;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Nancy-Malzeville, France + ; + ; Championnat Regional Grand-Est 2021 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Francois Moreau + ; + ; Generated Tuesday, 11 May 2021 at 02:58 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Nancy Malzeville" "NNCMLZ" "LFEZ" "N4843,417" "E00612,383" "Stanislas" "STNSLS" "Nancy Place" "N4841,617" "E00611,000" "Abreschviller" "ABRSCH" "_" "N4838,133" "E00705,483" "Albe Val de Ville Ulm" "ALBVLD" "Ad Prive" "N4820,950" "E00719,800" "Ancy le Franc" "ANCLFR" "Chateau" "N4746,483" "E00409,733" "Apremont la Foret" "APRMNT" "_" "N4851,183" "E00538,217" "Arcis/Aube" "ARCISB" "_" "N4832,167" "E00408,283" "Attigny" "ATTIGN" "_" "N4928,633" "E00434,683" "Auberive" "AUBERV" "_" "N4912,083" "E00425,050" "Aulnay lAitre" "ALNLTR" "_" "N4849,367" "E00433,850" "Autreville/La Renne" "ATRVLL" "_" "N4807,017" "E00458,450" "Autrey" "AUTREY" "_" "N4817,883" "E00641,417" "Auzainvilliers Vittel" "AZNVLL" "Ad Planeur" "N4813,883" "E00551,033" "Baccarat" "BACCRT" "_" "N4827,133" "E00644,633" "Bar le Duc" "BARLDC" "LFEU Les Hauts de Chee" "N4852,067" "E00511,050" "Bar/Aube" "BARAUB" "_" "N4813,917" "E00442,500" "Bar/Seine" "BARSEN" "LFFR" "N4803,967" "E00424,750" "Bassu" "BASSU" "_" "N4849,850" "E00441,567" "Bayon" "BAYON" "_" "N4828,517" "E00618,967" "Beaumont en Argonne" "BMNTNR" "_" "N4932,183" "E00503,267" "Beine Nauroy" "BEINNR" "_" "N4915,000" "E00413,033" "Belfort Chaux" "BLFRTC" "LFGG" "N4742,067" "E00649,850" "Belfort Fontaine" "BLFRTF" "Ancien Aerodrome" "N4739,317" "E00700,633" "Bellefontaine" "BLLFNT" "_" "N4800,467" "E00626,333" "Berru" "BERRU" "_" "N4916,217" "E00408,817" "BillysousMangiennesUlm" "BLLSSM" "_" "N4919,517" "E00536,550" "Bining Ulm" "BNNGLM" "_" "N4902,500" "E00714,533" "Bitche" "BITCHE" "Citadelle" "N4903,167" "E00725,867" "Blamont" "BLAMNT" "_" "N4835,400" "E00650,633" "Bologne" "BOLOGN" "_" "N4812,067" "E00508,267" "Bourbonne les Bains" "BRBNNL" "_" "N4757,133" "E00544,583" "Bourdons/Rognon" "BRDNSR" "_" "N4810,000" "E00521,017" "Bouzy Ulm" "BOUZLM" "_" "N4904,900" "E00408,250" "Brabois Hippodrome" "BRBSHP" "Nancy" "N4839,200" "E00608,567" "Brienne le Chateau" "BRNNLC" "LFFN" "N4825,783" "E00428,933" "Bure les Templiers" "BRLSTM" "_" "N4744,183" "E00453,417" "Bussy le Chateau" "BSSLCH" "_" "N4903,767" "E00432,450" "Bussy le Repos" "BSSLRP" "_" "N4853,950" "E00445,567" "Buzancy" "BUZANC" "_" "N4925,583" "E00457,317" "Cappel Ulm" "CPPLLM" "_" "N4904,383" "E00650,433" "Carignan" "CARGNN" "_" "N4938,133" "E00510,050" "Ceffonds" "CFFNDS" "_" "N4828,117" "E00445,483" "Chalindrey" "CHLNDR" "_" "N4748,600" "E00526,583" "Chalons Ecury" "CHLNSC" "LFQK" "N4854,333" "E00421,167" "Chalons en Champagne" "CHLNSN" "_" "N4857,250" "E00421,583" "Chalons