;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Muenster, Switzerland + ; + ; Turnpoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Andrea Schlapbach + ; Generated on Tuesday, 24 August, 1999 at 21:01 MST + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Logis du Pin" "LGSDPN" "_" "N4346.650" "E00638.467" "Barreme" "BARREM" "_" "N4359.545" "E00623.206" "Albertville" "ALBRTV" "23.5" "N4537.630" "E00619.780" "Altenrhein" "ALTNRH" "18.72" "N4729.130" "E00933.420" "Annecy" "ANNECY" "18.2" "N4555.870" "E00606.430" "Argentiere" "ARGNTR" "_" "N4559.000" "E00605.800" "Aspres" "ASPRES" "23.5" "N4431.130" "E00544.250" "Bad Ragaz" "BRAGAZ" "23.5" "N4700.380" "E00929.070" "Birrfeld" "BRRFLD" "22.3" "N4726.370" "E00813.570" "Mt Cervin" "MTCRVN" "_" "N4559.000" "E00740.800" "Ch les Eaux" "CHLESX" "18.4" "N4533.680" "E00558.620" "Chasseral" "CHSSRL" "_" "N4708.730" "E00703.600" "Courtelary" "CRTLRY" "24.6" "N4710.650" "E00705.150" "Dagmersellen" "DGMRSL" "_" "N4712.580" "E00759.280" "Ecot" "ECOT" "_" "N4522.500" "E00704.700" "FL Rousses" "FLRSSS" "_" "N4628.830" "E00603.380" "Faucille" "FAUCLL" "_" "N4622.220" "E00601.130" "Fleurier" "FLEURR" "_" "N4654.420" "E00635.020" "Gap" "GAP" "19.1" "N4427.300" "E00602.270" "Grenchen" "GRNCHN" "20.1" "N4710.570" "E00724.470" "Hausen" "HAUSEN" "30.75" "N4714.380" "E00830.970" "Klosters" "KLSTRS" "_" "N4653.000" "E00952.280" "La Dole" "LADOLE" "_" "N4625.920" "E00607.600" "L dEmosson" "LDMSSN" "_" "N4604.280" "E00655.870" "Landeck" "LANDCK" "_" "N4712.000" "E01034.000" "Landquart" "LNDQRT" "_" "N4658.020" "E00933.330" "Muenster Flugplatz" "MNSTRF" "22.075" "N4628.850" "E00816.170" "Plampinet" "PLMPNT" "_" "N4500.000" "E00640.000" "Pontresina" "PNTRSN" "_" "N4629.530" "E00953.800" "Rothenburg F" "RTHNBR" "18.175" "N4923.500" "E01013.200" "Saanen" "SAANEN" "19.425" "N4629.000" "E00714.820" "Sallanches" "SLLNCH" "23.5" "N4557.230" "E00638.350" "Schanis" "SCHANS" "20.6" "N4710.320" "E00902.230" "Sisteron" "SISTRN" "20.05" "N4417.250" "E00555.820" "Sollieres" "SOLLRS" "23.5" "N4515.380" "E00648.080" "St Auban" "STAUBN" "22.3" "N4403.600" "E00559.480" "St Crepin" "STCRPN" "23.5" "N4442.100" "E00636.020" "St Croix" "STCROX" "_" "N4649.250" "E00629.980" "Thun" "THUN" "23.15" "N4645.530" "E00735.170" "Triengen" "TRINGN" "23.525" "N4713.400" "E00804.480" "Vinon" "VINON" "18.15" "N4344.270" "E00547.050" "Viso" "VISO" "_" "N4440.000" "E00705.500" "Zernez" "ZERNEZ" "_" "N4641.970" "E01005.430" "Ziegelbruecke" "ZGLBRC" "_" "N4708.220" "E00903.680" "Zweisimmen" "ZWSMMN" "21.225" "N4633.000" "E00724.000" "Agno Flugplatz" "AGNOFP" "24.55" "N4600.160" "E00854.410" "Aigen IE F" "AIGENF" "_" "N4731.590" "E01408.210" "Airolo