* NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_L RW_S ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "musbach6.stx" created Sunday, 12 June 2016 at 12:35 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.2 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.2 $STATE Baden-Württemberg $STATE_ABBREV BW $OFFICAL yes $USE_EXISTING_SUA Y $HOME Musbach, Germany $ZANDER_START_FINISH original $CONTRIBUTOR Axel Reich $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL axel@foto-reich.de $IDL_MAP_TITLE Musbach SGP 2016 $CONTEST Musbach SGP 2016 $URL_INFORMATION www.sgp.aero/germany2016.aspx?contestID=16082 the SGP $DISTANCE_UNIT Kilometers $ALTITUDE_UNIT Meters $RW_L_UNIT Meters $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $COUNTRY DE $MODIFICATIONS 22 May 02: Original contribution, courtesy of Axel Reich $MODIFICATIONS 14 Jul 05: All new data, many changes, courtesy of Christof Geissler $MODIFICATIONS 19 Jan 10: Magnetic Variation added $MODIFICATIONS 30 Jul 10: Bad Buchau, Bad Liebenzell, Bartholomae, Donauesching, Dornstetten, Eichstätt, Erzgrube, Erzgrube, Eutingen, Giengen, Haigerloch, Ibach, Pfullendorf, Rothenburg, Tannheim, Weissenhorn, and Wildberg added.   Pforzheim moved.   Grünwettersbach, and Kandel removed. $MODIFICATIONS 28 Apr 11: Checkpoint East, Checkpoint West, Neuweiler, Oberiflingen, and Zwiefalten added.   Erzgrube and Lossburg removed. Version 2011. $MODIFICATIONS 17 May 11: Neuweiler moved. Version 2011a. $MODIFICATIONS 21 May 11: Note added that the list is official. $MODIFICATIONS 11 Jun 11: Description of Titsee changed. $MODIFICATIONS 05 Oct 14: Ilec airspace file updated with AirParse Version 2.5 $MODIFICATIONS 10 Jun 16: Musbach control point moved and renamed GP Start Finish $MODIFICATIONS 11 Jun 16: Old Musbach control point renamed Musbach 35 threshold. Elevation of Start-Finish point changed. $FILENAME_3 ms6 $FILENAME_4 msb6 $FILENAME_5 msbc6 $FILENAME_8 musbach6 $CD Yes $LATITUDE North $LONGITUDE East $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.3E $MILOMEI Yes $MILOMEI Yes * 1 Musbach airfield startpoint 1 and center of finish ring, TRH 35 48 29 53 8 28 49 691 SFHA Mus 35 Rwy Musbach 693 DE MSB MSBC MSBCH Musbch Musbach Musbach Musbach Musbach Musbach Musbach Musbach Musbach Musbach Musbach 1Musbch * ============================================================================== * * Filename "musbach6.stx" created Sunday, 12 June 2016 at 12:35 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.2 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.2 $STATE_ABBREV BW $HOME Musbach, Germany $CONTRIBUTOR Axel Reich $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL axel@foto-reich.de $CONTEST Musbach SGP 2016 $ALTITUDE_UNIT Meters $RW_L_UNIT Meters $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $COUNTRY DE $LATITUDE North $LONGITUDE East $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.3E $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 