Vatry" "CHLNSV" "LFOK" "N4846,400" "E00412,367" "Chambley" "CHAMBL" "LFJY" "N4901,533" "E00552,567" "Champagney" "CHMPGN" "_" "N4742,217" "E00640,567" "Champdray CHP" "CHMPDR" "Champ Vosges 20" "N4807,917" "E00645,617" "Champigneul Champagne" "CHAMPI" "_" "N4858,050" "E00409,733" "ChampignolLezMondevill" "CHAMPG" "_" "N4808,183" "E00440,283" "Champsevraine" "CHMPSV" "_" "N4744,483" "E00532,583" "Chaource" "CHAORC" "_" "N4803,383" "E00408,067" "Chapelle Aux Bois" "CHPLLX" "_" "N4802,133" "E00619,567" "Charleville Mezieres" "CHRLVL" "LFQV" "N4947,100" "E00438,567" "Charmes" "CHARMS" "_" "N4822,333" "E00617,600" "Charmois LOrgueilleux" "CHRMSL" "_" "N4806,117" "E00616,133" "Charmont sous Barbuise" "CHRMNT" "_" "N4824,533" "E00410,350" "Chassey Beaupre Ulm" "CHSSBP" "_" "N4828,000" "E00524,733" "Chateau Salins" "CHSLNS" "_" "N4849,467" "E00630,383" "Chateauvillain" "CHTVLL" "_" "N4802,033" "E00454,533" "Chatillon/Seine" "CHTLLN" "LFQH" "N4750,717" "E00434,767" "Chaumont" "CHAMNT" "Viaduc" "N4806,650" "E00507,283" "Chaumont Semoutiers" "CHMNTS" "LFJA" "N4805,500" "E00502,967" "Chavanges" "CHVNGS" "_" "N4830,483" "E00434,617" "Chenevieres" "CHNVRS" "_" "N4831,800" "E00636,300" "Cirey/Vezouze" "CIRVZZ" "_" "N4834,883" "E00656,717" "Clermont En Argonne" "CLRMNT" "_" "N4906,217" "E00504,150" "Col du Bonhomme" "CBNHMM" "_" "N4809,900" "E00704,767" "Col de La Schlucht" "CLSCHL" "_" "N4803,833" "E00701,350" "Colmar" "COLMAR" "_" "N4804,517" "E00721,183" "Colmar Houssen" "CLMRHS" "LFGA" "N4806,617" "E00721,550" "ColombeylesDeuxEglises" "CLMBLS" "_" "N4813,317" "E00453,117" "Colombey Les Belles" "CLMBLS" "_" "N4831,700" "E00553,817" "Commercy" "COMMRC" "_" "N4845,950" "E00535,283" "Cornieville GevilleUlm" "CRNVLL" "Ad Prive" "N4845,833" "E00541,733" "Cornimont" "CRNMNT" "_" "N4757,467" "E00650,217" "Coulmier le Sec" "CLMRLS" "_" "N4745,017" "E00429,333" "Courcelles" "CRCLLS" "_" "N4754,067" "E00433,217" "Courtisols Ulm" "CRTSLS" "Ad Prive" "N4859,717" "E00429,800" "Cruzy le Chatel" "CRZLCH" "_" "N4751,217" "E00412,433" "Cunfin" "CUNFIN" "_" "N4802,283" "E00440,050" "Dabo" "DABO" "_" "N4839,133" "E00714,133" "DainvilleBertheleville" "DNVLLB" "_" "N4826,283" "E00530,333" "Damblain" "DAMBLN" "Ancien Aerodrome" "N4805,000" "E00540,000" "Dampierre" "DAMPRR" "_" "N4833,050" "E00421,933" "Damvillers" "DMVLLR" "_" "N4920,450" "E00523,917" "Dieuze Gueblange" "DZGBLN" "LFQZ" "N4846,467" "E00642,850" "Dommary" "DOMMAR" "_" "N4916,750" "E00543,167" "Doncourt les Conflans" "DNCRTL" "LFGR" "N4909,117" "E00555,883" "Dun/Meuse" "DUNMES" "_" "N4922,983" "E00511,117" "Einville au Jard" "ENVLLJ" "_" "N4839,317" "E00629,300" "Ensisheim" "ENSSHM" "_" "N4751,567" "E00721,083" "Epinal Dogneville" "EPNLDG" "LFSE" "N4812,683" "E00626,900" "Epinal