Bahnhof" "ARLBHF" "_" "N4631.440" "E00836.370" "Airolo Kaser" "ARLKSR" "_" "N4631.440" "E00836.530" "Albula Hospi" "ALBLHS" "_" "N4635.020" "E00950.190" "AllAqua Dor" "ALLQDR" "_" "N4629.130" "E00828.300" "Alpnach Flugplatz" "ALPNCH" "_" "N4656.330" "E00817.080" "Altdorf Bahnhof" "ALTDRF" "_" "N4652.350" "E00837.560" "Ambri Flugplatz" "AMBRFP" "21.12" "N4630.570" "E00841.170" "Amlikon Flugplatz" "AMLKNF" "22.32" "N4734.310" "E00903.000" "Andermatt Bahnhof" "ANDRMT" "_" "N4638.200" "E00835.440" "Anzere Dorf" "ANZRDR" "_" "N4617.540" "E00724.020" "Ascona Flugplatz" "ASCNFP" "23.6" "N4609.240" "E00847.190" "Axamer Lizum" "AXMRLZ" "_" "N4711.450" "E01118.000" "Bedretto Kirche" "BDRTTK" "_" "N4630.270" "E00830.430" "Bella Lui Ber" "BLLLBR" "_" "N4620.490" "E00729.110" "Bellagio Kirche" "BELLGK" "_" "N4559.200" "E00915.480" "Bellano Kircche" "BLLNKR" "_" "N4602.370" "E00918.190" "Belp Flugplatz" "BELPFP" "_" "N4654.430" "E00729.550" "Berg Sion Klo" "BRGSNK" "_" "N4714.370" "E00901.020" "Bernina Hosp" "BRNNHS" "_" "N4624.400" "E01001.280" "Beromuenster" "BRMNST" "_" "N4711.340" "E00812.180" "Biasca Bahnhof" "BSCBHF" "_" "N4621.030" "E00858.340" "Binn Kirche" "BINN K" "_" "N4621.550" "E00811.060" "Bivio Kirche" "BIVIOK" "_" "N4628.100" "E00939.070" "Blatten Kirche" "BLTTNK" "_" "N4621.330" "E00759.040" "Blitzingen K" "BLTZNG" "_" "N4626.390" "E00812.120" "Bozen Flugplatz" "BOZNFP" "_" "N4627.300" "E01119.300" "Brigels Kirche" "BRGLSK" "_" "N4646.090" "E00903.430" "Brennerpass" "BRNNRP" "_" "N4700.000" "E01130.000" "Brig Bahnhof" "BRGBHF" "_" "N4619.130" "E00759.200" "Buochs Flugplatz" "BCHSFP" "_" "N4658.250" "E00823.420" "Chambery Flugplatz" "CHMBRY" "_" "N4538.000" "E00553.000" "C de la Forcla" "CDLFRC" "_" "N4603.290" "E00700.100" "C des Mosses" "CDSMSS" "_" "N4623.580" "E00706.100" "C du Pillon P" "CDPLLN" "_" "N4621.170" "E00712.210" "C Pt St Bern" "CPTSTB" "_" "N4541.000" "E00653.000" "Corvatsch Mi" "CRVTSC" "_" "N4626.020" "E00949.300" "Courmayeur K" "CRMYRK" "_" "N4547.340" "E00658.270" "Crap Sogn Gion" "CRPSGN" "_" "N4649.560" "E00913.280" "Davos Dorf B" "DVSDRF" "_" "N4648.410" "E00950.380" "Davos Jakobs" "DVSJKB" "_" "N4646.250" "E00951.000" "Diablerets B" "DBLRTS" "_" "N4621.100" "E00709.230" "Diavolezza B" "DVLZZB" "_" "N4624.480" "E00958.020" "Diavolezza T" "DVLZZT" "_" "N4626.030" "E00959.350" "Disentis Bahnhof" "DSNTSB" "_" "N4642.220" "E00851.260" "Disentis Klo" "DSNTSK" "_" "N4642.280" "E00851.270" "Dixance STM" "DXNCST" "_" "N4604.540" "E00724.150" "DDossola BH" "DDSSLB" "_" "N4607.010" "E00817.570" "Dorenaz Bruecke" "DORNZB" "_" "N4608.440" "E00702.460" "Eggishorn BS" "EGGSHR" "_" "N4625.560" "E00805.430" "Engstligenal" "ENGSTL" "_" "N4626.580" "E00733.570" "Entreves