++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Landing sites for Nancy-Malzeville, France + + + + Contributed by Francois Moreau + + Contributed on 10 May 2021 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Tuesday, 11 May 2021 at 02:58 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to LNDGSITE.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NNC, NncMlzvll, 48, 43.42, 6, 12.38, 380 NNC, NncMlzvll, 48, 43.42, 6, 12.38, 380 AZN, AznvllrsV, 48, 13.88, 5, 51.03, 383 BRL, Bar leDuc, 48, 52.07, 5, 11.05, 274 BRS, Bar/Seine, 48, 3.97, 4, 24.75, 286 BLF, BelfrtChx, 47, 42.07, 6, 49.85, 417 BRN, BriennlCh, 48, 25.78, 4, 28.93, 115 CHA, Chalonscr, 48, 54.33, 4, 21.17, 98 CHN, ChalnsVtr, 48, 46.4, 4, 12.37, 179 CHM, Chambley, 49, 1.53, 5, 52.57, 264 CHV, ChrlvllMz, 49, 47.1, 4, 38.57, 150 CAI, ChatllnSn, 47, 50.72, 4, 34.77, 276 CAM, ChmntSmtr, 48, 5.5, 5, 2.97, 305 COM, ColmrHssn, 48, 6.62, 7, 21.55, 191 DZG, DiezGblng, 48, 46.47, 6, 42.85, 219 DNC, DncrtlsCn, 49, 9.12, 5, 55.88, 247 EPN, EpnlDgnvl, 48, 12.68, 6, 26.9, 317 EPI, EpnlMrcrt, 48, 19.5, 6, 4.0, 330 ETA, EtainRvrs, 49, 13.75, 5, 40.57, 232 IDR, Idarbrstn, 49, 43.97, 7, 20.28, 480.1 JNV, JonvllMss, 48, 23.12, 5, 8.6, 314 JVN, Juvancort, 48, 6.83, 4, 49.17, 350 LAN, LngrsRlmp, 47, 57.85, 5, 17.62, 419 LON, LngnVlltt, 49, 29.02, 5, 34.32, 351 LUN, LnvllCrsm, 48, 35.62, 6, 32.53, 241 LXM, Luxemborg, 49, 37.4, 6, 12.27, 376.1 LXL, LuxlStSvr, 47, 47.23, 6, 21.9, 270 MRP, Marpingen, 49, 27.2, 7, 2.4, 359 MET, MtzNncLrr, 48, 58.7, 6, 14.8, 265 MLH, MlhsHbshm, 47, 44.18, 7, 25.82, 240 NAN, NancyAzlt, 48, 35.52, 6, 14.38, 292 NAC, NancyEsse, 48, 41.53, 6, 13.57, 231 NAY, NancyOche, 48, 34.98, 5, 57.27, 337 NFC, NefchtRcx, 48, 21.7, 5, 43.22, 374 PHL, Phalsborg, 48, 46.08, 7, 12.3, 310 PON, PntStVncn, 48, 36.0, 6, 3.38, 408 RMS, ReimsPrun, 49, 12.52, 4, 9.4, 95 RTH, RthlPrths, 49, 28.87, 4, 21.8, 127 SRB, Saarbrckn, 49, 12.87, 7, 6.57, 322.5 SRL, SaarlsDrn, 49, 18.75, 6, 40.43, 341 SRR, SarreUnin, 48, 57.05, 7, 4.58, 257 SAR, SrrbrgBhl, 48, 43.1, 7, 4.8, 266 SAE, Sarregmns, 49, 7.65, 7, 6.4, 263 SVR, SvrnStnbr, 48, 45.2, 7, 25.55, 190 SDN, SedanDouz, 49, 39.53, 5, 2.2, 156 STD, StDieRmnx, 48, 15.98, 7, 0.45, 362 STI, StDzrRbns, 48, 38.02, 4, 54.48, 140 USL, Useldange, 49, 46.07, 5, 58.05, 281.9 VED, VerdnSmmd, 49, 7.33, 5, 28.25, 377 VSL, VesoulFrt, 47, 38.32, 6, 12.25, 381 VIE, Villerupt, 49, 24.63, 5, 53.35, 397 VIR, VitryleFr, 48, 42.13, 4, 41.0, 125 ZWB, Zweibrckn, 49, 12.57, 7, 24.03, 345.3