Mirecourt" "EPNLMR" "LFSG" "N4819,500" "E00604,000" "Epine" "EPINE" "_" "N4858,367" "E00428,117" "Essoyes" "ESSOYS" "_" "N4803,267" "E00432,033" "Etain" "ETAIN" "_" "N4912,833" "E00538,000" "Etain Rouvres" "ETNRVR" "LFQE" "N4913,750" "E00540,567" "Etalante" "ETALNT" "_" "N4738,283" "E00445,450" "Fains Veel" "FANSVL" "_" "N4846,933" "E00506,783" "Fayl Billot" "FLBLLT" "_" "N4746,550" "E00536,033" "Flirey" "FLIREY" "_" "N4852,533" "E00550,800" "Folschviller Ulm" "FLSCHV" "_" "N4904,583" "E00639,850" "Fontenoy le Chateau" "FNTNLC" "_" "N4758,250" "E00611,567" "Fouvent St Andoche" "FVNTST" "_" "N4738,400" "E00540,117" "Fraize" "FRAIZE" "_" "N4811,133" "E00700,117" "Fresnes au Mont" "FRSNSM" "_" "N4853,750" "E00526,333" "Fresnes Ulm" "FRSNSL" "_" "N4851,400" "E00626,117" "Froncles" "FRNCLS" "_" "N4817,917" "E00508,933" "Gerardmer" "GRRDMR" "_" "N4804,200" "E00652,433" "Giey/Aujon" "GIEYJN" "_" "N4754,233" "E00504,117" "Gigny Bussy" "GGNBSS" "_" "N4836,367" "E00434,250" "Gondrecourt le Chateau" "GNDRCR" "_" "N4830,700" "E00530,350" "Grand" "GRAND" "_" "N4823,083" "E00529,100" "Grand Couronne Ulm" "GRNDCR" "Ferme Beauchamp" "N4845,967" "E00613,267" "Grandfontaine" "GRNDFN" "_" "N4829,333" "E00709,383" "Gros Rederching Ulm" "GRSRDR" "_" "N4903,800" "E00714,500" "Grostenquin" "GRSTNQ" "_" "N4901,517" "E00642,967" "Hadol" "HADOL" "_" "N4805,283" "E00628,417" "Haraucourt" "HARCRT" "_" "N4839,717" "E00621,850" "Hargarten aux MinesUlm" "HRGRTN" "_" "N4913,183" "E00635,183" "Haroue" "HAROUE" "_" "N4827,917" "E00610,800" "Hattonchatel" "HTTNCH" "Chateau" "N4859,550" "E00542,400" "Haute Amance" "HATMNC" "_" "N4750,300" "E00533,067" "Hennezel" "HENNZL" "_" "N4803,167" "E00607,033" "Herbeviller Ulm" "HRBVLL" "_" "N4833,350" "E00646,133" "Heerpy lArlesienne" "HRPLRL" "_" "N4931,433" "E00412,550" "Hoeville Ulm" "HVLLLM" "_" "N4842,900" "E00626,317" "Idar Oberstein" "IDRBRS" "EDRG" "N4943,967" "E00720,283" "Jarny" "JARNY" "_" "N4909,983" "E00552,067" "Joinville Mussey" "JNVLLM" "LFFJ" "N4823,117" "E00508,600" "Jully/Sarce" "JLLSRC" "_" "N4806,333" "E00418,183" "Jussey" "JUSSEY" "_" "N4749,317" "E00554,017" "Juvancourt" "JVNCRT" "LFQX" "N4806,833" "E00449,167" "La Bresse" "LABRSS" "_" "N4800,217" "E00652,333" "La Ferte/Aube" "LAFRTB" "_" "N4805,517" "E00446,567" "La Petite Pierre" "LPTTPR" "_" "N4851,450" "E00719,217" "La Veuve" "LAVEUV" "_" "N4901,750" "E00419,083" "Laignes" "LAIGNS" "_" "N4750,350" "E00421,483" "Lamorville" "LMRVLL" "_" "N4857,333" "E00534,417" "Langres" "LANGRS" "_" "N4751,850" "E00520,083" "Langres Rolampont" "LNGRSR" "LFSU" "N4757,850" "E00517,617" "Latrecey Ormoy/Aube" "LTRCRM" "_" "N4758,600" "E00451,250" "Laville aux Bois Ulm" "LVLLXB" "_" "N4805,567" "E00512,333" "Le Chesne" "LECHSN" "_" "N4930,717" "E00445,633" "Le Tholy" "LETHOL" "_" "N4804,583" "E00644,383" "Leffonds" "LFFNDS" "_" "N4758,233" "E00509,450" "Liffol le Grand" "LFFLLG" "_" "N4819,083" "E00534,517" "Ligny