Tun" "ENTRVS" "_" "N4549.070" "E00657.090" "Fiesch Bahnhof" "FSCHBH" "_" "N4624.180" "E00807.530" "Flueelap Hos" "FLLPHS" "_" "N4645.040" "E00956.520" "Fully Kirche" "FULLYK" "_" "N4608.190" "E00706.530" "Furka PH" "FURKPH" "_" "N4634.260" "E00825.000" "Galmihuette" "GLMHTT" "_" "N4629.270" "E00814.380" "Geschinen Ki" "GSCHNN" "_" "N4629.480" "E00816.530" "Gletsch Bahnhof" "GLTSCH" "_" "N4633.460" "E00821.450" "Goppenst BH" "GPPNST" "_" "N4622.080" "E00745.190" "GGrat Bahn" "GGRTBH" "_" "N4559.080" "E00746.580" "Gotschnagrat" "GTSCHN" "_" "N4651.370" "E00950.530" "Gotthard Hos" "GTTHRD" "_" "N4633.240" "E00834.060" "GrStBernar" "GRSTBR" "_" "N4553.590" "E00711.390" "GrStBernar" "GRSTBE" "_" "N4552.130" "E00710.180" "GrStBernar" "GRTBER" "_" "N4551.080" "E00709.460" "Grimsel PH" "GRMSLP" "_" "N4634.240" "E00820.020" "Hospental Ki" "HSPNTL" "_" "N4637.150" "E00834.090" "Ilanz RhBrue" "ILNZRH" "_" "N4646.300" "E00912.200" "Innsbruck Flugplatz" "INNSBR" "20.1" "N4715.390" "E01120.400" "Ischgl Kirche" "ISCHGL" "_" "N4700.440" "E01017.280" "Klosters D" "KLOSTE" "_" "N4653.060" "E00952.340" "Kuehboden" "KUHBDN" "_" "N4624.510" "E00806.150" "L de Fully ST" "LDFLLY" "_" "N4610.350" "E00705.420" "L de Moiry ST" "LDMRYS" "_" "N4608.200" "E00734.200" "L de Tseuzier" "LDTSZR" "_" "N4620.560" "E00726.130" "LVEmosson" "LVMSSN" "_" "N4603.490" "E00653.580" "Landeck Bahnhof" "LNDCKB" "_" "N4708.500" "E01034.200" "Magadino Flugplatz" "MGDNFP" "_" "N4609.430" "E00852.510" "Lodrino Flugplatz" "LDRNFP" "_" "N4617.510" "E00859.310" "Lukmanier PH" "LKMNRP" "_" "N4633.510" "E00848.100" "Muestair Kirche" "MUSTRK" "_" "N4637.500" "E01026.530" "Nauders Bahnhof" "NDRSBH" "_" "N4653.360" "E01030.120" "Nendaz TS" "NNDZTS" "_" "N4610.530" "E00717.310" "Nufenen PH" "NFNNPH" "_" "N4628.310" "E00823.200" "Oberaarsee S" "OBRRSS" "_" "N4632.560" "E00816.270" "Oberalp PH" "OBRLPP" "_" "N4639.360" "E00840.190" "Oberwald Bahnhof" "OBRWLD" "_" "N4631.530" "E00820.350" "Ofen PH" "OFENPH" "_" "N4638.290" "E01017.370" "Olivone Kirche" "OLIVNK" "_" "N4631.520" "E00856.330" "Orsieres Bahnhof" "ORSRSB" "_" "N4601.480" "E00708.400" "Ovronnaz Kirche" "OVRNNZ" "_" "N4612.190" "E00710.030" "Pontresina K" "PONTRE" "_" "N4629.410" "E00954.150" "Raron Flugplatz" "RARNFP" "20.42" "N4618.210" "E00750.310" "Reschensee N" "RSCHNS" "_" "N4649.550" "E01030.470" "L Ritom STM" "LRTMST" "_" "N4632.000" "E00841.000" "Saas Almagel" "SSLMGL" "_" "N4605.480" "E00757.290" "Samedan Flugplatz" "SMDNFP" "19.42" "N4632.050" "E00953.080" "StBernardin" "STBRNR" "_" "N4627.560" "E00911.130" "San Vittore" "SNVTTR" "22.07" "N4614.110" "E00906.030" "Sanetsch PH" "SNTSCH" "_" "N4620.130" "E00717.110"