "_" "N5132.617" "W11429.067" "Davey Lake" "DAVELK" "_" "N5156.400" "W11345.600" "Delburne Centre" "DLBRNC" "_" "N5211.850" "W11314.050" "Delia" "DELIA" "_" "N5137.917" "W11222.450" "Donalda" "DONALD" "_" "N5235.083" "W11234.550" "Drumheller AD" "DRMHLL" "122.8" "N5129.783" "W11244.917" "Elnora" "ELNORA" "_" "N5159.617" "W11311.650" "Ferintosh" "FRNTSH" "_" "N5245.933" "W11258.150" "Finnegan South" "FNNGNS" "_" "N5107.467" "W11205.283" "Forestburg AD" "FRSTBR" "123.2" "N5234.483" "W11205.050" "Garrison Bridge" "GRRSNB" "_" "N5156.583" "W11429.000" "Hanna AD" "HANNAD" "123.2" "N5137.883" "W11154.250" "Harmattan" "HRMTTN" "_" "N5145.950" "W11425.617" "Hespero AD" "HESPRD" "123.2" "N5218.000" "W11427.817" "Innisfail AD" "INNSFL" "123.0" "N5204.717" "W11401.650" "Joffre" "JOFFRE" "_" "N5220.167" "W11332.233" "Killam AD" "KILLMD" "123.2" "N5247.733" "W11145.633" "Lacombe AD" "LACMBD" "122.8" "N5229.300" "W11342.733" "Minty Strip" "MINTY" "_" "N5138.983" "W11421.100" "Netook AD" "NETOKD" "123.3" "N5150.867" "W11403.900" "Olds Didsbury AD" "OLDSDD" "123.2" "N5142.717" "W11406.400" "Pine Lake" "PINELK" "_" "N5206.867" "W11328.200" "Ponoka AD" "PONOKD" "123.3" "N5239.117" "W11336.267" "Red Deer AD" "REDDRD" "118.5" "N5210.533" "W11353.567" "Rimbey AD" "RIMBED" "123.2" "N5240.917" "W11414.250" "Rocky Mnt House" "RCKMNT" "122.8" "N5225.733" "W11454.217" "Rosebud" "ROSEBD" "_" "N5117.867" "W11257.133" "Rumsey" "RUMSEY" "_" "N5150.533" "W11250.417" "Stettler AD" "STTTLR" "123.0" "N5218.600" "W11245.233" "Sundre AD" "SUNDRD" "123.2" "N5146.450" "W11440.617" "Sunnynook" "SUNNNK" "_" "N5117.700" "W11140.100" "Tees" "TEES" "_" "N5228.033" "W11319.267" "Three Hills AD" "THRHLL" "123.2" "N5141.800" "W11312.550" "Wimborne" "WIMBRN" "_" "N5151.783" "W11335.667" "Winfield Sewage" "WNFLDS" "_" "N5257.833" "W11426.067" "Youngstown" "YNGSTW" "_" "N5131.767" "W11112.033"