en Barrois" "LGNNBR" "_" "N4841,150" "E00519,250" "Liverdun" "LIVRDN" "_" "N4845,000" "E00603,767" "Livry Louvercy" "LVRLVR" "_" "N4906,517" "E00418,283" "Longuyon Villette" "LNGNVL" "LFGS" "N4929,017" "E00534,317" "Luneville Chateau" "LNVLLC" "_" "N4835,667" "E00629,600" "Luneville Croismare" "LUNEVI" "LFQC" "N4835,617" "E00632,533" "Lure Malbouhans" "LRMLBH" "Ancien Aerodrome" "N4742,183" "E00632,683" "Lusigny/Bars" "LSGNBR" "_" "N4815,117" "E00415,867" "Luxembourg" "LXMBRG" "118,9" "N4937,400" "E00612,267" "Luxeuil St Sauveur" "LXLSTS" "LFSX" "N4747,233" "E00621,900" "Mailly le Camp" "MLLLCM" "_" "N4839,483" "E00413,617" "Marainviller" "MRNVLL" "_" "N4835,300" "E00636,000" "Marpingen" "MRPNGN" "123,475" "N4927,200" "E00702,400" "Martigny lesGerbonvaux" "MRTGNL" "_" "N4826,750" "E00547,733" "Maseveaux OberbruckUlm" "MSVXBR" "_" "N4748,183" "E00656,883" "Metz Frescaty" "MTZFRS" "_" "N4904,583" "E00608,033" "Metz Nancy Lorraine" "MTZNNC" "LFJL Louvigny" "N4858,700" "E00614,800" "Metzeral" "METZRL" "_" "N4800,433" "E00704,133" "Minaucourt le Mesnil" "MNCRTL" "_" "N4910,167" "E00442,867" "Minot" "MINOT" "_" "N4740,100" "E00452,333" "Mirecourt" "MIRCRT" "_" "N4818,083" "E00608,067" "Mont/Meurthe Ulm" "MNTMRT" "Ad Prive" "N4832,567" "E00626,500" "Montardoise Ulm" "MNTRDS" "_" "N4827,767" "E00411,600" "Montfaucon" "MNTFCN" "_" "N4916,283" "E00508,017" "Monthois" "MONTHS" "_" "N4918,633" "E00442,567" "Montiers/Saulx" "MNTRSS" "_" "N4831,583" "E00516,050" "Montmedy" "MONTMD" "_" "N4931,150" "E00522,050" "Morhange" "MORHNG" "_" "N4855,367" "E00638,267" "Mosailes Ulm" "MSLSLM" "_" "N4902,067" "E00651,800" "Mourmelon" "MORMLN" "Ancien Aerodrome" "N4906,683" "E00422,017" "Mouterhouse" "MOTRHS" "_" "N4858,600" "E00726,433" "Mouzon" "MOUZON" "_" "N4936,217" "E00504,317" "Mulhouse Habsheim" "MLHSHB" "LFGB" "N4744,183" "E00725,817" "Nancy Azelot" "NNCZLT" "LFEX" "N4835,517" "E00614,383" "Nancy Essey" "NANCSS" "LFSN" "N4841,533" "E00613,567" "Nancy Ochey" "NANCCH" "LFSO" "N4834,983" "E00557,267" "Neufchateau Rouceux" "NFCHTR" "LFFT" "N4821,700" "E00543,217" "Neuwiller les Saverne" "NWLLRL" "_" "N4849,233" "E00724,033" "Nogent" "NOGENT" "_" "N4801,467" "E00520,433" "Nomexy" "NOMEXY" "_" "N4818,433" "E00623,250" "Orbey" "ORBEY" "_" "N4807,350" "E00709,383" "Parnoy En Bassigny" "PRNNBS" "_" "N4800,267" "E00538,400" "Passavant La Rochere" "PSSVNT" "_" "N4758,133" "E00602,183" "Pexonne" "PEXONN" "_" "N4829,000" "E00652,000" "Phalsbourg" "PHLSBR" "LFQP" "N4846,083" "E00712,300" "Piney" "PINEY" "_" "N4821,800" "E00419,667" "PlanchedesBellesFilles" "PLNCHD" "Sommet" "N4746,150" "E00646,317" "Poix" "POIX" "_" "N4857,800" "E00437,417" "Pont a Mousson" "PNTMSS" "_" "N4853,783" "E00603,450" "Pont St