10 June 2016 * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_L RW_S ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * 1 GP Start-Finish 48 30 14 8 28 47 SFHA 700 2 Freudenstadt market square - Venus 48 27 49 8 24 40 ST 726 3 Erzgrube barrier lake 48 33 45 8 30 4 ST 546 4 Lossburg factory 48 24 24 8 27 17 ST 679 5 Checkpoint East (near) factory 48 26 46 8 30 3 T 610 6 Checkpoint West sawmill 48 26 41 8 28 7 T 604 7 Alpirsbach church 48 20 47 8 24 16 T 444 8 Altensteig church 48 35 11 8 36 18 T 500 9 Amorbach train station 49 38 45 9 13 18 T 164 10 Bad Buchau airfield 48 3 17 9 38 21 TA 579 123.15 08/26 152 G 11 Bad Dürkheim train station 49 27 38 8 10 14 T 132 12 Bad Liebenzell castle 48 46 37 8 43 34 T 474 13 Bad Mergentheim antenna 49 30 27 9 47 7 T 357 14 Bad Teinach ruin 48 41 32 8 41 28 T 580 15 Bartholomä airfield 48 44 47 10 0 15 TA 640 122.2 16/34 274 G EDPU 16 Bernau church 47 48 5 8 2 12 T 914 17 Besenfeld church 48 35 38 8 25 10 T 782 18 Beuron church 48 3 4 8 58 7 T 621 19 Bonndorf church 47 49 10 8 20 15 T 870 20 Bretten train station 49 2 13 8 41 35 T 171 21 Buchen train station 49 31 24 9 19 39 T 346 22 Burladingen train station 48 17 24 9 6 46 T 721 23 Crailsheim train station 49 8 18 10 3 49 T 407 24 Dobel look-out 48 47 41 8 29 25 T 725 25 Dollnstein train station 48 52 16 11 4 45 T 408 26 Donaueschingen airfield 47 58 25 8 31 19 TA 682 124.25 18/36 393 A EDTD 27 Dreifaltigkeitsberg church 48 4 53 8 45 46 T 965 28 Dunningen village 48 12 46 8 30 6 T 669 29 Eberbach train station 49 27 55 8 59 3 T 136 30 Ehingen train station 48 17 9 9 43 27 T 514 31 Eichstätt airfield 48 52 37 11 10 53 TA 520 123.0 11/29 223 G EDPE 32 Ellwangen church 48 57 51 10 7 47 T 452 33 Enzklösterle church 48 40 4 8 28 19 T 601 34 Eutingen airfield 48 29 8 8 46 42 TA 499 129.975 06/24 216 G 35 Farrenberg airfield 48 23 8 9 5 1 TA 789 36 Feuchtwangen motorway crossing 49 12 11 10 14 2 T 463 37 Fürstenberg antenna 47 53 17 8 34 36 T 910 38 Gaildorf train station 48 59 48 9 46 8 T 345 39 Gammertingen train station 48 15 1 9 13 3 T 678 40 Geisingen cement factory 47 55 19 8 39 41 T 673 41 Geislingen train station 48 37 11 9 50 29 T 466 42 Gerchsheim motorway exit 49 43 33 9 49 32 T 358 43 Giengen airfield 48 38 2 10 12 59 TA 517 122.35 17/35 171 A EDNG 44 Glems barrier lake 48 29 42 9 17 55 T 755 45 Grabenstetten airfield 48 32 0 9 26 37 TA 694 46 Grafeneck castle 48 23 33 9 25 47 T 685 47 Grosserlach antenna 49 2 12 9 33 1 T 586 48 Güglingen antenna 49 2 4 8 59 52 T 470 49 Gundelsheim castle 49 17 12 9 9 29 T 170 50 Haigerloch castle 48 22 2 8 48 15 T 446 51 Haiterbach airfield 48 31 50 8 40 46 TA 603 123.35 07/25 143 G 52 Harburg cement factory 48 46 45 10 41 57 T 412 53 Hardheim train station 49 36 9 9 28 17 T 271 54 Hassloch Pfalz airfield 49 21 18 8 17 13 TA 108 123.5 08/26 280 G 55 Hesselberg antenna 49 4 7 10 31 32 T 680 56 Hohenstadt motorway tunnel 48 32 50 9 38 31 T 760 57 