Vincent" "PNTSTV" "LFSV" "N4836,000" "E00603,383" "PontfavergerMoronvllrs" "PNTFVR" "_" "N4917,800" "E00419,300" "Prosnes" "PROSNS" "_" "N4911,317" "E00417,317" "Rambervillers" "RMBRVL" "_" "N4820,567" "E00638,017" "Ramonchamp CHP" "RMNCHM" "Champ Vosges 6" "N4753,900" "E00643,050" "Ramonchamp Humbert Ulm" "RAMONC" "_" "N4753,733" "E00645,317" "Raon LEtape" "RANLTP" "_" "N4824,367" "E00650,500" "Recey LeMontdeLuceyUlm" "RCLMNT" "_" "N4747,583" "E00451,183" "Reims Prunay" "RMSPRN" "LFQA" "N4912,517" "E00409,400" "Remiremont CHP" "RMRMNT" "Champ Vosges 10" "N4802,000" "E00635,000" "Rethel Perthes" "RTHLPR" "LFAP" "N4928,867" "E00421,800" "Revigny" "REVIGN" "_" "N4849,667" "E00459,367" "Ribeauville" "RIBVLL" "_" "N4811,433" "E00719,067" "Riceys" "RICEYS" "_" "N4759,283" "E00422,017" "Rimaucourt" "RIMCRT" "_" "N4814,917" "E00519,750" "Roches Bettaincourt" "RCHSBT" "_" "N4818,217" "E00515,050" "Rosnay lHopital" "RSNLHP" "_" "N4827,433" "E00430,167" "Rouffach" "ROFFCH" "_" "N4757,283" "E00717,517" "Rumilly Les Vaudes" "RMLLLS" "_" "N4808,350" "E00412,583" "Rupt/Moselle" "RPTMSL" "_" "N4755,367" "E00639,467" "Saarbrucken" "SRBRCK" "118,35" "N4912,867" "E00706,567" "Saarlouis Duren" "SRLSDR" "EDRJ" "N4918,750" "E00640,433" "Sarre Union" "SARRNN" "LFQU" "N4857,050" "E00704,583" "Sarrebourg Buhl" "SRRBRG" "LFGT" "N4843,100" "E00704,800" "Sarreguemines" "SRRGMN" "LFGU" "N4907,650" "E00706,400" "Saulxures/Moselotte" "SLXRSM" "_" "N4756,583" "E00646,083" "Saverne Steinbourg" "SVRNST" "LFQY" "N4845,200" "E00725,550" "Sedan Douzy" "SEDNDZ" "LFSJ" "N4939,533" "E00502,200" "Selestat" "SELSTT" "_" "N4815,333" "E00727,150" "Semide" "SEMIDE" "_" "N4920,283" "E00434,583" "Servance" "SERVNC" "_" "N4748,533" "E00640,567" "Servon Melzicourt Ulm" "SRVNML" "_" "N4912,000" "E00449,983" "Signy LAbbaye" "SGNLBB" "_" "N4941,517" "E00425,133" "Sion" "SION" "Basilique" "N4825,850" "E00605,050" "Sommedieue" "SOMMED" "_" "N4905,067" "E00527,483" "Sommepy Tahure" "SMMPTH" "_" "N4915,067" "E00433,267" "Sommevoire Ulm" "SMMVRL" "_" "N4826,117" "E00451,183" "Sompuis" "SOMPUS" "_" "N4840,550" "E00422,450" "Songy" "SONGY" "_" "N4847,933" "E00430,433" "Soppe Ulm" "SOPPLM" "_" "N4743,450" "E00705,667" "Souain Perthes" "SNPRTH" "_" "N4910,950" "E00432,717" "Souhil Ulm" "SOHLLM" "_" "N4755,400" "E00446,233" "Soulaines Dhuys" "SLNSDH" "_" "N4822,367" "E00444,033" "St Avold" "STAVLD" "_" "N4906,267" "E00642,350" "St Avold Ulm" "STVLDL" "_" "N4906,133" "E00644,133" "St Benoit en Woevre" "STBNTN" "_" "N4859,150" "E00547,083" "St Die Remoneix" "STDRMN" "LFGY" "N4815,983" "E00700,450" "St Dizier Robinson" "STDZRR" "LFSI" "N4838,017" "E00454,483" "St Etienne a Arnes" "STTNNR" "_" "N4918,583" "E00429,450" "St Etienne au Temple" "STTNNT" "_" "N4901,483" "E00425,250" "St Hilaire le Grand" "STHLRL" "_" "N4910,167" "E00427,483" "St Maurice/Moselle" "STMRCM" "_" "N4751,283" "E00649,267" "St Mihiel" "STMIHL" "_" "N4853,350" "E00532,483" "St Nicolas de Port" "STNCLS" "_" "N4837,900" "E00618,083" "St Ouen Domprot" "STNDMP" "_" "N4836,333" "E00424,300" "Ste Barbe" "STEBRB" "_" "N4823,467" "E00643,217" "Ste Marie Aux Mines" "STMRXM" "_" "N4814,483" "E00711,017" "Ste Menehould" "STMNHL" "_" "N4905,467" "E00453,500" "Stenay" "STENAY" "_" "N4929,733" "E00511,150" "Suippes" "SUIPPS" "_" "N4907,850" "E00431,933" "Taintrux" "TANTRX" "_" "N4814,583" "E00654,083" "Thelod" "THELOD" "_" "N4832,750" "E00602,833" "Thiaucourt" "THICRT" "_" "N4857,250" "E00551,950" "Thibie" "THIBIE" "_" "N4855,800" "E00412,733" "Thionville" "THNVLL" "_" "N4921,283" "E00612,050" "Togny aux Boeufs" "TGNXBF" "_" "N4851,167" "E00425,983" "Touillon" "TOULLN" "_" "N4739,067" "E00425,350" "Toul" "TOUL" "_" "N4840,650" "E00553,217" "Toul Rosieres" "TLRSRS" "Centrale Solaire" "N4846,800" "E00558,800" "Trepail" "TREPAL" "_" "N4906,367" "E00410,800" "Triaucourt en Argonne" "TRCRTN" "_" "N4858,667" "E00503,450" "Turquestein Blancrupt" "TRQSTN" "_" "N4834,100" "E00705,467" "Useldange" "USLDNG" "ELUS" "N4946,067" "E00558,050" "Val de Meuse" "VALDMS" "_" "N4759,583" "E00529,533" "Val dEsnoms" "VLDSNM" "_" "N4741,183" "E00512,483" "Valmy" "VALMY" "_" "N4905,050" "E00446,267" "Vanault le Chatel" "VNLTLC" "_" "N4851,533" "E00443,317" "Varennes en Argonne" "VRNNSN" "_" "N4913,567" "E00501,983" "Vaucouleurs" "VACLRS" "_" "N4836,100" "E00540,000" "Vendeuvre/Barse" "VNDVRB" "_" "N4814,183" "E00428,033" "Vendresse" "VNDRSS" "_" "N4936,133" "E00447,383" "Verdun" "VERDUN" "_" "N4909,533" "E00522,700" "Verdun Ossuaire" "VRDNSS" "Douaumont" "N4912,500" "E00525,417" "Verdun Sommedieue" "VRDNSM" "LFGW" "N4907,333" "E00528,250" "Vesoul Frotey" "VSLFRT" "LFQW" "N4738,317" "E00612,250" "Vezelise" "VEZELS" "_" "N4829,183" "E00605,350" "Vienne le Chateau" "VNNLCH" "_" "N4911,267" "E00453,167" "Villaines en Duesmois" "VLLNSN" "_" "N4740,567" "E00431,333" "Ville/Arce Ulm" "VLLRCL" "_" "N4805,367" "E00426,500" "Villerupt" "VLLRPT" "LFAW" "N4924,633" "E00553,350" "Vitry le Croise" "VTRLCR" "_" "N4808,717" "E00433,500" "Vitry le Francois Gare" "VTRLFR" "SNCF" "N4843,033" "E00435,300" "VitryleFrancoisVauclrc" "VITRYL" "LFSK" "N4842,133" "E00441,000" "Vittel" "VITTEL" "_" "N4812,150" "E00556,600" "Void Vacon" "VODVCN" "_" "N4841,150" "E00537,133" "Voisey" "VOISEY" "_" "N4753,033" "E00546,567" "Vouziers" "VOUZRS" "_" "N4923,850" "E00442,067" "Vouziers Sechaut" "VZRSSC" "_" "N4916,500" "E00445,333" "Vraux" "VRAUX" "_" "N4901,650" "E00414,417" "Wangenbourg Engenthal" "WNGNBR" "_" "N4837,333" "E00718,150" "Wingen/Moder" "WNGNMD" "_" "N4855,383" "E00722,283" "Woel" "WOEL" "_" "N4902,467" "E00544,017" "Xertigny" "XERTGN" "_" "N4802,433" "E00624,217" "Xonrupt Longemer" "XNRPTL" "_" "N4804,917" "E00656,450" "Zweibrucken" "ZWBRCK" "123,825" "N4912,567" "E00724,033"