Hohenzollern castle 48 19 25 8 58 0 T 817 58 Horb train station 48 26 30 8 41 19 T 393 59 Ibach church 47 44 3 8 4 5 T 942 60 Karlstadt cement factory 49 57 10 9 46 12 T 165 61 Kirnbergsee barrier lake 47 55 46 8 22 19 T 779 62 Kleine Kinzig barrier lake 48 23 53 8 21 59 T 549 63 Landau train station 49 11 54 8 7 34 T 138 64 Langenbrand antenna 48 48 28 8 37 27 T 705 65 Lichtenstein castle 48 24 26 9 12 36 T 780 66 Mergelstetten cement factory 48 39 17 10 9 44 T 489 67 Merklingen motorway exit 48 31 6 9 45 28 T 699 68 Messkirch antenna 48 1 15 9 7 8 T 650 69 Michelstadt airfield 49 40 41 8 58 25 TA 340 123.65 08/26 180 A EDFO 70 Monheim train station 48 50 31 10 51 7 T 509 71 Mosbach Lohrbach airfield 49 23 50 9 7 20 TA 327 72 Mudau antenna 49 33 33 9 10 51 T 502 73 Mühlacker antenna 48 56 27 8 51 10 T 307 74 Neresheim church 48 45 20 10 20 36 T 577 75 Neustadt bridge 47 53 59 8 14 28 T 900 76 Neuweiler church 48 39 26 8 35 50 T 651 77 Oberiflingen water tower 48 25 12 8 33 36 T 687 78 Oberkochen train station 48 46 56 10 6 23 T 491 79 Oberndorf train station 48 17 48 8 34 31 T 468 80 Osterburken motorway exit 49 24 29 9 28 22 T 361 81 Pforzheim motorway exit 48 54 28 8 39 16 T 365 82 Pfullendorf airfield 47 54 33 9 15 3 TA 701 123.25 02/20 180 G EDTP 83 Plettenberg antenna 48 13 34 8 49 5 T 988 84 Rauhe Wanne antenna 48 45 58 10 30 26 T 610 85 Rothenburg airfield 49 23 16 10 13 4 TA 400 118.175 03/21 290 A EDFR 86 Rottweil train station 48 9 54 8 38 22 T 563 87 Schelklingen cement factory 48 22 12 9 44 5 T 537 88 Schiltach train station 48 17 28 8 20 4 T 364 89 Schluchsee barrier lake 47 48 2 8 11 1 T 931 90 Sigmaringen castle 48 5 16 9 12 58 T 570 91 Sinsheim train station 49 15 1 8 52 30 T 158 92 Speyer church 49 19 5 8 26 12 T 99 93 St. Blasien basilica 47 45 36 8 7 48 T 771 94 St. Georgen train station 48 7 26 8 20 30 T 811 95 Sulz train station 48 22 1 8 38 14 T 430 96 Tannheim airfield 48 0 35 10 5 57 TA 578 122.825 09/27 308 G EDMT 97 Tauberbischofsheim airfield 49 37 25 9 39 30 TA 186 98 Titisee train station 47 54 10 8 9 18 TA 864 99 Tuttlingen city center 47 59 4 8 49 7 T 646 100 Ulm Ermingen antenna 48 23 26 9 53 43 T 639 101 Ulm West motorway crossing 48 27 24 9 57 40 T 592 102 Villingen train station 48 3 27 8 27 55 T 705 103 Vöhrenbach church 48 2 42 8 18 14 T 808 104 Waldenburg antenna 49 11 0 9 37 36 T 495 105 Walldorf motorway crossing 49 16 52 8 37 14 T 106 106 Weidenstetten village 48 33 8 9 59 46 T 587 107 Weinsberg motorway crossing 49 9 26 9 17 58 T 185 108 Weissenhorn airfield 48 17 21 10 8 21 TA 502 119.425 08/26 198 G EDNW 109 Wertheim train station 49 45 42 9 30 45 T 145 110 Wiesental antenna 49 13 50 8 29 51 T 104 111 Wildbad train station 48 45 19 8 33 4 T 430 112 Wildberg airfield 48 38 15 8 43 51 TA 495 123.0 08/26 183 G 113 Winzeln - Schramberg airfield 48 16 50 8 25 43 TA 677 114 Zwiefalten church 48 13 57 9 27 42 T 545 115 Musbach 35 Threshold airfield 48 29 53 8 28 49 FA 691